9 Things We Should Never Minimize

9 Things We Should Never Minimize

Lisa Avellan of Simple and Soul.

As minimalists, we strive for less stuff to experience more life. We learn how to detach from our possessions, limit technology, set boundaries with our commitments, and manage our finances with more intention.  Our schedules get pared down to the most important appointments, we open our calendars for family time, meeting with a friend, reading, or pursing a passion. Simplicity becomes our goal.

We learn to ask ourselves important questions before adding any item to our life:

“How can this make my life easier?”

“Will this cause more freedom or hold me back?”

Simplicity takes more intention than renting a storage unit, so we learn to value the weight of every decision. The value of an item or experience becomes more than a price tag or a great story to tell at a cocktail party. Minimalism is not for the half-hearted.

Minimalism is a journey of heart and soul.

It’s a deep dive into the core of what we believe about who we are, where we find value, our purpose, and our passion. These are incredibly personal and difficult mountains to climb. A compass and hatchet are necessary tools to make the journey.

This matter of the heart requires that we take great care to cut the nonessentials, and cultivate the things we should never minimize. It’s how we maximize the benefits of minimalism.

Here are nine things that should never fall victim to our minimalist pursuit:


To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



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