Bix Weir and Lynette Zang Tuesday Afternoon 4-28-2020

Bix Weir: 

USA New GOLD STANDARD! Trump Looks for GOLD in the Grand Canyon?!

RoadToRoota: April 28, 2020

Every US President since Reagan has tried to mine the Grand Canyon for its' Vast GOLD Deposits but every President has been turned away...


Are you ready for a CHANGE in MONEY?!

Trump Proposes Mining for Uranium Near the Grand Canyon

The Trump administration released a long-awaited plan to “revive and strengthen the uranium mining industry” to boost nuclear power. If enacted, the proposal would wreak ecological havoc on U.S. public lands, including the Grand Canyon.

Mining companies have long had their eyes on land near the iconic national park and neighboring tribal lands. Because previous uranium extraction in the area leached toxic chemicals into the air and water, a 2012 ban on mining in the area protects the park from the industry’s expansion. But in their memo, the Trump administration’s Nuclear Fuel Working Group proposed opening 1,500 acres in the region up to the industry, despite the risks doing so would pose to indigenous and rural communities and wildlife.

Though nuclear power does not rely on fossil fuels, mining for uranium is a dirty process. Radioactive dust can be kicked up into the air and toxic chemicals can contaminate nearby water and soil.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has helped federal agencies know any and all potential

Despite that, the plan also recommends easing environmental requirements for mining permits under the National Environmental Policy Act, a set of regulations for which the Trump administration has already proposed a major rollback. It also proposes creating a new federal uranium reserve and allocating $150 million per year to fill that reserve with domestically mined uranium, ostensibly in an effort to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign uranium producers for nuclear power.


Streamed live 2 hours ago

Some of today's questions:

Muhammed T: Reserve Bank of New Zealand to monetize government debt. How can debt be monetized? MK: How is it advantageous to posses junk silver US currency versus pure silver non US currency rounds or other?

Victor G: You mentioned the fundamental value of gold at $11,500 and silver at $900. Do you mean that the value of gold and silver will go to those high values? If yes, WHEN?

Lisa K: what do they mean when they say 'inflating away' debt?

Sean M: what are some examples of possible income producing assets we may be able to buy in months/years ahead?


Tuesday Night X22 Reports 4-28-2020


We’ll Get Through This