Bix Weir and PIR Friday 3-13-2020

Bix Weir

Silver, Cryptos, Stocks, Bonds, Oil, FX...EVERYTHING is RIGGED!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 13, 2020

Who's the Little Man Behind the Curtain rigging all markets?

It used to be Alan Greenspan but now it's "Little Steve Mnuchin" the ex-Goldman Sachs Computer Market Rigging Expert!!

Mark my words...Mnuchin will be taken to the wood shed before this is over.

Patriot Intel Report: 

PIR 03 13 20

Boom! We saw major changes of 10% or more yesterday. It was a bloodbath yesterday.

With this economic Black Swan Event and the destruction of the old financial system…..this is a good thing…

About minute 5:00    What we are going to see with businesses shut down, commerce shut down, sporting events shut down, schools shut down, lockdowns ect……With this huge impact on the economy the only solution is a debt jubilee. The only way they are going to right this ship is to write everything off.  And they are going to do this through a debt jubilee.

Everyone was wondering when we would see the reset… …..this is it people….we are watching it.

You are living history.


News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Afternoon 3-13-2020


MarkZ and Michael Cottrell friday Morning Chat 3-13-2020