IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 4-27-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 4-27-20

Doug_W   A new meeting of Al-Kazemi with Shiite leaders tomorrow to agree on the new candidates

Representatives for / Nina: Al-Kazemi will present new candidates, and if they refuse, he will apologize for the appointment

Al-Fateh Alliance for / NINA: A session of granting confidence will not be held soon, and Al-Kazemi will verify the names of the candidates if they agree with the political blocs / expanded

Doug_W   #Update on KRG budget story: via Husham below, this is the letter to the Finance Ministry cutting the KRG off. It cites the relevant budget articles & notes that the KRG never fulfilled its part of the budget agreement.

Doug_W   So far, there is no political consensus on Al-Kazemi's booth  Editing Date: 25/4/205 15:25


Doug_W  Iraqi MP from Diyala Province: Diyala had more terrorist attacks this month than any other month in the past 2 years. There were 6 attacks in 1 week & 22 killed & injured. Reinforcements needed & creation of new brigade to fill security vacuum. LINK

Courtesy David M Witty

Doug_W   LINK

Doug_W   The Iraqi caretaker government requests the Ministry of Finance to stop the payment of salaries of Kurdistan Region employees to

 xyz   Judge Orders Arrest of Former GOP State Senator Involved With Crypto Scam

A federal judge in Texas has issued a bench warrant in response to a contempt motion brought by the SEC against former Republican Washington state Sen. David Schmidt.

Xyz   4-26-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling ...the IMF is rejecting requests for loans from Iraq because the IMF is sitting there looking at Iraq's value in their currency and they're telling them you need to add value to your currency...a

xyz   4-26-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 (from our Iraqi citizen) Saturday - Parliamentary experts on morning Iraqi TV saying due to obstacles, they expect Al-Kazimi to step down very soon. Basically, they are saying it is Iran's way or "no way." The next 48 hours will be crucial. Sunday - Al-Kazimi says to Shiites that he is not apologizing and will present his cabinet in 24 hours to parliament for a vote. Hundreds of militias of the Iran-backing have set up camp outside of Parliament...this is going be interesting.

Baxter   how can he step down.. when he hasnt even been appointed yet


Sandyf   @Xyz A Chinese journalist: North Korean leader is dead

Been rumours for a couple of weeks now, started with heart surgery and then brain problems and as mentioned death. South Koreans were saying there was nothing wrong but he hasn't been seen in public for over a fortnight and word is his sister has taken over.

Baxter LETS SEE... a Chinese journalist .. is saying he is dead...

Doug_W   #Iraq #oil minister: Oil revenues in 2019 $79.4 B. Estimates before last #Opec meeting and Brent crash for 2020 was $40 billion (based on Brent @$30/Be back later). With production cuts of 1 mbd in May & June and 800 kbd till end of year, and Brent close to $20/Be back later, my 2020 estimate~$25 B.

Oil development budget to IOCs (Opex+capex) was 15% of total oil revenues. To keep that ratio and assuming a best case scenario of $30 B oil revenues in 2020, #Iraq has to allocate IOCs close to $4.5 B this year. This is not enough to maintain production even after Opec cuts.

Iraq gets another 30-day sanctions waiver. U.S. seems to be calculating the sanctions threat confers diplomatic leverage that can help shape government formation. ( Editor-in-Chief of @iraqoilreport )


The House of Representatives reveals the voting mechanism for Al-Kazemi's booth

Editing Date: 4/26/2020 20:30 • 98 read times • Posted in section: Politics

Ayna News – Baghdad   , the second deputy of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bashir Al-Haddad, revealed, on Sunday, the voting mechanism for the cabin of commissioner Mustafa Al-Kazemi in the House of Representatives. ”

Al-Haddad said in a press statement,“ The taxpayer was scheduled to display his booth before Ramadan, but some political parties withdrew their support. Al-Kazemi, stressing that “discussions on forming the ministerial cabinet are ongoing and have not yet reached a result.

” Al-Haddad expected that “a session of granting confidence will be held in the first half of Ramadan or before the constitutional period if the cabin’s fate is like its predecessor.”

He pointed out that “a contract A session of granting confidence is not a condition for the electronic voting to take place Lee said, "There is a large hall in Parliament through which distances can be established between de


Doug_W   Shiite blocs agree with Al-Kazemi on the date to submit his cabinet in the House of Representatives

Monday 27, April 2020 09:19 | Political Number of Views: 587

Baghdad / Nina / Shiite blocs agreed with Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi during her meeting with him, which was held late Sunday night in the house of the President of the Alliance of the Hadi al-Amiri, on the date of submission of his ministerial cabinet to the House of Representatives, this weekend.

A political source said: "It has also been agreed on the share of these 12 ministries," adding that "the next meeting will be to nominate and agree on the names of candidates for ministries before taking them to the House of Representatives."

Note : I read of no date. Kazimi's designation " ends " on or about May 9 and before the end of Ramadan.

Other: Al-Kazemi has 3 difficult options for forming his next government  Monday 27, April 2020 

"Al-Kazemi presented the names of the candidates more than once to the Shiite political blocs and other blocs, and he changed some of them according to his vision and the observations of the political blocs", noting that there are objections from some blocs to the names, some of which are public, such as the coalition of Iraqi forces and the other is secret, because they feel that they will not get Ministerial Portfolio, and thus Al-Kazemi's booth will face rejection. ”

Al-Kazemi sends the names of 8 candidates to ministerial portfolios for auditing after agreeing to the letter

Editing Date: 27/4/207 14:38 •

Baghdad / Nina / Foreign currency markets in Iraq recorded, on Monday, stability in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar for the second day in a row.

And the prices of buying and selling the dollar in banking companies and offices recorded the following:




crazycrypto   never trust commie china

crazycrypto   remember they are the reason we are in this mess

xyz   Washington is awaiting the formation of a "credible government" in Iraq to take this decision

Time: 04/27/2020 10:58:37   (International: Al Furat News) A US State Department official said that the United States renewed an exception allowing Iraq to import electricity from Iran, but for a shorter period this time.

The official added that Washington would reassess the possibility of renewing the exception again once a "credible government" was formed in Iraq.

"The secretary of state granted this short extension of the exception to allow time for the formation of a credible government" in Iraq, the official said, referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

He indicated that this exception would expire on May 26.

Washington has repeatedly extended the exception it gives to Baghdad, which requires the use of important Iranian energy supplies for the Iraqi electricity grid, and the exception has been extended for periods ranging from 90 to 120 days.

The United States insisted that Iraq, the oil producing country and member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), move towards energy self-sufficiency as a condition to exclude it from importing Iranian energy.

Earlier this month, the president of the republic commissioned the intelligence chief, Mustafa al-Kazemi, to form a new government, the third figure charged with forming the government within ten weeks, at a time when the country is doing its best to form a government to replace the government that fell last year after months of protests that witnessed deaths.

"If this government takes over its work, the Secretary of State will re-evaluate whether the exception will be renewed and for how long," said the State Department official.

Relations between Washington and Baghdad were strained after the United States said it was disappointed that Iraqi forces had failed to protect American forces stationed in Iraq.

Forces have been several rocket attacks this year alone , the United States blames them on a

 xyz  LINK

Xyz   The Governor of the Central Bank explains why banks are reluctant to lend

Monday, 27 April 2020 10:42 AM   The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Al-Alaq, announced that the rate of non-performing loans to banks exceeds 20 percent, considering them one of the "anomalous" rates in the world.

Al-Alaq said in a press statement: "Iraq suffers from the phenomenon of defaulting on loan repayments, which leads to banks' reservation on the lending process in general."

He added: "The rate of default in the repayment of loans exceeds 20 percent, and this is a record and anomalous rate in comparison between Iraq and other countries of the world, where the default rate does not exceed 1 or 2 percent."

The Governor of the Central Bank said: " When Iraq reaches this level, it makes banks and lenders hesitate a lot, and requests more guarantees." LINK

xyz   Official sources: The specter of failure looms over the formation of the Al-Kazemi government and brings it closer to the fate of his two predecessors

09:04 - 27/04/2020   The information / Baghdad .. An official newspaper reported, on Monday, that the specter of failure is hovering over the atmosphere of forming the government of Prime Minister-designate Mustafa Al-Kazemi, noting that there are fears of a repeat of the fate of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi and Adnan Al-Zarfi with Al-Kazemi.

"Al-Sabah" newspaper said in its issue issued today, and I saw it (the information), "It seems that the pessimism has returned and replaced the optimism that accompanied Mustafa Al-Kazemi's mandate to form the next government. And return the country to square one. ”

She added that "deputies revealed serious differences between the political blocs and the Prime Minister-designate on ministerial portfolios, and the blocs announced their withdrawal of support for Al-Kazemi, who announced it on his mandate on April 9 this year."

The newspaper quoted the deputy from the State of Law coalition, Kati al-Rikabi, as saying, "The negotiations and dialogue sessions have not been interrupted since the first day of the commissioning announcement, but until now the negotiations have not come out with a result, as they begin and end at the same point."

He added, “The Prime Minister-designate did not deal with the components properly, so the nature of duplication is the tyrant, and there are some components that give freedom to choose their representatives in the ministries and choose what they want from the ministries, and in return there is pressure on some of the components’s blocks not to allow them to express their opinion or Claiming its entitlement. ”

Doug_W   Oil-for-budget war reignites between Erbil and Baghdad

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Having spent a year shirking its end of the oil-for-budget agreement with Baghdad, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has said it is ready to hand over its quota of 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil in exchange for its share of the Iraqi federal budget.

Dara Rashid, the KRG planning minister, told a press conference in Erbil on Sunday the Kurdistan Region is ready to deliver the oil quota to Iraq’s State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) in return for public finances.

“We are ready not only to hand over 250,000 barrels of oil per day to Baghdad, but also to hand over the entire KRG oil product. But in return, Baghdad must commit to sending all the financial shares of the Kurdistan Region and the entitlements of the oil companies operating in Kurdistan Region oilfields,” Rashid said.

His remarks follow an April 16 order from the office of Iraq’s caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi calling on the Iraqi finance ministry to halt budget transfers to the KRG and to take back all transfers made since January 1, 2020.

The Iraqi oil ministry issued a letter to the government on October 2019 pointing out the KRG had yet to deliver the oil quota despite receiving funds.

Control of oil revenues has long been a thorny issue between Erbil and Baghdad. The KRG has operated an independent oil and gas sector since 2006 and later began exporting its oil to the international market via a pipeline through Turkey.

Years of tensions over the independent oil sales came to a head in 2014 when then-Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri al-Maliki suspended the Kurdistan Region’s share of the federal budget – leaving hundreds of thousands of public sector employees with unpaid salaries.

That same year, the Kurdish Peshmerga took control of security in the disputed territory of Kirkuk, allowing the KRG to also seize control of the province’s bountiful oilfields.


futuremoney   "As Iraq Turns"

 Doug_W4 sure

Doug_W" US gives Iraq exemption from sanctions on Iran to allow it to import Iranian energy but only for a month, the shortest exemption yet." - David M. Witty

The United States sets a period to exclude Iraq by importing electricity from Iran  Two hours ago

Today, Sunday (April 26, 2020), the United States of America renewed its exception for Iraq by importing electricity from Iran.

"The United States has renewed an exception that allows Iraq to import electricity from Iran, but for a shorter period this time," a State Department official said.

He pointed out that "Washington will reassess the possibility of renewing the exception again once a credible government is formed in Iraq."

He noted that "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo granted this short extension of the exception to allow time for the formation of a credible government."

And that "this exception will expire on May 26. Previous exceptions were granted for a period of three months."


Futuremoney   iraq is on the verge of extintion

futuremoney   wow...WTI dropped another 30 percent

futuremoney   iraq is the laughing stock of the entire world

futuremoney   everybody at the bank??

Dave   silver down 15.16......

futuremoney   surprised the market isnt down

Dave   pepsi-cola not going anywhere.....

Dave   Big pharm going up?

Dave   Big stocks,,,apple google amazon facebook

futuremoney   who knows..I have contacted every bank here for the one is taking applications

Dave   ppp?

futuremoney   so all the big dogs are getting the bones

Dave   always have

futuremoney   payroll protection program

Dave   playing stock markets seems to me to be a rich persons game......require a extensive portfolio....where brokers baby sit your cash 24/7

Dave   should have invested in Microsoft.......

futuremoney   just a legal way to rob people of their 401K

Dave   will rebound......

futuremoney   not good

Dave   lots of meat processing plants getting hammered distancing an issue

Dave   glad to see beaches churches massage reopening   COVID Symptom Tracker   Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats


This Is A Power Grab We Haven’t Seen Since 9/11


TNT, Sierra, PIR and more Monday 4-27-2020