IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 11-15-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Friday 11-15-19

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi discussed with parliamentary integrity the issue of termination of agencies.

A statement from his office said that Abdul-Mahdi received the chairman and members of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee.

He explained that "during the meeting discussed the role played by the Commission on Integrity and Cooperation in the fight against corruption and the preservation of public funds to implement decisions and reform measures, as well as the issue of termination of agencies."

The committee affirmed "its support for the government's efforts to fight corruption, dismantle its system and expose the corrupt."

chattels   Have the Iraq protests hit a dead end? Initially rocked the establishment But now PM Abdul Mahdi has rallied w/support of domestic & foreign parties Are protests sites still putting any pressure on regime? Do they need to find new tactics?

 chattels   Overall, the protests have hit a dead end. Initially they were so large and met with so much violence by the government that it sent a shock wave through the establishment. Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi said he was willing to resign. Since then, he has gotten the support of both domestic and foreign parties and is now intent on staying in office. That means if the demonstrations don’t find new tactics to increase the pressure upon the administration they will eventually lose.

Chattels   Not much for news out there this morning. Typical Holy Day in Iraq.

Chattels   November 12, 2019 -" The unprecedented protests in Iraq underline the reality that Iraq is slowly failing as a state. Though life inside the country has improved in some ways, there are still nearly a million new job-seekers each year left unemployed, militias continue to openly humiliate the government, and little is being done to prepare for the day when oil rents can no longer cover the huge bill for the bloated government payroll and social benefits.

Meanwhile, the political parties and bloc leaders that rule Iraq are content to let the country collapse as long as it serves their near-term parochial interests.

Fundamental change is needed: to the nature of party politics, endemic corruption, undue influence by foreign-backed militias, and elections that are at best rigged but are increasingly outright stolen. In private, almost none of my senior Iraqi political contacts bothers to refute any of the above facts." - Michael Knights

chattels   At the end of the day, we may just be able to" bet on the next generation of Iraqis."

foxmulder   chattels Good Morning ... that is looking like a possible reality , that if there is a change in monetary policy it may be for the future.

Baxter   great... that does me alot of good

foxmulder   Baxter LOL Good Morning .. same here BAX

Crazycrypto   Live your life forget about the dinar for now look forward to a new year in 2020 dont let this investment consume your life. Take a break from chat rooms, forums etc..if your kids benefit depending how old you are then so be it.

Iraq will more than likely have to have re elections in order to get a proper gov that wont kill the iraqi citizens and steal from them without giving them basic needs.The UN needs to oversee who gets into their government.

Baxter   you are most likely correct... its gonna take a whole new govt..

Baxter   this one aint gettin it

Crazycrypto   yep unfortunately

Crazycrypto   some have said the dismantling of the mahdi government can take place as early as next week

Crazycrypto   so then lies the question is their a transitional government already in place?

Crazycrypto   cant run a country without a government

Crazycrypto   what a mess the iranians have caused

spankie   without the rioting and a change in the gov we would never see a free Iraq-- the peeps know and they will get change or burn it down

Crazycrypto   agreed spankie Iran is embedded in that country wit their own agenda they need to be pushed out

spankie   keep them starved and broken- they will have to comply- nice place to live- not

Crazycrypto   almost as if some ME countries refuse to come into the modern world but then u gotta look at who runs those countries old religious cleric using stone age rules and ideas opressing a modern young citizen wont work especially as they have access to the internet and social media and see how other countries citizens live they want that as well.

spankie   we think that our way is best but there is a flaw in the consumer based society-- taking a toll on the environment-

spankie   controlling the masses do not work- just giving people what they need w-out working does not either

spankie   middle east seems barbaric to me- stoning to death for small infractions--

spankie   crypto    laterz- they need purchase power to rebuild- enuf said

Andrewhatidid   you know why i didnt come back on monday its kuz im like most of your (YOU ARE)  aware of whats going on and decide to post what your (YOU)  feel like and the other just do it on purpose to pass time but bkuz its been quiet in the news lately for your since when united nations expert been in iraq (?)

you know im not like the gurus i dont like giving dates and rates but its a good thing to be quiet this weekend its bkuz they preparing for....... shhh shhh but ill give your  (YOU) a deja vu of kuwait then maybe youll be able to guess the right answer but we closer then (THAN) ever to what iraqi people (HAVE) been figthing for

Andrewhatidid   3 Reasons the Kuwaiti Dinar Surged After the Iraqi Invasion

Investors all over the world following dinar updates are waiting for the Iraqi dinar to revalue. Many have pinned their hopes for a change in the value of this currency on the example set by the Kuwaiti dinar.

Although the value of the Kuwaiti dinar fell after Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, it is now the strongest currency in the world. Is it possible that the Iraqi dinar will rebound similarly?

3 Reasons the Kuwaiti Dinar Surged After the Iraqi Invasion

The Central Bank of Kuwait re-issued the Kuwaiti dinar after the country regained its independence

The Central Bank of Kuwait enforced a strict policy of currency control to protect the value of the currency

The Central Bank of Kuwait controlled the currency because Kuwait is an oil-rich country with a stable economy

The Kuwaiti dinar, the currency of the country of Kuwait, is the highest valued currency in the world. What this means is that a currency converter showing the Kuwaiti dinar-to-dollar ratio shows 1 Kuwaiti dinar currently equals 3.29 United States dollars.

Essentially, a foreign exchange transaction favors a Kuwaiti investor over an American investor. In other words, it is easier for a Kuwaiti company to make an investment in US assets than for an American company to make an investment in Kuwaiti assets—

because a money transfer of Kuwaiti dinar to USD transaction would be inexpensive for Kuwaiti investors. However, a USD to Kuwaiti dinar transaction would be expensive for American investors.

Andrewhatidid   What astonishes currency investors is how Kuwait’s economy recovered after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait led by Saddam Hussein devastated that country.

The invasion of Kuwait also depreciated the value of the Kuwaiti dinar. After the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, the Kuwaiti dinar surged in value for a few important reasons.

1. The Central Bank of Kuwait Re-issued the Kuwaiti Dinar after Kuwait Gained Independence in 1991

A new series of Kuwait dinar was issued because Saddam Hussein had stolen a large quantity of the country’s currency. This redenomination invalidated the value of the previous series of the currency.

The old issue of the national currency no longer had any value, and the Kuwaiti government now only considered the new Kuwaiti dinar denominations to be legal tender.

Andrewhatidid   The people of Kuwait used the third series of the Kuwaiti currency before the invasion of Kuwait. The Central Bank of Kuwait had issued this in 1980 to honor Emir Jaber al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah’s crowning.

It is this series that the Iraqi government declared as illegal legal tender, substituting the Iraqi dinar as the new national currency. After Kuwait’s liberation, the Central Bank of Kuwait introduced a fourth series with enhanced security features.

This restored the lost conversion rate of the third series and became the only Kuwaiti dinar that people could use to buy anything. The Kuwaiti people could not use denominations from the third series for trading, market transactions, exports or for any other purpose.

A brief history of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait can help explain how redenomination works and why the Kuwaiti government considered it necessary.

In 1990, Saddam Hussein’s military invaded Kuwait in a two-day operation from August 2nd to the 4th in 1990. After Iraq occupied the country, many Kuwaitis fled, taking as much money as possible. Since Kuwait was no longer a sovereign nation, the value of the currency plummeted, forcing those in exile to exchange their Kuwaiti

Andrewhatidid   so when your saw Iraq say they lost billions of dollar doing the protest demonstration it was all part of the plan to gain their stability.....

Andrewhatidid   so when i hear the gurus keep saying the demonstrations have nothing to do with them revaluating their currency and restoring iraq im like wtf how can it have nothing to do with it when its part of their country like for 10 or 15 years youve been in something what have you learn ?

Andrewhatidid   whats funny is when they get intimated by a 24 years old that was only been in this for 11months fresh out maximum prison almost 4 years ago to the point they say i act like i know it all but when the answers been right afront  (IN FRONT) of them the whole time like Qannon quoted -  but anyways thanks to the iraqi people thanks to god thanks to the great leaders now your finally going to get what your (YOU’VE)  waited for for so long

Andrewhatidid   but i dont act like i know it all i just pay attention deep in and in it to win it and thriving for us to rise and i read and re read until i (AM) 100% understand what i read -  just like trump did last night and his speech with highlighting words he dont understand  -- something the gurus need to do instead of being behind their computers always negative and saying dumb things when even super rich people do the same thing i tell them 2 do bkuz they just be sounding stupid and looking like clowns like the deep state the dems saying dumb stuff


 Andrewhatidid   me i cant wait to start school for nursing i want all the degrees just like the iraqi people i cant wait when we rise

Andrewhatidid   another thing i would say you saw their soccer team they (ARE) killing it right now playing international 2 yu know what that mean (means) right


Andrewhatidid   they won over iran yesterday they (they’re) heading to the world cup oh my bad they (are) already part of it

Andrewhatidid   Sometimes i ask myself why do The deep state The dems do that to their self (themselves)

DIGGING THEIR OWN HOLES....since 8:45 they started this impeachment hearing inquiry how ever they call it and they still got it going on and they still come out with nothing  but not posting the real truth like Iraq soccer team it's part of the world cup now peace is being done by this foreign countries  - deals are being done

G.C.R its heading there Iraq restoring and reevaluating  - we heading there  - why they dont post truth like that but spending hours of hours to come out with nothing OH YAH I KNOW WHY BECAUSE THEY DON'T WON'T THE PEOPLE TO KNOW THE TRUTH



Andrewhatidid   Now have a great day


Delta and KTFA Members Friday Afternoon 11-1-19


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Update and Chat 11-15-19