DinarAngel, X22, Bix Weir and more Friday 2-21-2020

Thank you DinarAngel

DinarAngel Update - The Very Air Is electric!

Just a brief note of intel from late last night.

This is short but it tells me that all sources are singing the same tune right now.

Anticipation with everyone in my group is extremely high and even the air has the sensation of being electric with the intensity of the nearness to the release for us.

As my intel revealed over the last few days, they appear to be funding the largest holders in sequence and then moving down the list to at what appears to be our Tier 4 level today.

I would love to say "this is it" but as we all know, delays are a constant issue with this event. What is interesting to note is that we have all been told that this will be a daytime event for us, and the last 3 pieces of intel I received, each one indicated that payments began at 10 AM for the different groups and /or processes, which would line up with their daytime scenario. Keep the faith. DinarAngel

From one of my sources: "The paying process began again this morning, (10 AM Thursday) and hopefully our tier will begin tomorrow, (Friday)".

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  ...IMO the Iraqi dinar is going to be paired with the American dollar.  But here's a caveat.  I believe it's only at the onset.  I believe it's only at the beginning...because that's the way Donald Trump wants it...

MilitiaMan    Article:  "The central bank organizes a lecture in Mosul on financial inclusion"   ...the above Mosul training was done days ago...imo... They speak of training at a very high level of internationalism. The CBI Statistics website has the stats on many things that facilitate money movement globally. They have the training parameters in place and or done by now through the managerial levels... Next step is the tellers.. Most likely that is or will be down to the last few hours and or last minutes... imo.

MilitiaMan   Article:  "Disclosure...enhances the value of financial institutions locally and internationally"   ...They are seriously speaking of value. Well if they are going to get linked with the International Community and even with the NASAQ, the values of these companies will need to be transparent and have real value... The NASDAQ has rules and they need to be followed, just as there are rules for Market Makers and the pricing of the shares. Same would hold true with the Forex, I suspect too. This is a very good sign...


CB]/Globalists Are Dead Men Walking, They Will Be Held Accountable:  Bob Kudla

X22 Report Spotlight:  Feb 21, 2020

I don’t think the “Cabal” will ever stop but they have lost their power.


BREAKDOWN! Silver, Gold & Cryptos Ready To RUN! (Bix Weir)

RoadToRoota:  Feb 21, 2020

You can deny reality as long as you want....but you can't deny the Consequences of Reality! Hang on tight!!



News, Rumors and Humor Friday Afternoon 2-21-2020


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Chat 2-21-2020