Friday Night X22 Reports 7-3-2020

The [CB] Time Is Coming To An End, The Push Back Is Coming - Episode 2215a

X22 Report:  Jul 3, 2020

The stock market is holding steady, the NASDAQ has now hit its 23rd record close of the year.

The patriots have the control.

The economy is going to do something like we never seen before, its going to take off.

The [CB] time is now coming to an end, the clock is ticking down and there is nothing that can stop this.

Did You Hear The Cannon, The Hot Summer Is Here, Evil Is Being Exposed - Episode 2215b

X22 Report:  Jul 3, 2020

The [DS]/MSM propaganda is now falling apart. HCQ has gone through the trials and it shows that it cures the virus.

The MSM has been telling us that it would kill people and it turns out that was wrong.

Evil about to be exposed by the patriots and the [DS]/MSM cannot do anything about it.

Once people see the truth it will be impossible for the [DS]/MSM to put them back to sleep, everything is about to change, it's going to be a hot summer.


How to Properly Dispose of Mail, Credit Cards, and Other Sensitive Documents


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!!! - “America The Beautiful” Video