The National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was signed into law in 2000, though it has not yet been enacted.
Its announcement and enactment will create powerful, history-making changes for the entire world.
Changes will begin in the United States. These are just a few of the reforms NESARA will bring:
Erases all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
Abolishes the IRS and all income tax
Creates a 14% flat rate nonessential-new-items-only sales tax as revenue for the government — food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as older homes
Increases benefits to seniors
Returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters
The National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was signed into law in 2000, though it has not yet been enacted.
Its announcement and enactment will create powerful, history-making changes for the entire world.
Changes will begin in the United States. These are just a few of the reforms NESARA will bring:
Erases all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
Abolishes the IRS and all income tax
Creates a 14% flat rate nonessential-new-items-only sales tax as revenue for the government — food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as older homes
Increases benefits to seniors
Returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters
Requires new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement
Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
Creates a new US Treasury rainbow currency — one backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933
Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation
Begins a new US Treasury bank system in alignment with Constitutional law
Eliminates the Federal Reserve system
Ends all aggressive US government military actions worldwide
Establishes Peace throughout the world — US troops will be brought home from around the world as Peace is declared; in alignment with the Constitution, there will be No standing armies, and that will be permanently observed
Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Enables the release of thousands of suppressed technologies currently being withheld from the public under the guise of national security — this includes free energy devices, antigravity devices, and sonic healing machines [6,000 technologies will be released initially, followed by the release of more than 60,000 technologies]
Tell everyone you know! The more we raise awareness about NESARA, the sooner it happens.
Please sign the petition to get NESARA announced and enacted: ttp://petitions.moveon.org/sign/nesara-1
The Collective: Greetings, dear ones!
We are pleased to speak with you on matters concerning the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, called NESARA law.
First, understand that many in the western world have been taught to think of NESARA in terms of money alone.
Though financial Abundance is a great blessing, NESARA is far more than a matter of monies disbursed to Lightworkers and others working on behalf of humanity and the higher good of the Earth.
It is far more than weapons put down, wars ended, the planet’s climate stabilized, debt erased, illness and hunger ended, aggressions dissolved.
It is more than space travel, and development of higher abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis.
It is even more than the opportunity for humankind to finally be free of the shackles of many centuries of oppressive rule from usurpers and warmongers.
NESARA is all of that, yet it is far more than all of that, because it is about Ascension.
NESARA is about Divine Government, not because that is the cure to all ills, but because that is humanity’s way of finally permitting the freedoms, the sovereignty of all beings, to fully occur on this planet.
It is a powerfully conscious step forward into fifth dimensional living.
This plan first began in the United States, with St Germain’s original vision of a New Atlantis being rooted in that continent.
The forms created there would then spread throughout the world, as more and more countries saw what was possible for a free society—and as increasing levels of Light spread throughout human consciousness.
The United States was never originally intended to be a place of the mass murder of millions of Native peoples, mass slavery of millions of Africans, and the mass incarceration and enforced poverty of millions in the present day.
It was meant to be, as some envisioned in the seventeenth century, a City on a Hill—a sign to all nations that human sovereignty—human dignity—could indeed be established in ways that no government, no usurper, no king or queen, and no “foreign” or off-world invader could displace.
That dream was put to one side, when the old powers-that-were succeeded in bribing, threatening, or assassinating those safeguarding the original ideals of those following and supporting St Germain.
(Yes, St Germain was present in the United States in her early years, and as an immortal, is present there still.)
Yet this great vision has never died.
It comes to fruition through the precepts and provisions of NESARA, brainstormed by a group of 14 highly conscious Congress members and one young state senator from Illinois (Barack Obama), assisted by Faction Three White Knights.
It was passed by Congress in March 2000 due to intervention of the White Knights, headed by Faction Three White Knight leader King of Swords.
It was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton in October 2000.
Yet it has never been fully enacted.
We see many questions coming to our writer concerning NESARA.
The information below seeks to inform and to encourage all to understand that though great sums of money will indeed flow for communities and individuals after NESARA’s enactment, it represents far more than this.
It is first and foremost a spiritual undertaking—Earth’s people actively declaring their sovereignty above all other claims upon them.
This is unprecedented for a third dimensional planet. It requires great vigilance, and some bravery on your parts.
But you are fully able. And we are by your side, at every moment.
Here is a Question and Answer forum, with our [the Collective’s] answers:
Q & A on NESARA Law
Q: Who are the White Knights, and what do they do?
The Collective: The White Knights comprise 20 million sovereign world militia forces working here on Earth [and answering to the Alien Contact Intelligence Organization], to support Earth’s Ascension and complete liberation from usurper control.
They are the Earth-based portion of the Ashtar Command, answering to Captain Ashtar and Lord Admiral Sananda Kumara.
Four million come from Earth, and the other 16 million from elsewhere in the Universe — the Galactics (non-Earth-born members) are able to take on the appearance of any Earth human.
The White Knights work solely within the Office of the Christ. (In this context, “Christ” is not used as a modifier for Yeshua’s name, but to indicate crystalline or Lightbody higher consciousness.)
They carry out many different kinds of missions on behalf of the Ashtar Command, in service to humanity and the higher realms. They work tirelessly to support and enable the full enactment of NESARA law.
They do not break ranks in the sense of placating the dark hats in the long run, though they do hide their true identities and missions, as is necessary to ensure their safety and the safe completion of their missions.
There are also numerous “white hats” in government, media, education, medicine, and many other fields.
The white hats are not White Knights, and are not part of Faction Three.
True white hats are simply persons of high ethical standard, conscience, and compassion, who are evolving and wish to support the evolvement and Ascension of Earth and Her people, whether they would describe their work in those terms or not.
Q: Where did the whole “currency reval/GCR” idea come from?
The Collective: The White Knights have reported that the dinar/dong/Zimbabwe scheme was created by the Bush/Clinton crime family and a former US senator in 2004.
This is a very dark scheme, intentionally created as a way to encourage Lightworkers to invest in a currency scheme, in part so that they would view NESARA (there is no GESARA) purely in terms of money.
Most Lightworkers are unaware that the money invested in those currencies was used to create hedge funds that in turn have funded black operations—covert military attacks—all over the planet.
These actions have killed millions of innocent people, and injured, traumatized, and left homeless millions more.
These occur in places where the old power crowd are highly motivated to keep the local population in fear and chaos, such as the Middle East.
Millions have purchased dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes, believing the false channelings on numerous disinformation websites, which stated that those currencies could be traded in, once NESARA was enacted, and that those holding those currencies would then become millionaires.
Yet in so doing, they support and enter the energies of a very dark scheme, highly damaging to any participant’s energies and consciousness.
Those currencies were marked both etherically and physically so that when Lightworkers came forward to trade in their dinars, dongs, or Zimbabwes after a false “reval” announcement, they would be spotted immediately, arrested, and detained.
That plan has now been stopped by the Faction Three White Knights, though the dark intent behind the currency scheme is still in place.
Understand that all currencies will be equal to one another after NESARA is fully enacted.
And that NESARA will be a fifth dimensional moment, not an “elevated” or “revised” third dimensional moment.
This is what so many have yet to grasp, because they do not dare allow themselves to envision that far and that high.
Those holding these currencies unwittingly belong to a dark etheric matrix that is draining them of their life force.
We powerfully encourage all holding these currencies to immediately trade them in, or to burn them.
There will be plentiful Abundance once NESARA is announced.
Leaves yourselves open to that very high and joyful moment.
Q: I am a newbie to NESARA and GESARA. If NESARA cancels all credit debt, mortgages, car loan debt, etc., how old does a debt have to be in order for it to be dissolved?
Also, don’t you think there will be a lot of sadness and confusion for the people who have worked hard all their life to get out of debt, then NESARA comes along and doesn’t benefit the people who were loyal and paid their bills?
I think there will be a lot of upset people. Help me understand what NESARA really means.
The Collective: Thank you for these excellent questions!
First, GESARA cannot exist, except under a “one world government,” and you are not going toward that notion. You are going away from it, into complete human freedom and sovereignty.
Second, it matters not whether a debt is 10 minutes old or 90 years old—the banks and credit institutions will be all dissolved under NESARA, as will the entire system of debt as you know it, and replaced by a fair and equality-based system of precious metals-backed currencies.
Only personal loans—money borrowed from a friend or family member, for example—will need to be repaid.
Regarding those who worked hard and paid their bills—that was their choice, to engage in and support the current financial system.
That was their individual path and experience. Another’s path, and another’s choices, have nothing to do with anyone else’s path.
Most have followed the current system because they have had no idea that any other system could be created.
They have lived numerous Earth lives under a dark and heavy matrix that has steadily informed them that debt slavery is the only existing reality, and that they endanger their lives or quality of life by not obeying it.
There is a far higher perspective from which to view human life, rather than the perspective that “others do not deserve, because I have worked harder than them.”
All benefit from NESARA, if they are in the Light, or choose to come into the Light.
And NESARA is far more than money and debts dissolved.
As we note above, it is about human sovereignty, and the move as a planet into fifth dimensional consciousness.
Under that Unity-based ideal, there is no need for competition or the feeling that some have it unfairly easy while others have it unfairly hard.
All such comparisons fall to the wayside, except for those who prefer to remain in the struggle of third dimensional consciousness.
Q: As a Lightworker, I find great comfort in the words of the Collective. I understand and believe them, so I have less fear about what is happening right now.
I have friends who are not there yet. For example, I have a friend who is so kind and smart. She is Jewish and quite afraid.
I want to comfort her or give her reason to hope, but if I tell her, “Don’t worry, it’s just part of the Ascension,” she’ll think I’m crazy.
Or maybe I should? My question is, What can we tell our friends who aren’t aware of the Ascension process? How can we comfort them?
The Collective: Another excellent question!
We would say, that telling someone something you have experienced as Truth can be helpful, but is in no way as effective, powerful, or impressive a statement as simply allowing them to see how joyfully you yourself are living your life.
If you are at peace, if you know that all is well, even given the current apparent turbulence in world events, if you yourself are radiating the joy of not only NESARA but of fifth dimensional life—then others cannot help but notice.
They will then ask to know how it is that you are so self-assured, so fulfilled, so aware of abundance and constantly thankful for it, including the fact that all on the planet is moving steadily toward greater joy and peace.
You might forward one of our channeling emails to friends from time to time, if you feel they are open to such.
But in general, sending Light from your heart to theirs, and simply telling them inwardly, “All is well,” is a beautiful gift. That, and the gift of your own joyful, generous, kind, and loving presence.
This is what you yourself value.
And so, merely share it with others, as much as you can, and as much as they are willing to accept.
NESARA will apply first to the United States, Great Britain, Canada, and Australia, followed by groups of other countries until it spreads throughout the world.
NESARA’s precepts and provisions will be modified so as to be culturally relevant and fair to every nation and every culture, so that all peoples throughout the world have all the Abundance and the human rights and freedoms that fifth dimensional living requires.
Again — from that time on, all currencies will be equal to one another.
Again, we encourage all to consider that NESARA law’s full enactment as not a thing to be “waiting for,” but as something to daily envision, give thanks for, and celebrate as if it were already announced.
This speeds the completion of all steps to create it fully in your midst.
You came to be powerful co-Creators, not hapless recipients of someone else’s idea of how you should live. NESARA is about just that sort of empowerment—behold it fully, and live it fully, dear ones!
We are with you, always.
Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20
.Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20
Q etc. a Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20
7/13/2020 02:18:00 AM Emailed, GESARA, Intel, NESARA, News, Thoughts
Entry Submitted by Kat at 5:31 PM EDT on July 12, 2020
Hi Dinarlandia,
Enclose a partial transcript below from a video recorded on July 3, 2020 with Charles Ward and Chris Thrall. Chris is a former Royal Marines Commando and Best Selling author.
It might be of interest because Charlie discusses Q and the history of Q. He also suggests that we’re coming to the end of Q-drops because President Trump has set up a new format for getting information out directly from the White House.
Also worth noting that since Charlie Ward signed an NDA 10 days ago (Non-Disclosure Agreement) he hasn’t uttered one single syllable about the RV, GCR, NESARA or GESARA.
Isn’t that interesting? It gives me hope.
Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20
Q etc. a Charles Ward and Chris Thrall Video 7-3-20" by Kat - 7.12.20
7/13/2020 02:18:00 AM Emailed, GESARA, Intel, NESARA, News, Thoughts
Entry Submitted by Kat at 5:31 PM EDT on July 12, 2020
Hi Dinarlandia,
Enclose a partial transcript below from a video recorded on July 3, 2020 with Charles Ward and Chris Thrall. Chris is a former Royal Marines Commando and Best Selling author.
It might be of interest because Charlie discusses Q and the history of Q. He also suggests that we’re coming to the end of Q-drops because President Trump has set up a new format for getting information out directly from the White House.
Also worth noting that since Charlie Ward signed an NDA 10 days ago (Non-Disclosure Agreement) he hasn’t uttered one single syllable about the RV, GCR, NESARA or GESARA.
Isn’t that interesting? It gives me hope.
Charlie had mentioned the Global Currency Reset and GESARA in every one of his videos until last week and then zip. He has totally clammed up. Makes me think we’re possibly-hopefully-dear God right on top of this thing?
Even in this video, when Chris Thrall asked him about the Global Currency Reset, Charlie didn’t utter one single word about it… makes me very happy.
Also interesting, Q-Anon hasn’t posted since July 2, 2020. https://qanon.pub
This last week has felt like a “lull” but that major major things are happening… behind-the-scenes… we shall see.
According to a map that Patrick posted, we might have a blackout next week. We’ve heard it before so who knows?
On March 29th, David Wilcock said if there is an internet/cell phone blackout it’s because they’re arresting really bad guys and re-wiring the internet and taking out the spyware. We will have power, utilities, etc…. but again, we shall see.
I love what Charlie Ward always says, that he feels so peaceful because he knows that when this is all over we are moving into a more wonderful world.
I agree with Charlie: I believe we are moving into a peaceful post-RV, GCR, NESARA, GESARA world that, at the very least, will see the release of 6000 patents of wondrous technologies that have been withheld from Humanity by the deep state for more than a hundred years:
Healing modalities for the planet, her elements, animals, kingdoms, Humanity—everyone and everything. Free energy, Replicators, Space travel, Hover cars and so much more.
Thank you to the Alliance and especially thank you to President Trump. Godspeed.
On a personal note, I extend heartfelt thanks to Open Mind, Kimberley and Stefan for their thumbs up and generous praise. It means more to me than I will ever be able express. Thank you and bless you unceasingly for taking the time to write it.
And to Cinemo Galactic—you are a poet. Thank you for your inspiring and beautiful posts, like this latest one, “Through The Magic Window.” It so lifted my Spirits, I can’t even tell you:
"Through the Magic Window" by Cinemo Galactic - 7.9.20
Hanging in with everyone. Perhaps... next week?! Always praying. This or better, dear God.
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance to all — we are Goddess Sovereign Free.
xo, Kat
Q, etc. A Charles Ward and Chris Thrall video 7-3-20
Chris Thrall is a former Royal Marines Commando and Best Selling author
Partially transcribed by Kat 7-12-20
0:35 Gregory Hallett (the legitimate King John III of England?): It’s just happening and we all know it’s happening and not many people can put their finger on it and not many people know what the causations are… One of the causations is that the British Royal Family has been Flat Lie Royal since 1840. ‘Flat Lie Royal’ means illegitimate, not allowed on the throne.
[Kat Note: Charlie Ward said The Alliance had to defeat 3-essential-parts of the illuminati: Take down the Fed (done.) Take down the Vatican (done.) Take down the British Royal Family (done.)]
1:02: Chris Thrall: Every day I get happier and happier and more confused…
1:10 Charles Ward: It can be incredibly confusing because there’s such a conflict of information out there. My journey started 6-years ago where I was told this was going to happen… the collapsing of the world’s economy… and I’ll be honest with you, Chris, I thought it was a joke!
1:29 And then 2-years ago they told me “We’re nearly there, we’ve got Trump in power… now that we’ve got him in power we can do it…” and then in December last year (2019) they said, “We’ve now got (Prime Minister) Boris (Johnson) in power in the UK and they’re out of the EU (European Union) so we can now collapse the World’s Economy, including the Nazi States of Europe…”
1:50 And that was just a straightforward conversation that I listened to, did I believe it? Not really… then suddenly 700+ arrests of the boys who were using Encro [Encrypted Cell Phones] that they thought was completely untouchable and I said, “Well, there you go.”
[Wikipedia: Crypto phones are mobile telephones that provide security against eavesdropping and electronic surveillance… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_phone]
2:22 Charlie: Encro is basically an encrypted phone it looks like a normal phone to any normal human being… but it was created by a Dutch group and the word on the street was that is was for celebrities so they couldn’t hack into their phones…
The reality is that it was 100% used by Drug dealers, drug lords, etc… by naught boys…
I’ll be honest with you, I had one about 5-years ago… my biggest concern was when I was moving money that I wasn’t going to get jumped… I was actually jumped myself in Oxford Street in London 5 or 6 years ago…
I just happened to be talking to my daughter on the phone when I got jumped… and she said there was something very strange about the way they were talking so she contacted the Police immediately and the Police said “We don’t actually have anyone on duty at the moment on Oxford street…” which was very strange to hear cuz it’s one of the busiest streets in London… I got jumped by 6 people claiming to be Police Officers and they obviously weren’t… they’d listened in on a conversation where on that particular day we were moving money around…
When I say “We are moving money around” I do the planning and I’ve got teams who work for me who have backgrounds like your own, which I absolutely love…
4:06 Chris: If you wanna move some down here you’re more than welcome…
4:12 Charlie: Not my money, Chris, if it was I would certainly do so (laughter)… yeah, so that was the Encrypted phone that the authorities, from what I understand on the inside, they had access to the information 4-years ago and have been tracking them but they hadn’t been able to put the pieces together till about 2-years ago…
So these lads who thought they were invincible on these phones… everything was being recorded everywhere… I’ve learned that in the last few years… you’re not even safe talking with people face to face nowadays because they’ve got drone microphones they can drop 300 feet on a fish-wire right above your head and you can’t see it, it’s just like a fly…
5:00 Chris: A couple of my guests I’ve spoken to lately have said, “If you knew the technology they had 30-years ago that was kept secret, you wonder what they might have now…
My answer to everyone is it’s easy [Holding up a copy of George Orwell’s 1984] cuz it’s all in here… if you want to know what’s going on in the world… why everything’s been turned on it’s head… it’s incredibly frightening for those of us who read that book 20-30 years ago who thought, “Oh it’s just a book” and to see the Totalitarian agenda come into play…
Shall we start by talking about this Q phenomenon? What’s your take?
6:35 Charlie: I became aware of Q 2-years ago and when I became aware of Q I wanted to investigate… exactly what it was… and what were its roots and foundations… and I managed to trace it all the way back to 1962 when it was created… and that was as far as I could go…
I’ve now since learned there were ideas it might have started before that…
It [Q] was created by John F. Kennedy because he believed they were trying to kill him so he had a group of people that were confidants that he could trust with information, to get it out there in case anything happened to him… and they worked within-side the walls of the White House…
7:27 In America they tend to have letters like “Q” and “M” [FBI, CIA] whereas in England we have numbers like “007” [MI6] whatever… and this was a group of people that he just trusted… Now, when he did get killed in 1963, they tried to get the message out but every time they tried to get the truth out, one of them was killed…
So they went to ground… and they went to ground for a number of years…
They tried to raise their head in 2001, after September the 11th… and again, whoever was at the head [of Q] disappeared… was never seen… from what I understand from inside information they decided to re-group but kept very low profile… and then 4-years ago they decided to make themselves… more visually aware…
8:27 Charlie cont.: Now the people that were putting out the information which we now call “Q-drops”… they were far more encrypted and far more geared for people like yourself with a Military background… [Chris Thrall is a former Royal Marines Commando]… that could decipher what they were actually putting out…
8:40 My first sight into Q-drops 2 years ago I was like, “Whoah, what’s that about?” Because it was all codes and symbolism and numerology… I was like, WOW…
9:00 What actually got me was the fact that there were Q-drops coming in and then 2-days later Trump was saying exactly what was in the Q-drops a few days earlier and then suddenly I woke up and thought, “There’s something to this…”
And then it was pointed out to me in the journey that JFK’s burial site in America is in the shape of a Q…
[Red arrow points to President Kennedy’s Gravesite]
9:25 Charlie cont.: And you can see that… Google it… type in JFK burial site and you’ll see the Q… the other interesting one suddenly brought to me the other day… Princess Diana’s burial site is also in the shape of a Q…
[Princess Diana’s gravesite]
[President Kennedy and Princess Diana gravesites]
10:05: Chris: There’s some pretty weird stuff around Diana’s death…
Charlie: (Nodding his head) Yes!
10:10: Chris: On the one hand we had the media saying it was paparazzi… but I do not believe a single thing in the media… they work for a bunch of psychopaths… even if they do tell the truth they wrap it in their own delivery system to suit their own agenda…
Going back to Diana… when you get into the historical side… Diana was a Greek Goddess of hunting… when they had their wedding honeymoon, they had the photo shoot at the hunting lodge in one of their Scottish estates… “Balmoral”… and in that picture Diana has what appears to be a jumper with the Egyptian hunting dog [Anubis]… it all gets a bit… when you think about the ritual sacrifice that a lot of these sociopaths are allegedly into it opens your eyes up to a parallel world, Charlie, would you agree?
12:19 Charlie: Totally totally totally… I’m finding out stuff I just could not believe with her…
12:38: Chris: Oh and that island where she was buried on the Althorp estate… that island was where they buried their dogs… their pets… and then in the car the White Fiat Uno that came out of the junction that made the Mercedes make it’s first swerve… the chap in the Uno was an immigrant had a dog in the passenger seat… just pointing these things out… there’s a whole lot of stuff… the fact that the ambulance took God knows how long to get her to the hospital… that it stopped off before getting there…
Going back to the Q thing Charlie, there’s so much going on, isn’t there?
13:46 Charlie: Yeah… and the thing is I’m a bit like a naughty little boy that’s been locked in his parent’s bedroom… we’ve been locked down for 4-months now. I work in the Middle East but I can’t travel there… so I start looking in cupboards I shouldn’t look in… I’m finding stuff I never thought was there…
14:30 It’s been an amazing journey and I’ve learned so much… I started this journey 4-months ago with 37 subscribers and for some reason, people connected… I looked yesterday and there’s over 62k subscribers… that’s incredible for a 60 year old grandad who’s got no experience in presenting or anything, I’m just giving my view…
(Discussion about health, how great lemons and limes are for you, how Bill Gates wanted to patent lemons cuz he realized they were better than his vaccine… Boris Johnson, PM, and bizarre things connected with him, etc.)
23:40 Charlie: The thing about discussion between you and I is we’re trying to make sense of what’s going on… so you need to get with people who have a clear mind and a clear perspective to make sure you’ve got the right picture… that’s what I’m trying to do by talking to everybody… I’m trying to make out what the picture is… and it’s incredibly difficult because of the smoke, mirrors, deceit… the fact that the mainstream media have an agenda…
With Boris it was a critical part of the agenda to have him in power… the day we start thinking our votes matter… for years I’ve moved currency around the world to make sure certain people get into power in certain countries… I never dreamt they had so much control over the UK and America as well…
25:04 Charlie cont: They told me 6-years ago they were going to get Trump into power… before he was even in the running… it was all part of a master-plan… it’s a Military operation and if I’m to believe them… they’re ahead of the game right now…
That’s come directly from somebody who I know… he’s an Ambassador to the US so he’s of a good standing… I’ve known him for 12-years… maybe more… he said ‘no mate, it’s been 19 years…’
27:06 Charlie: The people who funded BLM are George Soros and the Clinton Foundation… then all of the money that goes to BLM goes to the Joe Biden campaign…
(Discussion, religion, all lives matter…)
38:25 Charlie: …We’re just all human beings, once we learn to respect each other on that level and don’t play into the political narrative that’s going on out there to divide us which then makes us easier to control… divide and conquer… if we all rose up together against the government they’d be in trouble… if we’re divided it makes us easier to manage…
38:46: Chris: We need to elucidate on our terminology here, mate, because “Government” Full Stop… puppets for the sociopathic rich bloodline families that have been controlling the narrative for thousands of years…
Going back to the pyramids, right… back in those days they used to sacrifice people and that would keep the population terrified and they would control through their false religion, their religious leaders that would come up with this Mickey-Mouse story and the people would believe it… not a lot has changed there… with respect to a lot of people’s beliefs in the world…
39:45: Chris: It’s above the government, isn’t it Charlie?… it’s understanding that they fulfill one role and that’s to give you the illusion that you live in a Democracy… and you don’t and they don’t like you so get over it…
I will hold my hand up and say… before the events in New York… I’d been in combat and all the seeds were sort of sewn in my life to be a thinker… but it really took that mass event [9-11] to go, “Huh? What? Hang on a second, someone’s not telling the truth…” that was my introduction to the Rabbit Hole I guess…
41.01 Charlie: Yes, and I think also… I’m very privileged because of who I work with to actually know people who are actually involved in it… because they led me to it in the first place…
It’s very interesting also that Donald Trump right now is setting up a very similar system, based in Q, but instead of 1-outlet… he’s actually going to have 7-outlest of information so that 7 different people can form their own opinion based on the facts…
And that they’re all digital media people in America… so people that have got a following… they will be given the information from within.. so you will have a choice of 7-different pov’s…
42:08 Charlie cont.: So Q is becoming more modified now to give it a more diverse action… they’ll put out the information instead of just to one source they’ll put it out to 7-different sources… a bit like TV channels but instead of TV channels it will go out to these ‘Digital Warriors’ as Trump calls them…
42:33 And I’m in contact with one of them, right now… we’re getting information from them as well as Q and it’s a lot easier to understand… because there’s not the risk of them being killed anymore like there was before…
43:00 Charlie cont.: The gentleman I speak to… I’ve done an interview with… and I’ve recorded the whole thing but I’ve been asked not to publish it just yet…
He was a pilot for the CIA from 1977 to 1980… and when he found out that every week when he was going back and forth from Asia to America … when he found out that he was transporting heroin and hashish at the time… he decided to leave because he wasn’t comfortable with it… he decided to leave the CIA…
43:40 Charlie cont.: He was under the Official Secrets Act until 1999… so in 1999 technically he could have opened his mouth 20 years ago but then he realized that the Bush’s, then the Clintons and then the Obamas were doing the same thing…
So if he’d opened his mouth he’d have wound up dead…
And I was the first person he spoke publicly to and I have the recording but I’m not allowed to use it as yet… he has to get permission to do so… because we covered a lot of areas that were incredible… absolutely incredible… this man was a young man, he was 25-years old… and he’s 77…
44:21 Charlie cont.: Interestingly enough, Trump has gone to these people, and he’s one of them… and he is one of the advisors to Trump on the CIA that is left… and these are the people that are working together behind-the-scenes and putting the information together for Q… but they can’t go public…
44:47 He’s now working with Trump… Trump has gone to the people who left the CIA for unknown reasons… that were given “Honorable discharge”… and Trump has gone to all of them to find out what was actually going on in the CIA so he’d have hard hard evidence… he’s got people, first-hand that were involved… without knowing what they were transporting…
45:10 And they’re now working with the Q organizations to put the information together… so yes they’re all Military… nearly all Military… all CIA operatives…
45:20 Chris: For anyone who wants to learn more about this, my friend Shaun Attwood has written books on all the drug-smuggling they did… all interspliced with the Iran-Contra affair… and the crack epidemic which resulted from… basically they flooded America with so much cocaine that coke lost its value so they thought, right… how can we up the stakes here and they thought, ah, let’s turn it into crack-cocaine which they did which then made this addiction epidemic… then they blamed it all on this man on one side (whose name I forget) and Oliver North on the government side…
48:11 Charlie: …People are connecting with people like you and I because they’re sick of the BS…
49:12 Q is just a source of information that comes from within… without a shadow of a doubt comes from within…
49:19 Charlie: Up until 2.5-months ago Q was far more encrypted… then suddenly I got a message from the man that I know saying, “Charlie, we’re passed the critical point now” then suddenly Q became a lot easier to understand… now the Q-drops are pretty much laid out… you don’t need a Military brain to work them out…
49:49 Q’s days are virtually at the end now… we’re in the latter days of it… where Trump wants to have a number of sources coming directly from him… and it’s based on the theory that the Mainstream Media is not telling the truth so he’s always reverted to Twitter… which has really annoyed the MSM because anything they say that’s derogatory he puts them right on Twitter and it comes straight from him…
50:15 Charlie cont.: The lovely thing about him… unlike me I don’t mind a Gin and Tonic at night… the guy doesn’t drink.. he does it with a clear mind and he just puts that stuff out there that’s absolutely loaded…
A very important point here, Chris… the Left has got us into identity politics, where we don’t like his floppy hair… forget if you don’t like the look of him… but let’s look at what he’s really done:
51:00 He hasn’t gone to war against anybody since he’s been in power in 4-years.
First President in 30-years to do that.
He’s rescued tens of thousands of children and women from Trafficking… Rescued already.
It’s only now beginning to leak out into the media… but it comes out in ridiculously small papers… the MSM is not publishing it… then you suddenly notice in Holland… that 30,000 pedophiles have been arrested… was in The Telegraph… but it’s not on the MSM television… how many people nowadays read the newspaper?
52:18 Chris: See my jury is out… it all sounds wonderful, doesn’t it, right? Sounds like what a lot of us have been waiting for but… here’s the thing, Power corrupts and Absolute power corrupts absolutely… Q gives people power… if it’s a person… (Charlie: It’s a group) That by definition empowers these individuals…
53:20 My question would be, what is going to be done to the Global Financial System? The Central Banks which keep us all slaves… the system of Capitalism which is clearly just destroying the planet and all for “economic growth”… well you can shove your economic growth…
I wholeheartedly support going after these pedos… unless we’re willing to address the root cause as to why we’ve got so many in the world particularly in power… we have a serious problem with the way we do business as human beings, right? I know it’s early days for whatever movement is going on… but I’m just trying to say my jury is always out… otherwise I’m just signing up for someone else’s agenda?
55:03 Charlie: I’m very confident with what he’s doing right now.. and the one thing he’s said that I hang onto is this, “I’m going to give you back your God-given right to Freedom which has been taken from you…”
Now is the time, when people wake up and we are in an awakening right now… yes he may be bringing him into a better place but it’s people like you and me that need to hold him accountable that when we get to this better place we stay in that better place and we don’t slip back… and go from the frying pan into the fire… we need to keep focus on what he’s doing…
56:00 Charlie cont.: When I asked the question about this next election, because obviously we do a lot of work with the elections [moving money around the globe]…
I asked if he was going to be up against Joe Biden…
And the answer came back, “Charlie this election is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen before…”
And I asked, “Well, will Trump still be in power?”
56:19 And they said, “That will be his choice…if the job has been done he’ll be given the choice as to whether to continue or not…”
56:59 Chris: The Q thing seems to be sort of America orientated…
57:04 Charlie cont.: Q is America orientated, but The Alliance, which is behind Trump, is 4 main countries: America, Russia, China and India… and when I say China, just be careful on the interpretation of that… I mean Xi Jinping the President… whereas the government itself is the deep state which is being removed right now and replaced, as we speak, with a Republic…
57:30 Chris: What are they going to do about the khazarian mafia that seems to control the whole show… who are the deep state… Intelligence agency, own all the media… some dark agenda… who are these people that JFK talked about… who are they?
58:35 Charlie: The deep state is a re-branding... like Trump did with Fake News instead of the word propaganda… the old word for the deep state was “illuminati”… and they’re the people who run (ran) the world… Heads of Royal Families… Heads of Government… CIA-operatives… NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]… the people at the top of a number of charities… we’re talking about people in power…
59:04 If you’re looking at the 3-pillars of the illuminati/deep state… they are:
1. The Federal Reserve
2. The British Royal Family
3. The Vatican
59:20 So you have the money from the Federal Reserve and the Vatican and you have the power… they’re the 3 pillars of the illuminati which is now called the deep state… and the tentacles come down from those 3…
59:37 Charlie cont.: Now I know factually… that the Pope was arrested and he’s in house arrest and I know that for a fact because one of my Security guys who used to work with you is actually looking after him [The Pope] in his Holiday home… he was arrested many weeks ago… since before Easter.. the speech was done from his house and not the Vatican, hence the cockup with the hologram…
1:00:16 Charlie cont.: 350 members of the Vatican have been arrested and taken away… and there has been a ridiculous amount of cash and gold taken out of the Vatican, and documentation… the place has been completely emptied… and I know that from the sources I deal with moving currency… because the guys that I use have been working with them to do that…
1:00:54 With regard to factual evidence in Buckingham Palace… the Queen has gone into voluntary quarantine indefinitely… what does that mean? Quarantine’s 40-days!?...
Then you suddenly say Prince Andrew steps down… not hearing anything from Prince Charles… and then Harry and Meghan suddenly disappear… Buckingham Palace is all boarded up… we’ve had witnessed go there and tell us it is all boarded up… the Gurkhas and the Air Force are the only guards manning it…
[June 6, 2020 photo of Buckingham Palace]
(Chris chat about his skepticism that anything will change)
1:06:44 Charlie: Well maybe I can just share my positivity with you… cuz I’ve never felt as peaceful in my life and as restful as I am right now… ever…
Because there’s a lot of stuff I can’t talk about publicly yet… that not only do I KNOW but I actually believe that I’m seeing everything they told me is happening… and if it continues the way it’s going then I shall be very very happy…
But I’ve often said I’m not the Messiah I’m just Charlie… this is my view based on the information I’ve got… but for some reason I’ve got a peace that I’ve never ever had before… knowing that good is actually overcoming evil and it’s a lovely feeling…
Question About Dinar From BondLady’s Corner
.Question About Dinar From BondLady’s Corner
Ladygolddinar: I read on another forum that we need article 8 from the imf before Iraq can reval, is there any truth to this?
Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner: Yes there is truth in that. You might find it informative to read this chat we did about Iraq and multiple currency practices.
BLC Chat 01/13/2016 IMF Letter of Intent Comparison and Investment Law
(Blast from the Past too)
[tlm724] I was reading an old chat BondLady did regarding Iraq's Letter of Intent to the IMF – Thursday, July 14, 2011
[tlm724] I was comparing that LOI to the new one
[tlm724] the one from 2011 was pretty specific ie: exchange rate
[tlm724] BUT the important part was the audit, let me show you current events first
Question About Dinar From BondLady’s Corner
Ladygolddinar: I read on another forum that we need article 8 from the imf before Iraq can reval, is there any truth to this?
Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner: Yes there is truth in that. You might find it informative to read this chat we did about Iraq and multiple currency practices.
BLC Chat 01/13/2016 IMF Letter of Intent Comparison and Investment Law
(Blast from the Past too)
[tlm724] I was reading an old chat BondLady did regarding Iraq's Letter of Intent to the IMF – Thursday, July 14, 2011
[tlm724] I was comparing that LOI to the new one
[tlm724] the one from 2011 was pretty specific ie: exchange rate
[tlm724] BUT the important part was the audit, let me show you current events first
[tlm724] emmaduke translated a document from the CBI and the best I can tell it has to do with an audit, thanks emmaduke !!
[tlm724] now the new LOI has several mentions of the audit, let me show you those first
The government will not resort to the accumulation of arrears to finance the deficit. It commits to a zero ceiling on external arrears (continuous quantitative target, Table 1) and regular inventories of domestic arrears with a view to ensuring that new arrears do not accumulate and to paying them down after proper audit, as will be done for the existing stock of domestic arrears
[tlm724] Survey, audit and pay domestic arrears. As a first step, the Ministry of Planning will complete, by end-February 2016, a survey of domestic arrears on investment spending accumulated by all ministries as of end-September 2015 (structural benchmark, Table 2) and the Ministry of Finance will complete a survey, also by end-February, on current spending arrears accumulated by the same units as of end-September;
in addition, similar surveys of arrears as of end-December 2015 by end-March 2016, and as of end-March 2016 by end-May 2016 will be completed. On the basis of each of these surveys, the government will prepare plans for the orderly payment of the arrears, which will include an independent audit of the arrears and a repayment schedule in line with the government’s financing capacity.
As of end-April 2015, the government identified ID 7.3 trillion in domestic arrears, out of which ID 5 trillion accumulated in 2015 (¶13); the Board of Supreme Audit will audit these arrears to check their validity by end-February 2016. So far, the government has included ID 2.4 trillion for the repayment of domestic arrears in its revised 2016 budget (¶25).
As a first step to restructure these banks, the Ministry of Finance will, by end February 2016, appoint international auditors to audit the latest financial statements of Rasheed Bank and Rafidain Bank according to international standards (structural benchmark, Table 2), in cooperation with the Executive Committee for the restructuring of these banks and the World Bank.
[tlm724] Appointment of one or several international auditors to audit the latest financial statements of Rasheed Bank and Rafidain Bank according to international standard
[tlm724] this auditing process must surely include a note count no ??
[cat] uh huh
[RCS1947] one would think
[tlm724] ya can't audit without knowing how much money you have anywho thats the recent LOI now lets go back to 2011
[tlm724] wait btw I think Ernst & Young are going to be the auditors and here is why
Zebari discuss with Ernst & Young, the company improve the banking system March 4, 2015 21:46 (Independent) ..
Search Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Thursday evening, with a representative of Ernst Young (EY) accounting and advisory services Ahmed judge and a number of the company's experts how to improve the banking system in Iraq, according to international standards. They also discussed ways to settle the Iraqi debt in light of the procedures of the Paris Club, as well as increase the efficiency of the banking system in Iraq contact with major international financial institutions. (End)
[tlm724] ok 2011
Financial Sector 12. Financial intermediation is at a very low level in Iraq. A functioning banking sector is essential for the development of a strong private sector.
We have begun to embark on our banking sector reform strategy:
A critical step will be to complete the financial restructuring of the two largest state owned banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, based on their completed financial and operational audits. In this regard, we formed a Bank Reconciliation Unit that comprises technical level staff from the banks, the CBI and the Ministry of Finance, and with the assistance of Ernst and Young (who were the agents of the Ministry of Finance in the external debt restructuring process) to:
****A critical step will be to complete the financial restructuring of the two largest state owned banks, Rafidain and Rasheed, based on their completed financial and operational audits.*****
[tlm724] THEN Bondlady breaks this out :
MAY 31ST, 2011 The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) and the Ministry of Finance indicated that the restructuring of the balance sheets of the two largest state-owned banks, Rafidain Bank and Rasheed Bank, will be completed at the end of June 2011.
The restructuring plan is being implemented by a Bank Reconciliation Unit (BRU), chaired by the CBI, with the participation at a technical level of staff from the CBI, the Ministry of Finance and other stakeholders.
The BRU’s objectives are to deal with the legacy assets and liabilities of the previous regime to identify and propose to write-off non-performing loans to defunct state-owned enterprises to propose a course of action for other remaining un-reconciled accounts and to revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items.
[tlm724] and to revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items.
[tlm724] here's what she said and there's some stuff in between but here's the wrap up REMEMBER THIS IS FROM 2011
[BondLady] sooooooooooooooo with all of this being shown and the cbi saying this....
********* after the balance sheets have been cleaned up,*********
which we say as I’ve provided all the articles with links to show it imo appears to me everything has been done to bring on this statement by the cbi
******** revalue the remaining foreign currency denominated balance sheet items. ***********
this is pretty huge imo, I realize it says revalue the foreign currency but it has to be talking about Iraq’s currency because it can’t revalue another country’s currency it can only revalue its own, so imo this to me says that after the audit was completed and they knew how much iqd was in country and out of country and how much their debts were and all the banks to be prepared all of the deductions that needed to be included in the audits then with the remainder of the currency to be revalued? I sure hope I’m on target with all of this if not I’m sure I’ll hear about it if I’m not lol...hope u all enjoyed this and ty all who helped contribute to this post......drops the mic and walks off ...BondLady
[tlm724] claps really loud cheers
[cat] u bet
[cstacy] tlm724 hmmm thanks
[tlm724] just something to consider Wink
[RCS1947] Very Happy
[cat] tlm724 thanks
[tlm724] yw but BL does the work Wink
[RCS1947] Scooter always said the R & R banks had to come clean!
[tlm724] RCS1947 thats right !
[tlm724] the point is this, IF Iraq has plans on making the dinar the sole currency for the country then an audit is the logical step and the IMF agreement (the current one) has a stipulation on MCP's
[tlm724] I'll show you
The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP) with a view to eliminating exchange rate distortions. Such a move towards acceptance of the obligations under Article VIII of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement will send a positive signal to the investment community that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate.
[tlm724] that Iraq is committed to maintain an exchange system that is free of restrictions and MCPs for current international transactions and thus facilitate creation of a favorable business climate.
[tlm724] no more MCP's
[tlm724] The government will gradually remove remaining exchange restrictions and multiple currency practice (MCP)
[tlm724] and just as important
[tlm724] As a first step, the government will, by end-February 2016, amend the Investment Law, or issue clarifying implementing regulations, to remove the limitation on transfer of investment proceeds that gives rise to an exchange restriction, as recommended by a recent technical assistance mission of the IMF
[tlm724] the Investment Law will remove the limitation on transfer of investment proceeds that gives rise to an exchange restriction
[tlm724] you getting this ?
[cat] uh huh
[tlm724] over a short time (IMO) Iraq will make the changes needed to their currency to become compliant with the obligations under Article VIII and everything that was needed to be done is now a structured plan under the tutelage of the IMF
[tlm724] no do overs, no slacking off, we will see great strides as long as the creek don't rise and the dam holds. ok I'm done and tis a beautiful thing if ya ask me
[RCS1947] tlm724 the IMF calls for two quarterly reviews as in 3 months . What are your thoughts?
[cat] tlm724 great stuff we all love you and bondlady for all the help you do
[tlm724] cat yw
[tlm724] RCS1947 my thoughts are that is awesome ! that is of no concern to me at all I know the IMF has control as far as monetary policy, they proved it yesterday, doesn't get much better then that IMO
[cat] *its coming*lol
[tlm724] yeppers lol
[RCS1947] ok
[tlm724] the difference today is the IMF is in charge ! This is a pivotal, defining time in Iraq. It's their moment in sun (2016), thanks everyone !
Okie, Blondie and Texas Snake Q&A Sunday Night 2-9-2020
.Thank you Blondie, Okie and Texas Snake
Conference call with Okie, Blondie and Texas Snake: 2-9-2020
SaltyToes: We have a gofundme account set up for all who wish to contribute to Okies medical treatments.
Okie: Thanks to everyone for your help and your prayers……I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. In Nov. when I was first given assistance…that’s the month I died and was brought back by the grace of God. Thanks for all your prayers and will do my best to help on this ride we are taking.
Okie: Tonight may be interesting and tomorrow may really be interesting….A Zurich contact that I had said Tues, Wed may finally be our time……As I understand it tonight and tomorrow morning there is a possibility (key word) we may get 800 numbers . That is the last I got from “The source” who has the authority to make this happen.
Snake: My intel is similar …..My senior banker source at WF who is in charge of Exchange centers for 5 states including Texas. He is in charge of training for employees on Wells Fargo and specialists with Abbot Downing investment banking branch.. He feels very confident that late today or early tomorrow we may get our emails from Wells Fargo and 800 numbers for a start on Tuesday .
Thank you Blondie, Okie and Texas Snake
Conference call with Okie, Blondie and Texas Snake: 2-9-2020
SaltyToes: We have a gofundme account set up for all who wish to contribute to Okies medical treatments.
Okie: Thanks to everyone for your help and your prayers……I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. In Nov. when I was first given assistance…that’s the month I died and was brought back by the grace of God. Thanks for all your prayers and will do my best to help on this ride we are taking.
Okie: Tonight may be interesting and tomorrow may really be interesting….A Zurich contact that I had said Tues, Wed may finally be our time……As I understand it tonight and tomorrow morning there is a possibility (key word) we may get 800 numbers . That is the last I got from “The source” who has the authority to make this happen.
Snake: My intel is similar …..My senior banker source at WF who is in charge of Exchange centers for 5 states including Texas. He is in charge of training for employees on Wells Fargo and specialists with Abbot Downing investment banking branch.. He feels very confident that late today or early tomorrow we may get our emails from Wells Fargo and 800 numbers for a start on Tuesday .
Caller Do we need to do paperwork if we are over 70? Can we just get the lowest rate? Do we have to have a project?
Okie: Anyone who exchanges or redeems will have to sign at least a minimum nda depending on how much you exchange. Example: The more Zim you have the greater your NDA requirements will be. The projects are the justification for you getting the highest rates. The banks should have projects available if you wish to team up on them on if you want.
Snake: Unless you are going with a major project I think you can exchange with just a picture ID for whatever the street rate will be.
Caller: I hear we can redeem Zim at a military base or a local bank branch
Snake : I have heard it both ways. If Zim is all you have maybe you can go to a military base. Okie do you know?
Okie: My understanding is there is a military option for redeeming Zim and just last week we hear Tier 1 banks will all be able to redeem them as well…..we will wait until we have all the final proceedures to know for sure.
Snake : There will be some exchange centers not in banking facilities…usually in the larger towns
Caller: Can you tell us more about Abbot Downing? How much do we need to qualify to do business there?
Snake : I am not sure what the threshold is of how much you need to use Abbot Downing . I have heard 50 million dollars.
Blondie: That is what I heard.
Snake: They are a good firm. There are several good firms . its important to get with a good investment banker …one with a fiduciary behind his name…..Someone that has your best interest in mind for many years to come. If you exchange with WF- they will have Abbot Downing Reps there so you can schedule an appointment with them . They will want to know what you want to do in the future….your goals and objectives for the rest of your lives. Its important to pick someone for you to have a good professional relationship with. (Be sure to listen to the full description of investment products available)
Caller: My question is about the NDA. Do we know yet about it…I am worried about my nosy friends asking questions.
Snake: The biggest issue I have heard about the NDA is you do not disclose the rates you received for 3 months, 6 months , a year or with no end……..we do not know yet. All you need to say to people is that you are limited in what you are allowed to say…..
Okie: All you have to say is you made an off shore investment in the oil trade……that is the truth because China has the oil trade with Iraq……and their currency is based on the value of what oil is……so your off shore investment is based on what the value of oil is in a foreign country…..that should suffice.
Caller: About projects in regard to Zim rates. . Are we still hearing it could be 33 million per 100T note with projects
Okie: I understand that your rate may be contingent on the type of projects you will be doing…if you have a large project you may get a large rate…..…it is also my understanding that a limit of 33 million per 100 trillion note is being talked about. …..it was still being talked about as of yesterday in fact . There is a rumor from a Chinese contact that they have an designated amount of Zim they will allowed to take. Be sure to get in as quick as you can with your Zim so that you do not fall into the “dead letter” category and miss your opportunity…Do not wait for weeks to get in with your Zim. .
Caller: When I exchange I don’t have a trust…what do I do? What kind of account do I exchange into?
Okie: They will set you up a temporary trust that will be good for 6 months to give you time to get your own trust(s) .It will give you control until you get a trust of your own.
Snake: And that trust is revocable…….it can be changed if you wish. They will also do a financial questionnaire and help you with a financial plan. Just get their ideas and stay in control of your money, Also Put it in a Non interest bearing account so it’s not taxed . Everything I own will be in a trust and not owned personally.
Okie: New IRS Anology….”We’ve got what it takes to get all that you’ve got” IRS now means “Internal Robbery Squad”
Caller: Are we redeeming or exchanging Zim? Will zim be taxed?
Okie: we are redeeming the Zim ….They are Gold Bond Certificates. Currency is an exchange. We do not know about Zim tax implications as of yet.
Caller: I am an American National and I do not want to sign an NDA…I plan on bringing a notary and recording the transaction.
Okie: The NDA is because they do not want the average American to know how little they could have invested to get so much back…If everyone found out….there would be all kind of protests. The bank will provide notary’s and it’s my understanding that phones and recording devices will not be allowed.
Caller: Can we go with family members to help them at their appointments?
Okie: I hear that you could….but, it’s my understanding that everyone at the exchange will have to sign an NDA.
Snake: If you have a limited power of attorney with who you are helping… it will allow you to attend their exchange appointment
Caller: Do we have to have receipts where we purchased our currency ?
Okie: You do not have to bring proof of purchase…..just bring your currency. People are complicating what should be a simple appointment. If you have currency they will not ask you where you got it….they will just redeem it.
Snake: Now for taxes – receipts and the date you purchased your currency….may make a difference if it’s a long or short term investment. For capital gains.
Okie: Its my understanding this is not a taxable event.
Snake: That’s what I understand as well…..but pays to be prepared.
Okie : The Zim may be taxable as it’s a Gold Bond redemption…..that has not been made clear to us as of yet.
Okie: I hear many people saying they want to fly to Hawaii after the RV…my advice is to take a boat. There are more planes at the bottom of the sea then there are boats in the sky…lol
Caller: We have heard if you are 70 or above you do not need a project to redeem the Zim.
Okie: Everyone will qualify for the international/street rate whether you have a project or not.
Snake: Ask you bank if they have projects or humanitarian projects available that if you want to qualify for a higher rate you and could donate to these projects…they may have some available.
Caller: I heard you don’t want to put more than $500,000 in an account?
Okie: You may be talking about the wire-line transfer on the first day.
Snake: That depends on the rate and how much you have.
Snake: I don’t plan on leaving big amounts in the bank…but to start we all have to do it that way.
Example: Say you have 10 million you can set up trusts and foundations and distribute it in other accounts. If you put it in an interest bearing account they can mingle your funds with the Federal reserve and loan it out to other people. ……. If you put it in a non- interest bearing account – they cannot do that. But they will not let you keep huge amounts in a non- interest bearing account for very long…imo set up a temporary account as Okie had said ….then work with your wealth managers and investment bankers ect…..During this time….the banks can give you a letter of credit for any purchase you want to make.
Okie: Even though we are told this is a not taxable event…..Because we do not know of the exact tax requirements it is still good advice to open a separate account with each currency……Just in case some is taxed like the Zim may be
Okie: There may be 2 % fee taken off the top of this exchange given to the US Treasury . The banks may also try to charge you ½ of 1% out of you for this transaction. If you plan on leaving your money in this bank you tell them you do not feel comfortable paying them that fee to hold your money . You can negotiate that half of a percent out of existence….that may be a big amount.
Caller: Does anyone know about how we insure our funds after we exchange? Do we go to Lloyd of London?
Snake. That’s one option. You can also go to brokerage money market accounts and each account should have a separate insurance policy. It’s best to talk this over with the bank. Ask them the best way to structure accounts so all your funds are insured.
Okie: Since we are going to be exchanging into digital currency backed by gold and silver. I would think that whatever bank you put it into would be the Guarantur….. It will now be asset backed in a digital form ….. and your funds should all be safe with the QFS.
Snake: There may be a transition period of 6 months to a year to get it all accomplished. but that is very true.
Blondie: : And Trump nominated Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve.
Okie: Judy Shelton has been orchestrating all of this from behind the curtain all along…. Imo
Caller: I had heard conflicting info about exchanging into a WF skeleton trust. Is there any reason not to trust the temporary skeleton trust at the banks that we exchange into at our exchange? Can we exchange into non interest bearing accounts first and then move to trusts? Or do you advise against this?
Snake: There are a lot of unknowns in the tax structure on putting it into your own name…Your bank accounts and what you put into them will be the basis of your exchange values. I wish we knew what or if the new tax laws will be….Okie says this will be a non-taxable event so the currency wont be taxable. If you don’t earn interest you will not pay taxes on it. .
Caller What about the nominee accounts?
Snake: A nominee account is an account not in your name. and non interest bearing is the way to go.
Okie: I understand it’s a requirement of the exchange ….It is my understanding when we exchange they will only put funds in a revocable trust at first.
Snake: All the trusts at the bank are approved and pre-determined by the IRS under the laws of the state you live in….Be sure it’s a revocable trust that you can change it….. As Okie says set up a temporary revocable trust when you exchange and they set up your lawyers, wealth managers ect, other trusts ect……during this time . When you transfer funds from your temporary trust to your new trusts and accounts….have the bank do it…do not do it yourself.
Caller: With the temporary trust can you still spend it- have “walking around “ money ect??
Snake: Sure: I would suggest not to take out more than $9000 at a time so you don’t trigger any investigations that could freeze your accounts. You could have certified checks written to anyone yu want as well. Very few bankers will have access to any of your accounts…..tellers will not…..only bank officers. And this if for your protection. The bank will give you letters of credit based on your account balances for any purchases you want while you are setting things up.
Caller: I understand there will only be a few banks exchanging Zim.
Okie: Most all the banks will have rates that are comparable and competitive. …..they do not want people going one place and exchange a bit then buying more currency and going somewhere else. That’s double dipping.
Okie: People seem to be worried about what they are going to do at once after they exchange…day 1 and day 2……. I think people should take your time …don’t be in a big hurry…this is a long term thing….take your time and do not rush. …do your exchange and then meet with your advisors and lawyers and map out everything you need to do. .
Okie: I enjoyed being on this call….wish I had enough air to talk longer. Snake has great information….hook your wagon to his star and you won’t go wrong. When this RV’s I plan on paying it forward from all who have helped me.
Snake: God Bless Okie…and thanks Saltytoes for helping us get the go fund me set up for Okie.
Blondie: Hopefully we will be hitting the banks this week!!
Be sure to listen to the full replay for the full Q &A and all the information regarding trusts, accounts, taxes and more…...
Replay number: 712-770-5066 Access Code: 648989#
From MarkZ’s site: THANK YOU, SNAKE, PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE: https://www.mmbb.org/docs/FinancialPlanningQuestionnaire.pdf
Community help for Okie organized by Originalmark Zteam
Originalmark Zteam Community help for Okie Health update for Okie needing more treatments.He needs prayers and a hand upThank you everyone