Bix Weir Monday 9-16-19 "We are in the End Game"
Bix Weir: ALERT!! $1.2 Quadrillion of Notional Derivatives Just Became REAL!!
Published on Sep 16, 2019
So I was a few days off! The attack on the Saudi Oil Facility is just the beginning salvo in the END GAME on the Road to Roota so hang on tight!
BW: It’ s happening……this is the End Game. The bad guys needed the Petrodollar and derivatives to control the fiat money..
BW: If it’s true that the oil derivatives just went sideways,….contracts are about to come due.
BW: Regarding the attack on Suadi Arabias refineries… This caused oil prices to surge 20% when the markets opened. Biggest jump on record ever….…...Its not about the oil…..its about the derivatives.
BW. Could all 1.2 Quadrillion in oil derivatives about to become real??? Somebody guaranteed all of this….look at JP Morgan, Deutche bank and the usual banking suspects……
I said 3 months ago that exploding the 1.2 Quad. Derivative market would collapse the World banking system and cause a unprecedented depression. And now it’s happening.
This is a planned implosion. To get rid of the criminals that control our world. They gave the bankers enough rope to hang themselves…..they blew up that debt bubble so high that they cannot survive it.
BW. Its that easy to take down the bad guys….they are greedy bastards. The fake shares that are traded every day …the bond market…the stock market….the commodity market….it’s all a Ponzi scheme …a game and it is imploding…..
Bix Weir: Part 1 - Roota's 2019 Timeline (Private Road Post)
Published on Sep 3, 2019
I have posted the first video in the Road to Roota Timeline that was posted on the Private Road back in June 2019...everything is still on track for some September CHAOS!! Hang on tight!
Roota's Timeline - Part 2 (Bix Weir)
Published on Sep 7, 2019
This is the second half of my Timeline article which lays out the clues as to "When!"
Wednesday Evening Chat With MarkZ
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: What does the thumbnail picture mean? Has our ship come in?
MZ: In the past we were told close the RV- peace would suddenly break out in the middle east…The news today about an agreement between Hamas and Israel might be it. It all seems to be coming together.