IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 2-18-20

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 2-18-20

chattels   Foreign currency markets in Baghdad recorded, today, Tuesday, the stability of the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar for the second week in a row.

The selling and buying prices of the dollar for the banking companies came as follows:

The selling price of one dollar is 1210 dinars, or 121 thousand and 100 dinars per hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1200 dinars, or 120 thousand dinars per hundred dollars.


chattels   Controversial new law could make Iraq's early elections late

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Baxter   IS WE RICH YET?



Clay   nope

Baxter   AND WHY NOT

Clay   nope and nope

Baxter   Parliament isnt DONE..DONE..DONE

Clay   you got me lol

Clay   nope

Baxter   but they promised

Baxter   and I even brought dinar to florida to CASH IN..

Clay   wont be rich like I planned but will live good

Baxter   Just a DIME... thats all I want

Clay   lol

Clay   so ya say

Dave   10.000 % ROI aint bad.......

Clay   says who

Clay   LOL

Baxter   thats not asking much.. is it dave...10,000%

Baxter   that even sounds stupid

Dave   nickel looks promising

Baxter   I would not hesitate at a nickel either

Chattels   Iraqi prime minister-designate faces pressure on Cabinet choices

Omar Sattar February 18, 2020

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chattels   BAGHDAD — There are multiple challenges keeping Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, recently named Iraq's prime minister-designate, from forming the government of independent technocrats that he pledged. The first major hurdle is that some political blocs want to continue to hold onto their current level of representation in the Cabinet.

chattels   Under the constitution, Allawi is required within 30 days to form a government and go to parliament to obtain a vote of confidence with an absolute majority of at least 165 out of 329 parliament members.

chattels   The Fatah and Sairoon Shiite blocs are the only ones supporting Allawi. They have 47 and 51 parliament members, respectively. Based on that, the new government needs a minimum of 67 additional votes to win a vote of confidence. 

Such a number can only be secured with the participation of the Kurdish and Sunni blocs. This is true particularly since some of the Shiite blocs, such as former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's al-Nasr bloc, refused to name Allawi to form a government.

chattels   " ................ the new government needs a minimum of 67 additional votes to win a vote of confidence. Such a number can only be secured with the participation of the Kurdish and Sunni blocs."

chattels   " ........... protesters in southern and central cities are demanding new elections, Allawi's government would not be able to serve as an interim one preparing for early elections if two-thirds of the legislators do not vote to dissolve the parliament.

Moreover, an as-yet unratified new electoral law that many see as inadequate and disputes over the composition of the elections commission make it seem very unlikely for Allawi to be able to hold early elections; the last elections were held in 2018 and the next ones are scheduled for 2022.

All this could mean that Allawi won't be able to effect reforms or even that he will fail to form a government, in which case Abdul Mahdi would continue as prime minister.

Read more:

chattels   The foregoing article is a good read.

chattels    Monday, February 17, 2020  How Much Power Will Incoming Premier Allawi Have?

chattels   Allawi will be in a very weak position as Iraq’s new leader. Just like Abdul Mahdi he has no political party behind him. With no base of his own Abdul Mahdi had no way to push back against the ruling parties, and Allawi will be in the same situation. Neither was elected by the people either. Already the protests have come out against Allawi’s nomination even though he has tried to reach out to them.

chattels   Aging Shiite cleric a powerhouse in Iraq. What comes after?


Matt   End of Day Market Close Summary Prices

chattels   Deputy for wisdom reveals the date for holding the voting session for the Allawi government

[Baghdad-Ain] The MP from the Parliamentary Bloc of Wisdom, Abbas Sayyid Sarrout, suggested setting an extraordinary session for the House of Representatives next Sunday to pass the cabinet formation of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

"The parliament is currently on a legislative holiday; but according to information, there will be a call to hold a session next Sunday to vote on the ministerial formation of Allawi," he said in a press statement.

"The negotiations continue to persuade the Kurdish and Sunni parties to form the Allawi government," he said,


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