IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 2-28-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 2-28-20

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraq’s parliament has postponed a vote on whether to approve Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfik Allawi’s new cabinet until Saturday after the legislature failed to meet quorum on Thursday.

chattels   Just 120 MPs turned up to the session in Baghdad – shy of the 165 needed to meet quorum. Kurdish and Sunni parties seem to have deliberately avoided the session, alongside some Shiites, because they are worried Allawi intends to exclude their choice of candidates from power.

chattels   " Kurdish and Sunni parties seem to have deliberately avoided the session, alongside some Shiites, ....."

chattels   “Today, only [Sadr’s] Sayirun bloc, some independent MPs, and some other blocs went into the parliament hall to make the session happen. We Kurds didn’t go. The Sunnis didn’t go, and some Shiite blocs as well.”

chattels   "  ....... we want him to treat the Kurdistan Region as a region with its own status as stipulated by the constitution,” according to one Kurd.

chattels   “In his manifesto, he has made no mention of the Kurdistan Region as a federal entity within Iraq. He deals with it as though it is like any other Iraqi province,”

KRnMS   It’s time for the Iraqis to revolt, demand and fight for freedom, justice, reconstruction, better life

KRnMS   raid the green zone and punish parliament

KRnMS   seems like the people would get sick and tired and fed up with delay, delay and corruption

KRnMS   turn the dogs loose

Patty   KRnMS Agreed. Too bad they don't have your expertise over there to train and lead them. They could use your help.

Dave   chill ...doubt they will have quorum

Chattels   In Baghdad, clashes between protesters & security forces renewed near tunnels of Tahrir Square. 7 injured.   LINK  

chattels   I'm not saying this with 100% certainty, but I think Muhammad Allawi as a candidate for PM is probably finished.   Kirk H. Sowell @ ://

chattels   Cabinet Secretary: The budget is still in the Ministry of Finance

Friday 28, February 2020   "The public budget has not been voted on until now in the Ministry of Finance and it has not been sent to Parliament."


chattels   Al-Halbousi accepts Allawi's request to postpone the session to Sunday / extended  Friday 28, February 2020

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Muhammad al-Halbousi, approved the request of the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, to postpone the extraordinary session of Parliament scheduled for Saturday to next Sunday.

"The speaker of the parliament, Mohamed Al-Halbousi, announces the approval of the presidency of the parliament on the request submitted by the prime minister in charge of postponing the extraordinary session in order to complete the formation of his ministerial cabinet until Sunday, March 1, 2020, at one o'clock in the afternoon," the statement said.

The Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, addressed this evening the House of Representatives to postpone the extraordinary session scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, until next Sunday, "in order to complete the cabinet formation,"


biff   Sunday?

Baxter   talk about waiting till the last minute.. thats called IRAQ

Baxter   IMO... Allawi will not make PM.... we will see

 KRnMS   I heard Allawi May actually have until March 8? Holidays are not counted in the 30 day period?

KRnMS   Interesting that Allawi requested this last delay. I believe other delays were refusals to call a meeting by Halibousi, or no quorum. Perhaps he is supplying pressure with his evidence of bribery

KRnMS   to blackmail the corrupt into voting

Chattels   KRnMS There is some indication from one source that Allawi may have an " indefinite " period of time. The argument may develop that Allawi has presented his government platform and cabinet and the Parliament is delinquent in not making quorum which should not be the " fault " of Allawi. See / read ......... "

Ali Al-Tamimi to / Nina:: The vote on the cabinet cabinet whether or not it is borne by Parliament is not considered a failure for Muhammad Allawi "

chattels   " Muhammad Allawi is not considered a failure and does not apply to him for a period of 30 days if Parliament does not hold its session as long as it has submitted its booth and curricula to Parliament, then the defect in Parliament is not in it."

chattels   " But if Parliament votes in the parliament from the cabinet, the President appoints another candidate according to Article 76 and its fourth and fifth paragraphs of the constitution."

chattels   Ali Al-Tamimi is reputed to be a legal expert in some reports.

chattels   It is Iraq and nothing is certain except uncertainty itself.

chattels   It is scary that Bernie Sanders cannot tell us how much his " reforms " will cost in total because he says that he cannot detail every nickel and dime ? Perhaps he could just particularize his answer to approximate the number of trillions.

Some accounts suggest that government sponsored ( taxpayer expense ) universal health care, education and the " green new deal " will cost as much as 100 TRILLION DOLLARS ! Sanders admitted that the " price tag " on his health care program would approximate $30 trillion.

chattels   Sanders need not panic over the corona virus. Those that do not die from corona virus can expire under his reforms.

chattels   Good night all and Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi Banking Sector Reform Project ! God Bless us every one.

chattels   Farsi BBC: more than 210 Iranians have died of the Corona Virus in various cities throughout the country.


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