12 Life Lessons to Learn and Keep From This Pandemic

12 Life Lessons to Learn and Keep From This Pandemic

Family and Lifestyle / By Sanjana Vig

A lot has changed in the last several weeks, and it likely won't be going back to being completely normal any time soon. This time at home has taught us a lot, though. I think for many, we are learning life lessons and resetting our priorities. We need to hang on to these essential life lessons even when we start moving forward and go back to whatever new normal awaits us. Think about it, much of how we lived our lives before this point included a ton of social media, a bunch of keeping up with the Jones', and a sense of financial security and health invincibility because the market was doing well.

We as a society were traveling like crazy and doing all kinds of new things without getting sick (according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), tourist arrivals across the globe was supposed to cross 1.5 billion by this year.

That has all come to a grinding halt. Mother earth has made us a victim of her latest punishment. We as humans need to not only stay safe and sane during this time (and please do, work to relieve stress and practice self-care please), but we also need to take this wakeup call and learn from it. We CANNOT keep going as we were. It's not sustainable.

So, what life lessons am I referring to? I made a list 🙂 Check it out and see if you agree, or if you'd have anything to add.

Life Lessons from this Pandemic

1- Prioritizing Our Relationships With Family and Friends

This is a must, and I don't think we were doing this enough. Now we are forced to, and I'm sure some families are at each other's last nerve. But, I think we should take a minute and appreciate what we are being given: a chance to reconnect and understand each other. An opportunity to work on our interpersonal relationships, let go of past issues, forgive each other, make new memories, and get creative with how we are spending our time together.

Life Lessons: I think this is an essential life lesson to take away. The people closest to you deserve your time and attention, and vice versa. Use this time to reforge these relationships so that you can carry them with you for the rest of ever. No more excuses for not having enough time to do so; we have enough technology at our fingertips to stay connected no matter what. For those who feel they can't reach out to family, remember that not every family is made of blood. So, find your people, your loved ones, and use this time to strengthen the bonds you do have.

2 – The Importance of Health and Wellness

I hope everyone that once took their health for granted, and their access to medications, now realizes how lucky we've been thus far. I also hope everyone says, “ok, time to make health a priority.” Until you are taking care of yourself, you will not be able to fight, not just COVID, but any illness.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



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