David Nino Rodriguez and Charlie Ward Video 7-24-20 by Kat - 7.25.20

David Nino Rodriguez and Charlie Ward  Video 7-24-20 by Kat - 7.25.20

Hi Dinarlandia,

What is so fascinating about these times is that everybody’s trying to put a puzzle picture together but no one — NO ONE — has all the pieces.  Some understand it from the European point of view, like Rinus Verhagen and Stefan.  Others come at it from a Political/ET/Secret Space Program/Spy vs spy/Galactic pov like David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Dannion Brinkley and Laura Eisenhower. Donner, Magenta

Some see it from the Spiritual/Angelic pov like Lisa Renee, Valerie Pixie, etc.  Some bring code-breaking information from Q and the Anons like our wonderful Sierra (NZ.)  Others understand the Financial part like Charles Ward, Pimpey Investments and Santa Surfing.

All their information is valid and worth considering—but—it is NOT the FULL picture and far as I can tell, each is willing to admit that THEY DO NOT KNOW the WHOLE story.

Much of what each one of those I listed above does is make EDUCATED GUESSES based on the facts and history that they have carefully researched. That includes in the realms of Spiritual, Political, Financial, etc.

NOBODY has the full picture except maybe The Alliance and they’re not going to reveal the whole truth about this WWIII until they’re good and ready. So I’m content to read a variety of Alternative sources and watch a variety of videos and come to my own conclusions.

I am not willing to say “he is wrong or she is wrong” because honestly, I DO NOT KNOW as I do not have the ALL THE PUZZLE PIECES.

I turn to Charlie Ward for Financial information because he is in direct communication with people who are part of The Global Alliance and who are working with President Trump.

As well, Charlie receives INTEL direct from the Chinese Dragon Family, which is a family he has known and worked with for more than 15-years.

Charlie Ward has been moving money around the planet for various Governments and billionaires for the last 15-years. He is uniquely qualified to know who has money, where it is, and who controls it. He himself has seen caves crammed full of gold and can report that there are at least 178 of those that he personally knows about.

As always, with every blog I write, take what you can use and leave the rest.

The enclosed transcript is an interesting conversation between Charles Ward and David Nino Rodriguez. They have made one other video together that I know of and transcribed, so they’re chums.

Key points:

- Trump is saving the world right now.

- Trump has won the war, we are in the endgame

- We are in the Global Financial Reset right this minute

- We are in the changing of the banking system right this minute

- The new USN (U.S. Note) became public knowledge this week… it is known in banking circles and is backed by gold

- Re The New Quantum Financial System... behind the QFS is blockchain which is Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple… it’ll be a digital currency but there will still be cash just not on the same level of cash as there has been…

Thank God. Thank the Alliance. Thank POTUS. Thank everyone who has worked so hard to bring about this wondrous shift on Gaia.

Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free, xo, Kat


Video: David Nino Rodriguez and Charlie Ward on Instagram 7-24-20  Transcribed by Kat


5:10 Charlie Ward: I’ve worked behind the scenes… I’ve moved Currency for governments… and you come into contact with some very very good people… Diplomats etc… I said that this was going to happen last year… I was told this last year…

So when people say you’re a conspiracy theorist I say, not really… I was told this was going to happen and it happened… how could that be a conspiracy?

6:06: David “Nino” Rodriguez: Absolutely… so where we are right now… we’re actually in a Global Reset… and that is what’s happening right now… I'm backtracking a little right now… during this Covid-19… Trump is taking down the Royal Family, the Vatican, using the pandemic to push forward his agenda to take these deep state criminals down…

6:31 Charlie: That’s how I understand it… I was told right from Day 1 that they were going to collapse the world’s economy… and I was like, “yeah, course you are”… suddenly when what they told me starts to happen you start to sort of wake-up to, hang-on a second… this is actually happening…

6:58 When you consider that the Covid-19 that was put upon us in March of this year… on the 11th of March it was downgraded officially by the British Government, by the American Government, by the WHO, by the CDC, all the authorities… as to nothing more than the flu… it’s amazing that they shut down the world’s economy on a virus that was no worse than the common cold…

But it proved to me that what I had been told was true… that they were going to shut down the world’s economy… I just never dreamt it would be so easy to do…

But when you’ve got the Mainstream Media and corrupt government working in cahoots… THAT’S how they do it…

7:52: David “Nino” Rodriguez: I’m curious Charlie… was this [coronavirus] something that Trump inherited or intercepted and is making it work for him?... Initially this was a Globalist hit, correct?

8:04 Charlie: Originally the virus was created by the deep state, the Democrats, etc…. it came out of Wuhan… came out of a laboratory… whether it was let out on purpose, whether it was an accident we’ll never know…

But you have to understand that Fauci and the CIA funded that laboratory in Wuhan… now the deep state and the Democrats create this Covid-19… and Trump and his team were planning to shut down the world’s economy but later in the year (of 2020)… probably about now… but they jumped on it, and turned it to their own advantage… and they’ve done an amazing job…


Kat Note: David Wilcock postulated that The Alliance had got hold of the ET technology “Looking Glass” whereby anyone can look into future Timelines and make alternate plans.

Wilcock felt The Alliance anticipated the deep state Covid-19 attempt to kill off much of Humanity, and used it for their own advantage, as a smokescreen to further their plans to literate Earth.

Again… this is just a guess on Wilcock’s part but I thought it was interesting.


9:09 Charlie cont.: Now this situation that Trump has found himself in… he was personally selected to do this job… he was selected well in advance… to literally take down the deep state / cabal… this was planned for many many years… by many many people…

9:41: David: To most people who already know… Q had picked him as the brand… to run for President… was it post-9-11 or pre-9-11... that they chose him?

9:53 Charlie: I don’t know when they chose him [The Alliance]… but he was the right man for the job… and financially strong so he didn’t have to take funding from the deep state…

9:55: David: He’s basically [Trump] …a lot of people don’t want to hear it…but he’s basically saving the world right now…

10:17 Charlie: Totally agree with that… spot on the money…

10:23 David: So, right now we’re in this Global Reset… and during this time… there’s 2-agendas at play… we’re like in a WWIII of a war for consciousness… a war for people’s minds… you’ve got the Mainstream Media pulling the sheeple one way… actually the people who are mind-controlled… and other people have to go and find their Media in different avenues like this… right here what we’re doing…

11:01 The whole world is being held hostage right now for these 2-agendas to battle it out… who do you think is winning right now, Charlie?

11:10: Charlie: Well Trump is not just winning  he’s actually WON  but we’re in the end-game…

there’s absolutely no chance of Trump losing…absolutely no chance…I know that 100% to be correct…

11:25 David: So why are we even having an election? Is that for theatre?

11:32: Charlie: It’s all part of the show… now I don’t know how the election is going to take place because when I asked the simple question about the election and what was happening with Biden, etc….

I was told, “The election will be like nothing you’ve ever seen before…”

Now what that means, I don’t know…

12:30 Charlie cont.: Most people in America are completely oblivious to the fact that in the last election that Trump won “just”… or by a “small margin”… had Hilary Clinton not tried to fiddle the figures and fix it… he’d have actually won by a complete landslide…

12:53 David: Right, she tried to steal the election and still failed… so these take-downs that are happening under the cover of Covid… we’ve got Obama, Hilary, pedo-wood, you know, Hollywood going down… we got all these big names, all these CEOs stepping down… can you elaborate on that a little bit?... what’s the INTEL you’re getting on all of that?

13:16 Charlie: It’s a very very well thought-out plan… taking them down in a certain order… and one of the critical things to take out very early on was the barristers, lawyers and judges… that was the first step… we wouldn’t have known who they were…

The infrastructure needed to be taken down first… so they (the deep state) had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide… so that makes a lot of sense…

13:49 Charlie cont.: And now we’re getting to the back-end… where they’re taking down the big names… and it’s very very clever that Ghislaine Maxwell was taken down at the time she was taken down… because they’ll point the finger at her… saying, “Oh she’s groused it up”… you and I both know there’s nothing worse than a woman scorned (!)… [lots of laughter]… and she is one dangerous woman…

14:50 David: It looks to me like the deep state… they know they’ve lost… but they’re getting ready to just knock over the Chess Board… it seems to me they want chaos…

15:00 Charlie: Course they do… that’s exactly what they want… and they’re in trouble… we’re seeing the end-game playout… it’s fascinating to watch it… they’re panicking like crazy…

 You look at Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and that lot… they’re absolutely paranoid… they NEVER DREAMT this would happen… the Democrats thought that it [Hilary] was such an easy win against Trump… they can’t believe what’s actually happening to them…

15:38 Once Trump got into power he could start dismantling the corruption… of course when you start actually taking it down you actually find out there’s much more corruption than you ever dreamt there was… we knew there was a lot but we never dreamt it was so bad…

15:55 David: It’s just everybody in power… everybody’s been compromised… people need to understand this… it’s not just the Democrats… it’s the Democrats AND the Republicans… the deep state has their tentacles in every facet of your life…

What Trump is doing is he upset the apple cart… here we are now, dealing with this… being held hostage, while this all cleans out…

16:16 The thing that I'm confused on… you told me and you stated we are moving into NESARA/GESARA right?...

16:20 Charlie: That’s what I understand…

16:28 David: What does that entail, Charlie? Does that mean all debts are forgiven? The IRS is gone in America?

16:38 Charlie: We’re waiting to find out… I’ve had a number of interviews… I was speaking to Lee who has “Pimpey Investment Channel” the other day… and he had a $150k debt just disappear… I’ve heard it firsthand… so we’re starting to see things happen…

17:05 But as I’ve said many times… I’m not the Messiah, I’m just Charlie… this is based on factual information that I’m getting from people… I was told early on that this is the way we were heading… and I'm trying to watch and see what’s happening FACTUALLY… and getting information FACTUALLY from people it’s happening to…

17:23 Many people tell me Student Loans have disappeared… I’ve had people in the U.K. that tell me debts from years ago that they’ve had round their neck for years have suddenly just vanished… and nobody can explain where they’ve gone…

(Discussion about loans, debts)

18:54 Charlie cont.: The one thing that is very very certain… is the fact that we’re not being told the TRUTH by the governments and by the Mainstream Media… that’s very very clear…

I stopped watching MSM altogether for 16-weeks now and #1 I feel so much happier inside… not listening to BS…

And when you want to find out information you start researching it… it’s amazing what you can uncover… you can find an awful lot of information out there when you start to look..

19:25 And then you have to look inside yourself and make a judgement based on the information you’re getting… to see how you feel about it yourself…

And when you make that judgement you know what feels right… if your moral compass is accurate you know what feels right and what feels wrong…

19:42 David: I tell you what man, I really feel very optimistic on everything that’s happening right now… I feel like this fight is a fight we’re winning… even though it looks like… if you watch the Mainstream Media it seems like we’re f**king losing…

19:57 Charlie: Of course it does… that’s the Mainstream Media… they want to cause chaos and fear… that’s all they want to do… and as long as it distracts…

It’s like Donald Trump the other day wearing a mask… and you just go, that was an absolute peach of a move… it was a brilliant move…

It distracted away from the Financial reset that was actually going on… the changing the banking system that was actually going on…

Those things were going on and it [Trump’s mask] completely distracted…

And then the mask disappeared… you have to understand Trump… when he’s causing a little bit of a noise over here, he’s doing something over there…

(Discussion about boxing… etc.)

23:15 David: Speaking to people like you who has some inside information… you are telling everyone to calm down, everything’s OK, we’re going to be OK… Trump knows what he’s doing… he’s already won the Chess Game…

23:36 Charlie: He’s way ahead of the Chess Game… way ahead… we’re in the endgame being played out… there’s a lot going on behind-the-scenes…

(Discussion about Pelosi, Trump…)

25:48 David: What do you think their tactic will be for the election this time?... In your mind, Charlie, what do you think they’re going to do? What do you think their next moves are?

26:24 Charlie: They’re going to throw everything they possibly can but the trouble is they fired all their bullets far too early… and they were rubber bullets… they’ve got no bullets left all they’ve got now is an empty gun… and he’s just going to take the piss out of them…

(Discussion about BLM, billions of dollars donated)

27:44 Charlie: Look at where BLM get its money from… and that’s Soros and the Clinton Foundation… and it’s going to the Biden campaign… it’s a political stunt… yes, they’ll try riots… but in America it’s very easy to work out… it’s all in Democrat states…

28:37 It’s not going to be easy…There will be riots… they want to cause confusion and fear and chaos… that’s what they want to do… so it’s quite simple, just stay out of the way for the time being… it’s like being in the Third World War…

28:50 In the Second World War, when the Germans came over England, you didn’t go down the pub, you didn’t go out with your mates… you got underneath your bed and you kept yourself a low profile…

When sh*t is going on out there common sense kicks in… we need to protect ourselves and keep ourselves away from trouble… it’s not rocket science…

When the trouble hits… when they try to cause all this chaos and all this fear… it’s better to just stay at home and in the end they’ll wind up killing themselves…

They’ll take down people that are out there… so you’re better off staying out of the way…

It is a war… it’s the Third World War… people get killed in war…

29:35 David: People don’t understand this… that we are in World War Three right now…

29:44 Charlie: 100% It’s a Spiritual war as well… between good and evil… it’s time to use common sense so when there’s riots going on out there it’s not the time to go to town… let them fight amongst themselves… let them cause chaos amongst themselves… be aware of what’s going on and stay out of the way…

(Discussion of deep state chaos… Kanye West… this is the world we’re living in it’s absolutely crazy chaos… Biblical times… the times of Revelation…. Charlie: We’re blessed enough to be living through these times and seeing it firsthand…)

32:14 Charlie: The thing is with a war, there’s always 2-sides… and the deep state / illuminati / cabal have been in control for 400 years… they’re not going to give up easily…

Yes, it’s very very true… a lot of the Masons are being taken down because it’s all part of it… all part of the deep state…

32:43 Charlie: We tend to know the big names at the top of the tree… The Vatican, the Royal Family, the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, George Soros… we know all the big names… but there’s a lot of names we wouldn’t know who they were… who are part of the deep state… who are their foot soldiers…

(David said Ghislaine Maxwell documents are going to be released next week… Charlie said that once she was refused bail she became very cooperative…)

33:55 David: What do you think, Charlie, Trump coming out and saying we’re going to be pushing a vaccine as fast as we can…

34:07 Charlie: Another red flag… it’s all to distract and confuse… he’s confusing the opposition when he makes statements like that…

35:30 Charlie: Bill Gates will very clearly be arrested… and I believe he already has been arrested and charged… he has massive crimes against Humanity… he’s killed many children in India and in Africa with his vaccines…

A very simple fact that all the people that died of Covid-19 HAD the flu vaccine… ALL OF THEM… not 99%... ALL… not one person died who had not had a vaccine… every single person that died of Covid-19 had been vaccinated against the flu…

I’m 100% serious and that documented on the WHO website… on the CDC website… and on the British Government websites… clearly documented…

If that doesn't wake people up nothing will… and they’re trying to roll out a vaccine that has never been tested on humans…

(deep state discussions)

37:45 Charlie cont.: I would guess John McCain was one of the boys at the top boys of the deep state… but then you look at the British Royal Family who were at the top of the deep state… the Pope was right at the top of the deep state…

I don’t know if anyone knows who is right at the top of the deep state… a number of people at the top of it in different countries… George H.W. Bush Sr… definitely 100%...

39:30 David: You sent me a text that was kind of a warning… about the [Global Financial] reset that’s occurring right now… and a potential blackout that’s coming…

40:20 Charlie.: Yeah look… I get certain INTEL…and so far that INTEL has been accurate…

40:22 The Global Financial Reset is currently in process this week…it’s actually going ahead this week from what I understand…I understand that earlier this week the new USN  the new U.S. Note became public knowledge but not widespread…its known within the banking circles,that it’s backed by gold…it’s the new currency

The Americans probably won’t know anything different apart that they’ll see a new $100 dollar bill or a new $50 dollar bill or whatever…

40:50 David: But it won’t say Federal Reserve on it, correct?… because the Federal Reserve has been absorbed by the Treasury…

41:00 Charlie: Correct… there’ll be a period when they run side-by-side as a transition… and how long that transition will be I just don’t know…

41:08 There will be a period of darkness but nobody quite knows what that means… whether it will be a shutdown of the internet… or a shutdown of communications… nobody yet knows because that will be kept incredibly secret as to how and when that will happen…

41:27 Charlie cont.: There’s a lot of talk now behind the scenes that they may well be able to do it without the blackout…

If you imagine the world without the internet or television they would panic like crazy if they didn’t know what was going on…

People like you and I who are aware of what’s going on will go… fine… in a couple 3-day’s time we’ll be back online it will be interesting to see how we come back…

For those who have not been brought up to speed, there’ll be massive panic… and that’s what Trump and his team don’t want to create…

42:02 Charlie cont.: The deep state are creating panic right now and pandemonium… he’s trying to manage it… well they are managing it incredibly well… it will be fascinating to see how it plays out…

Based on information that we’ve got things are changing for the better… but the deep state, the old system, are fighting like crazy… they’ll fight with every breath…

There’ll be a lot of new technology… there’s what’s known as Med-beds that have been blocked by the Bill Gates foundation for years…

A Med-bed is a Medical Bed you can lay on… that scans your whole body… and they can actually put it right very easily…

43:12 David: I’ve also heard age-regression… [Charlie: Totally]… people don’t know that this technology exists… a human being can live up to 250 years… (laughter)

44:25 Charlie: I came in with nothing, I’ll leave with nothing, but I enjoyed the bit in the middle… (smiles)

45:00 David: People have some questions: A lot of people are not accepting cash, what should you do with that? And what should you do with money in the bank?

45:25 Charlie: If you have less than $75k in the bank you’re insured if the bank goes bankrupt… probably a lot of banks are going to go bankrupt in the next 6-months… yeah, they will…

They’re in trouble right now… they’re deep deep in trouble…

45:43 The new Quantum Financial System… basically behind the new QFS is blockchain which is Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple… it’ll be a digital currency, there will still be cash but not on the same level as there has been… there will still be cash…

46:25 Charlie cont.: There’ll be new bank notes… but most people will want to use the digital currency because it’ll be an awful lot easier to use… especially for business because you’ll be able to pay people instantaneously… and they’ll be able to pay you instantaneously… like the Bitcoin trade at the moment… it’ll make life easier…

46: 30 There will still be cash out there but there’ll be less of it… The transition will take time… it will take a number of years… but I think it’s a good thing…

When it comes to banks going bankrupt, if you have more than $75k in the bank I’d be looking to take it out and put it into silver or gold…

48:19 Charlie: The whole of my journey has been based on FACTUAL… when I say factual… I was told something was going to happen and it happened… that’s how you establish FACTS… and so far, everything I’ve been told has turned out to be fact…

That’s not to say that I take everything I’m being told as factual… I’m sure they send me some sidewinders and curveballs… but the bulk of what they’re telling me is all factual… I’m trying to stick to that… cuz that is what’s giving people peace of mind and taking away their fear…

49:05 When I talk about facts I’m very happy to share where I get facts from… I tend to get them from Government websites where they hide them away… but we’ve got some clever boys who go searching for the stuff and find it when it’s hidden away… the CDC has got so much information but it’s so hard to find… you have to go page after page… then you know how corrupt they are…

49:52 David: I have another question: What do you know about VP Pence? Is he a traitor?

50:02 Charlie: I’ve been told about a number of people… Pence and Robert Kennedy Jr… just be careful… and I’ll make my own mind up… certainly the jury’s out from my point of view… nothing wrong with keeping your eyes open…

51:00 David: Have you heard of any big names that have been killed? Executed?

51:06 Charlie: I have… I’ve got no hard evidence to back it up so… I’ve got hard evidence they’ve been arrested and charged… but I haven’t got the evidence that they’ve been killed… I’ve heard they’ve been killed…

And again this is where I don’t want to get into the conspiracies… and I’ve heard about body doubles and I’ve heard about clones… this is all conspiracy at this stage so I try and avoid that… and just be aware of what they’re talking about…

51:36 Charlie cont.: And you know, you look at certain people, they don’t look like they did look… they do look like clones, there’s quite a few of them… that are not what I would call the perfect match… and the giveaway is the connection of the ear… certain things just don’t quite match up…

52:11 And it’s very much like when you have a piece to put in a puzzle and it goes in upside down and it fits but it doesn’t look right… it’s what we’re going through right now… you have to take the piece out and look at it…

52:26 Charlie cont.: Rather than get into the conspiracy side I stick to the factual side… yes I know they’ve been arrested, I know they’ve been charged… and some have been executed… but I don’t know who… it’ll all come out… from what I understand…

53:10 Charlie: The [vaccine] track and trace chips is all part of the deep state… NESARA / GESARA is part of Donald Trump’s team… that’s what the plan is… and they’re working towards it…

Now when it comes to the vaccines, chips, the track and trace… the 5G tracking and the rest of it… that’s all part of the deep state… the New World Order… that’s what they were planning… and that’s what Trump is determined to take down and he’s doing a phenomenal job right now…

(Discussion of clones and adrenochrome addiction)

55:15 David: I’ve known about adrenochrome for many many many years… I tell you what, man, I’m just happy to see the beast of this sh*t go down because… people don’t realize how evil this black channel of demonic… you can say reptilians, or demons… they are off-world… people need to understand this…

We are dealing with off-world entities… and that is what controls Humanity… and we’re trying to break away and find our freedom in… you know… [Charlie: In living memory]… that’s where we’re at now… it’s epic times to be alive…

57:17 Charlie: [Re question about Rockefellers and Rothschilds] They controlled the world for years because they controlled the Federal Reserve… it was their business… printing money and selling it to people… it was so corrupt you couldn’t make it up…

58:45 David: Well Charlie, we’re out of time… I absolutely love you, man…

59:00 Charlie: Cheers, mate…


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KTFA Members "Saturday News" 7-25-2020


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Sat. July 25, 2020