IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-20

tman23   I know first hand of an online pharmacy who had been waiting on lab test results and couldn’t get them . Going through highest government channels resulted in a visit from Homeland security ..... first question was are you profiting from the tests ... answer was NO... the fee is covering costs of test kit and lab fee ...absolutely no profits being made.... next came the statement, if we release yours we will have to release everyone’s .... truly a ** moment that nobody has an understanding about

Clay   thats why Im pulling out what I can    T there has to be alot more behind the scenes

tman23   Congress putting together a investigative commission to find out what Trump knew about the virus and when.... fffing unreal !!!

Clay   I know its all hype to try to get him out  they have no one to run against him  so they start another witch hunt

tman23   He stopped travel from China on 1/29.... called racist and met with all kinds of nasty resistance.... then spoke of the virus at the state of the union address.... meanwhile while it was all going on Schiff who heads intelligence committee would have been informed first of the virus but was busy impeaching .....

Clay   they should be charged and jailed

Dave   futuremoney getting 2K month......

Futuremoney   Dave drop in the bucket to what people really need

Clay   lol

Dave   futuremoney buys groceries

futuremoney   big deal

Clay   thats about it

futuremoney   businesses are crashing

Clay   and fast

Dave   no mortgage payments.....

futuremoney   no way the gov can bail everyone out...

tman23   go to Ohio.... lost steel mills, lost manufacturing over the years BIG TIME.... their infrastructure is crumbling as the unions took money ..... but even though they live in this decades of decline, they stay supporting the party that led them into poverty.... go figure that crap out

Clay   mine is a perfect one Im crashing quickly

Dave   cut hydro 50%

futuremoney   Dave thats funny..i still get notices that im late..

Clay   me too but not paying anything

Dave   ....even paying my staff.....

Futuremoney   they dont give a sh!t that i aint getting no money

Clay   worry about it when this ends not now

Clay   wow Dave

Baxter   we have over 2000 empty... crumbling houses... in Lima Ohio

Futuremoney   Dave believe me..they will get it all way or another

Dave   GCR>>>!

Baxter   Just a Dime.... for my time...

Clay   how do ya figure that

Clay   Bax yep

Dave   BEIJING, April 6 (Reuters) - Mainland China reported 39 new coronavirus cases as of Sunday, up from 30 a day earlier, and the number of asymptomatic cases also surged, as Beijing continued to struggle to extinguish the outbreak despite drastic containment efforts.

Patty   Baxter But it shows only 225 homes for sale in Lima. So, if we ever do get the RV, we could buy some land in Lima (it looks sort of reasonable), or Gerry, Indiana...enough property to plant a garden - 'Victory Garden'? We should all do that anyway. I presume we'll have food shortages by the end of this year.

Dave   Oh OH...Ontario shutting down Cannabis Stores.......

Dave   A possible Coup on the Horizon........

Dave   I simply question that if we ALL quarantined for 2-3 weeks, that would end the transmission......Kill the over.......?

Dave   Lets drag this out for as long as we can, and react vs being Pro Active?

Dave   Churches still open.......Hugging shaking hands... then off to the Store to handle groceries

Dave   Dont forget not touch your face   GOD HELP US......

Dave   A huge chunk of those getting infected here are our health care workers...

Baxter   Patty of those 2000 homes... they are worthless.. not worth fixing up... and the city has no money to tear them down... its a lost cause

Dave   Documents below will show that research to create COVID 19 began in the United States in 2006 and culminated in a successful bio-weapon in 2015, with work done at the University of North Carolina and at Harvard and at the Food and Drug Administration’s lab in Arkansas.


Dave  sure alot of reports out

Baxter   R WE RICH YET...??

Dave   Trudeau says check in the mail

Baxter   YEH... RIGHT   I never did care for him

Dave   Baxter Yes.......should receive funds in the next few days.

Dave   got my confirmation number too....

Dave   Baxter Yeah Trudeau even shut down my Golf course..........

Baxter   how awful

Dave   got police wearing hazmat suits issuing fines to

Dave   No new cases on Vancouver Island 2 days.........still cant golf.......

Dave   Glad to be on an Island though   Ferry traffic restricted

Futuremoney   uh oh..the State Dept just emailed all American citizens a way to get airline tickets OUT of Iraq...price around 3,500.00 dollars

Baxter   not good..

Baxter   my dimes hopes are fading

futuremoney   #Iraq: The U.S. Embassy has now e-mailed interested citizens with instructions on how to book tickets on a commercial flight leaving this week. If you have not yet contacted the U.S. Embassy about flight availability, please fill out the form in the link.

Baxter   maybe for the virus issues..

futuremoney   oh yeah, I forgot..Trumps getting everyone home

Baxter   5500 have died in New York

Baxter   supposedly... we had one die from the virus in our county today  (Ohio).... he was 92.. with undermining health conditions... NOW.. how in the world can they determine that he died from this virus...

Clay   they cant just like most others

Baxter   nope

Clay   thats y I think this is a hoax

Baxter   I better not put on here what I think

Clay   to kill economy hurt Trump and lead China to the new guy on the block

Baxter   to kill economy hurt Trump and lead China to the new guy on the block YEP CLay.. thats about the size of it

Wilder   SHOCKING! Historian Exposes Bill Gates' Ties To NAZIs And More.

Wilder   Crossing state line to go fishing in Indiana 1000.00 fine plus jail.

Baxter   ouch

Wilder   No non resident license sold in ohio.

Wilder   All camp grounds shut down   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of April 8, 2020


Frank26 Video Tuesday Night "Super Supervising" 4-7-2020