Charles Ward with Camelot Castle Cornwall Parts 1 and 2

John and Irina Mappin talk to Charlie Ward (Part 1) Camelot Castle Cornwall

Charles Ward:  Premiered 17 hours ago

About minute 21:40  Question: So what is the reason for shutting down the economy?

Charles Ward:  The sole reason is for the Global Financial Reset and the Revaluation of Currency.

So we will move away from the old Swift system and fiat banking system which is the Federal Reserve. The first step of that was the Federal Reserve was moved into the US Treasury. We all saw the happen and the importance of that most people havn’t got a clue, but Trump now has total control over the Federal Reserve.

There is a lot of things happening that you or I won’t see. The removal of a currency that is backed by nothing into a Quantum financial system that is backed by gold or precious metals.

The fiat currency system will actually shut down on the 31st of August this year. That is what I have been told.  The Quantum Financial system started work on the 2nd of August….They pinged every bank in the world on Sunday the second of August. And every bank in the world responded.

This is something that most British/English people don’t realize but for the last week the Bank of England has been shut. Their website says shut due to Covid 19. The media hasn’t touched this which tells me that something is going on. I have been told the bank offices don’t have a clue what is going on…only the Bank chairman knows what’s going on during this transition so it doesn’t create panic.

The QFS has been tested. I spoke with a client who just transferred 50 thousand pounds to America and it arrived in about 5 seconds. So we know it wasn’t sent by swift.

Question:  How long does Swift normally take?

CW: It would normally take 2-3 days. So it being done in 5 seconds we know if wasn’t done by Swift.

Be sure to listen to the entire video for thoughts on the election, the cabal, the deep state, money moving, Sadaam Hussein, Iraq, Iran and much more……….

John and Irina Mappin talk to Charlie Ward (Part 2) Sorry for delay we got attacked (outside forces)

Charles Ward:  Aug 24, 2020


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