Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-12-19

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-12-19

Transcribing By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday Dec 12th and you’re listening to The Big Call -glad you’re here from all over the globe to tune in with us and enjoy the full moon tonight – the last one of the decade – I think it has some serious significance not only for Iraq but also China and other countries and we are pleased we are moving in that direction

I look forward to giving you guys a good piece of intel right now -- I will say this – we are at a really good place because of the things that have happened in the last few days

Number 1 USMCA agreement – United States / Mexico / Canada trade agreement was passed and signed off in Mexico City, I believe that was Tuesday, 2 days ago – that was a great accomplishment to have that out of the way and moving forward because now that put additional pressure on China –

My understanding was a little after 4:22 Eastern time today there was something in the news about the China Trade Agreement having been signed off by President Trump –

And you know he leveraged everything that he could leverage to do the best possible deal including, it sounds like, - the reduction of tariffs on China to cut in half at least some or most of the items that have tariffs on them – and then also not raise tariffs on the 15th, which is Sunday of this month as was anticipated on the Chinese - so instead of getting a raise of tariffs – they are getting a cut of 50% on most tariffs and possibly they will go away completely under the new trade deal –

My understanding is the new trade deal will take 21 days to go into effect from the date of signing – so you guys do the math - 21 days from today – if today was in fact the day it was signed off

I believe we are going to hear an announcement from the president in the next few days about the trade deal and about the tariffs and what status those are in or will be in the future – so that is very positive for us - I will say this in addition to that – our understanding of the trade agreement with China being signed off is also saying that the GCR has begun has taken place today –

Those 2 go hand in hand The China trade deal which we were not sure we needed it before we move forward with either the GCR or the revaluation of all these currencies but it was apparently something we did need to happen and now we have it – So the GCR is in effect in place

Now, what else has happened? Remember we talked about the 27 Chinese Elder families that were expecting to draw down on their funds and we thought they would start and ends up they started at 3:40 this morning Eastern Standard time – and it is my understanding they completed that today –

They have all drawn down on their funds – That was also something we were looking forward to accomplish before the groups began to be paid out – and the groups, we’re talking the groups out west – we’re talking about the adjudicated settlements - which include fines & penalties and so on - and the CMKX – all of that my understanding, started – now I don’t know for sure if it started today or continued today but we think that’s in process already

Now as far as when people will start to see money in their accounts, when the group members will see funds in their account it’s hard to say but the tendency was for the groups to be paid out over night so maybe something will happen overnight – I think it’s a major accomplishment that the trade deal is complete and the GCR at least in principal is done

Now, the next piece is what we’re hearing from various bank sources / redemption centers / and other informed sources are looking for this to be a very important weekend for us

Now I know we all look at this in terms of nothing is going to happen over the weekend – it can only go on a Tues / Wed or Thurs – we’ve heard that before and I understand the reason for that – but look at this possibility and believe me guys this is not me calling it this is only taking the information and putting it out

We’re being told that everything is going to cut loose after market is closed tomorrow, let’s say 4 or 430 Friday and come in for us well before the markets open on Sunday night in China now, Sunday night on the East Coast 8 or 9 o’clock which is 8 or 9 o’clock morning in Beijing and Hong Kong

So you’ve got a wide open weekend there where anything is possible and maybe – just maybe we do get started on Saturday and maybe we don’t get full access to liquidity until late Monday afternoon or Tuesday - that’s fine with me and it may be the way this goes down

Now we know the public start date - and when I say “public”, I am talking about tier 5 not tier 4 which is us – tier 5 I understand from one bank source is supposed to start on Monday the 23rd of Dec – just a couple days before Christmas and also under the impression that the new USTN currency - United States Treasury Notes – our new money should be available at the same time that the public starts and it could very well start on that Monday the 23rd –

Now, we at the redemption centers when we go in, we are going to have the ability to take some cash up to 14,000 but it will the USD unless you request in advance USTN – realize this the USD will spend just fine and they actually want that to go out to us so we can spend it into the market place and then what will happen is the big box stores, the WalMarts / Home Depot/ whatever – will remit the old USD to the banks faster than we could take it to the banks and exchange it for new USTN’s

But remember we wont be able to do that until around the 23rd of Dec – So the theory is instead of insisting on USTN’s at the time of the exchange go ahead and take the USD fiat currency and spend that out – don’t take more that you need – take whatever you feel comfortable with and spend it – spend it back into the system – and that is the advice that the redemption center staff and the banks are telling us is a good idea to do –

Now, beyond that I think there was another point I wanted to make – one more thing I wanted to mention, oh yeah, here it is – there have been 2 major telecommunications with between our president Trump / the bank CEO’s / other people in the 3 letter agencies over the last couple of days – The first call was a very strong call to alert the banks to make sure that nothing is in the way to keep this from going – to let this go – do not try to inhibit it do not try to do anything to slow it down or there would be repercussions – Well they weren’t heeded evidently after the first call

The second call which I believe was yesterday evening the same basic group, maybe – a few added was more of a come to Jesus meeting - This was letting them know that they were absolutely serious about any more playing with this – to let this go – do not inhibit or stand in the way of this in any way or there would be serious repercussions

I believe the point was very well taken and I believe it was very well made and believe me – the repercussions were very serious and I think we are at the point of no more negative influence on moving forward with our exchanges / our redemption getting underway

Now in addition there have been clean up on isle 3 as I put it, pick up and drop off since and non stop since Oct 11 – and that is still going on today and will continue until they have everything they want cleaned up on Isle 3

I feel good about that – I feel really good about where that is going where its taking us - we know that the security is at the very highest level – We know they are ready for us from a security point of view and we believe that the green light for us will occur sometime this weekend

I don’t know when the toll free number is going to come out – Could it come out tomorrow? Could it be tomorrow evening - it could ----

We know that they want this to be a daytime event so maybe it’s Saturday but the point is whenever it is you need to be ready – you need to be prepared to not only set your appointments but go in and get the exchanges and redemption done

As far as the intel goes – we are pretty much there with everything – remember the 4 letter word we’re not going to use - (done) all the way down to the China Trade deal… USMCA was done a couple days ago…fantastic!! That put pressure on China to sign off on this thing and get it done and they did – President Trump worked this thing like a musician – this is what he does – he’s the Deal King --

Ok, so he did this – yes it took a little longer than we thought – yes it dragged out – yes I know – believe me I’m aware of it just like you are but you know what – ultimately it’s all going to be for our good and I think we should all look at it that way –

He wants us to have a great Christmas – we should have a fantastic maybe best ever Christmas we’ve ever had and hopefully we get our liquidity and get access to those funds and big funds and time to do anything we want to do for Christmas and the New Year as far as that goes

So with all that, I’m going to say thank you Big Call Universe for tuning in and for listening -- Have a wonderful night -- Bruce

The Big Call Replay Link intel starts at 53:00 min mark


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