Bix Weir and PIR Wednesday 3-11-2020

Bix Weir

Ladies & Gentlemen...Welcome to "Year Zero!"

RoadToRoota:  Mar 11, 2020

As the Central Banks open all the money spigots it soon will dawn on humanity that the Road to Roota Theory was 100% Correct...

The Plan to destroy and replace the Global Monetary System is in Full Swing NOW!

I would say year zero is the changing of the Monetary system….It is clear to me that this is what is happening right now.

All the banks are insolvent…they just have to declare it at the end of the quarter.

Patriot Intel Report:

PIR 03 11 20

About minute 1:30   What we are seeing is a controlled takedown or controlled burn of the current system . They are doing it in such a manner to not be a massive , intense shock to the system but it is still bringing the system down.

Why is that? Because we are going to witness the replacement of this broken, and old Global Economic System and have a new system.

With the Covid 19 epidemic we are seeing a major reaction in the markets….and just beginning to see a supply chain breakdown because there is about a 30 day lag .  People are going to see this on the store shelves or the lack thereof in the coming days.

Now the President of the United States is responding to this with an economic plan that he will be presenting on this Saturday the 14th.  There was an interesting thing about this. Mr. Kudlow who is part of Trumps economic team , spoke with the Corona virus action team that is chaired by VP Pence.

Mr. Kudlow addressed the economic side because he did meet with senators behind closed doors yesterday and put forward a plan. One portion of that plan is that they want to do a “Payroll Tax Holiday” and not collect payroll taxes. Word got out that the President wanted to make that permanent.

Permanent! No more payroll or income taxes coming out of our paychecks !!!

Now Kudlow was questioned about this by some of the reporters. One said that he had looked into it and the United States brings in 1.7 Trillion dollars a year with this tax. He asked “If President Trump was planning to make this permanent, how would we make up this shortfall?”

Larry Kudlow kind of danced around the issue and said “We have alternative revenue that would take care of that” . When pressed about this “alternative revenue source for the 1.7 Trillion dollars a year” he was very evasive. But he said “We have this covered”

Where could this possible 1.7 trillion dollars be coming from that they would replace payroll taxes with? 

Overall this is evidence af things going on behind the scenes. That they are replacing the global economic system and that there are things being put in place to revive the economy. Hints of removing taxes and possibly the end of the IRS?  Could it be???? With changing the tax structure of the United States they will possible go with a flat tax on purchases. 

They are working on it and plans are in place and it’s happening right now.


Post deleted by request.


IQD CALLS Early Wednesday 3-11-20