Delta, Pimpy, TNT and more......Tuesday Afternoon 6-2-2020
Don961: Member of Parliamentary Finance: Currency auction money goes to four parties, including parties and terrorism (video)
Policy 06/2020 2020 00:05 1249
Baghdad today - Baghdad
Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Majida Al-Tamimi, said on Monday (1 June 2020) that her research in the Iraqi currency auction led her to shocking results, as money from the auction reached terrorist groups, as well as another part of it going to Iraqi political parties.
During her talk about the program (shortest paths) presented by the media, Dr. Nabil Jassem on Al Sharqia News screen , Al-Tamimi studied : "I discovered that the currency auction goes to four parties, some of the central bank employees, the other quarter to the parties and the other quarter to the merchants."
She added, "As for the last quarter, it goes to the financing of terrorism," noting that "the financing of terrorism was through a currency auction."
Iraqi observers and officials estimate the value of what was sold of the dollar in the currency auction during the past fifteen years at more than 300 billion dollars. LINK
DELTA: Oil revenues exceed $2 billion for the month May......
DELTA: FROM MONEY EXCHANGER IN IRAQ........ there's a statement from an official who appeared on Al-Sharqiya TV two days ago that the auction would stop. although the central bank is a normal time, no sales of the dollar have been implemented, no remittances or cash. ..............
DELTA: FROM SOCIAL MEDIA 20 HOURS AGO...... There's no currency auction that's been cancelled by the cabinet's latest decision........
Edna: So forgive me for needing clarification here..."There's no currency auction that's been cancelled by the cabinet's latest decision" sounds good ..I think...So is this saying : NO currency auction (Because it's been) cancelled etc?? Just want to be we all do.
Will: I think that's what is being said, just some missing punctuation.
There's no currency auction. That's(the auction) been cancelled by the cabinet's latest decision........
Samson: Iraq’s marine fleet gets SOC certification
2nd June, 2020
The Minister of Transport, Nasser Al-Shibli, announced today, Tuesday, that all the ships of the General Maritime Transport Company have obtained, for the first time, a certificate of international compliance with SOC emission after completing all the basic requirements under the supervision of the French Classification Authority
Al-Shibli said in a statement received by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "all the company's ships conducted successful inspections under the supervision of the French Classification Authority and obtained the international compliance certificate SOC", noting that "having this certificate would enable Iraqi ships to sail to all ports of the world without reservation Or an exception
For his part, the company's general manager Muhyiddin Al Emara said in the statement that "the international compliance certificate SOC in 2020 has become an inevitable certificate and no ship is allowed to enter the ports of the world unless you obtain this certificate by examining the fuel used to protect the global environment from the risk of pollution LINK
4Cash: More showings of International….. just need their currency to show it CBI!!! IMO!!!
Iggy: just gonna leave this video here... Ronald Reagan Tried To Warn Us!
Warning: Ronald Reagan 1964 New World Order Land Grab & Property Rights Speech Warns Of Agenda 21
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Pimpy ...There's a lot of things happening in Iraq that I can't help to think to myself I'm not sure how they're gonna do these things or how any of these are gonna be possible without having a currency that's not recognized internationally. I just don't know how some of these agreements that they're getting into are going to be able to be fulfilled without having their currency rate changed or at least recognized internationally. There is some type of conference that's coming up in July where they open up to the rest of the world to come on in and think about investing into Iraq. There is going to be a plethora of nations invited and I have a feeling you're gonna see a lot of them come. Having said that it's gonna be really hard for this to be accomplished if they don't have a currency that's recognizable internationally...
Harambe: CNBC: Oil prices rise before OPEC+ meeting about extending output cuts ... Bent Crude $38.78
Tishwash: Officially … Parliament will hold its session tomorrow, Wednesday
The meeting of the Presidency of the Parliament and the heads of the blocs, which took place shortly before in the House of Representatives, resulted in tomorrow’s session at one o’clock in the afternoon.
The official channel stated, “The meeting of political blocs headed by President Mohamed Al-Halbousi decides to hold a session of the House of Representatives at one in the afternoon tomorrow, Wednesday.” link
Iraqi Dinar News 06/02/20
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jun 2, 2020