IQD CALLS Chat Friday Afternoon 1-17-20

IQD CALLS Chat Friday Afternoon 1-17-20

chattels   A slight rise in the price of the dollar against the dinar on the local stock exchange

Friday 17, January 2020

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded today, Friday, an increase in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

And the prices of buying and selling the dollar of banking companies, the selling price of 122 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price is 121 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

Chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – At least 11 American troops were injured in the Iranian missile strike on Iraq’s Ain al-Asad airbase last week, the US military confirmed on Thursday after previously denying there were any casualties.

chattels   "While no US service members were killed in the Jan. 8 Iranian attack on al-Asad Air base, several were treated for concussion symptoms from the blast and are still being assessed," US Central Command spokesman Captain Bill Urban said in a statement, AFP reported.

chattels   The US had advance warning and most of the 1,500 US servicemen and 500 soldiers from other coalition countries were in bunkers when the missiles struck.

chattels   Have a fine day all..

larrykn   chattels it amazes me how you bring the news in and then people complain because you bring the news in. I for one say let them find the news themself. I'm done.

Dave   Civil activist Mahdi Al-Muhanna told (Tigris): We will escalate the scene of the protests if the prime minister is not chosen next Sunday​


Dave   not working......

Dave   threatening to shut roads down......esp to Basra........

Baxter   I dont care..

Baxter   camels dont need roads anyways

Dave   demonstrators maybe our only hope?

Dave   or LONG LIVE MALIKI.....

Dave   futuremoney Demonstrators my only current hope........

futuremoney   they did it before

Dave   futuremoney that was all sectarian BS......this is about the corruption now

futuremoney   actually ran over the parliament building..they should have killed all the MPs...that would have made real change

Dave   Maliki and friends aint going down without a fight

futuremoney   that's why at should have been....BOOM

Jimmy Lee   rocket launch 1-18-2020 8:00 am Baxter

Dave   Jimmy Lee rockets.......bottle type?

futuremoney   nah..those are Iranian

Dave   not missles......

Jimmy Lee   lol

Jimmy Lee   spacex

Dave   All eyes on Iran now.......

futuremoney   BOOM

futuremoney   whered it go??

Dave   IAEU,EU, Nato Un would be all over them.......

chattels   US-led Coalition remains critical in fight against ISIS

chattels   ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Assistance from the US-led International Coalition against the Islamic State (ISIS) remains critical, a member of Iraqi parliament’s Defense and Security Committee told Rudaw on Friday. His remarks exemplify growing opposition to Shiite parties’ calls for the expulsion of all foreign troops from Iraq.

 chattels   “All the intelligence indicates that the Islamic State has regrouped itself and that they are carrying out attacks against Iraqi targets on a daily basis. Hence, it's as much in the interest of Iraqi Kurdistan as it is for the whole of Iraq that US forces remain for the time being,” Barzani argued.

“Moreover, [Parliament’s decision] set a bad precedent. The decision was taken by the Shia bloc without consulting either of the key components of this country, the Kurds or the Sunni [Arabs]. It was a very critical step that was taken without seeking consensus and as such violates the spirit of the Iraqi Constitution. This is not good for Iraq, either now or for the future,” Barzani asserted.

Dave   trouble from me.....

Dave   ISIS sure likes instability in these regions.....invest in that?

chattels   Protesters died in clashes with security forces at Baghdad's Al-Senak bridge Govt spokesman blamed "vandals" for attacking ISF at bridge LINK


chattels   LINK

chattels   This is unsurprising, but I expect it to get a lot worse when the militia "protesters" (see tweet above) arrive on the scene.// ://

Dave   Zim looking very attractive.....

Dave   SADR never liked foreign interference,,,,esp from US since the getgo

chattels   Notable comments here by Hiwa Osman: the Sadr-Hashd "milioniya" protest has the potential to sideline, & maybe crash, the secular protest movement by taking over the same spaces. The potential impact here is huge.// ://

chattels   Allawi said in a series of his tweets on "Twitter", today (January 17, 2020), followed by Digital Media NRT: "Today, Iraq and its people should not be the scene of the conflict between the opponents as they face terrorism and are still subject to Chapter VI."


Doug_W   chattels your invaluable in here !!

chattels   Doug_W As you know I research for myself and I am happy to share. Unfortunately there are always people who add little to any society except to complain or criticize.

Chattels   After China ... Iraq is approaching 3 countries to sign partnership agreements

[Baghdad-Ain]  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, announced today, Friday, the approach of three countries to sign partnership agreements similar to the one that took place with China.

Saleh said in a press statement today, Saturday, that "the government has approached the United States, Japan and South Korea to sign partnership agreements, related to infrastructure, direct production and development of the agricultural sector in addition to other sectors."

He added that "the American side welcomed the idea and promised to study it and respond to it," noting that "Iraq has an agreement on the strategic framework in various fields, but it needs a diplomatic move to activate it."

Saleh concluded by saying that "Iraq welcomes openness to all countries."

Dave   chattels still find this chapter7/6 confusing though......

Chattels   Dave There are UN " rules " and there is Iraqi conduct. The two are not always in sync and the longer I am exposed to Iraq the more I think that Iraq is going to do whatever suits Iraq.

Dave   chattels ergo no WTO.......

Dave   ?

Dave   coupled with imf ,,,,,,going global

chattels   Dave Objectively, not, but subjectively, if it suits the powers that be and benefit, then yes.

chattels   Dave Caveat, the foregoing is just the opinion of a macroeconomic moron, me.

Dave   Hoping for a very valueble currency not require the WORLDS support in this endeavor?????

Dave   side deals......?

chattels   Dave If I understand your statement, my belief for some time has been that the IQD will only have worth or value if " endorsed " or accepted by other countries.

Dave   chattels IMFs global endorsement

chattels   And increasingly I am concerned that even if the IQD obtains some value that we, the common person, will not realize that value.

chattels   Somebody will likely confound us.

Dave   Global currencies are exchangeable

chattels   Dave Yeah, well, ........................

chattels   We shall see.

Dave   at......00086.........?????

Dave   thats the big question,,,,,Kap will inform you of this

chattels   Dave I will believe ' IT " when it happens. Until then, color me skeptical.

Dave   chattels CBI never set a rate......

Dave   talking of fils gets my attention

Dave   that is all i got.......

Chattels   " I think they (banks) smell...the frustration of people wanting to give up. I agree…they smell how close this is.". - MArkZ

Dave   oh ya delete 3 zeros too....

Dave   chattels fewer than 30% have bank accounts....


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