Holly, Judy, Nader and more....Friday AM 3-4-2022

Friday Thoughts from Holly

Good morning roomies

We are coming to the close of another week and another weekend is upon us. Did we make progress this week, yes. Do we have our rv yet, not yet.

I posted months back what we are waiting on and we still are waiting on those same things. Until those go and they can be hours of each other, we wait.

They were: the German bonds, F&P’s, adjudicated, D1&2, these things need to still happen before we see the rv.

Again it can happen any moment within hours of each other.

 I will be taking the weekend off again from posting unless something happens.

Kept the faith. Stay positive and strong. You were born for this moment in time. It’s your destiny. Never, ever give up. -Holly

RV Excerpts from th Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 4 March 2022

Compiled Fri. 4 March 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Bruce: Bond Holders were told they would have their monies in their accounts after the Markets closed Fri. evening 4 March and have full access to their account monies on Sat. 5 March and Sun. 6 March.

MarkZ: I am still hearing the 3rd to the 6th for Historic Bond people to be paid and the 6th and 7th for Prosperity Packages, CMKX and those funds.

Bruce: Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set appointments on Mon. 7 March, or Tues. 8 March and start exchanges on Tues. 8 March.

The General Public should be able to exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates on Mon. 14 March.

On Thurs. 3 March the 1871 Act of England became defunct with the official finalization of the Bankruptcy of City Of London, Vatican & Washington D.C. In other words, the Cabal was broke.

To do the QFS transfer all World Banks need to close for 3 days to be able to do it. They have between 3 to 5 days to do this.  By Law no longer than 5 days is allowed. It does make most sense across a weekend. You will need some cash out as ATM’s/ EFTPOS machines will go down.


Thurs. 3 March 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Bond Holders were told they would have their monies in their accounts after the Markets closed Fri. evening 4 March. They would get confirmation that they would have full access to their account monies on Sat. 5 March and Sun. 6 March.

A lead Bank had a conference call today that told them Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set appointments on Mon. 7 March, or Tues. 8 March and start exchanges on Tues. 8 March.

Iraq has been blacked out since Mon. 28 Feb, though were thought to have completed everything they needed to do and would go so at the same time as Tier 4B.

There were nine countries still on the old SWIFT Financial System and wouldn’t be on the new Quantum Financial System until Fri. 11 March.

The General Public would be able to exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates on Mon. 14 March.

HSBC was the lead bank for the world. Wells Fargo was the lead bank for the US.

On Sun. night 6 March work schedules would go out to workers at 4800 Redemption Centers.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/03/04/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-march-4-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East   The exchange rate, where you guys called the program rate...It was made for what?  To punish us.  We've been punished a lot I think.  It's enough punishment.  Whatever you hear from the IMF or from the bank of the world, the CEO of the CBI, Finance Minister, it's all bullshit...the rate, if it revalued tomorrow it's gonna make things better.  It's not going to hurt the economy.  It's going to help the economy 200%-300%...   [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Nader From The Mid East   a businessman like me when I go to the United States to sell my things you know how much it cost me when I exchange for 1460...Just my trip to pay for...plane and the hotel...food and all that?  When you want to come over here..it costs you nothing...you need $5 or $6,000 to make a trip to Iraq...when I come to United States...Almost $20,000 for a week...don't believe anything the IMF, the World Bank...it's [raising the rate] gonna help the economy People will have more money.  People will spend more money.  People will start traveling...people will do a lot of things with the exchange rate.  People can come to the United States. Can go to Europe ... and have purchasing power.  For now we have nothing.   [Post 2 of 2]

IRaQi Dinar Evening Update 3-03-22

Rapid Updates:  Mar 3, 2022



MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 3-3-2022


"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 3-4-2022