Bill Holter, PIR and Pimpy Wednesday 6-3-2020

BILL HOLTER: The Monetary Reset Is Coming?!

May 30, 2020

BILL HOLTER: The Monetary Reset Is Coming!! Buy Gold and Silver... In this video I talk to Bill Holter.

Bill Holter is known in the gold and silver community, and is business partners with Jim Sinclair.

Today Bill discusses his views on the monetary reset, buying gold and silver, and what he believes the future of the money system will look like.

He believes the most important thing to watch is the credit market, and whether it can sustain the amount of money the federal reserve is printing.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 06 03 20

We are watching for the switching over from the old to the new system… and when this all plays out we have yet to see but we know it is in process.…..

I think a lot has to do with this upcoming final stimulus package…I believe it will unlock and unleash many legal things. We may all be surprised when we see these global changes roll out .

We are still in an “Economic sweetspot”

Iraqi Dinar News 06/03/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Jun 3, 2020


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