Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 10-9-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 10-9-23

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Israel Latest: Army Reserves Called Up, Chevron Shuts Gas Field

"Chevron was told by Israel to shut down an offshore natural gas platform, citing safety concerns. Oil rose and the conflict shook local markets, with the shekel dropping despite a huge support package from the central bank."

Yesterday, we talked about prices on paper currencies fluctuating during a time of War. Today, we are going to take a look at what happens to the commodities that support our current payment systems.

Oil, silver, and gold stabilize our paper money as much as it can during a War. Oil reserves are held back and utilized mainly by the military causing shortages in the oil market and prices do rise.

The uncertainty of economic needs during times like this shifts priorities toward military efforts in all sectors of the economy. Price distortions begin to create payment fluctuations on everything across the board.

This is why the end of wartime efforts requires new treaties that include new exchange rates for all countries involved. Depending on how much infrastructure demands are created during a War, it will have a corresponding need for the printing of money to keep pace with the rebuilding of an economy.

Remember, many of the economies that are supporting allies to Israel and Palestine represent many of the currencies you and I hold. Many of these allies have not had a reason to supply their currency Market with enough demand to justify increases of printing them just yet.

There will be a need to supply enough money in all countries that get involved in this war to fulfill their orders created by demand. Already, we are witnessing trade imports and exports being shifted to support their favorite allies.

These shifts alone will begin to put price pressures and need for more money supply to take place in several countries that have shifted from the dollar to their own local currency.

All this includes investors who participate in the rebuilding of an economy speculating on the needs of communities allowing a participation of money velocity to return to these economies at a level that promotes growth in their own local currencies.

© Goldilocks

Financial Post Link
Statista Link


Our Experience with the Collapse of the Dollar’s Purchasing Power for Used Cars, Auto Insurance, Repair Costs, Rental Cars 

Wolf Street Link


Markets: Investors will be focused on the outbreak of war in Israel and Gaza, which could lead to volatility in global stock markets and oil prices, depending on the escalation of the conflict. US oil futures jumped as much as 5.4% last night. Later in the week, the consumer price index report will give an update on the Fed’s fight against inflation.

© Morning Brew


Asset Revesting Quarterly Analysis


Israel conflict to lead to higher oil volatility, Petrobras says


Just a simple note to let people know where I stand.

As with any event that takes place on this planet, there are some that are going to claim it is fake and others claim it is real.

I purposefully shared with you this morning information regarding the effects of War. This is where my attention will go.

No matter if this is real or made up, changes are being made in the trading ports right now that will affect our global economy.

That is what is real to me. I use the event of War to explain to you what happens to global economies during them.

No matter where you stand on this issue. The effects of the current event we now find ourselves in have already been put into motion.

Let's follow this deeper truth as we go along.

© Goldilocks


Iraq is currently in the process of re-educating their Banks and people on the reuse of the Iraqi Dinar.

© Goldilocks


A sample contract for the work agreement for internal transfers for the purpose of being approved by exchange companies for categories ( A and B ) and mediation companies that buy and sell foreign currencies in their future contracts. Please inform us of the name of the company you wish to contract with before signing.

:diamonds: To view the contract here


Economies are being mobilized and shifted into new positions regarding trade.

New networks are currently being upgraded. (Protocol 20)

Look for repricing events to take place in the commodity markets or caps to be released on their prices.

Quantum Technologies are awaiting implementation.

© Goldilocks


Although you do not hear me speak as of late about our CBI contact, Dee and I still have conversations ongoing.

For his protection going forward, just look for information provided knowing it is supported in what is revealed through the new digital economy.

This is the new Intel we are really looking for.

© Goldilocks


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Ostium Labs, a cryptocurrency startup, raised $3.5 million in funding to develop a protocol for digitized commodities perpetual swaps.

It aims to attract both traditional commodities traders and crypto-native traders by offering transparent and flexible alternatives for trading assets like oil, bitcoin, foreign exchange pairs, and more.

This cryptocurrency startup aims to combine traditional commodities trading with the world of crypto, following the close of a $3.5 million fundraise. 
The Block Link


Backed Finance has successfully launched a tokenized government bond auction for a BlackRock ETF on an L2 network Base. The protocol allows companies to digitize assets like equities, commodities, art, or collectibles without going through traditional finance rails or their own legal processes. There has been increased interest in non-USD-denominated short-term bonds with high-interest rates and low crypto prices. However, U.S. investors are currently blocked from trading any of Backed's tokenized offerings.


We have a shortage of elements that many parts of the world are blind to.

The world is becoming a very divided place.

Ask yourself:

Who controls the supply chains, and where are most minerals and energy sourced?

We live in an era of the weaponization of assets.








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Thank you Dinar Recaps  --


Iraq Economic News and  Points to Ponder Monday Evening 10-9-23


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