IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 2-24-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Monday 2-24-20

Zig   Speaking of just emailed this to me: "There's a new document out on the CBI website that talks about the economy, inflation and plans for the dinar which is 25 pages when translated and it's pretty clear that there is no intent to RV the currency. LOL.

You might want to give that link to your followers who still believe in the guru nonsense....To summarize , they make it pretty clear that the growth of the dinar will be based on the growth of the economy. Which is what I've been saying for a long long time. Kap..


Zig   Wilder : Nothing seems to be obvious to read via Kap's link so I have asked him to expound.....provide something we can easily read, etc.....

Kaperoni   KRmMS I am very optimistic with this investment I just don't buy into the overnight RV/RI nonsense. Not how currencies work not how monetary policy works.

Kaperoni   The truth is if the currency is ever going to go up in value it's going to be as a result of the growth of the economy and Iraq. It's not going to be some magical overnight nonsense but the gurus keeps stating. You think they get tired of it but I guess they're making a lot of money so they're going to keep saying it over and over and over again but the fact is it's never going to RV or RI

Kaperoni   Zig Hi Zig, because for one it is not how monetary policy works. And the CBI is not a joke. They are a professional organization utilizing professional techniques to manage and control the financial system in Iraq. Two, there is to much currency in circulation.

Three, Iraq's total mineral net worth is 15 - 16 trillion dollars. At the current dinar in circulation, a 1 to $1 RV would completely bankrupt the country literally 3 times the entire worth of minerals including oil.

Four, such an event would completely throw the entire financial system into chaos in Iraq.

Five, monetary policy is a group of tools that support the demands of the financial system. A RV or RI completely circumvents that process. For example the CBI generates revenue from the buy/sell of currency.

It also reserves the right to raise or lower the value to counter inflation or deflation from time to time if needed. A RV would not only create chaos, but would prevent the usage of those tools.

And lastly a currencies value is determined by market forces. Not some random or arbitrary value. That is 6 solid reasons the dinar could never and will never will RV/RI. Our only hope is a gradual appreciation directly related to the success of the private sector/market economy.

WhitelionsThe Central Bank concludes the e-clearing system course The Central Bank of Iraq concluded a course entitled (electronic clearing system C-ACH) on February 20, 2020 organized by the Center for Banking Studies in this bank.

The course aimed to provide bank employees with comprehensive knowledge about the clearing system approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, and 31 trainees from government and private banks participated in the course.

The Central Bank of Iraq  information Office  2/23/2020


Whitelions   The Central Bank issues the brochure of the Foreign Currency Sales Window for 2019 The Central Bank of Iraq issued a brochure entitled: “The window for selling foreign currency in the Central Bank of Iraq ”, which clarifies the administrative framework for financing imports and the mechanism of selling foreign currency to banks in covering their customers ’requests, and the process of collecting and sterilizing the local currency considering that this bank represents the monetary authority in Iraq.

The Central Bank of Iraq information Office 2/24/2020  »To view the brochure " The Foreign Currency Selling Window in the Central Bank of Iraq "... click here


chattels   Pompeo urges Iraq’s Allawi to protect US troops, strike deal with Kurds and Sunnis

chattels   “Pleased to speak with new #Iraq PM-designate Mohammed Allawi. I welcomed his promise to hold early elections, reaffirmed our commitment to Iraq, urged an end to violence, and called for accountability and urgent action to address protesters’ legitimate demands,” Pompeo said in a tweet following the call.

Whitelions   The central bank issues the Banking Law Book The Central Bank of Iraq issued a new book in which it compiled banking laws as published in the Iraqi Fact Sheet, to facilitate and reduce time for professionals, researchers and dealers in those laws, with the deposit number 3005 for the year 2019 in the Iraqi Books and Documents House.

The Central Bank of Iraq  information Office  2/24/2020 »To view the Banking Law Book ... click here


chattels   Allawi faces an uphill struggle. Last week he called for an extraordinary session of parliament to be held on Monday to seek approval for his cabinet. The session did not materialized, however, as parliament’s Sunni and Kurdish minorities continue to demand their choice of candidates.

Kurds and Sunnis have largely rejected Allawi’s approach to picking his own “independent, technocratic” candidates, fearing their communities will be marginalized from power by the Shiite majority.

chattels  Rejecting Allawi’s call for a parliamentary session on Monday, Parliamentary Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi and his deputy Hassan al-Kaabi said they must first meet to examine the resumes of Allawi’s chosen ministers and his cabinet manifesto.

Zig   Whitelions : Hi to comment about Kaperoni's post to me at 12:12 AM?....would be interested in your take....he does make sense to me though not what I want to hear obviously......

Whitelions   Zig hay I'l go look at it but mostly I just laugh because I have no use for him .

Patty   chattels Does Allawi even have a chance of selecting his chosen ministers?

chattels   Mahmoud Othman: The Kurds will participate in the government of Muhammad Allawi, according to the terms / expanded  Mon24, February 2020

chattels   Patty It is an uphill battle, but certainly there is a chance.

chattels   Parliament Presidency receives the new government curriculum

Monday 24, February 2020

Zig   Whitelions :....I would like your honest opinion about that possible scenario as you also have been researching this for a long time....

chattels   The Alliance of Forces ( * Sunni ) renews its position rejecting the commission of Muhammad Allawi to form the government and not attending the parliament’s voting session to be held next Thursday

Monday 24, February 2020

chattels   The central bank sells more than $ 234 million in the currency auction

Monday 24, February 2020

Patty   Zig Must admit though that Kaperoni's post was extremely succinct.

Young_SC   Zig There is no possible scenerio of a float, that is what whitelions, myself, Dave and Tebow has been saying for the last 2 years

Young_SC   Ones currency being controlled by other sources Not feesible and CBI had already stated no float

Young_SC   How does floating currency help citizens of Iraq??

Clay   agree   never beleived in the float theory

Young_SC   Fluctiating currency depending on investment?? If im an investor and i hear that nonsense then im not investing there because there in no gurantees

Clay   and like you said CBI said no

Young_SC   Im not sure why do you guys listen to kap

Zig   Young_SC : We consider all scenarios....

Young_SC   If kap stated it as opinion then ok cool that is his opinion but for some reason he is presenting his nonsense as facts trying to persuade strangers on the internet that he is correct

Young_SC   Zig im trying to tell you there is no float so how can you consider all scenerios lol

Young_SC   That makes no sense  Zig if you're an investor would you invest in a country with all your resources to a floating currency??

Young_SC   10 years to float to a dollar then in 2 weeks drop down to 1/1 10 of a penny

Zig   Young_SC : ;dont no;

chattels   In the document: Parliament forms a committee headed by the first deputy to study the ministerial curriculum presented by the government

Monday 24, February 2020

Young_SC   Its not complicated brother lol

chattels   Another committee in Iraq. Be still my heart.

Zig   Young_SC : I have a simple :T-Y: for your comments.....

Zig   At least they are good at forming committees..... :yes:

chattels   This is a comment from very early this AM, reposting: the Kurds & Sunnis were prepared to back MTA in fact, if he'd nominated who they wanted. But his bigger problem is passive or active opposition from a range of Shia factions.

chattels   Bear in mind the importance of "passive opposition" - it isn't necessary for MPs to show up and vote against MTA. The challenge is getting 165 MPs (out of 329) to show up so there is quorum so a vote can be held. Leaders like Abadi and Maliki can impede him by not showing up.

chattels   Rumors circulating that not all Sadrist MPs back him, either. The Sadrists have long been the most disciplined. If they can't keep in line, then there is no chance at all.

 chattels   I doubt that the current Ministers in Parliament are in any hurry to lose their jobs. The only greater threat is from the demonstrators and that the MP's that may lose their lives. Anarchy.

chattels   Patty does not intend to be a sesquipedalian.

Whitelions   Zig I know you would but opinions are like gurus , expels a lot of hot air with very little facts that matter, other than to the person talking , we have way to much in dinar land . We post the news coming out and most have been in this investment a long time and should be able to understand what is really going on . I got off the guru roller coaster always having to prove them ether right or wrong in kaps case 99 % wrong .

Zig   Whitelions : So you lump Kaperoni in with all the other "Gurus?"......That's where we differ.....I consider Kap to be in the "Researcher" category.....

crazy crypto   all these articles as well are very misleading

crazy crypto   lots of iranian influenced propaganda trying to hold onto what power and control they have left in Iraq    babylon literally means confusion   and boy isnt that the truth of iraq

Whitelions   Zig thats ok he may have people that will do the research for and write for him under his direction but I've watched over the years and he has not learned much on dealing with people and if you cant grow as the research grows because the facts dont lie ,but if you feel you have to ram your facts down peoples throats more than like and in his case 99% of the time they arent worth the time it took to type them.

chattels   There has been confusion regarding the session of #Iraq parliament to consider the new Allawi cabinet. PM speaker Halbusi has been reluctant to call the session and for now only a meeting of the parliament presidency on Mon is scheduled, no session as such    LINK

chattels   Halbusi says the presidency and a committee need time to consider the proposed programme of PM designate Allawi when it is ready. That in itself is in conformity with art 49 of the #Iraq parliament bylaws.

Patty   chattels Do you see where the demonstrators are backing off a bit?

chattels   Halbusi has previously said the parliament presidency needs 2 days to consider the new govt programme when it is submitted. That is not in the bylaws but it's not unreasonable in light of art. 49 demands for a considered evaluation of the programme ahead of any votes.

crazy crypto   halbusi is backed by iran

chattels   Courtesy

crazy crypto   snake

chattels   crazy crypto Got a link for that ?

crazy crypto   look up his history

crazy crypto   a den of thieves  like i said iran is trying to delay and hold onto whatever power they can that is left      once they lose it they are done for

Matt   Dow Jones Industrial Average  INDEXDJX: .DJI  28,161.38 −831.03 (2.87%) coronavirus scare

chattels   Patty The protests have abated in Baghdad, but there is considerable demonstration in Nasiriyah ongoing.

crazy crypto   corona virus was first introduced in in dean kootz boook in 1981

crazy crypto   these tins are planned methodically by the elite

chattels   I am somewhat familiar with Halbousi. First of all, he is a Sunni. Strange bedfellow for Iran.

Patty   Matt It's getting there. Think the Dow will drop some more? What's gold at now?

crazy crypto    rulin class

chattels   crazy crypto Strikes me a bit simplistic in analysis, but each to their own beliefs.

crazy crypto   kobe bryant was part of the boulee foundation  same s lebron , gay z, oprah

crazy crypto   a secet society for the rich black men and women  to protect the baphomet system funded by rothchilds   find the kobe and corona virus connection  bu ried in corona del mar

Matt   Patty Charts

chattels   crazy crypto There is arguably some news support for your position.

Sep 17, 2018   Iraq's new house speaker challenges US sanctions on Iran

crazy crypto   yes chattels

crazy crypto    these are agents of iran in my opinion    so is sadr  wolves in sheep clothing so to speak    sad

 Whitelions   Parliament presidency sets next Thursday a date for a session to give confidence to the Allawi government Parliament presidency has set next Thursday, the date for the session to give confidence to the government of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

In his speech, Allawi called for a session to be held on Monday, which met the objection of the Sunni and Kurdish blocs that did not reach an agreement with Allawi regarding the cabinet.

Yesterday, Hassan Al-Kaabi, Deputy Speaker of Parliament, called for a session on Wednesday, just before Parliament Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi called for a meeting of the Presidency that resulted in the holding of the extraordinary session next Thursday.


chattels   crazy crypto Also, Iraq Elects Pro-Iran Sunni As Parliament Speaker

crazy crypto   i truly hope this government can be formed soon

crazy crypto   chattels he has deep ties with al ameri   which is very bad   iranian thugs in suits

Whitelions   Iran resumes exporting non-oil goods to Iraq through an "attractive" port The director of the commercial station in the border region of “Attractive” announced the resumption of exporting non-oil goods to Iraq through the attractive port that corresponds to the Al-Shaib border crossing.

The Fares News Agency quoted Ali Farhoudi as saying that "the Iraqi border guards closed last Friday and in a preventive step against the Corona virus, the graying crossing, stressing that Iranian exports began to flow again today, according to the program and coordination with Iraqi merchants in an attractive border market."

Farhoudi pointed out, "According to the data of the Customs Authority in Attractive, Iranian exports to Iraq recorded about 400 million dollars in the past 11 months."


Chattels  Sources reveal what is included in the government curriculum

Matt   Zig really

chattels   The sources said that "the government curriculum included preparing for early elections, extending the rule of law, developing the economy, achieving development and caring for young people, meeting the legitimate demands of the people, and emphasizing balanced external relations."

Today, Monday, the government curriculum for Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi arrived at the Presidency of the Parliament.

And the Presidency of the Council of Representatives has decided next Thursday as the date for the session to give confidence to the Allawi government.

chattels   " .............. , developing the economy, ................"

chattels   Guru translation. " RV ".    

Chattels  Economist: The budget deficit will be very large and can only be overcome by three things

chattels   "The deficit is very large and can be overcome only through three axes. Either reduce operating expenses to a very large degree, especially the item of allocations and benefits, or resort to taxes. This is also a very big burden on the Iraqi people, or external borrowing, and this also bears the weight of future generations. ".

chattels   No mention of deleting the zeroes or " RV " as a solution / remedy.

chattels   Frankly, I would not expect any news or advance notice of such an impactful economic event(s).

Wilder   chattels The gurus have got that covered.

chattels   Yet the gurus repetitively cite the budget and other public documents as showing a new rate / value for the IQD.

chattels   Not going to happen that way, if at all, IMO.

Clay   I still believe nothing will happen until Iranian influence is gone in Iraq

Whitelions   chattels your right they will never ever post that they are going to change the rate of their currency ,BUT we have all been in this a long time and can fallow what and how things are going in that country and the people that tell you they have advanced knowledge are nothing but scammers that lie to people for what their Private agenda's dictate .


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