Fleming Wenesday RV Report 7-21-2021

Fleming Wednesday RV report

Per DoD:  Our military intel contact is confirming sources saying that the beginning of the final RV release is currently planned by DoD & UST for this Fri 23 July when the Olympics start in Tokyo, which will initiate the sequence leading to the shotgun start & T4B start if all goes as planned (pray it does)

 (he is confirming CirstenW’s military sources quoted in the last minute of this live stream this morning Wed 21 July https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6ZJSpmf_aI )—

The final shotgun start this weekend accd to his info will include (not necessarily in this order) the beginning of T4B notifications, final lower level bond payouts, payouts to church groups, and finally, payouts & package deliveries to lower level F&P, PP, & adjudicated settlement recipients and beneficiary accounts —

All these shotgun start actions are to start being released as early as this weekend —so be ready and pray it in as Bruce said.(edited)

He said one of the main reasons the final shotgun start has not happen already is FINAL CABAL ARRESTS & CLEAN-UP STILL BEING DONE RIGHT NOW including

(1) the need to remove a handful of Treasury personnel last weekend who were subtly interfering with actions & documents required to execute the global shotgun start and

(2) his info matches MarkZ’s sources that Interpol, DHS, and military RV security teams & special forces are doing a final sweep of checks, clean-up, and arrests to CLEAR THE PATH of potential Deep State interference.

He is confirming TX Snake’s latest intel and MarkZ’s today Wed 21 July that redemption centers are still to be ready at any moment to start exchanges this week & weekend and the redemption centers have not been shut down;

He is also confirming sources of MarkZ and Holly saying that bonds continue to be paid out and the higher levels 1 & 2 of F&Ps, PPs, & adjudicated settlements are ALREADY paid out leaving only level 3 ( lower level beneficiary accounts) that will be paid at the same time church groups are paid out when the shotgun start initiates including T4B notifications.

He is confirming Mr Fleming’s source saying,. .”Every national in the US, will receive a secure card that is their unique card. This is the Quantum banking system, delivered by UST to every national.

We have this card, and access to a web site where all of our assets are listed. We can add the currency that we hold, like we do today – depositing a check with an image, or with the serial number, and the System will verify and add this asset.

The country providing this asset (currency or bond) is also on the quantum system.

All currencies will be validated that the account owner is the original purchaser. If the account owner entered foreign currency/bonds [that] were purchased by another person, it will not be validated.

 So, no private swaps and no aggregators will ever be successful with this System. It’s the end of side-by-side swaps. All currencies handed over to others must then be returned or it’s not viable for anyone.
“This is all going into place with the new Quantum Banking System, which went into effect [with these protocols] Wed July 20, 2021.

“This will all be rolling out this week with cards delivered directly to us, [beginning] this week.
“What this also means, [is that the] SAFE LINK will still be available for those who don’t have an address, or are untraceable. This is a challenge they’ll [those who don’t have an address will] have to manage directly in the bank.

“For those with projects, you will have to go to the bank to discuss your projects [via your assigned WM]. This wasn’t discussed, but I am assuming that there’s plenty of money for projects, but you have to qualify [show you are willing to put some of your funds into projects in order to receive higher contract rates].

It’s [higher contract rates are] not going to be easily given out [to anyone without projects].”


Short Wednesday Evening MarkZ Update 7-21-2021


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-20-21