Friday Evening Update With MarkZ 12-3-2021

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 12/03/2021

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Any CMKX news today?

MZ: I am hearing there is a potential for deliveries on Sunday Night. And that those involved in those deliveries will be on call starting Sunday Afternoon. That is what I was told.

MZ: I have not seen any money movement over the afternoon but did speak with some HSBC contacts. The meetings went exceptionally well. The meetings were about they are now carrying a heavier load with the exchange and rollout of 4a and 4b is what I am told. They are now picking up some of the slack from an undisclosed bank who has not been doing its part….That’s what I was told that the meetings went very well and we are in an “any moment” scenario.

MZ: To me “any moment “ could be a week…it could be January…it could be this evening. I should get updates from Europe and the middle east before tomorrow’s stream at noon.

Member:  The people in banks are going to forget their training if it lasts much longer..............

Member: Are redemption center folks working this weekend?

MZ: They are on call. I will know by noon tomorrow if they are working or not. Hopefully we will have tremendous news from exchange centers, or it will have already occurred!.

Isaac: Hello …things are moving forward but this week no liquidity , looks like next week German bonds and some yellow dragons will start , keep you posted any new information .

Member: HELLO ALL! Hearing it'll be TOMORROW & SUNDAY... Can't CONFIRM but... reliable source

Member: Did I understand Mr. C right this morning that the roll out of the lower denominations will not affect us with dinar because we are covered by something else?

MZ: I think they are saying they are different cogs of the same machine.

Member:  I think the Russia/Ukraine China /Taiwan at same time will be event

Member What is the word on the Vietnamese dong?

MZ: Still expecting it to go into the $2 range. And it will go at the same time as everything else..

Member: What is the Indonesian Rupiah rate?

MZ: I am told it will be about $1.47.. of course nobody will know for sure until we get there.

Member:  is the 100,000 bolivares still any good

Member:  BOLIVAR UPDATE: When Venezuela swapped the Soberano for the Fuertes, The Soberano was GOLD Backed.!

Member: I hear 1:1 Bolivar for newest, issued in Sept. after they asset-backed. NOT for the Soberanos.

Member: I have a question.. People a year ago have turned in currency signed nda and havent gotten their money .. waiting on rv.. so Did we miss our chance for a call?


Member: Why hasn’t the market crashed yet??? thought there was no money??

Member:  Wasn’t today the day the USA became bankrupt?

Member: The senate voted to extend last night

Member: Wall Street is propping up Evergrande

MZ: China is still imploding. …besides Evergrande there are 2 other big real estate firms that are imploding.

Member: The markets have been doing a dead cat bounce.

MZ: Yup…..they have been shocking it with the paddles even though its been dead for weeks.

Member: Thank you all for sharing tonight…..hoping for big news tomorrow for us all!

IN CASE U MISSED IT - Dinar: Dr. Shabibi answering revaluation and redenomination questions

Please listen to replay for all the information

The next stream is tomorrow at Noon 12 pm est……..unless.


“Vietnam News” Posted by Samson Friday Night 12-3-2021


More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 12-3-2021