Fleming Monday RV Report 6-21-2021

Fleming Monday RV Report

In 1791, Congress established the First Bank of the United States, dominated by big banking and money interests. Headquartered in Philadelphia, ostensibly to manage the debt accrued following the American Revolution and to counter the failed US Dollar, the "Continental".

After several failures, two hundred and thirty years later the Federal Reserve is still dominated by big banking and money interests, with (binding) ties to every major bank in the world. 

The RV GCR battle today is another case of "The Suspect Squeals Caper," no one is ready to stand up and take responsibility. In this incredibly difficult, globally coordinated systemic shift, the guilty party is literally losing their head over this fiasco.

 This is a Seppuku Moment where the guilty party must fall on their sword. DoD, UST, IMF, are all parties to this massive coordinated effort and all responsible. WF, HSBC, (and thousands of Redemption Centers), all of the banking entities involved, wait along with millions of us, for the start to begin the exchange process – expected last night. 

No rates were publicly given, and FOREX did not demonstrate the New Iraq Dinar values - along with 22 other new currency values. So what happened? We may never know. 

We may never know who’s indicted over this latest delay. We may never know who’s charged with crimes against humanity. We may never know the who, what, where, when, and it doesn’t really matter anyway.

What matters is that the RV GCR is moving forward, and Justice will be served. To those serving in delivering this Justice, you have our eternal THANKS. We will do our part – once able.

There’s no stopping RV GCR. FOREX rates are updated every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY. Today is still viable.




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