DinarAngel, Mike Maloney and SRU Wednesday AM 3-4-2020

Thanks DinarAngel

Wednesday Morning Update from DinarAngel

Confirmation From High Sources

Intel source contacted me at 10:16 this morning with details that give us all reassurance on what is actually unfolding....perhaps not in the exact minute or hour described but he provides confirmation that is very must needed by us weary Dinarians.

This individual is in contact with one of the largest brokers who deals with exit buyers, hart buyers, treasury buyers and regularly sends files to the Rodriguez trust. This broker holds more assets from sellers than anyone I know and I trust this source and what he provides explicitly. Here is his broker's message:

XXXX, "Received confirmation that everything has been signed and the RV starts today!"

When someone with the resources such as this broker has, confirms this type of information, I do not take it lightly. They have millions of dollars riding on the accuracy of their intel.

I can only say that I am grateful for the fact that they have chosen to give us all hope to see this come to fruition imminently, by sharing their knowledge. Keep the faith. DinarAngel

Mike Maloney: 

Urgent Market Update: Currency Oblivion Coming


Mike Maloney believes that the Fed now has no option but to print the US dollar into oblivion, find out why in this comprehensive analysis of Tuesday’s market action.

The Fed's rate cut, bonds, gold and silver - it’s all here.


Emergency Rate Cut, Stock Market Crashes 1,400 Points Into Correction! 10Y below 1% First Time Ever

Silver Report Uncut:  3-4-2020

The stock market crash continues as the Dow plummeted 1,400 points from the peak of the day. The Federal Reserve decided to perform a spur of the moment 50bps rate cut and the market reacted by immediately selling off.

The Dow Jones closed down nearly 800 points due to investor's fears and flight into safe havens like bonds and Gold. The 10Y fell below 1% in the frenzy for the first time ever.

The 50 bps rate cut doesn't look like enough and Goldman is pricing in another 50 bps.

We warned volatility is coming and a continued lag on the US stock market. The thing that could intensify any stock market selloff is when the bulls get worn down and rollover. as the lst bull concedes the waterfall of selling will commence.



"Coffee with MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 3-4-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of March 4, 2020