2 Fleming RV Reports Friday PM 7-30-2021

Fleming Friday PM RV Report #1:

Our military intel contact is confirming Mr Fleming’s source saying today Fri 30 July, 

“The time for our blessing is upon us....Washington DC indicated that it’s going to be in a media blackout and that funds [global shotgun start funds] are anticipated to be released on SAT July 31,2021 onwards.

 “Remember we have all been chosen by God to change the world so please make sure that your spirit is right as your aura will be read and you might get rejected [for higher rates] if they realise that you are not qualified for this journey.

“We are close to celebrate this worldwide event and I’m sure there will be hundreds or thousands crying full of happiness. 

“There is no further update. 

“GOD Guide us & Bless  us...

Fleming Friday Report #2

Curtailing Systemic Corruption

The Only True Task de Jour

 Not many people are aware that we have the great genius, Robert Maheu, founder of CMKX penny stock corporate launch; to thank for NESARA and RV GCR. 

 He led a colorful life, to say the very least. He was a widely published author. A friend to many of the wealthiest people in the world. Often, whenever necessary, a government informant and spy. Ultimately, he was a visionary entrepreneur and a major risk taker earning and losing several fortunes in his lifetime. 

 CMKX/CMKM  was his long-running play to bring down a corrupt government, a corrupt Financial System, identify all of the guilty parties, lawfully, permanently, and irreversibly alter the Monetary System all over the world.  He was a Patriot with a capital “P”. The background and history on this great man is extensive. For purposes of this brief article though, he must be named and honored, just to keep things real. Honor is paid where it’s due, right on his lifetime of contribution. 

 The C_A is notorious for bringing in men and women, celebrities, entrepreneurs, the brightest and best; and coaxing their support to achieve whatever end is sought. Robert Maheu was one such bright young man, who’s love of country, was everything. He was here for Operation Paperclip, and together with Howard Hughes, recognized the corruption taking hold. He was around for Leo Wanta/Ronald Reagan’s take down of Russia.

He saw everything and knew the right people. When he came upon the idea to launch CMKX, Robert Maheu launched his most ambitious project ever, the exposure and disclosure of the Systemic Corruption in Monetary, Judicial, Legislative, and including the State and Federal Government; Systems. A huge task and a lifetime of planning to bring about.

 Mr. Maheu’s role in CMKX was played like a master fiddler. He orchestrated the most amazing coup in history, while playing the double-ought spy to the hilt, he managed to take a penny stock, considered worthless at the time, to a multi-trillion dollar corporation, ultimately benefiting thousands of shareholders around the world.

All of them Average Joe’s, starting out with only a few hundred, and a few thousand shares, bought for pennies. He used the existing System, rolling assets up and up and up and up, while acquiring hard assets like gold and diamond mines. He then leveraged these inground assets with the global buy/sell of notes pledged against these hard assets, taking advantage of the Ponzi Scheme and creating huge assets and multi-million dollar returns for his shareholders. Yet, CMKX has been blocked from releasing this money for years.

Al Hodges, Mr. Maheu’s trusted attorney, and a brilliant and kind man as well, (Rest in Peace, Al!) was brought in to challenge this “block” through the Judicial System. He represented CMKX all the way up to the Supreme Court (http://www.examiner.com/x-9341-Manhattan-Headlines-Examiner~y2010m3d30-CMKM-Diamonds-and-the-387-trillion-lawsuit-you-didnt-hear-about ).  And he won every suit. 

 Still no money has been distributed to the shareholders. How is that possible? We might as well as the same question of the SKR holders, for both bonds and currencies. They completed their deal. Money is now sitting in an account, with approved, spendable funds. The deal is done. So, what gives?

When is “Money of Account on Hold” actually spendable? Mr. Robert Maheu knew when he first formed CMKX, that he would be successful because he knew the power players involved. He had good relationships with the banks.

They knew he was worth millions, in actual fact, and that he associated with millionaires and billionaires. He wasn’t someone to play around with. So, when Maheu started working with the “settlement houses” putting his instruments on the market, so to speak; he was naturally allowed since he was One of the Good Ole Boys. They let him accrue.

They did not, however let him disperse to ordinary folk. It’s taken Attorney Al Hodges and his team, everything they had to challenge this, and it’s all on record. Every one of these CMKX Shareholders, and Farm Claims Shareholders, and anyone that holds a share has “Money of Account on Hold”. It’s got to be this way until the correction takes place. Mr. Maheu knew this would be the case when he got started.

Every hard asset that’s ever traded in the Ponzi Scheme, is actually only used as a guarantee, against the actively traded account. The principal TRUST (unnamed – not discussed – kept completely quiet), that owns the Trade, is held under the Global Collateral Accounts and facilitated out of the WORLD BANK. This is the superior entity taking precedence over the “Money of Account on Hold”. This (TRUST) is an entity controlled by monarchs, by the Fed Chair, by the highest who’s who of oligarchs. These names aren’t disclosed, but we can take a guess. 

The rule of bank-facilitated contracts such as this, is that the receiving account is on hold until the principal – the original party that is paying out the proceeds – releases it. Another rule is that these accounts can’t be released, none of these Prosperity, or CMKX, until the proceeds are paid out in TRUE CURRENCY – not fiat dollars.

You can’t exchange gold for paper. Gold is exchanged for gold. We must have lawful dollars. Every nation state must have lawful dollars.

Once righted these two things will affect the entire world. These two things have held up our 1,000 years of Grace and Ease, for decades. 

Immediately once the currency is back on the “Gold Standard” we are done with the Rothschild Machine. 

Immediately once we have lawful currency, we are done with all debt. The debt on the books is paid off in one fell swoop, by the reversal of decades of theft. 

By the plans put into place by Mr. Robert Maheu, supported by the many, many White Hats, working tirelessly, behind the scenes; the Global Collateral Accounts are once again in use for-the-people. These accounts were established for-the PEOPLE. These accounts were usurped and Mr. Maheu knew what happened and set out to correct it. 

Today, in honor of Mr. Robert Maheu and all stalwart champions, fighting the 2030 Agenda and the dissolution of Mankind, we keep the FAITH. 

Proverbs 21:15 will take place. When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to the evildoers. Justice is coming.


"Vietnam News" Friday 7-30-2021 Posted at KTFA


Short Friday Night Update from MarkZ 7-30-2021