False OkieoilMan Posts

FALSE OKIOILMAN POSTS - Submitted by Dinarmama7

Submitted by Dinarmama7

At OKIEOILMAN's request I am reminding everyone once again the fake OKIEOILMAN is posting on twitter.

 As stated before, OKIEOILMAN has never posted on twitter, nor has he ever had a twitter account.

Please do not believe anything this person posts as coming from the real OKIEOILMAN.

We only submit things from OKIEOILMAN to Dinar Recaps and Dinar Chronicles.

Also, OOM was taken down several years ago at OKIEOILMAN's request.  That site no longer exists. He has never sent out an email to those who followed OKIEOILMAN and Friends  site.  At one point someone replicated the site for their own gain, OKIEOILMAN had nothing to do with that.

He was briefly on MarkZ's call on the 15th to thank everyone for their prayers and help.  He also wanted to thank MarkZ and Salty for all they have done and all that Salty does at Seeds of Wisdom.

As always he wants you to know that he is grateful to each and every person for your prayers and he loves and prays for all of you daily.

Please continue to pray for him.

Salty has set up a way for those who wish to donate to his ongoing health care costs to be able to do that through SeedsOfWisdom.com.



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