7 Keys to Success Most People Know But Ignore

7 Keys to Success Most People Know But Ignore

By   Ian Warner

These are the keys that you have read about before, yet have not made changes in your life yet. The interesting thing about success is that there are so many people that have come before us that have shown us the way.

They write books and present their findings, but we are too stubborn to change. 

7 Keys to Success Most People Know But Ignore

Beware, the points below may seem obvious. That’s because they are. You’ve heard multiple people tell you these things over and over again. The problem is that these are being ignored, and if you want to be successful, you can’t afford to do that.

I am going to jam these points down your throat one more time: 

1. Reading Non-Fiction Books Regularly

If you go into a library or book shop, all the fiction books are at the front, and the self-development/education books are right at the back. People want to escape reality.

Never in my life have I finished reading multiple books and said:  “Man I wish I did not read so much.”

Reading gives us life, it gives us ideas, it helps us grow, and it works the imagination and keeps our minds sharp. Bill Gates often talks about how he reads 50 books a year. If a billionaire is reading 50 books a year then why are we not trying to read 50 books a year?

Here is why: It requires discipline; it means that when you would rather watch TV, a movie or YouTube, you need to resist and pick up a book instead. It is not a hard thing to follow yet we struggle with this. I used to consider myself not to be a “numbers guy” but I quickly realized that to be successful, I had to shake this notion.

To do this, I started reading everything I possibly could about finance and numbers. I bought books on investing, learned real estate, stocks, downloaded apps, took courses, I just got excited on the topic.

I would not stop until I felt like I understood money and investing well. It all came from deciding to read. 

2. Seeking Mentorship

As humans, we are simulation machines. We learn from imitating those around us at an early age. Here is the problem, when we get older we get stubborn and stop simulating. We try and create our path by learning on our own, but trial and error is slow and often the most costly way of learning.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



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