IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 3-19-20

IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Night 3-19-20

Dave   once stocks/economies of the World totally tank the GCR will give us a fresh start

futuremoney   right...ugh

Dave   The PTB have this ALL planned out

futuremoney   right...ugh

Doug_W   that's why we are getting subsidy checks right Dave?

Dave   further crashing the National Reserves.....


futuremoney   he needs to bypass the study and implement immediately..the tests have already been done

futuremoney   maybe he has...just not telling anyone...

Clay   I agree now

futuremoney   like he said..the drug has been around for 50 years

Clay   Trump is for controversial treatment

futuremoney   its not even controversial imo

Clay   cant see him waiting for studies at all

Clay   futuremoney I agree   malaria is from Korean war wasnt it   thats how old that med is

futuremoney    no its been around forever...tropical climates breed it thru mosquitos

Futuremoney   that might be what started the work on the drug..idk

futuremoney   bad in the amazon

Clay   interesting   I would think in Amazon they have natural cures

futuremoney   nope you just die

Clay   wow   sad   thought all the good drugs mostly came from there

futuremoney   that med jus surpresses the malaria...doesn't really cure it

Doug_W   futuremoney teh Army developed it for the troops    its a POWERFUL drug

Clay   if it helps so be it

Doug_W   much stronger than a vacciene

Clay   like I said if it works who cares

TWWIII   The health department came in today suggesting we shut down for 2-4 weeks.Our main lobby & holding room has normally 50 people But,the kind of ppl we help have chronic illnesses CCHD says its best we shut down down.[the elderly]

Chattels   10,000 Corona cases in US & 154 deaths.

chattels   The American-led coalition stops training Iraqi forces because of Corona

Baghdadiya News - 3/19/2020 7:09:22 PM

chattels   International Coalition in Iraq official: Iraqi forces are semi-capable of containing ISIS threat.

chattels   Iraqi Human Rights Commission warns of a health & natural disaster in Ninawa Province due to falling rains & rising water levels. Parts of Mosul, especially West Mosul, are flooded. Hospitals & health centers threatened. Calls on government to take action.

chattels   A well-informed source revealed, today, Thursday (March 19, 2020), the details of a meeting between the leader of the State of Law coalition Nuri al-Maliki and Speaker of the House of Representatives Muhammad al-Halbousi and a number of political leaders, with the aim of reaching consensus on forming the next government.

Doug_W    KICK Maliki OUT

chattels   "It was agreed between Al-Halbousi and Al-Maliki and Kurdish forces not to pass Al-Zarfi in case the Shiites did not agree on it," pointing to "Sunni mediation to bring the Kurds and Al-Maliki closer, and there is an agreement to form a Sunni-Shiite Kurdish coalition that includes 130 deputies, which will be announced soon."

chattels   "a proposal that includes the submission of two candidates for settlement, the first to choose a prime minister, and the second to choose a deputy for him


chattels   Intelligence Chairman Raised Virus Alarms Weeks Ago, Secret Recording Shows

March 19, 20205:08 AM ET

chattels   Wednesday, March 18, 2020  Iraq Names Another Candidate For Interim Premier

chattels   Zurfi’s immediate task is to win over the ruling parties so that he can get a cabinet through parliament. The seven major Shiite parties formed a committee with the encouragement of Iran to pick a new PM, but the Fatah list led by Badr’s Hadi Amiri rejected his nomination.

On the other hand, it appears that the Kurds are willing to give him a chance. Zurfi has an advantage over his predecessor Mohammed Allawi who was an independent. He gave up on trying to be premier when he tried to form a non-partisan cabinet. Zurfi can learn a lesson by not pushing that matter and allowing the ruling parties to pick his ministers. Before he can even do that though he has to win over Fatah otherwise he might end up another failure.

Sparky   LeLe ...Trump just put more sanctions on Iran...

chattels   A political source announced the end of the meeting of the Shiite forces without an agreement.

Sparky   LeLe ...Trump just put more sanctions on Iran...

chattels    Informed sources said that the meeting of the Shiite blocs in the house of the head of the wisdom stream Ammar al-Hakim ended with the rejection of the candidate Adnan al-Zorfi and the formation of a committee of the Seven to inform Barham Salih of the refusal of al-Zarfi and the election of a new elected president.

xyz   "A Global Reset Is Coming"

No matter what the doomsters say... the Coronavirus is not the end of the world. But, it might still have trigged the global economic reset we’ve long feared...

JoeSchmoe   China IS to blame for all this CV sh...tuff, and they lied about it and it spread to the whole friggin world!

JoeSchmoe   this is The Stand PLUS Contagion

JoeSchmoe   xyz this 'may not' be the end of the world, but it is still gonna get worse

xyz   “If I get corona, I get corona. At the end of the day, I'm not gonna let it stop me from partying”: Spring breakers are still flocking to Miami, despite coronavirus warnings

chattels   Senator Dumped Up to $1.6 Million of Stock After Reassuring Public About Coronavirus Preparedness via @RollingStone

chattels   Newshound Guru Jeff ...Donald Trump told us that the US government has approximately $35 Billion US dollars worth of Iraq dinar in the US reserves.

Chattels   I'd like to see a link to support such a statement by Donald Trump.

Francis Albert   The only way UST reserves of Dinar are worth anything is over time, lots of time, that they will exchange for oil in the ground. Folks thinking a Dinar up swing in value is going to suddenly make the U.S. rich just don't understand.

Francis Albert   Plus, I believe the deal is for $30 per barrel per Dinar. At this rate, that's a looser.

Francis Albert   And if IQD goes up and American's

Francis Albert   exchange Dinar at a bank. The UST ends up with the Dinar because the banks will create the dollars to give to us. That's the only way this thing can work. No where else the dollars can come from.

Francis Albert   The IQD is a debt instrument, like all currencies, a note. FED and banks monetize debt, (create dollars) in exchange for the note. Also known as QE.

Francis Albert   And the reason the FED will do that is because they get a cut and UST gets the Dinar for "liberating" Iraq..the spoils of war.

Francis Albert   And UST sucks Iraqi oil in exchange for Dinar till the end of time.

sandyf   @Kaperoni They have work to do. They need to form the government, get stability, passed the laws and create the conditions so investors want to come and create a private sector and invest. But this does lay out the plan.

You can refer to all the "effects" and "plans" you want but they will do little to improve Iraq's financial position before the axe falls. Rather than promoting the unachievable it is time to face reality, there is every chance that the IMF will do the same to Iraq as they did to Egypt.

In exchange for financial assistance Iraq could be forced into an almost immediate flotation creating a significant devaluation. The reality of today is low oil prices and a financial disaster for oil producing countries, in particular those already in financial trouble like Iraq. The IQD could very well return to the level set in Oct 2003.

sandyf   Went to Pattaya yesterday, friend returning to UK today. All bars, entertainment venues and schools closed. Streets very quiet, had to use hand sanitiser and wear a mask to get on a bus. Some foreign visitors have had their flights cancelled and unable to leave the country, borders to neighbouring countries are now closed.

Current stats - Total 272 cases, 60 new cases, 1 death and 42 recovered. Total population is just above that of the UK.

Looks like have to stay at home and weather the storm, about 10% been wiped off my pension in the last 4 days.

Francis Albert   I don't believe PM, stability, investors etc. has anything to do with he Dinar going International. The Dollar Inc. people, IMF and all Central Banks are running the show and they will do what ever serves them best. Sure U.S. will get a few bones for doing the deed.

xyz   The United Nations: The global recession is inevitable

xyz   Officially ... China announces a treatment for Corona and amazing results

{International: Al Furat News} China announced Thursday that the drug approved Favipiravir approved in 2014 in Japan for influenza treatment, is an effective drug in eliminating the Corona virus.

And China explained that "clinical tests were conducted in the southern city of Shenzhen on 80 patients, the drug was tested on 35 people infected with the virus, and 45 others were put in custody and noticed without the drug."

She explained that "and by follow-up it was found that the group of patients who were treated with the drug was cured."رسمياً-الصين-تعلن-علاجاً-لكورونا-ونتائج-مذهلة

xyz   Japanese flu drug 'clearly effective' in treating coronavirus, says China

Shares in Fujifilm Toyama Chemical, which developed favipiravir, surged after praise by Chinese official following clinical trials

A laboratory technician prepares Covid-19 patient samples for semi-automatic testing

Patients given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative in a median of four days Photograph: John Minchillo/AP

Medical authorities in China have said a drug used in Japan to treat new strains of influenza appeared to be effective in coronavirus patients, Japanese media said on Wednesday.

Zhang Xinmin, an official at China’s science and technology ministry, said favipiravir, developed by a subsidiary of Fujifilm, had produced encouraging outcomes in clinical trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen involving 340 patients.

“It has a high degree of safety and is clearly effective in treatment,” Zhang told reporters on Tuesday.

Patients who were given the medicine in Shenzhen turned negative for the virus after a median of four days after becoming positive, compared with a median of 11 days for those who were not treated with the drug, public broadcaster NHK said.

In addition, X-rays confirmed improvements in lung condition in about 91% of the patients who were treated with favipiravir, compared to 62% or those without the drug.

xyz   A Disgusted Nikki Haley Quits Boeing's Board In Protest Over Bailout Demand

 "I cannot support a move to lean on the federal government for a stimulus or bailout that prioritizes our company over others and relies on taxpayers to guarantee our financial position,” Haley said in a March 16 letter that Boeing disclosed late on Thursday, one day after it was revealed that the company is seeking a $60BN bailout.

Kaperoni   sandyf What? I am not promoting the unachievable, and yes this does lay out the plan. I am a fact finder, not a guru nor a speculator carnival barker. I come here to educate and provide factual research to what could happen. I have no pie in the sky ideas or fake reality to convince people.

All I do is find factual documents, research and articles to try and clear a path to what could really happen. Obviously, you do not know what I have been doing for the last 10 years.

Kaperoni    But it is good to see that you to have been educated on what the plan really is and agree. Have a good night.


Blain: "A Global Reset Is Coming"


Thursday Night X22 Reports 3-19-2020