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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-3-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-3-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Qatar Central Bank Announcement | QNA

Doha, June 02 (QNA) - "Qatar Central Bank (QCB) announced on Sunday the completion of the development of the infrastructure for the Central Bank Digital Currency Project (CBDC)."

Now, they are able to settle their digital payments in local and International Banks. They will be testing more applications going forward, and they will be able to settle in large quantities as well.

Currently, they are in their experimental phase that is expected to last until October this year. It will encompass various tokenized assets in the market and portfolios inside the banking system.  QNA

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-3-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

Qatar Central Bank Announcement | QNA

Doha, June 02 (QNA) - "Qatar Central Bank (QCB) announced on Sunday the completion of the development of the infrastructure for the Central Bank Digital Currency Project (CBDC)."

Now, they are able to settle their digital payments in local and International Banks. They will be testing more applications going forward, and they will be able to settle in large quantities as well.

Currently, they are in their experimental phase that is expected to last until October this year. It will encompass various tokenized assets in the market and portfolios inside the banking system.  QNA

© Goldilocks


"Louisiana Reaffirms Gold and Silver As Legal Tender"

Louisiana is the latest of many states that have gone through the legislative process to confirm that gold and silver are now considered legal tender and cannot be taxed.

This allows new monetary policies to form an expansive view of precious metals now being incorporated into the payment system as a form of legal tender.

On May 8th, 2024, "U.S. Representative Alex Mooney (R-WV) has re-introduced sound money legislation to remove all federal income taxation from gold and silver coins and bullion."

The Monetary Metals Tax Neutrality Act (H.R. 8279) backed by the Sound Money Defense League is currently on the table to consider precious metals on par with the US dollar.

This will keep money in the hands of the people instead of the federal government who want to grab capital gains tax on the use of what was formerly known as a solid payment system.

At the present time, 40 States have passed some form of Sound Money legislation. The next step is to take these new measures to the Federal Government.  Morning Star  Money Metals  Congress  Forbes

Gold will set us free!

© Goldilocks


The following is a list of recent bank mergers and acquisitions that are currently taking place. This list grows daily, and you can refer to it anytime you like through the link below.

We have talked about this as being part of the end game when we move from Fiat to Gold for the last 3 years.
The banking system is currently in a liquidity crisis that is not being talked about, and many changes are taking place behind the scenes.

I see these bank mergers as part of the process that will move our money into a safer Financial System than before, and one that will meet the needs of the next stage of our evolution financially and spiritually.   iBanknet

We are truly witnessing the rebirth of a Global Nation.

© Goldilocks


"It was decided to stop the companies whose details are listed in the table below from entering the foreign currency buying and selling window"

Iraq is narrowing down the list of companies they will be working with going forward in the buying and selling of their foreign currency.

Many companies buy and sell foreign currencies from around the world. Some companies even go so far as to have some of their people travel to buy currencies from around the world such as Banknote World.

The need for these entities is going away with the new digital banking system. The move to an electronic banking system will soon make these services obsolete after our exchange.  CBI   Bank Note World
© Goldilocks





A financial storm is coming that governments cannot fight | Finance Yahoo


Aeroponic Farming in India: Simplest and Best Guide Ever | Times of Agriculture


Ahmed AlKiswani, Qatar Financial Services Sector Leader, PwC Middle East commented: “Qatar is strategically positioning itself as a leading FinTech hub in the Middle East and a pioneer in digital transformation and sustainability within the financial services sector. | PwC


USD3 Announcement | Crypto Reporter

Fintech company announced the launch of USD3, its 1:1 backed stablecoin, declaring its determination to disrupt the current stablecoin landscape and bring serious competition to existing industry players.

USD3 is a US-dollar extension for global commerce and Web3 and the first stablecoin developed with a programmatic layer in mind and a full suite of payment capabilities and tools. It will act as the digital, tokenized model for fiat money for developers globally building protocols, smart contracts infrastructures, and applications on top of blockchain and will provide them with a solution that is interoperable, safe, trustworthy, and can be used and contributed to by everyone.

It will tremendously simplify life for developers, thanks to how easily it can be integrated into dApps and its ability to speed up fund movements, thus driving the industry further on towards its goal of a more open financial system and creating new use cases. Businesses will leverage USD3 to streamline payments globally and simplify access to crypto capital markets.

USD3 will launch on Ethereum, Polygon, Avalanche, and Linea, and will be supported by a variety of ecosystem leaders.


‘Hundreds of Trillions’– Sergey Nazarov Says 2024 Is Year Crypto and Global Financial System Merge - The Daily Hodl


Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Banking-as-a-Service | Inc42


Currently, we are witnessing the merging of the new digital economy backed by gold. It is a Gold Standard formulated through Digital Protocols.

Both Gold and Digital Assets are in their final phases of legislative development and completion.

Enjoy the show.

© Goldilocks


VaultChain Gold  | Kitco


LAST WARNING: China Is Ready to Reveal the ENDGAME & Gold Prices Will Soar - Alasdair Macleod  | Youtube


In 1912, American financier and investment banker J.P. Morgan said, “Gold is money. Everything else is credit” during his testimony before Congress.


"Recently, the U.S. Federal Reserve received multiple suggestions regarding the use of XRP in a public questionnaire about CBDCs, prompting speculation about the potential integration of this cryptocurrency into the Federal Reserve’s operations." | The Crypto Basic


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Gold Will Soon Displace The US Dollar, And Americans Are Missing Out

Gold Will Soon Displace The US Dollar, And Americans Are Missing Out

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) June 3 2024

Next month will mark 80 years since the US dollar was formally anointed as the world’s reserve currency.

It was July 1944. And with the war in Europe near its denouement, governments were already trying to plan what the postwar world would look like. Most urgently, they needed to figure out how to rebuild their devastated economies.

Just think about the mess they were in: nearly every industrialized country in Europe had been destroyed by war. Manufacturing and farming were both in the dumps, and they had very little savings to invest in economic revival.

They also had a gigantic mess when it came to international trade. Dozens of countries each had their own currencies, so commercial trade meant each government keeping 20-30 currencies in reserve.

France, for example, would have to hold Austrian schillings, British pounds, Spanish pesetas, Italian lira, Dutch guilders, Soviet rubles, etc. in reserve, just to be able to trade.

Gold Will Soon Displace The US Dollar, And Americans Are Missing Out

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black) June 3 2024

Next month will mark 80 years since the US dollar was formally anointed as the world’s reserve currency.

It was July 1944. And with the war in Europe near its denouement, governments were already trying to plan what the postwar world would look like. Most urgently, they needed to figure out how to rebuild their devastated economies.

Just think about the mess they were in: nearly every industrialized country in Europe had been destroyed by war. Manufacturing and farming were both in the dumps, and they had very little savings to invest in economic revival.

They also had a gigantic mess when it came to international trade. Dozens of countries each had their own currencies, so commercial trade meant each government keeping 20-30 currencies in reserve.

France, for example, would have to hold Austrian schillings, British pounds, Spanish pesetas, Italian lira, Dutch guilders, Soviet rubles, etc. in reserve, just to be able to trade.

A much, much simpler solution was for every country to use the same currency to trade with each other. And there was no question about which currency would be the right choice: the US dollar.

In 1944, the United States still had a strong and powerful economy. It had robust capital markets and a well-developed financial system. It was the only country left standing.

So, representatives from more than 40 nations gathered that summer in picturesque Bretton Woods, New Hampshire and formally agreed to use the US dollar for international trade and commerce.

More specifically, each country fixed its exchange rate to the US dollar, while the US dollar was fixed to gold.

It only lasted about thirty years. By the early 1970s, the original Bretton Woods deal had been completely undone. Currencies floated freely against each other (including the dollar), and the US dollar terminated its link with gold.

And yet (thanks in part to Saudi Arabia agreeing to sell oil in dollars), the US dollar has continued to remain the dominant reserve currency through today.

For the most part that was still a sensible bet; the US has been the world’s #1 economy for the past five decades. But the cracks are obvious.

The US federal debt is a national embarrassment. At $35 trillion, the debt is far larger than the entire US economy… and it gets worse every year.

The US government is also completely dysfunctional. The vitriol and enmity, among the parties and within the parties, is so extreme that virtually nothing productive or beneficial ever takes place. The business of government now is merely two sides screaming that the other is a threat to democracy.

The President barely knows where he is half the time, and the other half he spends shredding the Constitution to engage in some anti-capitalist, inflationary, fanatical woke climate agenda.

Sadly, this isn’t a one-time blip. America’s governance and finances have been deteriorating for most of this century-- starting with the endlessly expensive War on Terror, through the free-spending Obama years, to the pandemic… and now the very real prospect that the next four years could look very similar to the previous four years.

America is supposed to be a reliable, stabilizing force in the world. But today’s America has lost its grip. And foreign nations have noticed.

Most people alive today don’t remember a world in which the dollar wasn’t #1 and therefore cannot fathom a world in which this is no longer the case. But it’s irrational to assume that something will continue indefinitely, forever, simply because of the status quo today.

It’s not 1944 anymore. Back then there were no other options… and no one who even came close to rivaling the military and economic superiority of the United States.

Today both of those are in decline. It’s not to say the military can no longer fight or that the economy is in complete shambles. But America no longer has the unrivaled position it enjoyed for so long.

More importantly, the trend isn’t looking good. From an economic perspective, the national debt is set to increase by another $20 trillion over the next decade… likely triggering a nasty run of stagflation like the US experienced in the 1970s.

The US military, meanwhile, continues its downward slide. Recruitment is absolutely abysmal. Key weapons systems, fighter jets, tanks, and naval vessels are borderline obsolete.

The US Navy’s fleet of ships and submarines (which would be critical in any conflict against China) is the oldest and smallest it’s been since the end of World War II. Nearly 1,000 military aircraft will be retired from service in the next five years alone, and there is no concrete plan to replace them.

Nor is there any money to do so.

Frankly it is exceedingly difficult to believe that, in light of America’s declining power and prestige, the rest of the world will continue accepting the US dollar as the global reserve currency for much longer.

We’re already seeing signs of this change; plenty of countries are starting to trade with one another in different currencies, including Chinese renminbi and Indian rupee, and this trend will likely accelerate over the next several years.

I think it’s even possible there could be an event of some sort-- perhaps the US government defaults on its debt, or there’s even a shooting war or cyberattack-- which triggers a new Bretton Woods style conference.

The key difference between now and 1944 is that there was only one option back then-- the US. And pretty much everyone had confidence in America.

That’s not the case today. Few rational people have the same level of confidence in the US government. Yet almost no one trusts the Chinese either.

But just like 1944, there is an obvious solution… and one that everyone already trusts: gold.

Nearly every country already holds gold as a reserve asset, so there would be very little change to the way they currently do business.

I’ve written about this before-- I believe this is why so many central banks around the world have been on a gold-buying spree. In fact, this is THE reason why gold is near its all-time high: central banks have been buying it by the metric ton.

You have to understand that central banks aren’t speculators. They don’t care about price. They buy for strategic reasons… and I believe that the central bank gold purchases that have been occurring over the past few years are a key sign that the global financial regime will be changing.

Individual investors, meanwhile, have been selling gold.

North American investors have sold off more than $4 billion worth of gold ETFs in the first four months of this year, with $2 billion of that just in the month of April. And gold ETF holdings are now at their lowest level in four years.

Central banks are buying. Individual investors are selling. It seems pretty clear that people aren’t paying attention to the warning signs.

Yes, gold is near its all-time high. But that doesn’t mean it can’t go much higher… especially if there’s a catalyst. And there absolutely is.

As a final point, I would point out again that even while gold is near its all-time high, shares of high quality, profitable, dividend-paying gold miners are laughably cheap.

That’s because central banks only buy physical gold bullion (which has pushed up the price of gold). They do not buy gold stocks… hence many of these businesses are available for outrageous bargains.

To your freedom,   James Hickman  Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 6-2-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 6-2-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"This joint proposal from the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (together, “the UK regulators”) for a digital securities sandbox (“DSS”) reflects a commendable commitment to incorporating innovation into the financial system."

A letter was sent to the Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority regarding this consultation paper.  

If all goes well in this pilot phase / sandbox movement forward, all would commence so long as the United States doesn't have anything further to add from the new Markets in Crypto Assets (MICA) regulations.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 6-2-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"This joint proposal from the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority (together, “the UK regulators”) for a digital securities sandbox (“DSS”) reflects a commendable commitment to incorporating innovation into the financial system."

A letter was sent to the Digital Securities Sandbox joint Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority regarding this consultation paper.  

If all goes well in this pilot phase / sandbox movement forward, all would commence so long as the United States doesn't have anything further to add from the new Markets in Crypto Assets (MICA) regulations.

This consultation paper will be added to the current work taking place on legislation in Washington. See Rep. McHenry, Patrick T, H.R. 7440 – Financial Services Innovation Act of 2024, US Congress (Feb. 23, 2024). 

The purpose of this consultation letter is to make it clear the intended role of the new Digital Financial/Payment System will take going forward.

The following is the stated purpose: "A sandbox is designed to generate real-world insights about whether distributed ledger technology (“DLT”) could streamline the issuance, trading, and settlement of securities without undermining investor protection, market integrity, or financial stability."

These new regulations under the authority of the FCA has the potential to change the way settlement processes are being done, and this concerted effort is to affirm coordinated actions inside of a sandbox to make sure the US and UK can coordinate and implement a final phase by the end of June when it becomes law. SEC  Bank of England  The Financial Conduct Authority  DFSA  

© Goldilocks


We should see a lot of legislative bodies here in the United States and abroad get very active this month regulating and moving virtual assets into law inside the new Global Digital Economy.

© Goldilocks


Chairman of the Finance Committee: We are ready to present the final report on the budget schedules | Iraqi News Agency

"Baghdad-INAThe Parliamentary Finance Committee announced today, Friday, that it will continue revision and reviewing the 2024 budget schedules to complete it on time in order to vote on them in Parliament, while confirming its readiness to present the final report on the budget schedules in next Monday's session."

This meeting on Monday is regarding budget schedules. No mention of exchange rate changes is expected to be a part of this meeting.

© Goldilocks


How AI is Paving the Way for a New Era in Financial Services - The Global Treasurer


Mastercard and HSBC Middle East accelerate travel payment innovation through bank’s first wholesale travel program | Mastercard


In the Face of Unrelenting Change, Corporations Embrace Innovation and Leadership  |  The Global Treasurer

Corporations today must adapt to constant change to stay competitive, with corporate treasuries leading the charge in managing liquidity and risk.

The introduction of ISO 20022 marks a significant shift in corporate payments, offering a unified standard that promises enhanced transaction transparency and speed.

Corporate treasuries are redefining their strategies to leverage this standard, expanding their roles to include innovative technologies for efficiency and cost reduction. 


IMF Calls Zimbabwe's Switch To A Gold-backed Currency An "Important" Step | Pindula
The introduction of ZiG represents an important policy action accompanied by several complementary policy changes — including monetary, exchange rate, and fiscal policy measures.

Having a gold standard stabilizes prices and foreign exchange rates.


US unveils policy to boost carbon offset market integrity | Reuters



As society accelerates its decarbonization journey, the resource inputs necessary for this energy transition are appreciating in value. This article will spotlight the pivotal role of copper in this transition and the ETF solutions that enable investors to tap into this burgeoning market.  |  ETF Market

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-1-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-1-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"Liquidity in U.S. financial markets is starting to dry up, which could it make it difficult for stocks and other risky assets to advance from here, according to analysts at JPMorgan."

This has been going on since the end of March 2024. If you remember, this was the time banks were no longer going to receive free liquidity going forward. 👇

"The Federal Reserve Board announced that the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11. The program will continue to make loans until that time and is available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions."

This lack of liquidity has reached its tipping point. And now, we have reached a contracting phase in the markets. It appears that old money has reached its limits.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-1-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Liquidity in U.S. financial markets is starting to dry up, which could it make it difficult for stocks and other risky assets to advance from here, according to analysts at JPMorgan."

This has been going on since the end of March 2024. If you remember, this was the time banks were no longer going to receive free liquidity going forward. 👇

"The Federal Reserve Board announced that the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11. The program will continue to make loans until that time and is available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions."

This lack of liquidity has reached its tipping point. And now, we have reached a contracting phase in the markets. It appears that old money has reached its limits.

There are currently over 450 London Metal Exchange approved Warehouses around the world, and their numbers are continuing to grow. They are located across the USA, Europe, and Asia.

These active locations are ready to serve the needs of the new digital asset-based trading system. Gold and other precious metals have been on the rise since the beginning of this year. The time has come for gold's new role in our world to awaken.  Market Watch   LME   Financial Express

Gold is the new liquidity. Gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


BREAKING NEWS IRAQ   Trouble | Youtube


The race toward instant payments has now begun. The new MICA regulations have set everything in motion. | The Paypers


Russian Commodity Companies Using Stablecoins To Settle With Chinese Counterparts: Report  |  Daily Hodl 

Russian Commodity Companies Announcement:

Russian commodities firms are reportedly using the top stablecoin USDT to execute financial transactions with Chinese companies.

Bloomberg, citing “top executives at the companies,” reports that at least two metals producers in Russia use the Tether-issued stablecoin and other crypto assets to facilitate cross-border transactions with clients and suppliers in China.


RBI relocates 100 tonnes of gold from UK to its Indian vaults: Report  |  LiveMint

RBI relocated over 100 tonnes of gold from UK to India for logistical and storage reasons, hinting at more gold entering the country soon. This move follows RBI's recent acquisition of 27.5 tonnes, increasing its total gold holdings to 822.1 tonnes by March.


SEC Announcement:

Washington D.C., May 31, 2024 —
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Investor Advisory Committee will hold a virtual public meeting on June 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. ET. The meeting will be webcast on the SEC website.  SEC

The committee will host two panels:

* Examining the New Frontier for Investment Advice

* AI Regulation: Embracing the Future

The committee will also discuss potential recommendations regarding the Protection of Self-Directed Investors when Trading Complex Products and Utilizing Complex Strategies and Financial Literacy and Investor Education.

The Investor Advisory Committee, which focuses on investor-related interests, advises the Commission on regulatory priorities and various initiatives to help protect investors and promote the integrity of the U.S. securities markets. Established by the Dodd-Frank Act, the Committee is authorized by Congress to submit findings and recommendations to the Commission.


Fed’s Wait-and-See on Rate Cuts Supported by Worst 6-Month “Core” & “Core Services” PCE Inflation since mid-2023 | Wolf Street


The UK recently conducted a consultation about its Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS), which eases legal requirements for central securities depositories. The aim is to enable tokenization initiatives to issue, trade and settle digital securities. | Ledger Insights


BIS shares how Project Agorá aims to tokenize correspondent banking - Ledger Insights - blockchain 

Bank for International Settlements Announcement:

Last month the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub unveiled Project Agorá, its ambitious project with seven central banks to transform cross-border payments with tokenization. It proposes using a Unified Ledger involving wholesale central bank digital currencies (wCBDC) and tokenized deposits on a shared infrastructure to execute payments. Today the BIS released a short paper on “Next generation correspondent banking“, which outlines the vision for Agorá. A large part of that relates to how compliance is dealt with.


Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong Announcement  |  Finance Magnates

SFC Warns of June 1 Deadline: Comply or Face Legal Consequences

Virtual asset trading platforms must be licensed by June 1, 2024, or face criminal charges

The regulator urges investors to trade only on licensed platforms.


First Green Security Token Offering for New Energy Vehicles Charging Network in Hong Kong - The Tokenizer



Join the Seeds of Wisdom Team SNL call with Freedom Fighter breaking down Goldilock's weekly posts!  Jester will be joining too!   SNL Call Link

9 pm EDT / 8 pm CDT / 6 pm PDT

SNL Q & A room will be open at 8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, and 5 pm PT to ask questions that will be answered on the call!


The call will be recorded and you can find it in the Archive Call Room after the call is over.


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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening  5-31-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening  5-31-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Professor Frank Gunter publishes a new paper commissioned as part of a series by IBBC's advisory council on the challenges of de-dollarisation for Iraq.

The Advisory Council members and IBBC members have actively contributed to the paper in the past 4 months. It will be presented online on the 18th June in a webinar and in person at the Spring Conference on 2nd July."

Professor Gunter shows an analysis on the drivers inside the market that impact the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate and how to close the gap between the Parallel Market and Official Rate of the Iraqi Dinar.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening  5-31-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Professor Frank Gunter publishes a new paper commissioned as part of a series by IBBC's advisory council on the challenges of de-dollarisation for Iraq.

The Advisory Council members and IBBC members have actively contributed to the paper in the past 4 months. It will be presented online on the 18th June in a webinar and in person at the Spring Conference on 2nd July."

Professor Gunter shows an analysis on the drivers inside the market that impact the Iraqi Dinar exchange rate and how to close the gap between the Parallel Market and Official Rate of the Iraqi Dinar.

The Iraq Britain Business Council (IBBC) has been working closely with Iraq to help assess and meet the needs of the Iraqi private sector. These assessments inside this research paper will go a long way towards the implementation of meeting the needs of Iraq's private citizens through a determination of an exchange rate that can do so.

Practical policy initiatives are mentioned in this paper to carry forward new monetary policies. They are not calling this project a white paper, but it sure does have all the hallmarks of one.

These new measures are inclusive of budgetary needs for the Iraqi people. One of the items on the CBI website presented today is instructions on home loans. A mortgage is calculated with the inclusivity of an exchange rate to support it.

It is clear that the Iraqi Dinar is moving towards a credit valuation adjustment that can support the needs of their people and Government.

Iraq Britain Business  Investopedia  Iraq Britain Business 2  Indeed  CBI

© Goldilocks


"The path to adopting digital asset securities begins with collaboration. Introducing the Digital Asset Securities Control Principles framework, in collaboration with @Clearstream, @EuroclearGroup and @BCG."  

This is the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) White Paper that describes our movement towards T+0 settlements or instant settlements.

In order to achieve the full spectrum of the QFS being utilized as a Global Economic System, instant settlements have to be in play to level the playing field. Asset Servicing Times  DTTC  Ledger Insights

We now have a framework to work from to move towards achieving these objectives.

© Goldilocks
LINK to the white paper document :



"Commissioner Pham Announces Agenda for Global Markets Advisory Committee Meeting on June 4" |  CFTC

Meeting Agenda:
* Basel 3 Capital proposals and impacts
* Trading impacts with these new credit valuation adjustments
* Impact on Global Market Structures and how this affects liquidity swaps at swap execution facilities

Do you see how we are moving into a phase whereby research on credit valuations and their adjustments are becoming important?

This report will include an assessment of where the International community is at the present time in the integration into the QFS.

© Goldilocks


Let's take a closer look at hype today. "To promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits."

In society, hype can significantly influence what people think and buy. It is a form of manipulation used for a specific outcome that usually focuses on giving attention to the one sharing its contents.

When you provide an idea that is bigger than it actually is, you alter a person's mind and emotions to focus his or her attention towards the creator of its contents.

This kind of stimulus/response over time has the ability to control the overall actions and mindset of a person to the point of losing a concept of reality that separates a person from self-reflection and self-determination.

Here, a dependency is created for their followers who have not been empowered to think for themselves and totally rely upon their leaders to determine their minds and emotions experiences.

We at the "Seeds of Wisdom Team" have been focusing on factual content to help get us to the end of this ride known as the Global Currency Reset.

We are at this point whereby paying close attention to facts is so valuable to the determination you make at the time of your exchange.

I know I speak for the entire team when I say that it has been a privilege to serve the authentic needs of this community with integrity and dignity.

God Bless each of you.

© Goldilocks


The Singapore Innovation Hub Centre | Youtube


BISness podcast - Finternet: the financial system for the future | Youtube


Bearish Dow future 37,500.


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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 5-30-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 5-30-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Big Short’ investor Michael Burry just made a multimillion-dollar bet on gold — and dumped tech giants Alphabet and Amazon. 3 ways to add the yellow metal now"

The move from a bull market in stocks has shifted to a bull market run in gold. Since gold is being interfaced inside digital assets that represent our traditional assets, our traditional assets will maintain a steady value even if they go to a lower value. Some will rise in value. These new stock digital values will at least be a solid value, and it will be as good as gold.

Big money is starting to finally pour into gold. Why? Gold has outpaced the S&P 500 with a gain of 11.7% since the beginning of the year. Gold was trading at $2,062 per ounce. Today, it’s at $2,357 per ounce.  This is a 14.3% increase.

Gold deflates an inflated economy. Not only this is going on at this time, but we have BRICS Nations trading in their local currency with the stipulation of joining stating that each country who joins holds gold.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 5-30-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Big Short’ investor Michael Burry just made a multimillion-dollar bet on gold — and dumped tech giants Alphabet and Amazon. 3 ways to add the yellow metal now"

The move from a bull market in stocks has shifted to a bull market run in gold. Since gold is being interfaced inside digital assets that represent our traditional assets, our traditional assets will maintain a steady value even if they go to a lower value. Some will rise in value. These new stock digital values will at least be a solid value, and it will be as good as gold.

Big money is starting to finally pour into gold. Why? Gold has outpaced the S&P 500 with a gain of 11.7% since the beginning of the year. Gold was trading at $2,062 per ounce. Today, it’s at $2,357 per ounce.  This is a 14.3% increase.

Gold deflates an inflated economy. Not only this is going on at this time, but we have BRICS Nations trading in their local currency with the stipulation of joining stating that each country who joins holds gold.

To top it all off, the Global Economy is moving into virtual assets that are called "tokenized assets." Each asset contains gold to support its value even the stablecoins which represents a country's currency has to have enough gold to sustain a Level Playing Field price in trade.  MoneyWise   YCharts.

Everything is turning to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks



Thank you Sam for finding the above information for me. I knew it had to be somewhere.


Everything on the new QFS either relates to gold, or it is backed by a precious metal.

These new digital standard protocols will be the mechanism by which money is moved going forward.

The future of money is in gold. Everything the world touches going forward will be because of a metal asset that enables it to do so.

© Goldilocks


Status of Banks’ Unrealized Losses in Q1: Worsened after Brief Rate-Cut-Mania Relief | Wolf Street


New York Stock Exchange to list Bitcoin options -  Ledger Insights - blockchain for enterprise

Bitcoin Announcement:

"Today the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) said it plans to launch cash-settled spot Bitcoin options with the price tracking the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX), subject to regulatory approval."


Once our digital assets moving towards regulation and becoming law are complete, the ability to move our "tokenized assets" backed by gold as a tier one asset will bring the banking system and the markets into correlated price patterns.

This will enable us to move forward with the new economy and begin the process of credit valuation adjustments across all sectors of the market including Forex.

© Goldilocks


The BuyBacks that started yesterday have not turned the markets around. BuyBacks usually reset a market and support a market. So far, it is not working. The next FOMC meeting is June 11th through the 12th. We may be looking at some monetary policy changes. We have to keep our eyes open much wider than before...


Article (10) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and based on the supervisory and supervisory role of this bank, it was decided to oblige the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Department in the electronic payment service providers/processors company to follow up on the movements that take place. On cards (whether prepaid, credit or debit)


Meeting with the Minister of Agriculture at ROSL, 2024 | Youtube


Comparing the IQD to the VND Iraqi News IQD VND HTG Rates | Youtube




Trading Halt | Investopedia

Market Announcement:

A delay in ticker reporting was announced about an hour ago. This delay is expected to be over 2 hours.

This does not make sense to me as a trader. Something is not right. Why would anyone buy in a stock market whereby the buy/sell indicators were delayed?

This is very dangerous.

"Trading can be halted in anticipation of a news announcement, to correct an order imbalance, as a result of a technical glitch, due to regulatory concerns or because the price of the security or an index has moved rapidly enough to trigger a halt based on exchange rules."


It looks like I have the rest of the day off.


All Time High Asset Prices | Youtube


Ripple submits a letter to Judge Torres:

1 & 2


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