Bix Weir Video Thoughts and more Wednesday 2-5-2020

Bix Weir: 

Economic Control Reigns as the Old System Transitions through "Year Zero!"

RoadToRoota:  Feb 5, 2020

It's crazy out there with the market rigging mechanism going off the expected! Roota is cruising right through Year Zero with her "Wishes & Rainbows" comic in her back pocket!

Hold on to your silver, gold and cryptos!


Bix Weir Live Q&A...from Oakland, CA!!

Streamed live 15 hours ago

Let's chat about the CHAOS!!

"Q", Election Rigging, CNN Conspiracy & More Things I Can't Talk About!!

Feb 4, 2020

I have posted videos on my Private Road and Patreon Channel that youtube will NOT let me discuss in a Public Forum. So Sad they think "Free Speech" only applies to THEIR FREEDOM!

For those who may have missed it: From today’s “Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Feb.5, 2020”

C. Bix Weir on the Global Currency Reset:

On June 4, 1963 President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury."

This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. This single order would have destroyed the vice grip the banks have on the US monetary system and lead us back onto the road to prosperity with sound money.

Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, and in July 1965 Lyndon B. Johnson reversed Kennedy's monetary vision by removing all silver from the coinage of the United States.

When Nixon removed any US dollar gold backing in 1971 the game was on to totally devalue the US Dollar.

Where are we today?

I believe we are in the final stages of the long delayed implementation of the Gold Commission's recommendations. Clearly, with today's reckless government spending "reasonable price stability and confidence in our currency" has been destroyed forever… at which time the Commission recommended returning to the Gold Standard.

The House Financial Services Committee passed Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed" bill and it will be part of the Financial Regulation Bill likely to pass in 2010.

The Federal Reserve is hiding $Trillions in losses, massive financial malfeasance and illegal money creation/lending to foreign banks. Although the audit itself would destroy the global monetary system, I believe it was included in the Financial Regulation Bill to clean up the mess AFTER the imminent banking crash.

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D. The Road to Roota Theory by Bix Weir: Road to Roota Theory postulates that there is a group of people in the United States as well as around the world that are working to remove and destroy the financial banking powers that have secretly controlled all aspects of our lives for hundreds of years. The original idea of this group sprang from the mind of Alan Greenspan and involved rigging markets with computer programs that he had invented in the 1960's. Road to Roota: //

Greenspan's Golden Secret: //

Key Components of the Road to Roota Theory:

1) All markets have been 100% controlled by computer programs since the 1970's in order to steer and control prices, thus prolonging the fiat monetary system. //

2) A powerful cabal of the world's elite have taken over that market manipulation process and twisted it to enhance their own profits while pretending to service their nation's best interests. //

3) In the early 1900's the United States embarked on a secret policy to hide all of its own natural resources and exploit the rest of the world's until resource scarcity was fully recognized. //

4) In order to support the oil backed US Dollar and the world's petro-based economic system the "powers that be" have hidden new energy technologies that would greatly benefit the world's population as well as the environment. //

5) Since 911 there is a group of people and governments that have decided "enough is enough" and are in the process of removing the banking cabal from their seat of power. //

6) The planned destruction of the fiat monetary system is the type of "Creative Destruction" event that will force the implementation of a new Gold Standard within the United States. //

You may argue all you want about my interpretation and conclusions but there will be no arguing the final results. When the final crash comes the facts will show that the Road to Roota Theory was the closest thing to a "correct analysis" of the gold market available at this time in history.

This is your peek behind the curtain of the Great and Powerful OZ!

As we read the papers today the events are unfolding before us. The real question now is what will happen in the future? Will we be cast into a deep and dark depression with no hope for future generations or will we survive and even thrive as we make this transition?

Here is my interpretation of all the information found in the archives: //

1) The collapse of the fiat monetary system will be total and complete equalizing the playing field between the "haves" and the "have-nots".

2) All paper/electronic debt and assets will evaporate with the collapse of the fiat money system.

3) Those who have perpetrated the outrageous and monstrous crimes of the past 100 years will be hunted down and prosecuted (if they are lucky).

4) The US will issue a new gold backed currency (domestically) allocating it according to future social security payments due.

5) The US will allocate much of the new gold backed money to support the funding of schools, police, health care, infrastructure and other necessities for a fully functioning society.

6) Globalization will end upon the collapse of the derivative structure and all countries will end global trade concentrating on their own internal commerce.

7) All US overseas troops will return home to protect our borders and ensure the safety of our citizens.

8) The US population will be fully employed working to replace all the overseas production lost in the reversal of Globalization.

9) The United States will tap into its VAST natural resources that have been hidden away for years in National Parks, Military Bases and sites deemed "Ecologically Sensitive".

10) A vast array of new energy technologies will be revealed since there will be no more need for the "oil standard" that has supported the US Dollar for the past 50 years.

11) The implementation of the new monetary system will usher in a glorious new "Golden Age" that the world will embrace after years of being lead around like "Sheeple".

We are on the cusp of something truly momentous in the history of the human race. With the full transition there is no need to lose the free markets system. Truthfully, a true "Free Market" system has never been given the chance it deserves with all the market rigging of the past 100 years.

We will be free again. We will resurrect our Constitution and we will make the United States of America the Land of Liberty that our forefathers envisioned. Let's pray that the change is peaceful. May the Road you choose be the Right Road. Bix Weir


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