Charles Ward, Fleming X22 Reports and more Wednesday Night 111-11-2020


Don961:  With a simple step ... a “neglected resource” brings to the Iraqi treasury more than 60 billion dinars: “Half a province” saves it and the other half can be exploited!


Yes Iraq - Baghdad

Economist Ihssan Al-Kinani said, on Wednesday, that the government is facing an opportunity that should be seized to remedy the financial crisis, bring about urban development and end the housing crisis, pointing out that a lot of the sums will enter the state treasury in the event of the correct move.

"Iraq contains millions of unused residential lands, as it has been neglected for decades, although it represents a great wealth for the state and an important resource that supplies the treasury with large sums of money," Al-Kinani said in statements monitored by Yass Iraq.

He added, "Baghdad contains more than 60,000 plots of land in the Karkh side, as well as the case or more than it is in Rusafa, in addition to the Nahrawan lands that are still abandoned for decades."

And that "this economic resource has not been used properly by the government, and in the event of reviving the lands, it will enter huge sums of money through building permits whose fees start from one million dinars onwards."

He pointed out that "reviving residential lands eliminates the housing crisis, moves the wheels of stalled factories and factories, eliminates the unemployment crisis and reduces congestion in residential areas."

And based on the aforementioned, the amount that Iraq is likely to get is more than 60 billion dinars by granting building permits for more than 60,000 housing plots only on the Karkh side of Baghdad. link

Fleming Update:

Fleming:  Our military intel contact said No the RV shotgun release is going now behind the scenes; and he said any sorting out of the election before T4B starts is not anticipated to delay the release beyond the next 24-48 hours as all the mountains of evidence from 12 states of Deep State Biden-crime-family-Chinese CCP enabled fraud is presented to the SCOTUS happening from yesterday Tue 10 Nov forward this week (evidence from 12 states of statistical ballot counting fraud, 1000s & 1000s of cases of dead voter & other ID theft fraud, 1000s & 1000s of cases of physical absentee paper ballot manipulation fraud, QFS blockchain watermarked LEGAL ballot evidence, Hammer supercomputer Scorecard app vote switch fraud, 60+ state workers & USPS workers in PA, NV, MI, etc testifying with sworn affidavits to being ordered by superiors to commit ballot fraud);

Said SCOTUS review is being expedited, among other reasons, to get the shotgun start out this week; said they’re working hard on all fronts to get it out; said that like Secty of State Pompeo publicly stated that there would be (not ‘there may be’ but there WOULD be) “a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,”

All in DC behind the scenes know that Trump won the election by 80%+ of the real LEGAL vote and the Deep State Biden as so-called “president-elect” propaganda will be exposed for the fake stream media lie that it really is. ( )

Pompeo predicts ‘smooth transition’ — to second Trump


Charlie Ward and MelK

Nov, 10, 2020

We told you the media was going to be last


Wednesday Night X22 Reports

Dark Winter is the cover story for the Economic Reset.  Episode 2326a

The [DS]/CB are now making their move to reset the entire global economic system. Dark Winter is a cover story for their plan. The plan is make people think their is a resurgence of the virus which will lead to lockdowns. These lockdowns will destroy the global economy. The MSM are preparing the people for this.


The [DS]/MSM Start To Shift Their Narrative, Dark Winter, The World Is Watching – Ep. 2326

The [DS]/MSM and the [CB] have now been trapped by Trump and the patriots. Their plan was not to about an election, not about keeping everything the same, it’s about bringing the entire corrupt, diseased system down on the establishment. The entire plan has been created to take it all down. Timing is everything the world is watching.

The Atlantis Report

Citigroup and Goldman Sachs Dump the Dollar -- Inflation + Weak Dollar = Big Trouble

Premiered Nov 10, 2020

Citigroup and Goldman Sachs Dump the Dollar -- Inflation + Weak Dollar = Big Trouble The US dollar is likely to weaken further with Biden presidency, Citigroup warns. “Victory for President-Elect Biden means a return to more conventional governance.

As the province of the President, it will result in a major shift in the way foreign policy is conducted. Alliance building will return. ‘Tariff threat first’ negotiating tactics will end,” the bank’s chief investment officer David Bailin, and Steven Wieting chief investment strategist and chief economist wrote in a note seen by CNBC. Goldman Sachs from its side is recommending short positions against the dollar, arguing that the risks arising from the vaccine trials and the US presidential election are skewed to the downside for the greenback. Weakness in the dollar is mistrust for American economic policies.

 The dollar is down to 62% of the global reserve currency from 75% years ago. This next round of stimulus should bring the total stimulus to around $10T. That's creating $10T out of thin air. How does the value of the dollar not decline precipitously? The Fed has wrecked everything in the worship of Wall Street. With all the Fed's new liquidity in the system and junk debt to levels never seen before, the assurance of historical patterns is a stretch. The dollar devaluation and inflation will conveniently come to the rescue to reduce the mountains of public debt.

Yes, but that means interest rates will rise significantly. We can't borrow money at zero if the value is dropping. The drop in interest rates back near zero is the greatest single factor weakening the dollar. With interest rates below the rate of inflation, holding dollars and Treasuries are losing propositions since they can't keep up with inflation's eroding effect. The outlook for the dollar then, depends on how long interest rates will remain below the rate of inflation. And that seems to be for a very long time.

 The last time rates were lowered near zero, they remained there for eight years (late 2008 to late 2016). In turn, the outlook for assets priced in US Dollar : (stocks, commodities, and even Bitcoin) is once again exceptionally positive. Rates will eventually go back up under the pressure of inflation and devalued currency. Only good for gold investors! Like many assets, real and financial, commodities like gold can be used to hedge against Currency Debasement.

The Dollar will decline or even collapse because of the exponentially growing US National Debt, which is currently at $27 trillion! And will be $30 Trillion on 1/20/2021 during the new president inauguration.


Economic Meltdown


More Iraqi News Wednesday PM 11-11-20