Bix Weir, PIR, Kudlow and Varney Friday 3--2020

Bix Weir

ALERT! #1 Banking Criminal, Jamie Dimon, Has Emergency Heart Surgery...EXIT PLAN?!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 5, 2020

The World's #1 Banking Criminal has just undergone emergency heart surgery! REALLY? The timing is a bit too suspicious for me...

Patriot Intel Report:

PIR 03 05 20

It appears this Black swan event is a “slow burn”.  They are taking down the old system to replace it with the new. They are taking it down to the ground in a “controlled way” .

Covid 19: Governments are being hit with the Corona Virus.   Iran Government infected, French Government infected, and now a aid in US Congress has a confirmed case of Corona virus…..Also Vatican city has a confirmed case of Corona virus.  

We can potentially see lockdowns in major US cities. Watch for this in possibly Seattle, Portland, LA, San Francisco, New York City.     China did this.  They say the only way to combat it is to contain it……They just need to put the military at all the roads. Ground all the planes.   No one in and no one out.  Drastic measures like this in other countries  are hurting their economies….This is altering the world.

There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes economically……We will see how this plays out.

The Global economic fiat system is “sick”. The Federal Reserve is “sick”….It’s like a virus…..  We all know this. It needs to be dealt with…maybe it needs to be contained.

Larry Kudlow White House considers pumping cash into distressed parts of US economy

 The White House wants to provide a targeted financial stimulus to areas of the economy that need it, economic adviser Larry Kudlow says.

The administration is weighing a “timely and targeted micro approach,” the director of the Trump administration's National Economic Council, told FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on Friday. The money could go toward helping people stranded at home who may lose pay as well as small businesses in specified geographical areas and certain industries impacted by the outbreak of the new coronavirus.

He added that the Trump administation is "not looking at big, expensive macro cash rebates, helicopter money from the sky" because "that never works."

Kudlow says his concern is that commodities, such as gold and and oil, are flashing deflationary signals, but that the White House doesn't want to act prematurely because today's jobs report shows the U.S. economy is "in very good shape."​ressed-economy-kudlow



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