Every Financial Document You Need To Gather Before You Evacuate

Every Financial Document You Need To Gather Before You Evacuate

Lindsay Mott  |  September 23, 2020

Planning ahead by gathering everything you’ll need can help reduce your stress in the aftermath of an evacuation.

When the worst is happening around you, you might not have the time or the wherewithal to run down an itemized list of the important things you’ll need to get you through.  Preparing for an emergency situation – such as having to evacuate due to a natural disaster – will take some time on the front end, but it will absolutely save you stress in the long run.

While many of us work hard to plan ahead for big life events, statistics show that most of us are not prepared for an unexpected evacuation. According to a June 2020 study by Allstate,  85% of Americans have not mapped out an evacuation plan.

“In the aftermath of a disaster, there are things you are thinking about that you never thought you would be dealing with,” says Wendy Burpee, owner of a State Farm agency in Huntsville, Alabama. “Anything you can nail down ahead of time so you can focus on the things you couldn’t anticipate, the better off you are going to be.”

Greg McBride, CFA and chief financial analyst with Bankrate.com, agrees: “When you’re faced with sudden evacuation, time is of the essence and there are bound to be things that slip the mind. Advance preparation means one less stressor at an otherwise extremely stressful time.”


For everything on the below list, McBride suggests keeping either originals or copies, in a sealable plastic bag to protect against the elements. Please note that copies of most of these documents are fine, as long as the originals are in a secure location, like a safety deposit box at a bank. (In other words, never leave originals at home, especially when your home is in the path of a hurricane, or fire!)

A certified copy of your birth certificate

Your driver’s license, social security card, passport, or ID card

Health insurance ID cards/policies and medical records

Auto insurance ID cards/policy details

Homeowners insurance policy declaration pages

Home deeds

Car titles

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