"Economic Opinions" Wednesday Night 10-7-2020

Gold Revaluation - A Debt Jubilee & Monetary Reset?

Life Growth Academy: Aug 9, 2020

Many are aware of the way in which revaluing the US Treasury’s gold reserves could be used to help inflate the economy and simultaneously devalue the currency.

But today we explore what this could mean for people’s debts and a potential debt jubilee. While also offering a complete monetary reset.


Dinar RV Update/Currency is worth more than Gold

Twisted Christian:  Oct.7, 2020


Fed to Introduce Digital Dollar to Prevent Bank Runs and have Total Control Over Money

The Atlantis Report:  Premiered 20 hours ago

The Fed to Introduce Digital Dollar to Prevent Bank Runs and have Total Control Over Money The Fed's end game is digital money , ecurrency cryptocurrency bitcoin and digital dollar

Empty storefronts all across the country. Significant rise in homelessness. Repossession of cars and consumer goods.

A tsunami of personal bankruptcies. Mortgage defaults; and credit card defaults. Big box stores empty. Ballooning debts and deficits.Tens of millions in permanent job losses.Near-zero interest rates. Endless repo transactions. $1 trillion deficits year after year. Record corporate and household debt. GDP down 31.4 percent during the second quarter of 2020; a drop without parallel in all of US history.

New York and California are rapidly turning into larger versions of Detroit. We are on the cusp of civil war. The jobless figures are going parabolic. More than 60 million Americans have filed new claims for unemployment benefits so far in 2020.

We can expect more layoffs, reduced domestic consumption, slower growth. The Fed will probably cap its QE Forever stance at 9 to 11 Trillion. The next fiscal GIFT giving will probably come in at $2T. The trade deficit continuously increasing. U.S. Trade Deficit Widened in August to Largest Since 2006. This is the largest trade deficit in 14 years, and the 2nd worst in history.

But the deficit in goods surged to $83.9 billion, the largest ever. We were promised to make America great again by winning trade. Instead we are losing the most in history!

The biggest financial crash of our lifetimes is coming, and this time there is no recovery because we lost the petrodollar!

That privilege is about to be withdrawn. A crash in the dollar is likely, and it could fall by as much as 35 percent by the end of 2021, experts warn.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com



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