IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday  12-30-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday  12-30-19

Chattels    Iraqi Joint Operations Command: 34 killed & injured in US attacks against 3 PMF (Hashd) positions in Iraq.    LINK 

chattels   Iraqi President Bahram Salih says US attack on PMF (Hashd) is a violation of Iraqi sovereignty.

chattels   Iraqi President Barham Salih: US attack on PMF (Hashd) is incompatible with our agreements with the US.

chattels   In Iraq, 4 Kathyosha rockets land on US base in Taji, a likely PMF response to US attacks on PMF earlier today.

 chattels   Outgoing Iraqi PM Abdel-Mahdi condemns US attack on PMF.

chattels   Military commander of Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah militia brigades: we are ready to destroy US bases in Iraq & crush the heads of the corrupt. We await the green light.

chattels   Arab Arabs and the world Iraq    

Abdul-Mahdi is angry .. and Esber: We briefed him half an hour before the strikes    LINK

chattels   Iraqi political source says retired General Abdel-Ghani al-Asadi, formerly of CTService, is being considered as nominee for PM.

chattels   Iraq: Al-Bina Presents Three New Candidates for Premiership LINK

chattels   Mina Al-Oraibi @AlOraibi    Militia leaders, with Abu Mahdi AlMuhandis in the lead, now threatening all US soldiers in Iraq. They do not care that Iraqis also died on the Kirkuk base attack, Iraqis dying at hands of Iranian-backed militias are always forgotten or ignored

Doug_W   Silver:$17.92

chattels   We all remember how most of CTS members had to evacuate their families to either Kurdistan or abroad because of the death threats they receive on a daily basis.

KH is branded a terrorist organisation for a reason.

chattels   Robert Tollast @roberttollast   @JoelWing2 points out there is a long list of violations of "Iraqi sovereignty" by groups like Kataib Hezbollah: Yanbu pipeline attack, the *outrageous* Qatari hostage ransom saga, looting Baiji refinery+many rocket attacks injuring Iraqis. GOI is sleepwalking to disaster (again)

chattels   Al-Halbousi calls for restraint regarding the American aggression against the crowd

Editing Date: 12/30/2019 13:06 •

chattels   Robert Tollast @roberttollast

 Here's a crazy idea: Sovereignty and integrity are earned by good governance. If you're paying Iran backed groups who kill your citizens+ injure 6 of YOUR OWN SOLDIERS (8 Dec attack) then do NOTHING in response, you're not very good at the whole sovereignty thing, are you?

chattels   " ........ you're not very good at the whole sovereignty thing, are you ? "

chattels   Finance stops spending, appointments, and staff transfers in all ministries until the 2020 budget is approved

Editing Date: 12/30/2019

chattels   Parliamentary Legal: We may resort to the 2014 option in spending the next year's budget

Editing Date: 12/30/2019

chattels   The head of the committee, Haitham al-Jubouri, said in a press statement that "the general budget for the next year is still with the government and it has not been sent to Parliament because of the financial deficit," noting that "the fiscal deficit in the budget amounted to 25 billion dinars."

chattels   Thousands of Iraqis flocked to the Tahrir Square and burned American and Israeli flags in response to the brutal attack on the popular crowd

Monday 30, December 2019

chattels   "The transformation of the American-Iranian conflict into a military clash on Iraqi lands means that the Iraqi people will pay the price, and that the uprisers who draw this historic turn will abort their civil movement, in short the Iraqi position on this conflict must be completely neutral."

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The past few hours witnessed rapid developments, which were adopted by representatives of various blocs by holding joint meetings with the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, to resolve the crisis of the prime minister’s nomination in charge of forming the interim government.

chattels   Baghdad / Nina / The Construction Alliance negotiated the nomination of a group of personalities for the position of Prime Minister in charge of forming the interim government, provided that the President of the Republic is formally addressed to assign one of them, according to the priority of the sequence, and they are Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Salam Al-Maliki and Tawfiq Al-Yasiri.

30 Dec 19, 06:52 AM chattels   Abdul-Ghani Al-Asadi, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Salam Al-Maliki and Tawfiq Al-Yasiri. .................?

chattels   Iraq on brink of abyss; what happens next?   Ali Mamouri December 29, 2019

Read more:

chattels   Iraq's political crisis is getting increasingly deeper while the security situation is steadily declining, pushing the country toward further uncertainty and possible political collapse.

What are the conflicting forces and sources of the crisis, and what are the possible scenarios for Iraq's immediate future?

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chattels   The most important issue now is selecting the new prime minister. The Al-Binaa Alliance — consisting of the PMU’s Fatah bloc and former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law coalition and other pro-Iran political groups — insists on nominating a candidate close to Iran and from the current political class. But the protesters are asking for a new, independent face with a nationalist character.

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chattels   Following Iraqi President Barham Salih's rejection of the last Al-Binaa nominee, Asad Aidani, the group maneuvered toward a withdrawal of confidence from Salih, but was unable to put together enough votes in parliament as the Kurds, Sunnis and some Shiite parties expressed their support for the president.

Salih has advised the parliament that he would only resign if Al-Binaa forces him to nominate a candidate who is not accepted by the people. To resign, he must send a formal resignation to the parliament. The resignation would then take effect after seven days if the parliament did not vote on it earlier.

Read more:

chattels   The worst-case scenario is conflict leading to civil war, which would turn different PMU forces against each other — Sadrist against Iran-backed forces in particular — and involve Iran and the United States as well. It could be a civil war with foreign involvement.

A military coup is also possible which would bring more crisis to the country as well. The website of the Iraqi Special Operations Forces (Counterterrorism Service) had published a military coup announcement before but it claimed later that its website had been hacked.

The above all indicate that Iraq is moving steadily toward a greater uncertainty that could affect the entire region unless the internal and external forces involved in Iraq reach an agreement relatively acceptable for all parties.

Read more:

chattels   New phase begins in fight against ISIS as terror group remains active in disputed territories

chattels   The dollar maintains its stability against the dinar for two months in a row

Monday 30, December 2019

chattels   And that's the way that it is from the news that I read out of Iraq on this Monday, December 30, 2019.

Chattels   Doug_W Very interesting " graphics " from the CBI, eh ?

chattels   Doug_W It must mean something, but what and whether such affects our interest ?

Doug_W   I quit "following" stuff like that years ago I figure when it happens we will ALL know it with in minutes so why ride that roller coaster ALL the time?

chattels   Doug_W Understood.

Doug_W   chattels but I still have my fingers crossed

Toto   NASA Confessions / NASA ADMITS WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON  Short  vid WOW Watch for yourself ?

Clay   Toto Good Morning

Toto   you have to watch before triggered programed reactions

Doug_W   Silver:$17.98

Doug_W   Clay unless RV I will sell 2K in silver 4 my NY Vaca this July

Doug_W   I sure hope gas doesn't spike

Matt   Toto :Thumbs-up We have been fooled & programed and they us our tax $ to do it. nasa get $53+ million a day from us

Clay   Doug_W hopefully it will go higher for ya when u sell

Doug_W   Clay its working Silver:$18.01

Clay   that would be good

JoeSchmoe   So one point about the above video. People have said that the footage of us going to the moon in '69 was fabricated and a made up video. So it would be just as easy(easier in fact) to get a bunch of people together to discredit it. Just sayin...

JoeSchmoe   Had Neil Armstrong, or any other astronaut that supposedly went to the moon, confessed that they never went, then it might be more believable.

Clay   agree

JoeSchmoe   could be a rocket scientist and discredit it. Who ya gonna believe

JoeSchmoe   You can find a video discrediting any factual event out there

joeSchmoe   If it was easy enough back in '69 to make a video of a man hovering on the moon, how much easier is it today to make a video of people hovering in a rocket ship(or whatever it is) discrediting it

Young_SC   Does anybody in here speak Arabic?

JoeSchmoe   Young_SC delta lol

Young_SC   Or understand it to a certain degree

JoeSchmoe   Young_SC LINK   translating videos from arabic to English

Andrewhatidid   good morning

Andrewhatidid   This to show how much fake news is out there

And how the media be bull  *

This an inside scoop from Iraqi ground - From the people - How they enjoying this new major economic boom  - That's coming real soon Q2(2ND QUARTER)

NN the Iraqi people are the one's to spark things up

The fake news, The media (MSM) and the deep state (dems)

It's their job to try and miss lead the people - NN get you confused/lost

Because they have nothing left,they don't know how to Stop Donald J Trump (Potus) The republicans, the patriots  The foreign investors, The Dinarians us period.

So the only thing they have left is to mislead - But despite their Bull the truth will always overcome......

Q2 (2ND QUARTER) - Major economic boom, Major Reform, Major economic turn aroun

Iraq sparking things up -- Other foreign countries to follow the same step after - 1 by 1= Major Reset..

Trump WINS WE WINS......Things looking super good but we heading to the greats


#RIGHT NOW things are looking super good but we heading to the greats



Andrewhatidid   have a great day and happy holidays again....


Frank26 and KTFA Members Monday PM 12-30-19


News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Afternoon 12-30-19