IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 10-18-19

IQD CALLS Chat Friday Night 10-18-19

 Dave   Demonstrations of October 25 postponed to another date .. Protesters submit 5 conditions “impossible” knownThe coordination statement, received by Yass Iraq, said that ‘to the people of our great Iraqi people, to the free of our spare youth who refused to continue injustice and corruption under a chaotic system led by whales of corruption and gangs of looting and conspiracy, history has shown that the masses are stronger than the tyrants and that the people

The statement added: ‘You started with your previous demonstrations, which started on 1/10/2019 and was a volcano of anger against the corrupt and greedy wealth of the country, and thus we are able to remove this system roosting in the chest of Iraq for a decade and a half.’

“But we decided the following: 1. Giving them a ‘thirty-day’ opportunity to make a constitutional amendment that includes the following: a. Merging the Prime Minister with Majoriya; b) electing the President directly by the people; c. Limiting the session of the Council of Representatives to two sessions only retroactively; The power to choose conservatives to the President of the Republic, e – the trial of corrupt through the media and retrieve what they stole from the wealth of the people ‘.

Dave   In a second point of the statement, the coordination, said that ‘in the absence of response to the demands above, the date of major demonstrations on 22/11/2019 corresponding to Friday’.

It wishes to clarify the platform “Yes Iraq” that this statement is anonymous and was issued in the name of the youth coordination and did not include the name of the president or members of this coordination and the platform has not yet been able to access the source of this statement, which I received from an anonymous email and tried to follow up the issuance of this statement and did not find.

The platform noted the issuance of statements by anonymous since October 1, without the name, signature or knowledge of the body behind these organizations, which raises doubts of the attempt by some to send and circulate these written data and exploit the speed of social means to spread.تظاهرات-25-تشرين–الاول–تتأجل–الى–موعد–اخ/

Urgent source in the Cabinet Secretariat reveals the truth of Sunday holiday

October 17, 2019 Walter  Release date:: 2019/10/17 22:32

A source in the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers revealed the fact of a holiday on Sunday.

The source told (Euphrates News) that “there is no disruption to the official working hours on Sunday and what has been published about the existence of an inaccurate holiday.” is over

 Pence: We agreed with Turkey on a ceasefire in northern Syria

October 17, 2019 Walter

Pence: We agreed with Turkey on a ceasefire in northern Syria

Date: 2019/10/17 20:45

Dave   2nd extension for these crooks

Dave   at least they are stead fast in their demands

Dave   Doug_W Know how you feel aboot the corruption......

Dave   just wonder where they could go hide.....?

Dave   esp them Whales......

Baxter   SO... now no riots till Nov 22.... LOL

Baxter   they cant even get their riots done on time..

Dave   not starting from 1/10/2019 ?

Baxter   no these on oct 25.. now cancelled

Baxter   all a bunch of baloney...

Baxter   all of it

Baxter   they cant even plan a protest and get it done on time

Baxter   these people are past stupid

Dave   thousands wounded and many many killed already.....

Baxter   its been that way for hundreds of years..

Baxter   we arent going to change the way they live and die

Baxter   Trump is right for getting out... we should have never gone over in the first place

Dave   Baxter Iraq has enjoyed some relative peace till now

Baxter   there is always fighting over there somewheres..

Dave   before Sunni vs Shia....and people after the crooked politicians

Baxter   thats just it... its always something

Baxter   and the tribes are still fighting.... they cant get one law passed....

Dave   sounding like me

Baxter   bout ready to take a long break.. from this

Dave   bottom the corruption and immunity that these crooks enjoy

Doug_W   the minute U do it will POP Bax

Baxter   good... them Im gone

Dave   what i like about this is that this is no longer partisan..... the peeps are going directly after the politicians

Baxter   I listened to PTR today.... absolutely sickening..

Zig   Baxter : Why do you listen??

Baxter   something to do I guess.... hadnt listened in quite a while

Dave   Sounds more like get er done......or COUP!

Dave   Where did you get that?......comes in affect........

Baxter   get what?

Dave   800 Billion usd that vanished........

Zig   Impossible to have a coup unless the army is with you.......

Dave   Mahdi et-al.... Defence Minister on protestors side

Dave   Demonstrations I believe have been approved Zig

Dave   Sadr Sistani......

Dave   Zig Read the news much Zig....or just the Guru conjecture?

Dave   ....again ....planning major demonstrations......what ever that means....

Dave   1 month to get it together .....or else is my take

Dave   or my hope

Baxter   probably wont have a quorum for the riots

Baxter   LOL

Baxter   HERES A GREAT ONE FOR YA: 10-18-2019 Newshound Guru Bloodloch "We’ve taken control of the oil in the Middle East, the oil that we’re talking about, the oil that everybody was worried about. We have the U.S. control of that,” Trump said..." Literally? Allegorically? Financially? At the very least, it is an intriguing statement.

Baxter   10-18-2019 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I still feel we are very close...right on the edge of seeing this all happen for us. I’m still excited at where we are. There are a few things that I cannot share that makes me believe we will be underway in Oct.

Baxter   10-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru David M. Witty Iraqi protest coordinators delay planned 25 October protests until 22 November & give government 30 days to amend the constitution.

Baxter   ;frying-pan-smash

Baxter   10-18-2019 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: "POLITICAL DIFFERENCES STILL CONSTITUTE AN OBSTACLE TO THE LEGISLATION OF THE OIL AND GAS LAW" I keep telling everyone that the oil and gas law is imperative to getting the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. ‘

So, here is yet another article telling us the importance of it. I especially like this last statement and I quote – “stressing that the law, if approved, will join the sale of oil in terms of economic return”.

Funny how this law comes up whenever we are in a period of time when we think that perhaps the project to delete the zeros might take off soon and be completed. :laugh

Baxter   THATS my news for the day....

Francis AlbertMe thinks this Oil and Gas Law "Must" be done....blah blah is just more guru carrot and stick stuff. Once it passes and no real change it will be something else Keep in mind in politics we can't believe anything, and even more so in the Mid East. IMO these folks have agreed on some percentage and like everything in politics milk it for all its worth.

Doug_W   Francis Albert one word covers all that statement~~~POLITICS

Sam I Am  Sergio Shabibi said it was due to inflation

Sergio   By the way, the IQD is and always has been traded with most countries, just it is not allowing banks to make money off of it

Sergio   Sam I Am he said it is just one of the tools the CBI could use to curb inflation not that it had to use that tool.

Sergio   I went over Shabibi questions and answers word by word

Sam I Am   Sergio He said this when he was in DC back in 2011 ... they added the zeros due to hyperinflation

Sam I Am   the video is on YouTube

Sergio   Sam I Am yup I seen it

Sam I Am   In the 1980s, one dinar bought around $3, but economic sanctions imposed on Iraq around the time of the 1991 Gulf War sent the currency into decline and stoked inflation, which the government fuelled by printing money. By late 1995, $1 bought as much as 3,000 dinars.

Sergio   I did not hear him say anything about the 3 zeros but I’ll play it again

Sam I Am   Sergio I think he just said that they added zeros ... they created the 10K note under Saddam around 2001

Sergio   Sam I Am thanks I’ll look at again. I’ll look and bring the chart I have over from my site and post it here with a few emails I got from the UN

Sergio   I’ll try to do that this Sunday around this same time if you come back in

Sam I Am   ok

Iobey775   Will remove zeros and then increase value.

Sergio   I will also look at the Docs that Kap says who is in control of the CBI

spankie   thx serg and sam

Sam I Am  de nada

Sergio   spankie no problem it sometimes refreshing to chat and look at facts and opinions to see how they fit together

Sergio   Sam I Am night

Sam I Am   Sergio buenas noches

Sergio   Time for me to cut out too night all

spankie   long time sergio

Sergio   spankie yes I come in from time to time

Sergio   I’ll be back on Sunday with some docs

Zig   Sam I Am : Sergio is a good guy.....have known him since my PTR days.....he has also researched this a can converse with him like you do Kap.....and part a reasonable person.....too bad he is not here more often but is very busy with several businesses.......

Zig   Iobey775 : Hope you return tomorrow and meet the morning crew.....

 Sergio   Just wanted to remind all what the exchange rate of the Iqd was and what it is now. The big question is will it go back to what it was?

The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF in 1969 and serves as its unit of account. The currency value of the SDR is determined by summing the values in U.S. dollars of a basket of major currencies.

 Date Exchange Rate

April 30, 2012 0.000553591

April 29, 2011 0.000527732

April 30, 2010 0.000566092

April 30, 2009 0.000570626

April 30, 2008 0.000512352

April 30, 2007 0.000516326

April 28, 2006 0.000460244

April 29, 2005 0.000451682

September 22, 2004 0.000466938

September 08, 2003 2.53758

April 30, 2002 2.53758

April 30, 2000 2.43852

April 30, 1999 2.38074

April 30, 1998 2.38881

April 30, 1997 2.3558

April 30, 1996 2.21848

April 30, 1995 2.04504

April 30, 1994 2.26323

April 30, 1993 2.26004

April 30, 1992 2.34852

April 30, 1991 2.39924

April 30, 1990 2.46985

April 28, 1989 2.48283

April 29, 1988 2.32407

April 30, 1987 2.46269

April 30, 1986 2.73556

April 30, 1985 3.24557

 As you look at this chart look at September 8th 2003 and then September 22 of 2004 their rate as of the 8th was $2.53 the range from 1985 3.24 to what we have now. But for the most case its range was in the 2 buck range before the war.

Matt   Sergio Thank You

Wilder   @Sergio what do you feel with the future with this?

Sergio   Wilder As anyone who invest there always can be a downside but, the hope is always there will be a upside

Wilder   Thanks.

spankie   sergio- u are a wealthy business man - u would not be here unless there is something for your investment dolars

18 Oct 19, 10:46 PM Sergio   If you have Invested in the IQD you have to ask yourself a few questions. 1:Are you willing to wait it out with knowing you might not see it in your life time. 2 The amount you invested can you take a loss. 3 What if you sell what you have and the IQD Rvs and you sold out to soonn can you live with that?

spankie   nix #3

spankie   we r all here for the same thing- some naysayers bash the place but real positive lately

Sergio   spankie I would not say i was Wealthy, I would say i save and Invest my money wisely. I have some great   i own and allows me to invest knowing i might not gain from it but did not hurt myself with anything i invest in.

spankie  How many different businesses sergio?

spankie   couple years back u did the bakery- is good today --

spankie   also talked of home renovation- diff things - nice - me construction - rentals also

Sergio   spankie I own a Contractor Business A Mold Remediation Company A Bakery and I am opening a Steak & Sea Food Restaurant

spankie   nice to see ya sergio- gotta go-- sunday

Sergio   spankie Sunday

spankie   all have managers correct

Sergio   Yes

spankie   u cannot do it all

spankie   bill gates had help- lol


Your Financial Family Tree


Bix Weir, Frank26, KTFA and Jim Willie Friday Night 10-18-19