"Charlie Ward Talks QFS, Dragon Bonds, Gold, GESARA"

"Charlie Ward Talks QFS, Dragon Bonds, Gold, GESARA"

Dinar Chronicles - Entry Submitted by Kat  August 18, 2020

Hi Dinarlandia,  
Enclose a few snippets from a Charlie Ward video recorded today with Mark Attwood.  They touch on the end of the SWIFT system, the QFS, Dragon Bonds and a bit of GESARA.  It’s always great to start the day with a Charlie vid. He makes me smile.  When I was really low the very first Charlie video I watched was titled The Future is Bright—Please Don’t Panic. He helped me that day and has been an inspiration ever since.

For those who don’t know anything about Charlie Ward: He has been moving currency around the world for governments, billionaires and VIPs for more than 15-years.  He is part of a team currently working for the United States Government that are moving cash, gold and valuables around the world to back the currencies in the QFS. He receives daily updates from inside the Alliance.  Charlie launched his you tube channel at the beginning of the covid lockdown in order to bring hope and truth to people. He began with 37 subscribers and as of this writing has 114k. Yesterday, Charlie Freak said that Charlie Ward’s channel is one of President Trump’s favorites.

Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance for all — We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free, xo, Kat


Mark Attwood Talks to Charlie Ward 8-18-20

Partially Transcribed by Kat

2:00 Charlie Ward: The Quantum Financial System was started on the 2nd of August… and then just by chance, one of the guys I know who is a hacker, known him for years… He says to me, “Charlie Charlie, the SWIFT system is being taken down on the 31st of August!!… Why didn’t you tell me?” I said I’ve been telling you for 4-months… I’ve just heard the new one starts on September 1st… and what that means is there’s no overlap… (laughter)

2:38 Mark Attwood: Some of the most amazing things you’ve been saying relates to the Dragon Family…I was reading about them about 10 years ago through Benjamin Fulford… do you know him? [Charlie: No]… I was aware of these Bonds, aware of the value of them in 2011, 2012… then I moved to Marrakesh, with my family, 5-kids….

3:24 I started talking to this guy about setting up a school for the kids… had a few drinks… won’t say his name… I started talking about this stuff and he said, “You are joking?”… I said no, why?... He said, “because I am their broker!!”… I went, what!?!...

3:47 I moved in next door to their broker… and he held up his mobile phone and he showed me one of the bonds on his phone… I listened to his conversations for hours and hours about these bonds… He told me there was an attempt to cash in one of them a couple of years ago… I think it was Deutsche Bank… somebody in Deutsche Bank stole the money…

4:18 Charlie Ward: (Nodding) Yeah, that’s right… 100% true… I’ve known the [Dragon] family for 15 or 20 years… personally… they know my wife, they know Justin, my little boy… whenever we go into Hong Kong they’re the first people who come and see us…

4:41 They’re the most humble people you’ll ever meet… they are just beautiful people… I’ve always loved them… I’ve worked with them for a long time… moving stuff.. whatever…

5:40 It’s very interesting these Dragon Bonds… the more I’ve done… and the Golden Bonds… when they actually valued them 6-weeks ago they were valued at multi-quadrillions…

6:00 It’s very interesting, if you look at the line, they are from the Himalayan Descent… the family… nothing to do with Communism… so they’re very happy that the Communist Party [CCP] have been dissolved… The thing is with Chinese Government… nobody knows who’s in there anyway from the outside because it’s a secret society… they’ve all gone and President Xi Jinping will be replacing them all with a Republic…

What most people are oblivious to is this whole financial transition from SWIFT to QFS has been funded by the Dragons…

6:47 Mark: That’s what I’ve heard… and all these Humanitarian projects are ready to be funded… it all seemed like Science Fiction to me…

7:21 Charlie: We’re very very privileged to be alive at this time…

7:34 Mark: This is why I did a post on your page… you have been a source of GREAT HOPE… I knew this was coming… when it did I thought, this is amazing… now we have to face up to it… and even though I knew it was coming I had a bit of fear… and then you popped up and you said, “It’s going to be alright”… it was one of your walking videos…

8:26 Charlie: The New World Order they were pushing which was George Soros plan with the Clinton Foundation, etc. etc…. The Alliance, which is behind Donald Trump, is different in a number of different ways…

8:48 With the New World Order it was one government, one currency, one world, one everything… and Trump has been put in place to stop that happening…

Also, the vaccines were going to be mandatory under the NWO… ridiculous thing to do when they haven’t even tested them…

And the ones they have tested have killed tens of thousands of people in India… and they tried it in Africa and killed tens of thousands of people… and those governments are suing the World Health Organization and Bill Gates… but that’s all under wraps…

9:30 Trump is sending out Red Flags all over the place… but he’s TOTALLY IN CONTROL… what most people don’t realize, cuz they hadn’t got a clue what was going on… was the first place they went to after the Global Shutdown was ITALY…

9:42 Trump made a point of mentioning they took out “the head of the beast first”… well the head of the beast was the Phoenicians… the 13-demon-Bloodline Families… took those out right at the start… so that nobody [minions] had nowhere to hide… they were the people behind the scenes that controlled everything… that’s where every Birth Certificate in the world is… because Venice is technically “off-shore” and that’s why we’re under Maritime Law…

10:12 So when [the families] were taken out… they had nowhere to go… and they’ve taken them out bit by bit by bit… The Vatican being emptied…

10:21 The reason I knew the Vatican was being emptied was because our own Security guys were looking after the Pope… and also there were guys that I use for moving currency around the world… all… all of them employed… it took 650 planes to move the contents of the Vatican to Fort Knox…

10:45 And also, I’ve been included as part of the team that moves that around the world… to back the currencies in different countries… there is an obscene amount of cash and gold that was taken out of there…

11:02 There’s also ridiculous amounts of gold in the Philippines… Cambodia… Vietnam…

I’ve been over to Vietnam and I’ve inspected 178 underground warehouses full… personally… I’ve actually been there and visually seen it… I didn’t count it and I didn’t test it while I was there…

11:45 You have to also understand that this is UNRECORDED GOLD… but there are people as we speak doing an inventory check on it all… that’s in process right now… because that will be used to back the currencies around the world…

12:05 There’s a lot of things [Trump] is doing right now to make sure… like he always referred to Europe as being the Nazi states of Europe, the European Union… and he wanted to make sure that was collapsed before they backed the currency…

And they needed the UK out as well, they wanted the UK to stand alone… so that worked out… they’ve broken the EU down…

I’m sure it will break up and that will be a great thing for Spain and Italy who will go back to the peseta and the lire… if they do that as a Currency 1 to 1 with the Euro suddenly the Spanish and the Italians will wake up…

12:49 Mark: It’s almost like I’ve not dared to believe it’s true… I’ve lost a lot of friends cuz I’ve said things like, “Look at what Trump is actually doing” and then I get all this h*tred… I made a video about the EU and I got loads of h*tred… then I posted satanic stuff and I got all this h*tred… I started waking up 30-years ago in the RAF… a couple of my friends committed suicide and I thought… who am I working for?...

[more discussion]

35:25 Charlie: Common Law is part of GESARA because Trump wants to do away with the Maritime Law… it’s so corrupt… a critical part will be re-training all the lawyers and judges… because the whole law is how it should be… but it was kidnapped by these evil people… to make us a commodity that they’ve monetized or capitalized…

35:58 The whole system is so corrupt and that’s one of the biggest parts of GESARA… the other big part of GESARA is the Humanitarian side… We’re all going to be financially so much better off without taxes, mortgages and loans, what have you…

36:18 With the extra money we’ve got… we need to be looking after each other… and after the planet we have… we’ve become very complacent in how we look after things… we live on a very beautiful planet and we just need to learn to look after it…

End Partial Transcription by Kat

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