IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 3-22-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 3-22-20

Chattels   Al-Zrafi confirms the start of his consultations to form the government

Monday 23, March 2020

chattels   Al-Zorfi confirmed that he started his consultations to form a government whose mission will be only one year, during which preparations are made for early elections.

chattels   "Regardless of the positions, I will only proceed with the agreement of all parties and components, because I want a government in which everyone participates", indicating that he continues His contacts with various parties, including the parties that are still conservative about his choice,

chattels   Al-Zrafi said that "the financial crisis that Iraq is currently experiencing due to the collapse of oil prices, is one of the most important things that must be faced and working on it seriously."

 chattels   Not much news out there except Coronavirus, low price of oil and issues with the current Iraqi PM designate. Yada, yada, yada.

Doug_W   chattels tough times Eh?

chattels   And that's way that it is from the news that I find and read out of Iraq on this Monday, March 23,2020.

Clay   who would have ever thought we can end in a depression

Baxter   I know

JoeSchmoe   Clay what do you think about that stimulus, think it's gonna happen?

Clay   my business is beginning to sink

JoeSchmoe   all my clients canceled   of course    right thing to do

JoeSchmoe   you don't think we wll get it/

Baxter   you might as well stay home right now Clay..... this State is locked up.. big time

Clay   in time   but people need it now

JoeSchmoe   yep   "It's my money and I need it now!!"

Clay   massage therapists in my office are also feeling it JoeSchmoe

JoeSchmoe   Clay are still working?

Clay   bet there will be a run on the banks

JoeSchmoe   i guess the 'stay at home' hasn't hit your state yet?

Clay   JoeSchmoe yes so far   not yet

JoeSchmoe   what state?

Clay   just had 2 infected in my county    NC       western

JoeSchmoe   I've turned into a hypochondriac

Clay   lol  better that than getting the virus   healthy people will get through this

JoeSchmoe   my head is kinda swooning right now, so I'mthinking should i call my dr?

Clay   its like China started this to cull out the sick

JoeSchmoe   Clay yea...but I don't want to feel the worse flu Ive ever felt

Clay   JoeSchmoe most dont get any symptoms

JoeSchmoe   and there's no way I can NOT help my parents

Clay   as long as u and your loved ones survive

JoeSchmoe   they depend on me and my brother

Clay   JoeSchmoe of course they r family

JoeSchmoe   my dad is 92 and mother I can't be infected  even asymptomatic

Clay   yes they need to stay home unfortunately

JoeSchmoe   Clay talking about me being able to help them IF I become exposed

Doug_W   IF U have to go wear a mask (Tight fitting with NO facial hair) and gloves

Clay   anyone can carry it with no symptoms thats what makes it dangerous

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W ya well can you mail me some masks?  none anywhere over here

Clay   JoeSchmoe Doug_W then someone else will have to man up

Doug_W   I have 3 from a purchase 2 yrs ago to keep lawn dust out of my sinuses  gave 1 to Diane

JoeSchmoe   actually, my sister is mailing some to my brother to give my parents. But IDK if there will be any for us   I am in CA.   Doug_W haflway joking....but not

JoeSchmoe   "I've been speaking about this for over a week now, and if you are a young person in America today, you need to stay home," she said. "There was so much messaging about how coronavirus is only impacting older people and that younger people don't have to worry about it for their personal health. Well, let me tell you something, in the state of New York, about 55 percent of our cases are with folks 18 to 49."


JoeSchmoe   Fauci was responding to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which, after studying more than 4,000 cases in the U.S., showed that about 40 percent of those who were hospitalized for the virus as of March 16 were ages 20 to 54. Among the most critical cases, 12 percent of intensive care admissions were among those ages 20 to 44, while 36 percent were for those 45 to 64

kevin311312   sounds like a lot of fighting going on in Iraq ,U.S. and iran

JoeSchmoe   Clay one thing about the stimulus package, it looks as if no matter which way they vote, Americans as individuals will still get that $1200

Clay   hope so

JoeSchmoe   they are just hung up on whether corporations should get what they are projecting

Clay   they should otherwise when this is over there will be no jobs   need the corporations

JoeSchmoe   Clay you are good as far as the call to stay in. Doesn't mean the reason why they would tell you that isn't what could happen still before hand

JoeSchmoe   THAt is why more cases appear in less infected states

Doug_W   Baghdad – news   Political expert Ihsan al-Shammari confirmed today, Monday, that the escalation of corruption in Iraq exceeds the number of people infected with Coronavirus.

Dave   people hear are Not honouring social distancing

Clay   here they mostly are except the millennials they are not

Clay   think nothing will happen to them, but forget they have parents and grandparents

Dave   1 in 3 young folks getting hospitalized

Dave   the problem with this Chinese Bug is that it is so contagious?

Clay   are u getting subsidized by the gov since they closed u

Clay   yep

Dave   Clay yeah check in the Mail

Clay  hope that happens here     r they also paying you to live on

Clay   we all heard that b4 lol

Dave   Govt offices getting hundreds of thousands of calls a day to get checks.......

Dave   Food Banks shut down due to fears of transmission

Clay   wow the great depression

Dave   Clay just starting

Futuremoney   such a load of crap

futuremoney   reg flu kills every year from 50,000 to 100,000 people and the gov dont blink an eye

Dave   800 and ramping up each day in Italy........30days.....lots of funerals

futuremoney   oohhhhhh we got 300 peeps that died..shut the dam country down!!!!!

Dave   futuremoney now shutting down pROVINCIAL BORDERS

LeLe   futuremoney something about this virus is not right. They want you to stay inside but you have a curfew. Like you said how many have died from the common flu?

futuremoney   it just smacks of an agaenda

Dave   YEAH i suppose the WHO CDC and all the Drs have it wrong too????

Futuremoney   how do you explain it...50-100 thousand every year die of the flu and the gov, WHO and everybody else doesnt even flinch

Dave   futuremoney Flinching now....   beyond my pay grade

Dave   Not hearing much on the game changing Quinine either????

Futuremoney   Dave NY is starting it today or tomorrow...wouldnt you think they would have started it IMMEDIATELY!!??

futuremoney   oh nooo lets wait a week....

LeLe   futuremoney kids are out of school here. They are out playing all day. And it's way more than 10 playing together. If that's the case they can be in school.

futuremoney   LeLe exactly...doesnt make any sense

futuremoney   ohio is shut down til the 6th???? How the hell is that going to help????

LeLe   futuremoney Chicago is shut down but they have a 5 pm curfew

Dave   Canada not going to the Olympics in Japan as scheduled.........

Dave   Japan has yet to cancel it????????

Doug_W   I have NOT cancelled my trip to NY either

Dave   Doug_Wjust do not wait until they shut down State borders

Dave   Doug_W Canada almost shut down entirely now .....1400 cases ..20 deaths

Dave   seems to be on par with regular flu?

futuremoney   Dave absolutely not

xyz   Election year in Canada?

Dave   Minority Govt......every yr potential election yr

Dave   need bipartisan support

Dave   Trudeau:"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH GO HOME STAY HOME...Emergency Act to go forward.....This evening"......?


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