DinarAngel, Bix Weir and SRU Tuesday 2-25-2020

Thank you Dinar Angel

The Signal For The Reset - From DinarAngel, sent to Dinar Recaps

Late yesterday evening, I spent some time in phone conversation with an individual who is an important source of intel for me.

He stated his knowledge of how close we actually are in seeing our long awaited event roll out.

He firmly believes that it is the Alliance, (Trump) that is presently in control of the rollout along with the cooperation of China and Russia.

Although I am not privileged to know the exact details of the huge monitory transactions that have been taking place, but he did explain that the White Dragon Family was one of the largest contributors for the necessary initial funding.

The huge packages of Dragon Notes were taken in and high denominations of ZIM notes were traded on platforms, those transactions in turn, made it possible for whale packages to have paid out, thus beginning the payout of funds to the paymasters with large groups.

We are actually still in the "flow" and not to stress as it is coming to us in turn, and soon.

He stated that, "Once the arrests start, that will be the signal that the reset has happened."

Keep the faith. DinarAngel

Bix Weir:

Stocks Continue to Fall As Riggers Cut off Alternatives!

RoadToRoota:  Feb 25, 2020

Steve Mnuchin is letting some air out of the balloon hoping for SOME Good News to come so he can reinflate the stock bubble with a few mouse clicks.

So far there is no good news and he keeps pounding the alternatives..Gold, Silver and Cryptos!


Dow Plunges 1000 Points Crashing Major Trading Platforms Fidelity, Schwab, TDAmeritrade Balance $0.0

SilverReportUncut:  Feb 25, 2020

Economic Collapse News February 25, 2020. The Dow Jones plunges more than 1,000 points on Monday due to several major economies shutting down.

The trading activity was so intense the top trading platforms all shut down.

Many customers logged on to their trading accounts to find account balance $0.0. I'm not sure how I would feel about seeing the stock market crash and looking at my trading account to see a 0 balance.

We also see around 2:30 someone sold over $3 Billion Dollar notional in gold futures.

Given the time of day, the speculation is that it was a result of losses on the stock market and margin calls requiring someone to sell their gold position.



The Invention of Money


Short MarkZ update Tuesday Morning 2-25-2020