Don961, Delta, X22 and more Wednesday Night 10-30-19


Don961:   imo ... according to the article ...(see below)  the whole article is about IQD having value ... Internationally .....  cuz of their gold and hard currency reserves which afford more than adequate backing to cover whatever value they come up with to present to the world in an RI ...

Because they are members of the IMF/WB , and because the dinar is a difficult currency to work with at the present time because of high denom notes and scarcity of lower ones let alone a program rate with lots of zeroes as well ....  and again because they are backed by super amounts of internationally valuable gold and hard currency .. and ...

“In all the countries of the world, the local currency must be covered with gold or hard currency that can be traded anytime, anywhere. ...

 it appears Iraq is ready to have such a valuable hard currency of its own ... a currency that reflects the true wealth potential of the country ... and present it to the International Market

Seems that word "prevent" in the last line above may be in question  .. to me ...  imo ...  in seeing 10's of thousands of articles and trying to cipher exactly what they are meaning to say thru translations from Arabic .... it reads they are ready to RI .. ADD VALUE .. but await the time ,thru legal processes . to drop those nasty zeroes .. at the opportune time ..  .. maybe DELTY has a more accurate, clearer, complete  translation of the Arabic that could help

IN OTHER WORDS ... this could be saying dropping those rascally zeroes will  start the snowball rolling for the RI ..   of course ...  if off base imo ... am open to further correction , instruction and study 

Expert: Our gold and hard currency reserves are higher than the international standard

Tuesday, October 29, 2019 

Baghdad / Suha Sheikhly 

Gold is an international system and financial cover used as a basis for determining the value of paper currency, and through which to assess the currency of any country, as the countries that adopt this system, convert their currency to gold after relying on buying and selling, gold was selected for several considerations, the first of which is precious metal and stainless steel storage It is difficult to dissolve and is a pillar of crisis time. 

Link to Sterling

The expert, the banking adviser and a member of the administrative body of the Association of Private Iraqi Banks Abdul Rahman al-Sheikhly in his interview with the "morning" says: "After July 14, 1958 the new government disengaged the Iraqi dinar from the pound sterling and the dinar has become almost existing and needs to strengthen its position."

“In all the countries of the world, the local currency must be covered with gold or hard currency that can be traded anytime, anywhere. The government then issued a decision to separate the Iraqi currency from English,” he said. Either in hard currencies or gold. ”

Bank Nout

At that time, Iraq tried to enter the world market through its balance of gold and hard currency. The paper, (Bank Note) is a secretariat arrived from the state to the citizen that he has the state as well as the amount.

He explained, “Therefore, this currency will not be valuable unless it has a reserve balance, and the former Iraqi citizen used (Travel Check) when traveling abroad to spend his currency with the money of that country before the monetary developments that have appeared in the world. Entire".

Sheikhli said that "the Central Bank of Iraq is completely independent of the state and was able to refuse to lend to the state and this is what happened when the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Abdul Latif al-Shawaf refused to lend Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qasim amount of money, and the situation continued to the year 2014."

He stresses that "currency reserves created to deal in times of abnormal crises going through the economy, note that our economy is subject to the controls of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank because we are members, especially after 2003 and the regime changed from totalitarian to a market economy," pointing out that "the government was forced to In 2014, during the war against the Islamic State terrorist gangs, borrowing from the monetary reserves in accordance with the standards of the IMF and the World Bank, and coincided with the decline in oil prices, so Iraq tried to compensate by resorting to the strategic reserve in the central bank of gold and hard currency to pay the government e The amount is closer time".

"With great efforts, the central bank was able to recover the amounts, and the central bank now has reserves of foreign currencies and gold more than the standard required by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which means that the Iraqi dinar has become a cover and is a difficult currency at present And anywhere from The globe. ”

Sheikhli pointed out that "gold prices in Iraq are the same world prices, and subject to international controls," stressing that "there is a project adopted by the Central Bank, but the legal processes to prevent its implementation is to raise three zeros from the currency". 

Accessories and safe

Al-Sabah met with goldsmith Abu Ali, owner of a goldsmith shop since 1981 and said: “Many families buy gold not just for decorations but it is a saving for times of need. 

And a safe. ”

He pointed out that the price of a single weight of Gulf gold caliber 21 grain is 260 thousand dinars, a kind of desirable much, while the price of weight of 18 carat 215 thousand Dinar".

It is noteworthy that the gold market in Baghdad is located in the street of the river, along with the cities of Karbala, Najaf, Ramadi and Fallujah, while the seasons of sale will be on holidays and joyous occasions and less in the months of Muharram and zero, as the season is scarce Selling.   LINK

DELTA:  IQD/USD - Iraqi Dinar US Dollar

Real-time FX  

0.00840 +0.00001    +0.08%

Prev. Close: 0.00840

Bid/Ask: 0.00840 / 0.00841

Day's Range: 0.00840 - 0.00840

 18:00:03 - Real-time Data



Base:Iraqi Dinar

Second:US Dollar

WK: They dropped a ZERO!!!

Rommy:  Looky!  Real-time FX


Thomas:  Thank you Delta for the rate update.  A zero was dropped


CoCo:  The rate with 3 Zeros .000840 x 1 million dinars would equal $840.00
The rate now with 2 Zeros .00840 x 1 million dinars would equal $8,400.00
Am I correct DELTA?  

DELTA: YES FOR NOW ...(smile)

DELTA:  FACT ........


Israeli embassies worldwide to close over tiff with Finance Ministry.

No consular services will be provided and no one will be allowed to enter the embassies or consulates.!

The reason given - Israeli embassies and consulates have shut down because of a strike by diplomats and military attaches over expense stipends, (LOL)according to The Times of Israel.

"Employees of Israel's Foreign Ministry went on an all-out strike Sunday for the first time in the country’s history over a dispute surrounding workers' salaries and conditions."
Also see

The Elite [CB] Just Got Blindsided, Patriots Move Forward With The Economic Plan - Episode 2008a

X22 Report:  Oct 30, 2019

The [DS] Has Run Out Time, Expose, Drain The Swamp, Fire At Will - Episode 2008b

X22 Report:  Oct 30, 2019




IQD CALLS Chat Early Wednesday 10-30-19


Gold Storm On Its Way