IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 4-7-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Tuesday 4-7-20

Sandyf  @LeLe sandyf the owner of MTT was a part of Investorshub.

Sandyf   Can't remember MTT but the content of that post was quoted by the man himself in 2014. The document does not appear to be available on the internet anymore so I have put a copy here.

Although the document is dated 2014, the actions referred to in the text were pre 2006.

xyz   Z is not wealthy with RV 8 years later ... let float back jajaja :popcorn

xyz   RV back in 2012 was a theory and phishing naive dinarians with $7.95 ... another misguided theory in 2020 OMG 2012 and 2020 are both is a LEAP YEARS --- Z been ripped off on a leap year

Kaperoni   xyz clearly you have some issues. I don't know why you keep blaming me for you signing up at DA. I have nothing to do with the site except to post and moderate. I do not own a website

Kaperoni    All I do is post news from proven news and organization sources. If I found documentation that stated that it was going to RV I would post it. But I don't - what I find is what I post. But what you do does makeup nonsense and posted over and over and over again misleading people (you *****).  I don't own any websites nor do I collect any money for anything I do. So get a life

tman23   I just have to comment on Kaperoni posting “ get a life” ..... let’s start with his waiting on the market economy to open in Iraq so the Kap theory of the dinar floating will begin to gain value and he will begin making a profit on his mass holdings ....

Firstly, it starts with the opening of the market economy , this is what he is waiting on along with a few laws to be passed so as investors from around the world will be pouring cash into Iraq... BUT THE PROBLEM... and let’s just pretend the GOI is aces and laws are perfect.

The country LACKS INFRASTRUCTURE and will take years to get to a productive place, NEXT is the country LACKS SKILLED WORKERS not to mention most of the cultures are lazy peoples. AND with employment being what it was pre- corona with manufacturing jobs in the USA along with American investment opportunities, nobody is beating the door down to travel for a job in Iraq.

So let’s re Kap  poor infrastructure, shortage of skilled workers, culture of poor work ethics, Keeping that in mind, this person is waiting on the opening of the market economy to make a profit. 24\7 the guy posts and follows his dinar investment with baited breathe because “ market economy “ will float him to a nice profit .

tman23   Oh yeah , and the IMF AND ARTICLE 8 ..... THE SAMMY BALLSUM EFFECT

Kaperoni   tman23 You seem to think I care? Tell that to the IMF they are the ones telling them to float the dinar and allow it to appreciate

Kaperoni   Complain all you want. It is not me that is calling for a float

Kaperoni   "staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy. Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate, triggered by strong oil revenues and the Balassa-Samuelson effect, to accommodate a possible real exchange rate appreciation while keeping domestic inflation low.”

Kaperoni   tman23 I think you should complain to the IMF

tman23   Kaperoni ... silly man... IMF always gives a true indication if something is going to gain value .... certainly they would put it in print ...

Kaperoni   IMF Article IV Consultations are held with every country and are very factual and honest. Your choice to believe what they put in print to Iraq or not but I have no reason to doubt them especially when there is supporting articles coming out from time to time in Iraq's media

Kaperoni   4 float articles in last 3 weeks in Iraq. Guess that means nothing

Kaperoni   Again, take up you disagreement with the IMF.

Kaperoni   For more information about access and directions to the IMF headquarters buildings, please see Directions and Access to IMF Headquarters.

Headquarters 1 (HQ1): International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20431

Headquarters 2 (HQ2): International Monetary Fund, 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20431

Telephone Operator: + 1 (202) 623-7000 · Fax: + 1 (202) 623-4661   SWIFT: IMFDUS3WXXX

Business Hours  Monday – Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (ET). Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays*: closed.

*For holiday schedule, please see the IMF Business Hours, Holidays, and Emergency Closures page.

tman23  Kaperoni ... the place is a cesspool of old mentality and corruption.... those IMF articles mean very little to me...

Kaperoni   tman23 Oh so that is it now..old mentality? lol Your argument is a joke. Goodnight

tman23   Kaperoni I met an Attorney from the IMF on a flight to Jamaica , he was going there on business for the IMF... We have had many conversations since then as I played a few rounds of golf with him since that flight ..... not that he is in the board room but my understanding is that what is in print might not necessarily be from the room that counts .... and that is FACT....

tman23    why do people believe the world operates under rules and regulations and there is zero wiggle .... the person who believes such a thing lives in a perfect world in only in their mind.... REAL WORLD , she wiggles between the guidelines and going outside those lines is not unusual....the WHO..(world health organization) another perverse organization just like the IMF...and / or the UN ( United Nations) .... pick your poison... which one do you trust to tell the truth.. The IMF of course... they have to be honorable, BECAUSE??? , the law says so

chattels   Iraq. Pathetic planning and incompetent implementation comes to mind given Joel Wing's article above.

chattels   A deputy confirms that there is an agreement to send a new candidate to the President of the Republic instead of Al-Zarfi

chattels   "We are now faced with three options, either waiting for the term of Zarrafi’s term to expire, or Parliament’s refusal to hold an extraordinary session, or Zarrafi’s apology On commissioning. ”

chattels   Zarrafi / Zarfi, the current premier-designate has until April 16 to form the next cabinet and be approved by the majority of the parliament ( the expiration of his term ), Parliament has not yet set a date for the extraordinary session / vote of confidence as to Zarfi and his government and Zarfi does not plan on withdrawing his acceptance of the designation ( Zarfi's apology on commissioning ).

chattels   So, we wait as well.

chattels   [L]eader of the Sadrist movement, Hakim al-Zamili, warned, Monday, against the return of the scenario before the fall of Mosul, after noting the deterioration of the security situation in the western sector of Iraq, specifically in Anbar province.

chattels   Will the Iraqi elite fiddle while Iraq burns ?

chattels   Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of " As Iraq Turns " or " Days of Our LIves in Dinarland ".

chattels   Finance Minister Fuad Hussein participated in a closed meeting aimed at financing Iraq in the face of the Corona pandemic.

Hussein said in a tweet on his Twitter account: "I participated in a meeting via closed-circuit television, to discuss the economic and financial situation and the implications of falling oil prices on the Iraqi economy and study some proposals to overcome the crisis."

Hussein added: "We also discussed the meeting in which the ambassadors of the United States and Britain and the representative of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund participated in addition to the Undersecretary of the Minister of Health, the Corona pandemic crisis and the steps taken to support the health sector in Iraq to contain this dangerous epidemic."

chattels   Fuad Hussein, a Kurd, the Minister of Finance, has arguably been " running " Iraq since Mahdi “stepped away” .

chattels   I opined recently that Mahdi has “stepped away” but he has not “left his post”, A curious constitutional posture.

chattels   Many Iraqi politicians resent IRGC meddling in their affairs   Hassan Ali Ahmed April 6, 2020

Read more:

chattels   An interesting perspective in the foregoing article. It is worth the three minute read.

chattels   Zurfi finalized his Cabinet April 4 and sent a request to parliament to hold a session to vote on his Cabinet.

chattels   " Historically ", there has been a 48 hour review process of the PM-designate's proposed policy platform and ministry personnel. It is now two days since the finalization of the proposed government, we should hear something soon about the scheduling of a session for Parliament to vote.

chattels   The reports are that Zurfi has obtained the parliamentary majority necessary for his confirmation, but many factions oppose him on the basis of his not being a consensus choice by the Shia and some have promised to boycott any vote.

My understanding is that if the Parliament can obtain a quorum of 165 in attendance for the session, then Zurfi needs only 1/2 of those present or 83 votes. Those votes are, I believe, the parliamentary majority being proclaimed by some.

chattels   See also, , and .

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Tuesday, April 7, 2020.

chattels   Today is my Mother's birthday. She has been dead now 15 years. I only miss her once a day, every day, all day long. I loved her dearly. God's greatest gift to us is to love and be loved. Thanks be to God. God Bless us everyone.

chattels   Have a fine day all.

Doug_W   Silver:$15.46 that is + 25 cents from yesterday

Futuremoney   did you see that NY mayor is calling for use of hydroxy?? a little late for the many thats died

futuremoney   Dr Oz is recommending it now as well..even as a preventative measure..

Doug_W   no I have only watched NO more than two hors of that crap a day its depressing

futuremoney   now i hear someone is saying that Trump must be invested in the drug because he pushes it ...rediculous

Doug_W   ANYthing to get trump to look bad

futuremoney   its to the point of lunacy

Doug_W   its far beyond that

Doug_W   its treason

futuremoney   agreed

Doug_W   in a "new" form

futuremoney   dont know how Trump is holding up under the strain

Futuremoney   hydroxy is gaining ground...hopefuuly it ends this quickly

Clay   absolutely   If I was infected I would take anything * the govt   everyone should get it   end this quickly   no     my wifes great uncle passed from the virus he was in his 90s   yesterday

futuremoney   a good freind is the director of surguries and she says they are using hydroxy with z pack..100 percent cure...3 days they go home

Clay   amazing

futuremoney   sub of Cleveland Clinic

Clay   why is the gov fooling around and not giving it to everyone

futuremoney   another hospital as daughter is a CT specialist and they are using z pack with an inhaler..having good results   i think they are...just not pub it   fortunatly not many cases here

Clay   state has 2800 ,28 deaths

futuremoney   pandemic right? flu is worse

Clay   maybe more than that dont remember   I know this is blown out of proportion

futuremoney   lose 50-80,000 people a shutdown

Clay   just killing our great economy

futuremoney   agreed

Clay   and the media hype it because they also are far left

futuremoney   when this is over its going to go

Futuremoney    ok..havent gotten an order or rims for next month..getting concerned

futuremoney   normally they have orders out for 2 months ahead   my bread and butter   FDIC is a joke

tman23   This crap is way way overhyped..... perfect storm to change currency regulations..... fractional banking required 10 percent of deposits be held while 80 percent could be loaned by banks.... 3/16 the Fed went to 0 ... ZERO.... this is where your cash in the bank may not be there to get, and if the bank goes under .... you are treated as an investor and do not necessarily qualify for protection under FDIC .... it’s their call...... your money in banks at little above zero percent interest .... crazy!

Clay   tman23 thats y I take any I have out of the bank dont trust them

Clay   futuremoney yep heard they could take 100 years to pay you back

Clay   What is that


Clay   never did trust banks


Clay  especially when there is no interest on your $     1%? whats that about

futuremoney   use your money for free..aint that special

Clay   nope

futuremoney   forces people into the market to make money...then they steal it by crashing it

futuremoney   lost 70,000 so far from my wifes 401k

Clay   wow

futuremoney   retirement is gone  cant sell the biz now because of this

Clay   hang in there buddy  same here    down to 11 hours/week not worth opening more than that

tman23   I know first hand of an online pharmacy who had been waiting on lab test results and couldn’t get them . Going through highest government channels resulted in a visit from Homeland security ..... first question was are you profiting from the tests ... answer was NO... the fee is covering costs of test kit and lab fee ...absolutely no profits being made.... next came the statement, if we release yours we will have to release everyone’s .... truly a ** moment that nobody has an understanding about

Clay   thats why Im pulling out what I can    T there has to be alot more behind the scenes

tman23   Congress putting together a investigative commission to find out what Trump knew about the virus and when.... fffing unreal !!!

Clay   I know its all hype to try to get him out  they have no one to run against him  so they start another witch hunt

tman23   He stopped travel from China on 1/29.... called racist and met with all kinds of nasty resistance.... then spoke of the virus at the state of the union address.... meanwhile while it was all going on Schiff who heads intelligence committee would have been informed first of the virus but was busy impeaching .....

Clay   they should be charged and jailed COVID Symptom Tracker COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC STATS


Emergency Fund: What You Need To Know To Build One


Sierra, TNT, PIR and more Tuesday Afternoon 4-7-2020