Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 4-1-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 1 April 2024

Compiled Mon. 1 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Sat. 30 March Banker: : “The council and Gov’t of Iraq have advised all retailers in country are free to revise their product prices upward to reflect the change in Dinar valuation taking place today in country. They are RVing in-country in Iraq today. Confirmed by two independent sources.”

Sat. 30 March Wolverine: “Guys I’ve been told by sovereign whales and Charlie to remain quiet from now on. God has got this.”

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 1 April 2024

Compiled Mon. 1 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Sat. 30 March Banker: : “The council and Gov’t of Iraq have advised all retailers in country are free to revise their product prices upward to reflect the change in Dinar valuation taking place today in country. They are RVing in-country in Iraq today. Confirmed by two independent sources.”

Sat. 30 March Wolverine: “Guys I’ve been told by sovereign whales and Charlie to remain quiet from now on. God has got this.”

Sat. 30 March Ginger: “We’re hearing that the revaluation of the rate is currently underway inside the border of Iraq. The Parliament committee has instructed Iraqi merchants and retailers to adjust their prices of goods and services, effective this weekend, to reflect the changes of their new rate for the Iraqi Dinar. My crystal ball is broken but I have a hopeful hunch they will do like Kuwait did, all those years ago. Kuwait wanted to change their rate inside the country first, privately, for the citizens to enjoy and celebrate their advancement onto the international stage. After several days, the new rate went live, internationally on the FOREX for the whole world to see!”

Fri. 29 March Tp @QFs_Global: Expecting USN (United States Note) from ATM soon. Important EBS worldwide message soon. Important real CIC message soon. Both dinars and dong in very high double digits. ZIM will be redeemed 1 to 1 period. Expecting 800 numbers at any moment now.

Fri. 29 March Bluwolf: Expecting new gold/asset-backed USN (United States Note) from ATM soon. Important EBS worldwide message soon. Important real CIC message soon. Both dinars and dong in very high double digits. ZIM will be redeemed 1 to 1 period. Expecting 800 numbers at any moment.

Fri. 29 March MarkZ: “Bond folks seem to be in a “holding pattern,” but they still expect contracts and a payment of 1% of their funds on Mon. 1 April.”

Thurs. 28 March Bruce: The International Iraqi Dinar Rate will be announced Easter Sun. 31 March. Super Whales and Whales received their appointments last Fri. 22 March. Some have been given access to their funds. Regular Bond Holders will complete their exchanges around noon Easter Sun. 31 March. Tier4b(us, the Internet Group) will receive notification to set appointments at Redemption Centers to receive the special rates on Mon. 1 April and start exchanges on Tues. 2 April. In the US the R&R funds will be released the first week in April. Increases in Social Security will begin in April. The General Public will be able to exchange at banks at the international rates on Mon. or Tues. 8, 9 April.

Sat. 30 March: Breaking News: EBS-GCR Announcement Sparks Global Currency Reset – Important Real CIC Message Soon – United States Note! – American Media Group (

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Article quote:  "...The head of the Parliamentary Finance confirmed the exchange rate will continue to decline according to current data."  Exactly.  Because once you guys go public and private and you adjust your real effective exchange rate the parallel market goes bye-bye...and the dollar's pricing is going to go down, the dinar is going to get stronger.  Exactly what Sudani said...

Frank26  The next thing I want to see [After the restrictions are lifted on the one main Iraqi bank] is the budget being amended and released because then after that it's a domino effect.  Everything else will follow it...


X22 Report (w/ Bill Holter): In the 2009 Recession Something Big was Missed, China Sets the Gold Price

Monday, 1 April 2024, 3:22 AM

The [CB] is running out of ammunition, they will not be able to keep it together.

 In 2009 recession something big was missed, this is how they kept the system running, this time around they will not.

Gold will take off, gold is rising because China is now setting the price. In the end it’s all going to reset.

I Still EXPECT The IQD to RV

Vital Brad:  4-1-2024

Answering a question for a viewer: Do I expect the Iraqi Dinar to revalue still? It's been many years but I'm still holding suspecting we are closer than we were before.


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 3-31-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 3-31-24

Iraqi Dinar Globally Exchange Rate – 3:11

Iraqi Dinar New Value 5.11$ Exchange On Trade Market – 3:08

WOW IQD It's Massive Update – 2:50

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday Afternoon 3-31-24

Iraqi Dinar Globally Exchange Rate – 3:11

Iraqi Dinar New Value 5.11$ Exchange On Trade Market – 3:08

WOW IQD It's Massive Update – 2:50

 Iraqi Dinar Globally Exchange Rate – 3:11

Iraqi Dinar New Value 5.11$ Exchange On Trade Market – 3:08

WOW IQD It's Massive Update – 2:50

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 3-31-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 3-31-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq’s Banking System Grows 15.1% In 2023 To $156.7 Billion
Iraqi News   March 31, 2024  1460    
The new headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq in Baghdad. Photo: AFP
Baghdad ( – By the end of 2023, the total assets of the Iraqi banking system had grown by 15.1% annually to $156.7 billion.
This was mostly driven, according to Rabee Securities, by the 15.3% increase in deposits to $101.9 billion.

 $101,900,000,000 x 1320 IQD/$ = 134,508,000,000,000 IQD ~ 134.5T IQD
is $101.9 billion meant to be 101.9 billion IQD?
percentage increases are important data, imho]

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 3-31-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq’s Banking System Grows 15.1% In 2023 To $156.7 Billion
Iraqi News   March 31, 2024  1460    
The new headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq in Baghdad. Photo: AFP
Baghdad ( – By the end of 2023, the total assets of the Iraqi banking system had grown by 15.1% annually to $156.7 billion.
This was mostly driven, according to Rabee Securities, by the 15.3% increase in deposits to $101.9 billion.

 $101,900,000,000 x 1320 IQD/$ = 134,508,000,000,000 IQD ~ 134.5T IQD
is $101.9 billion meant to be 101.9 billion IQD?
percentage increases are important data, imho]

The largest contributor to overall deposit growth was current deposits, which  increased 17.2% to $82.1 billion and   accounted for 80.5% of all deposits in the banking system.
Additionally, the   total deposits of the private sector climbed by 14.7% in 2023 to reach $43.2 billion, while the   deposits of Iraq’s Central Government increased by 22.7% to $36.1 billion and the   deposits of public institutions increased by 6.1% to $22.6 billion.
“As a measure to control the FX flow into the banking system, the CBI now allows a limited number of banks to participate in the CBI foreign currency window and engage in USD transactions,” said Aysegul Ozge Ozgur, Head of Research at Rabee Securities
National Bank of Iraq, Bank of Baghdad, and Al-Mansour Bank are among these banks that have been permitted to engage in such activities, thus,
they are benefiting from an expanded market share in USD transactions,” added Ozgur.
There are 61 commercial banking institutions in Iraq, according to Rabee Securities, made up of 54 private banks (25 non-Islamic and 29 Islamic) and 7 state banks (one Islamic and six non-Islamic).
In terms of Return on Average Equity (ROAE) and Return on Average Assets (ROAA), the National Bank of Iraq, Bank of Baghdad, and Al-Mansour Bank are among the most profitable ISX-listed banks.
In 2023, their balance sheets and income statements showed remarkable development.   

Infographic: The Central Bank Of Iraq Announces An Increase In The Volume Of Loans And Advances During 2023  

March 31, 2024  The Central Bank of Iraq announced an increase in the volume of loans and advances granted by banks operating in Iraq.

     The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed that the volume of loans and advances granted by banks operating in Iraq amounted to (60.8) trillion dinars, at a rate of (17%) in 2023, after it was (51.9) trillion dinars, at a rate of (12%).) in 2022, while the  loans and advances granted in 2021 amounted to (46.1) trillion dinars, at a rate of (7%).

     The Central Bank of Iraq noted the importance of loans and advances, which are important factors in stimulating the local economy. 

     Central Bank of Iraq    information Office   31 - March – 2024     

Controls For Licensing Digital Banks In Iraq
March 31, 2024   :diamonds: Controls for licensing digital banks in Iraq..For more, click here   
 [Partial and approximate translation of
All approved banks  
M/ Controls for licensing digital banks in Al-Ara 
Based on the decision of the Board of Directors of this bank No. (57) of 1951 and in view of the need for diversification in Providing banking services in light of technological progress that contributes to enhancing financial inclusion through...
To facilitate customers’ access to banking services, we have attached a link (controls for licensing digital banks in Iraq).  with respect.     

Parliamentary Finance: The Current Year’s Budget Amounted To 228 Trillion Dinars

 The first 04/01/2024    Baghdad: Shaima Rashid   The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed that the current year’s budget deficit exceeded 20 trillion over the previous year’s budget, indicating that

 it was a planned deficit and not a real one, at a time when it hosted the new governors to learn about their most prominent demands and the problems they suffer from and to discuss other technical matters.

Committee member, Jamal Cougar, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

 The 2024 budget amounts to 228 trillion dinars, with a planned deficit amounting to 84 trillion dinars, noting that salaries, according to the Minister of Planning, will reach 102 trillion dinars, which is a very large amount.  He pointed out that the

 deficit is planned because every year large amounts are added to the operating budget that may not be implemented, and  any reduction in the implementation rate of the budget will be a reduction in the deficit rate, indicating that the  previous budget had a deficit of 64 trillion, meaning an increase of about 20 trillion.

 Koger added that the new governors were hosted in order to know the extent of the implementation of projects in their governorates,

in addition to learning about the most important problems and obstacles they face and talking about the projects, what has been implemented and what has not been implemented, in addition to other matters, including food security.   He pointed out that the

 Minister of Planning was hosted and revealed the details of the projects and their implementation and why some projects had not been referred yet, stressing that the

governors’ requests were mostly service related to the completed projects, and

 they called on the government, through the committee, to disburse the amounts for the completed projects.    


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


 Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

 He is always right who suspects that he makes mistakes.- Spanish proverb

The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.- Bishop WC. Magee

A good marksman may miss.- Thomas Fuller

He that has much to do will do something wrong.- Samuel Johnson

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again.- Bible

To make no mistake is not in the power of man; but from their errors and mistakes the wise and good learn wisdom for the future.- Plutarch 

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

 Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Sunday Evening 3-31-24

 Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Sunday Evening 3-31-24

Latest News IQD Exchange Rate $3 at Forex Market – 4:53

Iraq Prime Minister Sudani & President Say's IQD Revaluation By The 31st – 3:27

WOW WOW To Iraqi Dinar Investors Beautiful Rate and Profit – 5:41

 Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Sunday Evening 3-31-24

Latest News IQD Exchange Rate $3 at Forex Market – 4:53

Iraq Prime Minister Sudani & President Say's IQD Revaluation By The 31st – 3:27

WOW WOW To Iraqi Dinar Investors Beautiful Rate and Profit – 5:41

 Latest News IQD Exchange Rate $3 at Forex Market – 4:53

Iraq Prime Minister Sudani & President Say's IQD Revaluation By The 31st – 3:27

WOW WOW To Iraqi Dinar Investors Beautiful Rate and Profit – 5:41

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Evening 3-31-2024


Clare:  Launching the platform for electronic reservation and payment for the international scope of Iraq


Today, Sunday, the Communications and Media Commission announced the launch of the platform for electronic reservation and payment for the international Iraqi domain and by companies in a step to enhance the use and spread of this name.

The authority said in a statement: “The new platform, which will begin operating tomorrow, Monday, the first of April, will facilitate an integrated automation process for reserving and managing the Iraqi domain under the extensions and, which will be designated for Iraqi companies seeking to enhance their electronic presence without the need to visit the headquarters.” Authority or its offices.


Clare:  Launching the platform for electronic reservation and payment for the international scope of Iraq


Today, Sunday, the Communications and Media Commission announced the launch of the platform for electronic reservation and payment for the international Iraqi domain and by companies in a step to enhance the use and spread of this name.

The authority said in a statement: “The new platform, which will begin operating tomorrow, Monday, the first of April, will facilitate an integrated automation process for reserving and managing the Iraqi domain under the extensions and, which will be designated for Iraqi companies seeking to enhance their electronic presence without the need to visit the headquarters.” Authority or its offices.

She continued, "The platform, which uses the latest technologies in management and financial payment processes, will enable companies to carry out the process of selecting the name they wish to reserve, in addition to paying the financial costs assigned to it, in addition to controlling the DNS of the hosting to which the reserved domain will be linked."

She pointed out that "the new platform can be accessed through the website and follow the instructions explained for the registration process, emphasizing the importance of preparing all documents and information necessary to complete the process successfully, and entering the company’s registration information in English." LINK


Clare:  Chambers of Commerce: Implementing the SWIFT system will attract international commercial activities to Iraq

3/31/2024   Baghdad - IA - Fatima Rahma

Today, Sunday, the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce explained the importance of the SWIFT system on the Iraqi economic movement, stressing that the implementation of this system will attract international commercial activities to Iraq.  

The president of the federation, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “SWIFT is a global system, and when it was implemented in Iraq, funds became managed in a white-collar manner before the world.”

He added, "Implementing the SWIFT system will give us a great opportunity to attract all sectors and international commercial activities that come to Iraq, because the transfer has become through this platform, and the importer and exporter have become known, and all papers are clear and natural."

Al-Zuhri stated: “There was a great delay in starting to implement the SWIFT system for two or three months, on the part of most commercial companies, Iraqi banks, and the Central Bank, because the system is new and there is no information about this issue, but now things are going well.”

He pointed out, “The more traders and business owners enter the platform, the more stability there will be in the exchange rate,”  expressing his hope that “there will be real participation between the public and private sectors.”   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man    Article quote:  "Minister of Finance ...will launch funding for the government tomorrow Sunday...explained the value of salaries amounts to 69 trillion dinars.69 trillion is over half what they've ever printed.  It doesn't make any sense.  How do you have a 228 trillion budget when you don't ever have that much money?

Frank26  The CBI announcement - We believe it's about the currency.  We believe it's about the auctions.  We believe it's about a change in the auctions, a metamorphosis of the auctions which is exactly what the US Treasury wanted in order to have security and stability in the bank, which was exactly what was needed in order to bring forth a new exchange rate for their currency.  


Greg Mannarino:  3-31-2024

No One Is Expecting This Next Upset | Michael Oliver

Liberty and Finance:  3-30-2024

Money managers will likely move out of the stock market and into safe-havens such as precious metals when the stock market starts to wobble, says Michael Oliver. Already, some large managers have shifted into the gold miners. Gold has been making all-time highs. Silver and the miners have been lagging gold, but that is likely about to change, says Oliver.


 0:00 Intro

1:20 Gold update

2:20 Silver & miners

 6:26 Stock market

8:30 Fed easing

14:03 Gold vs silver

15:55 Banking system

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday 3-31-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday 3-31-24

Happy Easter Dinar Recaps,

CHIPS Announcement:

"The Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is the largest private sector USD clearing system for wire transfers. Along with its public sector counterpart, Fedwire, CHIPS forms the primary network for transferring and settling payments in US dollars."

The Clearing House is ready to launch the CHIPS ISO 20022 messaging service for a April 2024 implementation. It just so happens to be taking place as MICA goes through it's regulatory process leading to implementation by May 28th, 2024.

We must not forget that the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation which is an American Financial Company will be going through this process as well leading up to the May 28th, 2024 deadline.

This will allow our newly formed Global crypto regulatory assets to work with a messaging system to clearly give direction on many of the payments taking place with tokenized assets.

To keep this information protected Project Aurora will be implemented during this time of testing to prevent money laundering.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday 3-31-24

Happy Easter Dinar Recaps,

CHIPS Announcement:

"The Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) is the largest private sector USD clearing system for wire transfers. Along with its public sector counterpart, Fedwire, CHIPS forms the primary network for transferring and settling payments in US dollars."

The Clearing House is ready to launch the CHIPS ISO 20022 messaging service for a April 2024 implementation. It just so happens to be taking place as MICA goes through it's regulatory process leading to implementation by May 28th, 2024.

We must not forget that the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation which is an American Financial Company will be going through this process as well leading up to the May 28th, 2024 deadline.

This will allow our newly formed Global crypto regulatory assets to work with a messaging system to clearly give direction on many of the payments taking place with tokenized assets.

To keep this information protected Project Aurora will be implemented during this time of testing to prevent money laundering.

Early June, the Federal Reserve is expected to lower interest rates igniting a fuel to the fire of these newly formed crypto regulations allowing the new digital economy to get their footing on solid ground.

Gold is beginning to formulate new price patterns as we speak giving our new tokenized assets real values that can be transacted within the new QFS.

New laws and regulations are expected during this time to be placed on these new crypto regulations, and look for the words Project Genesis to also come into play.

Project Genesis will provide liquidity to countries willing to transform their society into clean initiatives. Don't you just love when a plan comes together?  The Clearing House Modern Treasury  Pymnts Itexus

At this point, we will have an operable Quantum Financial System.

© Goldilocks


I will be spending the rest of my day with my family. I hope you have a Blessed Easter Day.

I will have a meeting with our CBI Banker contact in Iraq who now has ties to the Foreign Remittance Department.

We will be discussing some of the rumors that have been happening over the weekend, but most of our discussions have to do with Tokenized Assets as of late.

© Goldilocks


Tokenized US Treasury Bonds Hit $1 Billion Milestone on Public Blockchains – Finance Bitcoin News


In-country Iraq rate change Announcement:

Cost of Living Comparison Between Boston, MA and Baghdad 
You would need around 2,419.3$ (3,165,090.3IQD) in Baghdad to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 8,300.0$ in Boston, MA (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare the cost of living and assume net earnings (after income tax). You can change the amount in this calculation.

It looks like retail market prices have not changed in Iraq. This is their first business day of their week on Sunday. Follow the link below and you will see...

It only takes a little bit of research to dispel many of the rumors that flow through these rooms as fantasy over fact.   Numbeo 1   Numbeo 2

Truth will set you free.

© Goldilocks


In my conversation today with our CBI contact in Iraq with new ties to the foreign remittance department, he reminded me to follow the website for rates in country and internationally. No changes. Enjoy your Easter.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20

Frank26 "News and Views" Sunday 3-31-2024



 The Iraqi government raises the size of the 2024 budget, and Parliament is “surprised”


 The Parliamentary Finance Committee said on Wednesday that the Iraqi government had increased the size of the 2024 budget, noting that it was “surprised” by the decision.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, explained to Shafaq News Agency, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee hosted the Minister of Planning to discuss amendments, projects, and the reasons for the delay in sending the general budget law to the House of Representatives.”

He added, "We in the Parliamentary Finance Committee were surprised that the government raised the total amount of the budget law from 199 trillion dinars to 228 trillion dinars in the 2024 budget," explaining that "this increase is large, while what was spent in 2023 amounted to 142 trillion dinars."



 The Iraqi government raises the size of the 2024 budget, and Parliament is “surprised”


 The Parliamentary Finance Committee said on Wednesday that the Iraqi government had increased the size of the 2024 budget, noting that it was “surprised” by the decision.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, explained to Shafaq News Agency, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee hosted the Minister of Planning to discuss amendments, projects, and the reasons for the delay in sending the general budget law to the House of Representatives.”

He added, "We in the Parliamentary Finance Committee were surprised that the government raised the total amount of the budget law from 199 trillion dinars to 228 trillion dinars in the 2024 budget," explaining that "this increase is large, while what was spent in 2023 amounted to 142 trillion dinars."

He pointed out that "the members of the Finance Committee had an opinion regarding the hosting that the budget should be realistic and not just planning."

Al-Kadhimi pointed out that “raising the total amount in the budget law caused an increase in the deficit rate,” noting that “the budget is currently still in the corridors of the Council of Ministers and is expected to be sent to the House of Representatives next month.”   LINK


 Prime Minister: Starting to prepare the 2024 budget schedules

 3/28/2024  Baghdad – 

The Prime Minister stressed today, Thursday, that local governments must make their efforts to enhance citizen confidence, while announcing the start of setting 2024 budget schedules.

 Al-Sudani said in a speech during the second session of the Supreme Commission for Coordination between the Governorates, followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “This meeting is the first after the local elections were held,” pointing out that “the elections were one of the important milestones that represent an achievement of the political process.”

He added, "Local governments must work as one team and make their efforts to enhance citizen confidence."

He stressed that "local governments are an integral part of the executive authority," noting that "the evaluation of officials must be subject to a professional and scientific program."

He concluded by stressing: “Our goal is to serve our people,” pointing at the same time to begin setting the 2024 budget schedules.  LINK



 Government advisor: The 2024 budget tables focus on investment spending for new projects

 3/30/2024  Baghdad - INA - Nassar Al-Hajj,

the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Saturday, that the 2024 budget tables focus on investment spending for new projects.

 Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The existing procedures for completing the public financial tables for the fiscal year 2024 in order to submit them to the legislative authority for approval and implementation immediately are only a response to the text contained in the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (the tripartite ) Which stipulated the submission of schedules of public expenditures and revenues adapted according to the new fiscal year and its objective circumstances for the year 2024 for legal approval.

He pointed out that "the most important thing in these tables is determining the levels of investment spending on new projects, which is fundamental and fundamental spending in the movement of the national economy, as it is directly linked to the development and growth of the economy by providing objective conditions for the movement of government demand for supplies and inputs for investment in projects."

“The demand for productive factors associated with government investment activity is essential in achieving the targeted level of growth in the annual gross domestic product and sustaining its momentum, in addition to its connection to the labor market and business and moving them in accordance with a climate required by the sustainability of the country’s economic development itself.”

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani earlier confirmed the start of setting 2024 budget schedules.  LINK



 Advisor to Al-Sudani: The dollar is on the way to further decline, and 70% of Iraqi traders have entered the platform


Fadi Al-Shammari, advisor to the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, expected on Wednesday (March 27, 2024) a continued decline in the dollar's exchange rate against the dinar.

Al-Shammari said in a televised statement followed by “Baghdad Al-Youm,” “The dollar is on its way to further decline and is subject to supply and demand.”

He stated, "70% of Iraqi merchants deal with the platform, up from only 10%."

Reuters previously quoted an official in the Central Bank of Iraq who revealed that there was an increasing demand among merchants on the electronic platform for selling the dollar at the official price (1,320 dinars), and working in a regular manner, as foreign trade remittances rose to 200 million dollars after it was only 50 million dollars last year. .

It is noteworthy that local markets and currency exchanges have been witnessing for days a noticeable decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, as it reached 1,476 dinars this evening, Wednesday.   LINK


Submitting recommendations to the Economic Ministerial Council regarding sanctioned banks

3/29/2024   Baghdad - INA - Wissam Al-Mulla, 

Chairman of the Securities Commission and Chairman of the Committee in charge of the Sanctioned Banks, Faisal Al-Haimas, confirmed today, Friday, the submission of recommendations to the Economic Ministerial Council regarding those banks.

 Al-Haimas said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani assigned him to head a committee to look into the sanctioned banks,” noting that “the recommendations were submitted to the Ministerial Economic Council more than three weeks ago.”

He added, "The committee is awaiting the approval of the recommendations by the Ministerial Economic Council," noting that "the committee stressed the necessity of launching development initiatives through government and private private banks to strengthen the Iraqi economy."

He pointed out that "the reasons for the delay in announcing the recommendations by the Council of Ministers are the existence of procedures and discussions between the Ministerial Economic Council and the Central Bank and other procedures."  LINK



 Signing an Iraqi-British agreement for joint cooperation in the stock market


The Securities Commission announced, on Tuesday, the signing of a joint cooperation agreement with the British Chartered Institute for Securities, which includes the exchange of information related to financial training programs, confirming that the agreement represents a qualitative shift in the work of brokers in the stock market.

Deputy Chairman of the Securities Commission, Nagham Hussein, told Shafaq News Agency, “Today, the Iraqi Securities Commission signed a cooperation agreement with the British Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment, which stipulates the establishment of a framework for cooperation and exchange of information related to financial training programs for securities markets and services to develop and maintain capabilities.” HR". 

She added, "The articles of the agreement include the possibility of organizing training courses for Iraqi cadres to benefit from the experiences of financial markets in countries around the world, and developing the professional framework by imposing the qualifications of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment on local Iraqi institutes specialized in the field of securities."

For his part, Chairman of the Securities Commission, Faisal Al-Haims, told Shafak, “The agreement has been worked on by the Securities Commission for about a year. The signing of an agreement in cooperation between the Securities Commission and the British Royal Institute in licensing the capital markets is a highly professional certificate recognized in all countries of the world.”

He pointed out that "this agreement represents a qualitative shift in the work of brokers in the stock market in terms of stimulating the financial performance of companies and their ability to add new skills, not in the Iraqi stock market, but in other markets, both regional and global." LINK

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Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Video DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Vn Dong, Video DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

WTO & US Treasury IQD Revealed Value 5.12$ - 2:50

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:22

It's Massive IQD Revaluation Update – 3:30

IQD RV Fully Window Open Tomorrow Finally Wait Is Over – 3:17

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

WTO & US Treasury IQD Revealed Value 5.12$ - 2:50

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:22

It's Massive IQD Revaluation Update – 3:30

IQD RV Fully Window Open Tomorrow Finally Wait Is Over – 3:17

 WTO & US Treasury IQD Revealed Value 5.12$ - 2:50

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate – 4:22

It's Massive IQD Revaluation Update – 3:30

IQD RV Fully Window Open Tomorrow Finally Wait Is Over – 3:17

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Continues To Decline In Parallel Markets

Economy |  03/30/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  The prices of the US dollar fell against the dinar in Baghdad, on Saturday, and in Erbil with the stock market closed.

A source told Mawazine News that dollar prices fell with the closure of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 147,150 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while this morning it recorded 147,350 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars.

He pointed out that selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 148,250 dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 146,250 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline, as the selling price reached 146,800 dinars for every 100 dollars, and the purchasing price was 146,600 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Continues To Decline In Parallel Markets

Economy |  03/30/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  The prices of the US dollar fell against the dinar in Baghdad, on Saturday, and in Erbil with the stock market closed.

A source told Mawazine News that dollar prices fell with the closure of the main Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 147,150 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, while this morning it recorded 147,350 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars.

He pointed out that selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 148,250 dinars for 100 dollars, while the purchase price reached 146,250 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the dollar also recorded a decline, as the selling price reached 146,800 dinars for every 100 dollars, and the purchasing price was 146,600 dinars for every 100 dollars.

About 7 Million Barrels Within A Month... Iraq’s Oil Exports To America

Economy  Saturday, March 30, 2024   Baghdad / National News Center  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Saturday that crude oil exports to the United States amounted to more than 115 million barrels during the month of January of this year.

The administration said in a table: Iraq’s exports of oil and its derivatives in January amounted to 6.722 million barrels, 200 thousand barrels lower than what they recorded in December of last year, which amounted to 6.922 million barrels.

She added that Iraq exported about 115.263 million barrels of crude oil and its products to America during the past year.

The US Energy Information Administration stated that OPEC's exports of crude oil and its products to America during January amounted to 34.161 million barrels, with Saudi Arabia having the highest rate of exports to America, reaching 11 million and 981 thousand barrels during the same time period.

For The Third Month... Basra Crude Oil Continues To Soar And Achieves Weekly Gains

Economy | 03/30/2024  Mawazine Yunuz – Baghdad  Basra crude achieved weekly gains, with global oil prices recording gains for the third month in a row.

Basra Heavy crude closed, in its last session on Friday, at an increase of 97 cents to reach $83.47, recording weekly gains of $2.07, equivalent to 3.18%.

Basra Intermediate crude also closed in its last session at an increase of 97 cents, reaching $86.30, and also recorded weekly gains of $2, or the equivalent of 2.37%.

Global oil prices witnessed strong increases during recent weekly market transactions, with prices heading for gains for the third month in a row.

Sudanese Advisor: The Budget Tables Focus On Investment Spending For New Projects

Economy | 03/30/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Saturday, that the 2024 budget tables focus on investment spending for new projects.

Saleh said in a statement followed by Mawazine News: “The existing procedures for completing the public finance tables for the fiscal year 2024 in order to submit them to the legislative authority for approval and implementation immediately are only a response to the text contained in the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (the tripartite ) Which stipulated the submission of schedules of public expenditures and revenues adapted according to the new fiscal year and its objective circumstances for the year 2024 for legal approval.

He pointed out that "the most important thing in these tables is determining the levels of investment spending on new projects, which is fundamental and fundamental spending in the movement of the national economy, as it is directly linked to the development and growth of the economy by providing objective conditions for the movement of government demand for supplies and inputs for investment in projects."

“The demand for productive factors associated with government investment activity is essential in achieving the targeted level of growth in the annual gross domestic product and sustaining its momentum, in addition to its connection to the labor market and business and moving them in accordance with a climate required by the sustainability of the country’s economic development itself.”

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani earlier confirmed the start of setting 2024 budget schedules.

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit : 


 Provoking Points To Ponder On Failures and Mistakes

Show me a person who has never made a mistake and Ell show you somebody who has never achieved much.- Joan Collins

He only is exempt from failures who makes no effort.- Richard Whately

Only he who does nothing makes no mistakes.- French proverb

The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything.- Eleanor Roosevelt

Life is not life unless you make mistakes.- Joan Collins

We all choke, and the man who says he doesn't choke is lying like hell. We all leak oil.- Lee Trevino

He who has never failed somewhere, that man cannot be great.- Herman Melville 

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Excited News Came From Redemption Centers – 4:56

Significant Announcement 1to1 Exchange Rate with Lower Denomination – 3:09

WTO & US Treasury Iraqi Dinar Real Value $5 USD Fixed – 3:18

RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar Some massive Announcement – 4:53

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Late Saturday Evening 3-30-24

Excited News Came From Redemption Centers – 4:56

Significant Announcement 1to1 Exchange Rate with Lower Denomination – 3:09

WTO & US Treasury Iraqi Dinar Real Value $5 USD Fixed – 3:18

RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar Some massive Announcement – 4:53

 Excited News Came From Redemption Centers – 4:56

Significant Announcement 1to1 Exchange Rate with Lower Denomination – 3:09

WTO & US Treasury Iraqi Dinar Real Value $5 USD Fixed – 3:18

RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar Some massive Announcement – 4:53

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 3-31-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 30 March 2024

Compiled Sat. 30 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: As Central Banks continued to fail because of their fiat currencies, Globalists were frantically trying to keep everything intact by developing a non-asset-based digital CBDC fiat currency system that would completely control your life – telling you, for instance, where and if you could buy food depending on your Social Credit Score – a formula based on your devotion to their Leftist Agenda.

Meanwhile the Q Movement’s BRICS gold/asset-backed Sovereign Nation’s currencies were due to be implemented after the “New Beginnings Easter Sunday” on Mon. 1 April.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 30 March 2024

Compiled Sat. 30 March 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: As Central Banks continued to fail because of their fiat currencies, Globalists were frantically trying to keep everything intact by developing a non-asset-based digital CBDC fiat currency system that would completely control your life – telling you, for instance, where and if you could buy food depending on your Social Credit Score – a formula based on your devotion to their Leftist Agenda.

Meanwhile the Q Movement’s BRICS gold/asset-backed Sovereign Nation’s currencies were due to be implemented after the “New Beginnings Easter Sunday” on Mon. 1 April.

All qualifying nations of the World (meaning they won’t participate in war) had their own gold/asset-backed currencies that, through this Global Currency Reset, were at a 1:1 value to each other.

Along with that new Quantum Financial System that worked on your personal Quantum Phone and Computer through the new and secure Star Link Satellite System, came the GESARA law. Personal tax would be nonexistent as GESARA ensured a sustainable revenue stream for all governments.

Sometime in April 2024 a new standard tax rate of 14% on new non-essential items would be implemented across the Globe. No tax on income, food or medicine.

Fri. 29 March Dangers of the Deep State Cabal’s CBDCs: “CBDCs will become an instrument of power and control. They can program it so that your credit cards will only work, for example, at grocery stores within a half a mile radius of your home. But they won’t buy you gasoline, they won’t allow you to get an airplane ticket, they won’t allow you to travel and buy items and foods in other parts of the country. If the government has those kinds of powers over us, we’re all in a lot of deep trouble.” …RFK Jr.

Thurs. 28 March: CO27 Banks are talking about stealing the planet from under you, monetizing every part of the natural world including trees and selling it to you whilst pocketing the profit. CBDC’s will allow them to deduct even the air you breath!

April 2024 Worldwide Implementation of GESARA: With GESARA, we are ushering in an era where personal tax becomes superfluous from a monetary perspective and ensures a sustainable revenue stream for all national governments. A new standard tax rate of 14% on new non-essential items will be implemented across the Globe. No tax on personal income, food or medicine.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Bruce  [via WiserNow]  Iraq has a new rate on their CBI rate, and it's very good and they should be bringing out the international rate on the Iraqi Dinar on Sunday - Easter Sunday...So we're looking to get notified Monday, set appointments...and start on Tuesday with our exchanges...I think we're all set to start.

Militia Man  The Iraqi dinar is not a scam.  It's a real currency.  It's a real country.  It's a real government...It's going to be a real component to the international financial world...

Fnu Lnu   It is disingenuous to try to say that Iraq ONLY has a net worth of 16 trillion dollars.  Those calculations do not account for many factors like tourism, a monumental gold deposit that is never spoken of, port revenues, tariffs...etc.

MAJOR Issue Holding Up RV What Iraq is Doing About It

Edu Matrix:  3-31-2024

MAJOR Issue Holding Up Iraqi Dinar RV or Float What Iraq is Doing About It Oil Dependency - Three MAJOR Solutions - Value of IQD to Increase.

 IMF has sounded the alarm loud and clear. Iraq is responding with Infrastructure Project, Development Road Project, Religious Tourism and Manufacturing.

Banks Are On Thin Ice Going Into April, They're Starting To Crumble

Atlantis Report:  3-31-2024

The financial industry is currently under a lot of uncertainty and pressure due to various troubling events and challenges.

This is causing concerns about the stability and resilience of the banking institutions, which were once considered strong and trustworthy.

The impact of high-profile bank failures, rising interest rates, and regulatory scrutiny are leading to the formation of cracks in the banking industry.

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