IQD CALLS Chat Late PM Early AM Saturday 11-23-19

IQD CALLS Chat Late PM Early AM Saturday 11-23-19

Dave   howdy folks.......!  NO good news????

Dave   BAGHDAD – The United States plans to take punitive measures against Iraqi figures over their involvement in the use of lethal force to quell mass popular protests that began in early October and continue for the 50th consecutive day, informed sources in Baghdad said.

The sources told “Arabs” that Washington is also considering punishing Iraqi figures from the first political line, on charges of corruption and violation of human rights.

According to the sources, there are two lists that may be issued by the US Treasury soon, including the names of five Iraqi figures, which will be covered by financial sanctions in accordance with the laws in force in the United States.

Dave   Personalities targeted

Abu Jihad al – Hashemi , Director of the Head of Government Office

Hussein Faleh Security Service chief in the popular crowd ,

Ahmed al – Asadi Soldiers Brigades leader Imam

Nuri al – Maliki , the leader of a coalition of state law ,

Hadi al – Ameri , leader of the Alliance of Conquest

Sources confirm that these figures are directly involved in the coordination of sniper and killed and injured and the arrest and abduction Thousands of demonstrators, activists and journalists across the country have been experiencing protests since the beginning of last month.

The sources point to the existence of US financial sanctions against another list, including the names of high caliber in Iraq, such as the leader of the coalition of law Nuri al-Maliki and the leader of the conquest coalition Hadi al-Amiri.

Dave   The sanctions against al-Maliki and al-Amiri related to corruption and human rights violations, while the sources confirm that the United States is considering putting the name of the head of the Popular Mobilization Commission, Faleh al-Fayyad, on the same list, which includes the leaders of the rule of law and Fatah on similar charges.

Dave   there is much more.......this is the jest

Dave   the leaders in Iraq do not wish to hang themselves I suppose......

TWWIII   Today in 1963 President John F Kennedy was murdered in Dallas TX by GHWB & CIA...Do u remember where & what u were doing on that day. I do

sandyf   @Dave but SandyF believes Iraq will have dual currency practice

Sandyf   I have never said that. Dual currency is where 2 separate national currencies are used, Vietnam used to be dual currency and Cambodia is also dual currency. They have ATMs that dispense USD and you can walk into a bar and buy a beer with 50 cents. The border areas of Laos are triple currency, USD, Thai baht and the Laos Kip.

What I have said is that in the event of a redenomination dual pricing will come into effect, where both the old and new currencies will be used at the same time in the shops for a period of time. The UK had dual pricing in 1971, you could buy a pint of beer for 2 shillings or 10 pence piece.

Kaperoni   are you talking about Dual Currency Practice or Multiple Currency Practice? There is a difference

Kaperoni   The IMF refers to Multiple Currency Practice in Iraq or (MCP). It has nothing to do with more than one currency. It has to do with the price of goods in various locations that exceed 2%.

Kaperoni   Here is the definition from the IMF...


Kaperoni   1. Official action should not cause exchange rate spreads and cross rate quotations to differ unreasonably from those that arise from the normal commercial costs and risks of exchange transactions.

a.  (i) Action by a member or its fiscal agencies that of itself gives rise to a spread of more than 2 percent between buying and selling rates for spot exchange transactions between the member’s currency and any other member’s currency would be considered a multiple currency practice and would require the prior approval of the Fund.

(ii) An exchange spread that arises without official action would not give rise to a multiple currency practice.

(iii) Deviations between the buying and selling rates for spot transactions and for other transactions would not be considered multiple currency practices if they represent the additional costs and exchange risks for these other transactions.

Kaperoni   But Sandy is correct, Iraq will always have both the dollar and dinar because they sell oil. Meaning they will always have both currencies in the country.

Kaperoni   Many countries have more than one currency prevalent.

larrykn   Iran: Iraq imports about 1,200 megawatts of electricity

Energy   Economy News _ Baghdad   Iraq is importing between 1,100 and 1,200 megawatts of electricity from Iran, the head of iran's electricity industry union, Biam Bagheri, said Saturday.

"Iran's total electricity exports to neighbouring countries are 1,400 megawatts, and 100 megawatts are also supplied to Pakistan and Afghanistan," Bagheri was quoted as saying by fars.

"According to the sixth development plan (ending in 2022), Iran aims to become a power export hub or a major corridor," Bagheri said.

larrykn   Iraq secondly to the impact of the economic cost of terrorism

Money and business     Economy News _ Baghdad   Iraq ranked second in the impact of the economic cost of terrorism on the country for the latest data in the 2019 Global Terrorism Index of the Institute for Economics and Peace.

According to the report, the economic cost of terrorism was the highest in Afghanistan, where it touched 20% of Afghanistan's GDP, Iraq came second in the world at a cost of 3.9%, followed by Nigeria at 2.7%, and Syria ranked fourth, with terrorism costing 1.6% of its national product.

Terrorism also cost Libya 1.2% of its national product, Somalia 1.1% of its national output, and Yemen 0.6% of its national output.

The economic cost of terrorism is calculated according to four indicators: deaths, injuries and property losses, in addition to national product losses.

It also calculates the economic cost of terrorism, government expenditures on medical services, declining production and incomes, as well as the psychological effects on those affected by terrorism.

larrykn   South Korea helps Iraq with $10 million

Money and business   Economy News _ Baghdad   The interior minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said Friday Ahmed that he had discussed with the South Korean consul general in Erbil, Joy Kwang Jin, the situation of displaced persons and refugees in the region, adding that South Korea had provided 10 million US dollars in grants to Baghdad and Arbil.

Reaper Ahmed tweeted that he had met with South Korean Consul General in Erbil Joy Kwang and discussed the situation of displaced people and refugees in the region.

Ahmed said the South Korean consul had announced a 10-million-us-dollar grant to the governments of Baghdad and Erbil as humanitarian aid.

He said the south Korean government had paid for the grant, adding that it would help change the situation of displaced people and refugees.

larrykn   Iraqi and coalition forces arrest ISIS 'logistics' official, kill fighters

larrykn   Turkmen Front: Islamic parties failed to run the country

larrykn   Security forces re-open Umm Qasr port

larrykn   Pompeo supports Iran's protesters, tweets in Persian

larrykn   Iraq repatriates 78 more refugees from Turkey: Ministry

larrykn   More Deaths As Iraqi Protesters Clash With Security Forces In Baghdad

larrykn   Kurdish government delegation arrive Baghdad to discuss several files

chattels   BAGHDAD - Four anti-government protesters were killed in clashes with security forces in Iraq's capital on Friday as the country's top Shiite cleric bluntly pushed politicians to enact electoral reforms.

More than 340 people have died and thousands have been wounded since rallies against widespread graft and unemployment erupted in Baghdad and the mostly Shiite south last month.

chattels   KRG delegation arrives in Baghdad to discuss 2020 budget

chattels   The delegation, consisting of ministers and other senior officials are now said to be in talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi.

chattels   The trip comes one day after statements from Iraq’s oil minister that Erbil could soon send 250,000 barrels of oil per day to the Iraqi government.

Iraq’s 2019 budget law stipulates that the KRG shall hand over 250,000 barrels of oil daily to Baghdad in return for roughly 12 percent of the federal budget.

Iraq’s Oil Minister Thamir al-Ghadhban told Iraqi al-Ahd TV on Friday that Erbil has not sent a “drop” of oil since 2016 but it may start in the new year.

chattels   US Vice President visits Iraq in unannounced visit. LINK

chattels   No doubt he is there to announce the " RV " some guru will opine.

chattels   Interesting! Trump did it last year and we didn’t know what happened there exactly. As an Iraqi I’m concerned what is the reason behind this visit in these critical times. Is it for the people or for the gov’s sake. There is a thin line there

chattels   In Baghdad, back & forth clashes between protesters & security forces near Ahrar Bridge. Security forces use fire bombs to disperse protesters.

chattels   Friday, November 22, 2019  Revised Review Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective

Revised Review Vogler, Gary, Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2017

chattels    Nyheter Idag is now able to reveal new details about al-Shammari.

chattels   So it looks like the political class' main initiative, launched at the Nov. 18 meeting at Hakim's residence - "the Jadriya Agreement" - has entirely dissolved into nothing?

chattels   Changing 10 ministers might have been a significant move a few months ago. But I don't think there is any confidence left that Abd al-Mahdi can lead a true "technocrat" government. Plus, any protester group that rejects the proposal then becomes "the protesters" but bc... ... of the lack of structure in the protest movement there is no way to know who among them could actually agree to a different set of proposals. Thus the impasse continues.

chattels   The House of Representatives: The government will send the budget law to parliament this week

Saturday 23 November 09:26 2019

chattels   Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Amendments holds a meeting to study the proposals

Saturday 23 November 12:26 2019

chattels   Parliamentary Legal Committee meets to study the laws of the elections of the House of Representatives and the Electoral Commission in their new form

Saturday 23 November 13:51 2019

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Bayarik al-Khair parliamentary bloc called on the presidency of the Council of Representatives to take responsibility and put the questioning of Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on the agenda of parliament., ....................

more than 165 deputies submit a request to the President of the Republic to send the letter of dismissal of the government to Parliament

chattels   Coalition of Iraqi forces suspends its attendance to the sessions of Parliament

Saturday 23 November 15:57 2019 AGHDAD / NINA / The Iraqi Alliance bloc and the deputies of the liberated regions have decided to suspend their attendance at the upcoming sessions.

The spokesperson of the bloc MP Ghaida Kambash told a joint press conference: "Our presence will be only during the voting sessions on important legislation."

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I read out of and about Iraq on this Saturday, November 23, 2019.


KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday 11-23-19


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Nov. 23, 2019