Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 2-2-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 2-2-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

"Instead of relying on traditional buyers and sellers in a financial market, AMMs keep the DeFi ecosystem liquid 24/7 via liquidity pools."

Automated Market Makers (AMMs) allow digital assets to be traded without permission. They trade automatically through liquidity pools instead of traditional market buyers and sellers.  

A  liquidity pool is a smart contract containing a reserve of two or more cryptocurrency tokens inside a decentralized exchange (DEX). 

This allows people and Banks the ability to create liquidity beyond the token they are holding (XRP) that is just simply sitting idle without these other assets to help them to grow a passive income.

Smart contracts are scripts that automate actions between two parties through agreements to exchange crypto currency 24/7 to generate funds for an original token such as XRP just sitting idle.

On February the 14th, 2024 XRP will be allowed to operate inside a decentralized monetary system generating liquidity for their network through non-traditional trading means.

In other words, we are about to see a self-sustaining model of digital money begin to automate liquidity.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 2-2-24

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

"Instead of relying on traditional buyers and sellers in a financial market, AMMs keep the DeFi ecosystem liquid 24/7 via liquidity pools."

Automated Market Makers (AMMs) allow digital assets to be traded without permission. They trade automatically through liquidity pools instead of traditional market buyers and sellers.  

A  liquidity pool is a smart contract containing a reserve of two or more cryptocurrency tokens inside a decentralized exchange (DEX). 

This allows people and Banks the ability to create liquidity beyond the token they are holding (XRP) that is just simply sitting idle without these other assets to help them to grow a passive income.

Smart contracts are scripts that automate actions between two parties through agreements to exchange crypto currency 24/7 to generate funds for an original token such as XRP just sitting idle.

On February the 14th, 2024 XRP will be allowed to operate inside a decentralized monetary system generating liquidity for their network through non-traditional trading means.

In other words, we are about to see a self-sustaining model of digital money begin to automate liquidity.

Here is the benefit of this new mechanism coming into play. Banks own a lot of XRP around the world, and XRPL has been given the green light to move forward with this new generation of income moving through the monetary system.

Don't forget. XRP is a commodity-based monetary network. The ability to generate the commodity sector of the market through banking transactions utilizing XRP around the world is a monumental achievement.  CryptoNewsFlash   XRP Chat  Crypto News  Gemini

© Goldilocks


"The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) expires in March, and no new loans can then be taken out, but existing loans can be maintained until their term ends, which is one year after it was issued."

The existing loans will give Banks time to add new Basel 3 requirements to new loans (SOFR) going forward inside a gold backed economy.

Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) allows a borrowing of cash overnight that is collateralized and repurchased through the US Treasury securities.

This new repo Market mechanism (SOFR) will gradually be put into place to replace the old Libor contracts finishing up their contracts this year.

"1-, 3- and 6-month US dollar LIBOR settings continue to be published under an unrepresentative ‘synthetic’ methodology until end-September 2024. After this, publication will cease permanently."

By the end of the year, everything turns to gold. "All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks
Capital One
JP Morgan


Isaac sent a Message last night

Hello we are very very close for the confirmation I was waiting for , will update and explain more tomorrow , blessings.  Isaac on Telegram


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Electronic Payment In Iraq...A Project Bigger Than The Abolition Of Cash And The Dollar, With A Hidden Goal

  Time: 02/01/2024 20:54:52 Read: 2,470 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the government’s hidden goal in implementing the electronic payment project throughout Iraq and its advantages. Qusay said {to Al-Furat News} that:

  “The policy of the American Central and Federal Banks was that everyone knew that the currency auction was contributing to the smuggling of the dollar to various countries and that it was intended for Iraqis only.” He added,

 "But the policy of complying with international requirements and controlling the movement of the dollar was implemented after the success of the electronic platform in enhancing bank balances, as well as expanding the circle of financial inclusion by investigating the source of the Iraqi dinar.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Electronic Payment In Iraq...A Project Bigger Than The Abolition Of Cash And The Dollar, With A Hidden Goal

  Time: 02/01/2024 20:54:52 Read: 2,470 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the government’s hidden goal in implementing the electronic payment project throughout Iraq and its advantages. Qusay said {to Al-Furat News} that:

  “The policy of the American Central and Federal Banks was that everyone knew that the currency auction was contributing to the smuggling of the dollar to various countries and that it was intended for Iraqis only.” He added,

 "But the policy of complying with international requirements and controlling the movement of the dollar was implemented after the success of the electronic platform in enhancing bank balances, as well as expanding the circle of financial inclusion by investigating the source of the Iraqi dinar.

 Currently, all employees of state departments and retirees are included with credit cards." Qusay added,

 "We also have a formal private sector and federal ministries that have begun to spread the culture of electronic payment to track the movement of the dinar.

 The more we introduce the dinar system within the regulatory department, the more we prevent the corrupt from changing the gender of the dinar, whether in the real estate market, gold, or other markets." He concluded by saying,

 "The whole issue is related to combating corruption through investment in technology, and  one of these means is electronic payment."

 In its session the day before yesterday, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved the following regarding commissions for electronic payment operations:

 1. (The recipient bears electronic payment commissions from the private and public sectors, and the payer does not bear any electronic payment commissions), and the government compensates a percentage (50%) of the commissions. The electronic payment paid by the holder (the merchant, the employer, and all private sector entities), provided that it is used to pay the holder’s obligations to the state exclusively through electronic payment, such as renewing licenses, paying taxes, customs, fees, municipal fees, electricity fees, and everything owed to the state, and it cannot be recovered in cash at any time. In any case.

 2. Determine all electronic payment commissions (at a percentage determined by the Central Bank of Iraq), with a maximum commission limit that stops at a commission amount (the value of which is determined by the Central Bank of Iraq for both the public and private sectors) and what exceeds that without commissions, and a minimum that is exempt from commissions as well ( Exempting small transactions in the public and private sectors from commissions up to a ceiling determined by the Central Bank of Iraq.

 3. The contracts signed based on what was stated in the decisions of the Council of Ministers related to electronic payment, especially the decisions of the Council of Ministers (23044 and 23620 of 2023) between state institutions and electronic payment companies, will continue to be effective until December 31, 2024, and the contracting institution may submit a reasoned request to the Central Bank of Iraq in If she wishes not to extend the approval process.

 4. The decision will be re-evaluated in light of the results of the application before the end of this year 2024.

5. This decision will be implemented starting March 1, 2024.

In light of this, the Prime Minister’s financial and economic advisor, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, believes that the decision recently issued by the Council of Ministers regarding electronic payment facilities and exempting the “citizen payer” from commissions for these operations is tantamount to creating a stimulating, sound and simplified environment for citizens to effectively use electronic payment methods.. Saleh said, in a press statement, that

 “the Council of Ministers’ decision regularized the contractual relations between the government and the citizen if it is an electronic collection, and between the citizen and the merchant if it is via an electronic payment card that takes place within market transactions.” He stated,

 “According to the decision, the citizen does not bear any costs as a result of using electronic payment, while there is encouragement for the merchant that the state compensates an essential aspect of the costs of electronic payment in the form of high cash allowances that are used for tax settlements or to pay the various costs incurred, provided that the settlements are made from Exclusively through electronic payments. He pointed out,

"In all cases, the Cabinet's decision regarding regulating fees for electronic payment services constitutes a stimulating environment that pushes towards the effective use of electronic payment cards, whether credit, debit, or prepaid, in a simple and convenient way."

Wafaa Al-Fatlawiالدفع-الإلكتروني-في-العراق-مشروع-أكبر-من-إلغاء-النقد-والدولار-هدفه-الخف

Government Facilities For Electronic Payment Operations

 The first 02/01/2024   Baghdad: Hoda Al-Azzawi,  the Prime Minister’s Financial and Economic Advisor, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, saw that the decision recently issued by the Council of Ministers regarding electronic payment facilities and exempting the “payer-citizen” from commissions for these operations, amounts to creating a stimulating, sound and simplified environment for citizens to effectively use means of payment. Electronic payment. Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh told “Al-Sabah”:

  “The Council of Ministers’ decision regularized the contractual relations

      between the government and the citizen if it is an electronic collection, and

     between the citizen and the merchant if it is via an electronic payment card that takes place within market transactions.”

He stated that  “according to the decision, the citizen does not bear any costs as a result of using electronic payment, while there is encouragement for the merchant that the state compensates a basic aspect of the costs of electronic payment in the form of high cash allowances that are used for tax settlements or to pay the various costs incurred, provided that the settlements are made through Exclusively electronic payments. He pointed out,

 "In all cases, the Cabinet's decision regarding regulating fees for electronic payment services constitutes a stimulating environment that pushes towards the effective use of electronic payment cards, whether credit, debit, or prepaid, in a simple and convenient way."

Including Appointments.. The Finance Committee Determines The Most Prominent Sections Of The 2024 Budget That Are Expected To Be Amended

Parliament building

Economy News – Baghdad  On Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee identified the most prominent sections of the 2024 budget expected to be amended, and while it predicted the price of a barrel of oil, it indicated that revenues would be the same as the previous year.

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karaawi said, in a statement reported by the official news agency, and seen by Al-Eqtisad News, that “Article 77/Second of the Tripartite Federal Budget Law for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 stipulates that the House of Representatives will be provided with updated schedules for the 2024 budget in order to discuss the increase file.” Or the decrease in the financial allocations file according to the expected revenues and the fixed oil price.”

He added, "The schedules are still being prepared in the Council of Ministers in preparation for approval, and the House of Representatives will begin discussing the budget after it arrives from the government. We believe that transmission must be accelerated because the delay may restrict the disbursement of operational and investment budgets in the coming days," noting, "Disbursement is now limited to salaries." employees and their benefits directly.”

He stressed, "The issue of updating the tables depends on the oil market and the quantities exported, on the basis of which the expected revenues will be calculated, and it is based on the size of expenditures and the percentage of the deficit," pointing out, "There is a point of view that occurred in the 2023 budget according to the quantities that were spent and how to deal with the deficit."

And the revenues generated, and it is assumed that there will be a growth in disbursements given that there is a growth in the operating budget, and there are contracts concluded in 2023 that have not been disbursed yet and must be added in the next budget.”

Regarding the appointments, he explained that they “may include contracts, firsts, holders of advanced degrees, and governorate contracts for the 150,000 degrees that have not been implemented yet and which have been transferred to the 2024 budget.”

He pointed out that "the committee developed a proactive plan by conducting field visits to the ministries that are in direct contact with the citizen, starting with the Ministry of Health and then the Ministry of Construction and Housing to see the percentage of budget completion for each ministry at the operational and investment levels, to know the efficiency of spending." Actual, given that performance evaluation depends on the extent to which the expected percentage matches the actual achievement.”

He stated, “The committee found that there were many items that were not funded in the Ministry of Construction and Housing, for which more than two trillion and 200 million dinars were supposed to be allocated, but about 60 percent of them were funded. This means that the government committed itself to a budget larger than Possibility of implementation.

Al-Karaawi called on the government to “avoid this in the 2024 budget to complete the projects, infrastructure and development projects it has started,” pointing out that “there is relative progress on the issue of performance, but there needs to be a well-thought-out plan to complete what has been started so that it is clear to the public.” "For real."

He stated, “The actual outcome of the 2023 budget is that the total revenues were 134 trillion, excluding the region’s oil imports, at an oil price of $70 per barrel,” expecting that “the same price will be repeated in the 2024 budget, and therefore the revenue estimates may be the same, given that the prices are "The world is approaching last year's numbers."

He pointed out that "the total volume of expenditures achieved is 154 trillion after adding 7 trillion dinars as allocations to the budget, so its total amount will rise from 199 trillion to 206 trillion dinars."

He stressed, “According to an article in the budget, the Council of Ministers has the right to add amounts to the 2024 budget to cover the deficit or needs in the areas of electricity, trade, and others.”

Views 121 02/01/2024 -

Washington: Iraqi Exports To America Increased To More Than 110 Percent

US Ambassador to Baghdad Alina Romanowski

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The US Ambassador to Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, confirmed on Thursday that Iraq's exports to the United States had risen to more than 110 percent over the past two years.

Romanowski wrote in a blog post on "X", viewed by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "the volume of trade exchange between Iraq and the United States has more than doubled over the past two years."

She added, "Iraq's exports to the United States increased by more than 110%, and its imports increased by more than 150%."

Earlier, the US Energy Information Administration announced that Iraq is the second largest oil exporter to the United States, and its exports to it amounted to more than 5 million barrels in November 2023 alone.   Views 63  02/01/2024 -

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

93. Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be. – Grandma Moses

 94. The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. – Ayn Rand

 95. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. – Henry Ford

 96. It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln

97. Change your thoughts and you change your world. – Norman Vincent Peale 

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 2-2-2024


Tishwash:  Parliamentary Security expects that the American presence in Iraq will not continue

Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee expected the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.

Committee member Representative Waad al-Qaddo said, “The American forces in Iraq are arrogant and hostile occupation forces, as a result of which there have been martyrs and wounded. However, their presence in the country is temporary due to everyone’s desire to support the implementation of the House of Representatives’ decision to expel them.” He warned the United States against “any "An attempt to disrupt the exit of its army from Iraq, because it will collide with massive popular anger."

He explained, “The false values ​​promulgated by America related to human rights, freedom, democracy, liberation, and change were revealed after the events of the Al-Aqsa Flood, as America transferred more than 20,000 tons of weapons and ammunition to the Zionist entity in order to kill the Palestinian people and destroy its geography, and this is the biggest crime the world has witnessed during the era.” the talk".


Tishwash:  Parliamentary Security expects that the American presence in Iraq will not continue

Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee expected the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.

Committee member Representative Waad al-Qaddo said, “The American forces in Iraq are arrogant and hostile occupation forces, as a result of which there have been martyrs and wounded. However, their presence in the country is temporary due to everyone’s desire to support the implementation of the House of Representatives’ decision to expel them.” He warned the United States against “any "An attempt to disrupt the exit of its army from Iraq, because it will collide with massive popular anger."

He explained, “The false values ​​promulgated by America related to human rights, freedom, democracy, liberation, and change were revealed after the events of the Al-Aqsa Flood, as America transferred more than 20,000 tons of weapons and ammunition to the Zionist entity in order to kill the Palestinian people and destroy its geography, and this is the biggest crime the world has witnessed during the era.” the talk".

The government had actually begun to organize the removal of American forces from the country through a joint coordination committee.  lnk

CandyKisses:  Al-Badri: America covers up its corrupt to serve its interests in Iraq

Information / Baghdad...Political analyst Saeed al-Badri said Friday that America is covering up its corrupt figures and officials in order to serve its interests in Iraq, pointing out that Washington uses Baathists and loyalists as a trump card in reaching positions in order to achieve its plans and keep its forces inside Iraq.

Al-Badri told Al-Maalouma that "America embraces corrupt Iraqi officials and ministers wanted on corruption charges in order to serve its interests, and therefore violates the agreements it concluded with Baghdad."He added that "America has worked to cover up the criminal acts and corruption cases of its agents in Iraq, whether they are direct agents or those who represent political fronts, especially since many of them are still playing this role."

He pointed out that "it is not excluded that America will push Baathists and its loyalists inside Iraq, towards important positions in the country in order to achieve its goals, plans and projects that help maintain the presence of its forces inside Iraq as well as cover up its repeated violations and violations." 


Tishwash:   Iraq achieves more than $8 billion in financial revenues from selling oil for the month of January

The Ministry of Oil announced, on Friday, the total exports and revenues achieved last January from the sale of crude oil, which exceeded 8 billion dollars.

The ministry stated in a statement today, “According to preliminary statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company “SOMO,” the total amount of crude oil exports reached (103) million (508) thousand (438) barrels, with revenues amounting to (8) billion and ( 25) million and (616) thousand dollars.

The statistics indicated that the total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of January from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (102) million and (25) thousand barrels, while the quantities exported to Jordan amounted to (464) thousand and (306) barrels. While exports from Qayyarah were one million (19) thousand and (132) barrels, according to a statement from the Ministry of Oil.

The ministry said that the average daily quantities exported amounted to (3) million (338) thousand (982) barrels per day.

The ministry continued in its statement by saying: The average price of one barrel reached $77,536.   link


Tishwash:  An economic expert recalls the fate of Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi after Iraq decided to sell oil for something other than the dollar

Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi recalled the fate of both former regime president Saddam Hussein and Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi, after Iraq moved towards selling oil for prices other than the dollar.

Al-Marsoumi stated, “In 1973, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia agreed to accept the dollar as the sole currency to buy oil in exchange for America providing military protection for Saudi oil fields, and in 1975 the other OPEC countries agreed to price oil in dollars only, and America succeeded in this deal by linking the dollar to oil instead of gold.” “.

He added, “This deal forced all oil-importing countries to create a fixed supply of dollars to buy oil, and therefore these countries were forced to export goods to America, and in return, America provides them with dollars that will only cost them the cost of printing them, and from here a new system began that maintains American dominance over the financial system.” The global name is the petro-dollar. Dollars leave America and anything America needs comes to it. As a result, the United States became very rich, and this process did not lead to inflation because the countries of the world constantly need dollars to buy oil and participate in international trade. Therefore, those dollars remained outside America, after the dollar was linked. With oil, America can spend more money on its military forces, which have become the first in the world.”

Al-Marsoumi explained, “In 2000, Iraq announced the beginning of linking Iraqi oil sales to the euro instead of the dollar, which, along with other factors, prompted the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime by military force. In 2011, Muammar Gaddafi tried to create a gold currency in Africa called the golden dinar, and he succeeded in creating A bloc of African countries, but the Americans overthrew the Libyan regime and killed Gaddafi, because selling the country, even a small one, for its oil for something other than the dollar will cause the dollar’s ​​strength to destabilize. Currently, there is nothing that supports the dollar except oil, and America will not hesitate to use its military power to crush any threat to the dollar, even if it is linked. “Oil is in dollars, and preserving it for the longest time is an American priority.”

He stated that “oil pricing in dollars is not only related to the standard oil crude oils that are priced in dollars, namely Brent crude and West Texas Intermediate crude, but because oil trade is the largest in the world, as it is not limited to exchanging oil in commodity markets only, but there is a very large trade in paper barrels amounting to more than tens of times the real exchange rate, especially on the New York and London Stock Exchanges, through speculation in futures contracts.” 

He explained, “Therefore, the calls to sell Iraqi oil in a currency other than the dollar lack realism and reflect a wrong understanding of the basics of oil pricing in the global market, and because it will expose Iraq to very violent American reactions, because abandoning the dollar is an American red line because it will threaten the global position of the dollar, which it currently represents.” 60% of global monetary reserves and will undermine the economic importance of the United States globally.”  link

Mot:  . As Im sitting here in the Snow ----

Mot:  . Groundhog Day Explained

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

This week, history was made. When Saudi Arabia joined the BRICS System, we began the process of moving from a Petro Dollar to a Digital Dollar economy.

© Goldilocks

"Cross-border data flows” refer to the movement or transfer of information between servers across country borders"

EU and Japan sign for a Economic Partnership between their countries. This will allow data flows of information in the new digital economy to proceed between them.

Data governance and cross-border data flows are important to the development of digitalisation between these two largest digital economies in the world.

Once this agreement has been ratified by Japan, they can move forward with their economic partnership in the new digital economy. This agreement marks one of the first economic partnerships to move forward onto the new digital asset based trading system. Consilium Europa

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

This week, history was made. When Saudi Arabia joined the BRICS System, we began the process of moving from a Petro Dollar to a Digital Dollar economy.

© Goldilocks

"Cross-border data flows” refer to the movement or transfer of information between servers across country borders"

EU and Japan sign for a Economic Partnership between their countries. This will allow data flows of information in the new digital economy to proceed between them.

Data governance and cross-border data flows are important to the development of digitalisation between these two largest digital economies in the world.

Once this agreement has been ratified by Japan, they can move forward with their economic partnership in the new digital economy. This agreement marks one of the first economic partnerships to move forward onto the new digital asset based trading system. Consilium Europa

© Goldilocks


Iraqi Banking Announcement:

Currently, Iraq is appointing people into leadership positions to run their electronic payment companies.

© Goldilocks


"CFTC’s Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee to Meet February 13, 2024"

The Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee (EEMAC) is meeting with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission on the role rare Earth minerals are going to play in our new digital economy.

A part of this meeting deals with Basel 3 requirements in attaching these Rare Earth minerals and other commodities to new tokenized assets that will come into play during Protocol 20s roll out of Quantum Technologies on February the 20th, 2024.

This comes just in time before the March 11th, 2024 when the old Financial money lending of money gives way to tokenized assets backed by real world values (Gold) to begin paving the way to our new economy.

These rare Earth minerals will synchronize price selections and values based upon the pressures our new economy will take on during this transition of our stock markets into tokenized assets.

Commodities will serve as a hedge for the stocks going one direction as the commodity markets go the other creating a bridge into a new economy. The more these stocks put pressures on the Commodities that back them as a tokenized asset will serve to give us new adjusted prices based upon a real value going forward. 

When you combine these two assets together such as the stock markets and the commodity markets, they become the igniting catalyst into a fire that will spur both into growth potentials neither one of them could do alone.

Is a smooth transition into the new economy becoming possible? It's looking that way. Time will tell.

Don't get me wrong. Volatility is expected, but the interfacing of the commodity market with the stock market will certainly provide us a path forward through utilizing the unique directions both of these will be going because of where we are in our Global Market Cycles.   CFTC

© Goldilocks


"BRICS overtakes G7 in terms of share in global GDP in PPP terms. As new members join the economic bloc, it is expected to lead more than 40% of global crude oil production."

Going forward, this will have a profound effect on the use of the Petro dollar in foreign trade. It will open up opportunities for currencies in the East to be utilized instead of the dollar creating demand for their use and growth potential.

As the year goes on, we will be experiencing many changes in the global markets that will affect our tokenized assets backed by commodities under the new requirements of Basel 3.

In turn, this will engage new growth potentials across all sectors of our Global Markets. Forex is one of those sectors of our Global markets.

Resetting and reconnecting our Global Markets to our new digital banking system will begin to show new Market chart patterns that are aligning themselves with new digital assets inside our new Basel 3 economy.   English Al Mayadeen

© Goldilocks

Standard Chartered Bank expects the SEC to approve spot Ethereum ETFs on May 23.

The bank predicts a potential $4,000 target for ETH if it mimics BTC’s pre-approval performance.
The Block

~~~~~~~~~~ Becomes Participant in SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) Schem

January 28, 2024 @ 9:19 pm By Omar Faridi
Account-to-account (A2A) payment infrastructure provider,, has announced it has become an official participant in the SEPA Payment Account Access (SPAA) scheme: a commercial API initiative that will enable greater innovation and unlock wider adoption of A2A payments in Europe.

Through leveraging open banking and instant payments, the SPAA scheme will directly support the establishment of “a competitive pan-European payment solution, which is a key pillar of the retail payment strategies of both the European Commission (EC) and European Central Bank (ECB).
Crowd Fund Insider


As we kick off 2024, the focus on the unavailability of certain benchmarks continues on. To refresh, we have already seen the benchmark for US Dollars generally replaced with the Secured Overnight Financing rate as administered by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Sterling replaced with the Sterling Overnight Index Average as administered by the Bank of England and Swiss Francs replaced with the Swiss Average Rate Overnight as administered by the SIX Swiss Exchange AG. Looking ahead, we expect to see the cessation of additional benchmarks including, but not limited to, the Canadian Dollar Offered Rate (“CDOR”) and Singapore Interbank Offered Rates (“SIBOR”).  JD Supra


Message from Isaac Today

Hello, hope all good the cc is today and I will post as soon as I have the info , but definitely today..  Isaac on Telegram


IIAs are international treaties between two or more countries. They protect investors from one country (the investor’s home country) from unlawful interference with their investments in the other country (the host country).

The main purpose of these treaties is to mitigate political and legal risks associated with investing abroad by giving the investor the possibility to sue countries before impartial international arbitration tribunals.

IIAs could take the form of a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) between two countries, or they could be part of wider free trade agreement, such as Chapter 14 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) or Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Investment treaty protections and the dispute settlement mechanisms they contain are only available to qualifying investors and investments.   JD Supra 


Russia makes ditching the US dollar a top priority in 2024 - What a star-studded meeting!! |  Cryptopolitan


Chainlink (LINK) Set to Connect Billions of People and Companies in Tokenization Market | CryptoNewsFlash


Digital Assets Association launches to connect tradfi and tokenised real world assets | The Edge Singapore




Institutions Are About To Create MASSIVE DEMAND For XRP! AMM & Clawback Changes EVERYTHING For XRPL! |


I will write about the changes coming to XRP tomorrow. You do not want to miss it.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraqi Oil And The American Dollar... 20 Years Of Morgan’s Dominance And His Change Declaring A World War

 Reports and analyses   U.S. dollar   US Department of the Treasury   Iraq oil   Exporting Iraqi oil     Petrodollar   JP Morgan Bank  2024-02-01 Shafaq News/ Iraq sells its oil to countries around the world in dollars, and  the oil revenues are deposited in the American bank account of JPMorgan and Citi, and  Iraq receives these revenues through the US Treasury Department in the form of payments in dollars as well.

 This method has been in place for 20 years, and  the Finance Committee in the Iraqi House of Representatives wants to change it to get rid of the “dominance of the dollar” and diversify the commission basket, and also to confront the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iraqi banks, amid warnings of the seriousness of this step, which may cause an economic “disaster.” Financial and political of the country.

 This protocol signed between the Iraqi and American governments dates back to 2004, when it was signed between Paul Bremer, when he was a civilian ruler of Iraq, Ahmed Chalabi, a member of the former Governing Council, and Sinan Al-Shabibi, governor of the Central Bank at the time, according to the economic expert, Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhli.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 2-1-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraqi Oil And The American Dollar... 20 Years Of Morgan’s Dominance And His Change Declaring A World War

 Reports and analyses   U.S. dollar   US Department of the Treasury   Iraq oil   Exporting Iraqi oil     Petrodollar   JP Morgan Bank  2024-02-01 Shafaq News/ Iraq sells its oil to countries around the world in dollars, and  the oil revenues are deposited in the American bank account of JPMorgan and Citi, and  Iraq receives these revenues through the US Treasury Department in the form of payments in dollars as well.

 This method has been in place for 20 years, and  the Finance Committee in the Iraqi House of Representatives wants to change it to get rid of the “dominance of the dollar” and diversify the commission basket, and also to confront the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iraqi banks, amid warnings of the seriousness of this step, which may cause an economic “disaster.” Financial and political of the country.

 This protocol signed between the Iraqi and American governments dates back to 2004, when it was signed between Paul Bremer, when he was a civilian ruler of Iraq, Ahmed Chalabi, a member of the former Governing Council, and Sinan Al-Shabibi, governor of the Central Bank at the time, according to the economic expert, Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhli.

 Al-Sheikhli explained to Shafaq News Agency,

 “This protocol stipulates that Iraq will only sell its oil in dollars, and will not receive a single dollar except through the US Treasury Department, and the dollar will be deposited in the American (JP Morgan) and (Citibank) accounts, from which it will be disbursed to Iraq.” His money is with the knowledge and approval of the US Treasury.”

 He stressed to Sheikhly the necessity of “cancelling this protocol so that Iraq can sell its oil to whomever it wants and in the currency it needs, especially after agreeing with the Federal Reserve to diversify the commission basket, as China and India import oil from Iraq and pay in dollars, and this dollar goes first to American banks and then is delivered.” To the Iraqi government.

Freedom From Restriction First

A member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Bassem Al-Gharibawi, agreed with what Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhli said, that Iraq has the right to sell its oil in any currency, “but the effects of the invasion have not yet emerged from it.” Al-Gharibawi told Shafaq News Agency,

  “Iraq, since the change of the regime, and until now, is as if it has been under guardianship. It has not been liberated from this restriction.

 Therefore, it should first be liberated from this restriction and then sell in other currencies, but it is unlikely to liberate without America’s approval to do so.”

 Yesterday, Wednesday, the Finance Committee in the Iraqi House of Representatives called for the sale of Iraqi oil for non-dollar currencies to counter the sanctions imposed by the United States on Iraqi banks.

 The Parliamentary Finance Committee stated, in a statement received by the agency:

 “The Ministry of Treasury is still using the pretext of money laundering to impose its sanctions against Iraqi banks, which requires a national stance that puts an end to these arbitrary decisions,” indicating that

 “imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks would undermine and obstruct... The steps taken by the Central Bank to adjust the stability of the dollar exchange rate and reduce the selling gap between the official and parallel rates.”

The committee announced its rejection of these practices,  “because of their repercussions and consequences on the livelihood of our citizens,”  reiterating, “its call on the government and the Central Bank of Iraq to take quick measures to get rid of the dominance of the dollar, by diversifying our cash reserves of foreign currencies.” It also proposed obliging the Ministry of Oil to By selling Iraqi oil in other foreign currencies.

 Economic collapse  Commenting on this step, the economic researcher, Omar Al-Halbousi, said that “the Finance Committee’s proposal to sell Iraqi oil for something other than the dollar is considered suicide and the destruction of Iraq and its economy.

Rather, it is tantamount to a declaration of war on the global financial system led by America, which is more dangerous than military targeting, because the power of America controls the global financial system through the petrodollar agreement.” Al-Halbousi added, while speaking to Shafaq News Agency,

 “The Finance Committee seems to be ignorant of the petrodollar agreement approved by the OPEC countries, which specified that oil is sold in US dollars, and in fact the dollar was linked to oil and the agreement proceeded in this manner.” He pointed out that

 anyone who leaves this agreement will cause the destruction of his country and its economy, especially since when Iraq sells its oil, it does not receive the oil money directly. Rather, there is an account in the JP Morgan bank in which the money from the sold Iraqi oil is placed, and the United States supplies Iraq. In dollars on a semi-monthly basis. Al-Halbousi stated,

 “Any step by the Iraqi parliament or government to sell Iraqi oil for something other than the dollar will cause a set of risks that will destroy Iraq, as the United States will impose an embargo on Iraqi oil, in addition to lifting immunity from Iraqi funds, and returning Iraq under Title Seven.” Preventing the dollar from reaching Iraq, which means Iraq’s economic collapse, and also preventing Iraq from entering the global SWIFT system, which means the banking sector is completely destroyed.”

He continued: "Therefore, Parliament and the government should not think about this step because it will cause an economic, financial and political catastrophe, and put Iraq into isolation from which it is unable to emerge, especially since Iraq is a consumer country in light of the lack of industry and agriculture."

The economic expert stressed, “The concerned Iraqi authorities should not deal with these issues with emotion, and rush after external agendas that try to lead Iraq towards the abyss, since the petrodollar agreement made the United States dominate the global financial system, which is the creation of the power of the United States, and that Deviating from this agreement will push Washington to move with all its tools, even military ones, to preserve the petrodollar agreement and prevent any loophole that could destroy the global financial system, which has made America the main controller of the world and the unipolar policy alone.

 "Violent" Reactions

 For his part, economic expert, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, warned of “violent” American reactions if Iraq decided to replace the dollar with other currencies in its sale of crude oil. Al-Marsoumi said in a post on the social networking sites “Facebook” that

 “the pricing of oil in dollars is not only related to the standard oil crude oils that are priced in dollars, namely Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude oils, but because oil trade is the largest in the world as it is not limited to the exchange of oil in Commodity markets only,

 but because there is a very large trade in paper barrels amounting to more than tens of times the real exchange, especially on the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange, through speculation in futures contracts, as the New York Stock Exchange has about 3 billion contracts annually, with an average value of 1,000 trillion dollars.” He added:

  “Therefore, the calls to sell Iraqi oil in a currency other than the dollar lack realism, and reflect a wrong understanding of the basics of oil pricing in the global market, and because they will expose Iraq to very violent American reactions because abandoning the dollar is an American red line,” explaining that.

It "will threaten the global position of the dollar, which currently represents 60% of global monetary reserves, and will undermine the economic importance of the United States at the global level."

 The United States of America had previously imposed sanctions on a number of Iraqi people linked to armed factions, in addition to sanctions on the "Fly Baghdad" airline company, and imposed sanctions on Al-Huda Bank and its owner, Hamad Al-Musawi.تقارير-وتحليلات/نفط-العراق-ودولار-مريكا-20-عاما-من-هيمنة-مورغان-وتغييره-علان-حرب-عالمية

Securities: Electronic Payment Outlets Are Witnessing Significant Progress

 Economy    Yesterday, 19:01  Baghdad – INA    The Securities Commission announced today, Thursday, that electronic payment ports have achieved tangible progress in their work over the past 9 months, and while it indicated that the government has taken measures to reduce the withholding rate, it clarified the tasks of the National Electronic Payment Company.

 The head of the authority, Faisal Al-Haims, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

 “The trend towards electronic payment began with the efforts of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, as the government gave a time limit to achieve this in government departments and then it will be circulated to all economic activities that affect the citizen’s condition,” indicating

 “A continuous increase has been recorded in electronic payment outlets and means throughout Iraq during the past 9 months, which is tangible progress and a positive indicator.”

 He added,  "The issue continues and escalates and is gaining momentum, but it needs time," explaining that "the beginning of the electronic payment phase is going on the right path."       

He stated, "The majority of government departments use electronic payment methods," pointing out that  "the government has taken measures to reduce the withholding rate in the electronic payment process, and the bank also continues to audit and monitor payment companies."

He stated,  "There are 16 electronic payment companies in Iraq, some of which are owned by banks," pointing out that "the multiplicity of companies is positive and generates competition."

He stated,   “The National Electronic Payment Company, which was approved by the Council of Ministers, will act as the SWITCH that will govern the companies’ businesses, so that beneficiary data and all electronic payment companies’ operations pass through this company.”

 In its session held last Tuesday, the Council of Ministers approved the following:

 1. (The holder shall bear electronic payment commissions from the private and public sectors, and the payer shall not bear any electronic payment commissions), and the government shall compensate a percentage (50%) of the electronic payment commissions paid by the holder ( The merchant, the employer, and all private sector entities), provided that it is used to pay the holder’s obligations to the state exclusively through electronic payment, such as renewing licenses, paying taxes, customs, fees, municipal fees, electricity fees, and everything owed to the state, and it cannot be recovered in cash under any circumstances.

2. Determine all electronic payment commissions (at a percentage determined by the Central Bank of Iraq), with a maximum commission limit that stops at a commission amount (the value of which is determined by the Central Bank of Iraq for both the public and private sectors) and what exceeds that without commissions, and a minimum that is exempt from commissions as well ( Exempting small transactions in the public and private sectors from commissions up to a ceiling determined by the Central Bank of Iraq.

 3. The contracts signed based on what was stated in the decisions of the Council of Ministers related to electronic payment, especially the decisions of the Council of Ministers (23044 and 23620 of 2023) between state institutions and electronic payment companies, will continue to be enforceable until December 31, 2024, and the contracting institution may submit a reasoned request to the Central Bank of Iraq in If she wishes not to extend the approval process.

 4. The decision will be re-evaluated in light of the results of the application before the end of this year 2024.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

88. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. – Tony Robbins

 89. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. – Gloria Steinem

90. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live. – Mae Jemison

 91. You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try. – Beverly Sills

 92. Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent. – Eleanor Roosevelt 

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 2-1-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 2-1-24

Escalation Is Not In Iraq's Interest.. Parliament Indicates The Danger Of Moving Away From The Dollar By Selling Oil

Economy |Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee pointed out the danger of moving away from the dollar in selling Iraqi oil, while stressing that escalation is not in the country’s interest.

A member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee, Dhargham Al-Maliki, acknowledges today that moving away from the dollar in selling oil will create an escalation that is not in the interest of Iraq.

Al-Maliki said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq’s resort to selling oil at other currencies’ prices may be part of the tools for an economic solution to the current situation, but it is not at the level that some imagine, especially since there are many complications, the most prominent of which is the pricing of selling oil in OPEC and the rest of the international organizations.” The other on the dollar.

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 2-1-24

Escalation Is Not In Iraq's Interest.. Parliament Indicates The Danger Of Moving Away From The Dollar By Selling Oil

Economy |Baghdad Today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee pointed out the danger of moving away from the dollar in selling Iraqi oil, while stressing that escalation is not in the country’s interest.

A member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee, Dhargham Al-Maliki, acknowledges today that moving away from the dollar in selling oil will create an escalation that is not in the interest of Iraq.

Al-Maliki said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq’s resort to selling oil at other currencies’ prices may be part of the tools for an economic solution to the current situation, but it is not at the level that some imagine, especially since there are many complications, the most prominent of which is the pricing of selling oil in OPEC and the rest of the international organizations.” The other on the dollar.

Political side

He added, "The dollar crisis in Iraq has a political aspect and is not a purely economic matter, and its solution begins with fulfilling government promises regarding addressing many of the problems with the American side in order to accelerate the payment of financial dues coming from the treasury for the sale of crude oil."

Iraq share

He pointed out that “continuing to sell oil away from the dollar will create escalation and lead to reducing Iraq’s share of the dollar, and this matter is not in the interest of the economy,” stressing “the need for treatments to be objective according to a vision that takes into account the country’s interests and for its markets not to be affected by any movement, whether in selling oil.” "Or something else."

 Earlier today, economic affairs expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi raised a question about the greatest danger facing Iraq, and whether it lies in the American bombing or selling oil in a currency other than the dollar?

He pointed out in a blog post followed by “Baghdad Al-Youm” that “the calls to sell Iraqi oil in a currency other than the dollar lack realism and reflect a wrong understanding of the basics of oil pricing in the global market, and because it will expose Iraq to very violent American reactions, because abandoning the dollar is an American red line.” “It will threaten the global position of the dollar, which currently represents 60% of global monetary reserves, and will undermine the economic importance of the United States on the global level.”  LINK

Two Aspects, “Negative And Positive”... What Are The Effects Of US Sanctions On Iraqi Banks?

Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday (January 31, 2024), expert in banking affairs, Ahmed Al-Tamimi, reviewed the expected effects of US sanctions on some Iraqi banks, noting that they have two aspects, “negative and positive.”

Al-Tamimi told “Baghdad Today” that “the American sanctions on some Iraqi banks have two sides, negative and positive.” The positive thing is that these sanctions will significantly reduce money smuggling and money laundering operations, and this gives strength to the Iraqi economy, as no economy can To be strong in light of currency smuggling operations.”

He added, "The negative side is that the American sanctions give a negative and unsuspecting impression regarding banking work inside Iraq, and this reduces citizens' dependence on banks to store money or conduct banking transactions. It also temporarily affects the dollar exchange rate, since one of the sources of smuggling has stopped, and this means that the increase will be More on the black market (parallel market).”

Earlier today, Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq confirmed, “There is a big difference between including a bank on the sanctions list by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and stopping a bank from dealing in dollars, which does not represent a punishment as much as it motivates the bank to adhere to the requirements.” Local and international compliance and combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

He pointed out that "talk about the issuance of decisions by the US Treasury to punish a number of Iraqi banks is inaccurate, and what was issued recently only relates, so far, to Al-Huda Bank and the Chairman of its Board of Directors."

He explained that “what is mentioned regarding other banks is that the Central Bank, in continuous operations, deprives some banks for reasons related to factors or issues of compliance with instructions, controls, and rules for combating money laundering and terrorist financing,” noting that “there is a Fines and Penalties Committee that issues dozens of decisions weekly, especially since and after the platform was implemented.” Electronic banks have become obligated and required to follow compliance rules and sound international standards.”  LINK

Sudanese Advisor: The Financial Situation In Iraq Is Stable And Sound

Economy |  01/02/24  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Thursday, that the future outlook on the financial situation in Iraq is stable, while indicating that oil market indicators are still more than 10% above the price specified in the budget until now.

Saleh said, “The federal general budget for the year 2024 is still stable, with an expenditure ceiling of approximately 199 trillion Iraqi dinars and allocations in investment expenditures exceeding 25 percent of the total expenditure ceiling, and oil exports are stable at their set rates of approximately 3.4 million barrels of oil per day.” The price of a barrel for the purposes of calculating budget revenues from exported oil is $70 per barrel,” pointing out that “oil market indicators are still more than the price specified in the budget by more than 10% until the moment.”

He added, "Energy market expectations lead to an increase in the needs of continued demand for crude oil in general," noting that "the future outlook on Iraq's financial situation is stable."

He pointed out that "there is high stability as we enter the second month of the current year, which indicates that the budget is in balance and carries some surpluses, so the situation is stable, good and sound."

Advisor To The Prime Minister: The Financial Situation In Iraq Is Stable And Sound

Sudanese Advisor: Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed today, Thursday, that the future outlook for the financial situation in Iraq is stable, while indicating that oil market indicators are still more than 10% above the price specified in the budget until now.

Saleh said, in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by “Al-Eqtisad News,” that “the federal general budget for the year 2024 remains stable, with an expenditure ceiling of about 199 trillion Iraqi dinars and allocations in investment expenditures exceeding 25 percent of the total spending ceiling, and oil exports.”

Stable at its set rates of approximately 3.4 million barrels of oil per day, at a price of a barrel for the purposes of calculating budget revenues from exported oil of $70 per barrel,” pointing out that “oil market indicators are still more than the price specified in the budget by more than 10% until the moment.”

He added, "Energy market expectations lead to an increase in the needs of continued demand for crude oil in general," noting that "the future outlook on Iraq's financial situation is stable."

He pointed out that "there is high stability as we enter the second month of the current year, which indicates that the budget is in balance and carries some surpluses, so the situation is stable, good and sound."   Views 64 02/01/2024 -

Advisor Mazhar Saleh: The Future Outlook For The Financial Situation In Iraq Is Stable

February 1, 2024   Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that the future outlook on the financial situation in Iraq is stable, while pointing out that oil market indicators are still more than 10% above the price specified in the budget until now.

Saleh said that the federal general budget for the year 2024 remains stable, with an expenditure ceiling of about 199 trillion Iraqi dinars and allocations in investment expenditures exceeding 25 percent of the total spending ceiling, and oil exports are stable at their rates set at approximately 3.4 million barrels of oil per day at the price of a barrel. For the purposes of calculating budget revenues from exported oil at $70 per barrel, he pointed out that oil market indicators still exceed the price specified in the budget by more than 10% until now.

He added that the expectations of energy markets indicate an increase in the needs of continued demand for crude oil in general, indicating that the future outlook for Iraq’s financial situation is stable.

He pointed out that there is high stability as we enter the second month of the current year, which indicates that the budget is in balance and carries some surpluses, so the situation is stable, good and sound.


Compiled By Kevin Kruse   Top 100 Inspirational Quotes

Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.

In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

81. It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. – Confucius

 82. If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. – Oprah Winfrey

 83. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. – Dalai Lama

84. You can’t use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have. – Maya Angelou

85. Dream big and dare to fail. – Norman Vaughan

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday 2-1-2024


Tishwash:  Saleh: The financial situation in Iraq is stable and good

Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Thursday that the financial situation in Iraq is stable and good, in light of expectations of increased demand for oil globally.

Saleh said in a press statement, “The federal general budget for the year 2024 remains stable, with an expenditure ceiling of approximately 199 trillion Iraqi dinars and allocations in investment expenditures exceeding 25 percent of the total expenditure ceiling, and oil exports are stable at their set rates of approximately 3.4 million

.” A barrel of oil per day, at a barrel price for the purposes of calculating budget revenues from exported oil of $70 per barrel,” pointing out that “oil market indicators are still more than the price specified in the budget by more than 10% until the moment.”


Tishwash:  Saleh: The financial situation in Iraq is stable and good

Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Thursday that the financial situation in Iraq is stable and good, in light of expectations of increased demand for oil globally.

Saleh said in a press statement, “The federal general budget for the year 2024 remains stable, with an expenditure ceiling of approximately 199 trillion Iraqi dinars and allocations in investment expenditures exceeding 25 percent of the total expenditure ceiling, and oil exports are stable at their set rates of approximately 3.4 million

.” A barrel of oil per day, at a barrel price for the purposes of calculating budget revenues from exported oil of $70 per barrel,” pointing out that “oil market indicators are still more than the price specified in the budget by more than 10% until the moment.”

He added, "Energy market expectations lead to an increase in the needs of continued demand for crude oil in general," noting that "the future outlook on Iraq's financial situation is stable."

He pointed out that "there is high stability as we enter the second month of the current year, which indicates that the budget is in balance and carries some surpluses, so the situation is stable, good and sound."   link


CandyKisses:  Al-Hakim informs Blackschaert: We support negotiations to end the tasks of the international coalition in Iraq

Baghdad today - Baghdad 

Today, Thursday (February 1, 2024), the head of the Iraqi State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, confirmed his support for negotiations to end the tasks of the international coalition in Iraq, while calling on the international community to assume its responsibilities towards the Gaza crisis.

Al-Hakim said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "We met this morning with the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert," noting that "the meeting reviewed the political developments in Iraq and the region and the inter-relationship between Iraq and the United Nations."

Al-Hakim added, "The meeting stressed the importance of moving to the stage of bilateral partnerships with the international organization after Iraq has overcome most of the challenges at the internal and external levels," explaining, "We also stressed preserving the stability achieved through the sacrifices of Iraqis from all components."

The meeting stressed "the importance of the upcoming provincial councils and local governments to enhance stability and sustain the wheel of reconstruction and development, and we expressed our full support for the Iraqi government in managing negotiations with the international coalition to confront terrorism to end its tasks and move to the stage of bilateral relations to serve both sides."

Al-Hakim concluded the statement by saying, "We called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities towards the Gaza crisis, and we said that silence towards the genocide of an unarmed people represents a flagrant targeting of international values, principles and laws, and We called for stopping the war and bringing in aid and relief for the displaced who are spreading the ground in this bitter cold."


Tishwash:  Which is more dangerous for Iraq: bombing American bases or selling oil for anything other than the dollar?

 Today, Thursday (February 1, 2024), economic affairs expert Nabil Al-Marsoumi raised a question about the greatest danger facing Iraq, and whether it lies in the American bombing or selling oil in a currency other than the dollar? 

Al-Marsoumi says in a blog post followed by “Baghdad Today” that, “In 1973, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia agreed to accept the dollar as the sole currency to buy oil in exchange for America providing military protection for Saudi oil fields. In 1975, the other OPEC countries agreed to price oil in dollars only, and they succeeded.” With this deal, America links the dollar to oil instead of gold.”

Dollar instead of gold

The economic expert explained, “This deal forced all oil-importing countries to create a fixed supply of dollars to buy oil,” adding, “Therefore, these countries were forced to export goods to America, and in return, America provides them with dollars that will only cost them the cost of printing them.” 

Al-Marsoumi added, "From here, a new system began to maintain American hegemony over the global financial system, and its name is the petro-dollar," noting that "dollars leave America and anything America needs comes to it, and as a result, the United States has become very rich." 

He pointed out that "this process did not lead to inflation because the countries of the world are in constant need of dollars to buy oil and participate in international trade. Therefore, those dollars remained outside America, and after linking the dollar to oil, America was able to spend more money on its military forces, which became the first in the world." . 

Al-Marsoumi continued, “In 2000, Iraq announced the beginning of linking Iraqi oil sales to the euro instead of the dollar, which, along with other factors, prompted the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime by military force,” noting that “in 2011, Muammar Gaddafi tried to create a gold currency in Africa called the dinar.” Al-Dhahabi succeeded in forming a bloc of African countries, but the Americans overthrew the Libyan regime and killed Gaddafi because selling a country, even a small one, of its oil for something other than the dollar would cause the dollar’s ​​strength to destabilize.” 

Oil supports the dollar 

He stated that "currently there is nothing that supports the dollar except oil, and that America will not hesitate to use its military power to crush any threat to the dollar, and that linking oil to the dollar and preserving it for the longest time is an American priority," indicating that "the price of oil in dollars is not only linked to standard oil crudes." Which are priced in dollars, namely Brent crude and West Texas crude, but because oil trade is the largest in the world, as it is not limited to the exchange of oil in commodity markets only, but also because there is a very large trade in paper barrels amounting to more than tens of times the real exchange, especially on the New York Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange. Through speculation in futures contracts, as the New York Stock Exchange deals with about 3 billion contracts annually, with an average value of 1,000 trillion dollars.” 

He noted that "the calls to sell Iraqi oil in a currency other than the dollar lack realism and reflect a wrong understanding of the basics of oil pricing in the global market, and because it will expose Iraq to very violent American reactions, because abandoning the dollar is an American red line, as it will threaten the global position of the dollar, which currently constitutes 60 percent." % of global monetary reserves and will undermine the economic importance of the United States at the global level.

After the exacerbation of the dollar crisis and the sanctions imposed by Washington on a number of Iraqi banks, the country is seeking to move to a new stage of monetary transactions, sometimes oil in exchange for goods and other times purchasing in the currency of the countries exporting those goods, including the yen, the currency of China.    link

Mot:  ... Tah Dah!!! -- and Here We Are!!!! 

Mot:  .. Its Cold Season - Sooo Remember when ~~~~

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Saudi Arabia Officially Becomes a BRICS Member
During its 2023 annual summit, it announced its first expansion effort since 2001, when it introduced South Africa. Specifically, the alliance had invited six different countries from across the globe.   1 hour ago     Watcher Guru

👆Uh Oh Dollar


US Fed Meet Live Updates: Powell-led FOMC keeps key rates unchanged at 5.25-5.50% for 4th straight meeting.
Jerome Powell


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Saudi Arabia Officially Becomes a BRICS Member
During its 2023 annual summit, it announced its first expansion effort since 2001, when it introduced South Africa. Specifically, the alliance had invited six different countries from across the globe.   1 hour ago     Watcher Guru

👆Uh Oh Dollar


US Fed Meet Live Updates: Powell-led FOMC keeps key rates unchanged at 5.25-5.50% for 4th straight meeting.
Jerome Powell


This week, history was made. When Saudi Arabia joined the BRICS System, we began the process of moving from a Petro Dollar to a Digital Dollar economy.
© Goldilocks


FOMC Press Conference January 31, 2024


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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraqi Dinar - Central Bank - Announces - Final Stages - Obligations of International Standards - UST

Iraqi Dinar - Central Bank - Announces - Final Stages - Obligations of International Standards - UST

MilitiaMan and Crew:  1-31-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar - Central Bank - Announces - Final Stages - Obligations of International Standards - UST

MilitiaMan and Crew:  1-31-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Calls On The Government To Get Rid Of The Dominance Of The Dollar And Diversify The Monetary Reserve

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center  Parliamentary Finance calls on the government to get rid of the dominance of the dollar and diversify the monetary reserve

The Central Bank Expects Dollar Prices To Decline In The Middle Of This Year

Economy | 01:41 - 01/31/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  former official in the Central Bank of Iraq, Faleh Dawoud, said that the exchange rate of the US dollar will fall to less than 1,500 Iraqi dinars by next June.

Faleh Daoud said in a statement followed by Mawazine News, “The dinar’s exchange rate depends on the market and demand, because the currency market plays a role in its price, not the central bank,” noting that “the recent actions of the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve regarding transferring the dollar to Iraq caused... In the decline in the value of the currency, which is the reason for the instability of the dinar against the dollar.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance Calls On The Government To Get Rid Of The Dominance Of The Dollar And Diversify The Monetary Reserve

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center  Parliamentary Finance calls on the government to get rid of the dominance of the dollar and diversify the monetary reserve

The Central Bank Expects Dollar Prices To Decline In The Middle Of This Year

Economy | 01:41 - 01/31/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  former official in the Central Bank of Iraq, Faleh Dawoud, said that the exchange rate of the US dollar will fall to less than 1,500 Iraqi dinars by next June.

Faleh Daoud said in a statement followed by Mawazine News, “The dinar’s exchange rate depends on the market and demand, because the currency market plays a role in its price, not the central bank,” noting that “the recent actions of the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve regarding transferring the dollar to Iraq caused... In the decline in the value of the currency, which is the reason for the instability of the dinar against the dollar.”

He explained, "Relying on the electronic platform had a positive side effect on the exchange rate against the dollar and created quasi-stability in the dinar's exchange rate, and it may rise slightly by next June."

He noted that "the dinar's exchange rate in the coming days will depend on the market and the demand for the dollar, and that there is a gap between the demand for American policy and the supply of dollars, and that the central bank's policy since the second half of 2023 has been bilateral agreements with countries to trade in local currencies."

He continued, "According to my information, trade exchange between Iraq and Turkey is now in the Turkish lira in addition to the dollar, and the agreement was successful," according to Faleh Daoud, who added: "This will give indirect control over the issue and Turkey will obtain dollars if necessary."

He pointed out "the necessity of forming a special joint committee between the Central Bank of Iraq, the Money Laundering Office, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the US Department of the Treasury to recommend imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks."

He stated, “Al-Huda Bank was licensed before 2010,” wondering: “What investigation will be conducted in 2024? What are the charges of which it was convicted and why was the Central Bank of Iraq not opened and held accountable?”

Central Bank Governor: We Prevented Banks And Companies From Obtaining The Dollar... And Work On The Electronic Platform Will End During The Current Year

Wednesday 31, January 2024 17:22 | Economical Number of readings: 629  Baghdad / NINA / The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, confirmed: “The bank prevented a number of banks and companies from obtaining the dollar for not adhering to the requirements,” indicating: “The electronic platform will end its operation during the current year.”

Al-Alaq said in an interview with the official agency: “The banks against which decisions are issued are only prevented from obtaining the dollar and can carry out their normal activities,” noting that: “Banks can correct their conditions and obligations required to enter into their foreign transactions.”

He added: "The Central Bank has reached the final stages of regulating external transfers to banks, and the bank has continuous reviews, and banks that apply the standards are allowed to obtain the dollar."

Al-Alaq continued: “The US Treasury praised the Central Bank’s provisions for banks, which included conditions and standards for external transfers and the opening of accounts with internationally accredited foreign banks,” denying the issuance of decisions by the US Treasury to punish a number of Iraqi banks with the exception of Al-Huda Bank and the Chairman of its Board of Directors./ End

The Central Bank Denies The Issuance Of Decisions By The US Treasury To Punish A Number Of Iraqi Banks

Economy | 05:17 - 01/31/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq denied today, Wednesday, the inclusion of other Iraqi banks under US Treasury sanctions.

Al-Alaq said in an interview, followed by Mawazine News: “There is a big difference between including a bank on the sanctions list by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and stopping a bank from dealing in dollars, which does not represent a punishment as much as it motivates the bank to adhere to local and international requirements in Compliance and combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

He added, "Banks can correct their positions and obligations required to enter into their foreign transactions in a way that ensures the safety of the local and international system from risks."

He pointed out that "talk about the issuance of decisions by the US Treasury to punish a number of Iraqi banks is inaccurate, and what was issued recently only relates, so far, to Al-Huda Bank and the Chairman of its Board of Directors."

He pointed out that "the US Treasury praised the Central Bank's regulations for banks, which included conditions and standards for external transfers and opening accounts with internationally accredited foreign banks."

He explained that “what is mentioned regarding other banks is that the Central Bank, in continuous operations, deprives some banks for reasons related to factors or issues of compliance with instructions, controls, and rules for combating money laundering and terrorist financing,” noting that “there is a Fines and Penalties Committee that issues dozens of decisions weekly, especially since and after the platform was implemented.” Electronic banks have become obligated and required to follow compliance rules and sound international standards.”

Al-Alaq stressed that “the Central Bank has continuous reviews from time to time and issues decisions to prevent banks from dealing in the dollar with the aim of ensuring that compliance is at the required level and within international standards,” noting that “there are decisions taken against a number of banks and dozens of exchange companies and preventing them from accessing...

The dollar after recording notes on it. Also, in order for banks to be able to carry out external transfer operations or sell the dollar, they must have a response to compliance requirements and international standards, and whoever records that they do not meet such requirements will be prohibited from dealing in the dollar, not as a punishment for those banks, but rather as an incentive for them to implement the standards. International".

Minister Of Finance: We Are Adopting A Promising Development Program That Is Consistent With The Provisions Of The Government Curriculum

Wednesday 31, January 2024 | Economical Number of readings: 620  Baghdad / NINA / Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Muhammad, confirmed: “The Ministry is adopting a promising development program that is consistent with the adoptions of the government approach aimed at correcting the financial and monetary policy.”

The Ministry stated in a statement: “The Minister met today in her office with a parliamentary delegation that included MPs (Donia Al-Shammari, Nermin Masoud, Hoda Thamer, Tariq Al-Khikani, Hassan Al-Khafaji, Fatima Al-Hawi, Iman Al-Obaidi, Haider Al-Shamkhi, Hassan Al-Masoudi, Saad Awad, Muhammad Al-Rumaithi, Ali Al-Bandawi, Hoda Al-Nashi, Mudar Al-Karawi).

The Minister of Finance expressed her welcome to the visit of members of the House of Representatives, which comes within the framework of maintaining communication and strengthening the principles of partnership between the executive and legislative authorities.

During the meeting, a number of common files were discussed and it was agreed to intensify the level of cooperation and coordination between the two institutions.

The Minister also reiterated her confirmation that the Ministry has adopted a promising development program consistent with the adoptions of the government curriculum aimed at correcting the financial and monetary policy, which is achieved with the support and assistance of the legislative authority, in the interest of advancing the economic and financial reality, achieving the elements of sustainable development, and providing services to citizens.

During The Month Of January.. Iraqi Stock Market Indices Rise By 7.70%


Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  In the last session of January 2024, the traded stock price index closed at (961.95) points, an increase of (7.70%) from the close of December 2023 of (893.15) points.

The Iraq Stock Exchange organized (22) trading sessions in January 2024, which lasted from Sunday to Thursday every week.

The number of shares traded reached (59,065,589,502) shares, with the value of shares traded reaching (58,790,441,773) dinars, and the number of contracts executed reached (19,611) contracts.

The number of companies listed in the market reached (103) joint-stock companies, and trading is carried out through (38) brokerage companies from their headquarters spread in Baghdad using main platforms that regulate the percentages of change for each type:

•The Regular M platform, and the percentage change in price is 15% of the previous closing price

•The second platform, Second M, and the percentage of change in price is 20% of the previous closing price.

•The third platform – the platform for companies with the least disclosure, and the percentage of change in price is 5% of the previous closing price.

• The government bonds platform in which Emaar bonds ((first issue)) were listed.

•ISX-OTC Unlisted Companies Platform: The platform was launched on 1/2/2024, and the number of companies registered in it is as high as the Securities Commission’s approval. Finance (2) joint stock companies and (2) other companies are still under audit for the purpose of inclusion.

114 views 01/31/2024 -


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Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

 76. If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money. – Abigail Van Buren

77. Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. – Farrah Gray

 78. The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself – the invisible battles inside all of us – that’s where it’s at. – Jesse Owens

 79. Education costs money.  But then so does ignorance. – Sir Claus Moser

 80. I have learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, this diminishes fear. – Rosa Parks 

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday 1-31-2024


Tishwash:  Chambers of Commerce: Government support attracted many countries to establish economic relations with Iraq

The Federation of Chambers of Commerce announced today, Wednesday, that the private sector witnessed a significant recovery in 2023, stressing that government support for the sector worked to attract countries to establish strong economic relations with Iraq.

The head of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The private sector in Iraq witnessed a significant recovery during the year 2023, due to government support, in addition to the financial and monetary recovery in all Iraqi banks.”

He stressed, "The great government support for the private sector has had a positive impact on the influx of many countries to Iraq, to ​​establish strong economic relations." 


Tishwash:  Chambers of Commerce: Government support attracted many countries to establish economic relations with Iraq

The Federation of Chambers of Commerce announced today, Wednesday, that the private sector witnessed a significant recovery in 2023, stressing that government support for the sector worked to attract countries to establish strong economic relations with Iraq.

The head of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The private sector in Iraq witnessed a significant recovery during the year 2023, due to government support, in addition to the financial and monetary recovery in all Iraqi banks.”

He stressed, "The great government support for the private sector has had a positive impact on the influx of many countries to Iraq, to ​​establish strong economic relations." 

He pointed out, "The BRICS economic phenomenon has become a reality in changing the economic world in the world, as the dollar and the euro are no longer the main currencies in financial dealings   link

Tishwash:  235 ATMs to be installed in Erbil

The infrastructure is intended to enable Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) civil servants to receive their salaries electronically.

About 80 service centers will be installed in Erbil to accommodate approximately 235 ATMs from various banks. 

The infrastructure is intended to enable Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) civil servants to receive their salaries electronically.

The establishment of ATM stations in banks and the redistribution of some civil servants to banks are indications of the expansion of the MyAccount Initiative. 

The civil servants, who are employees of the KRG, can make withdrawals and deposits at the select ATMs.

Currently, the distribution of bank cards to employees is being carried out through 10 state-owned banks. 

Marwan Ahmad, supervisor of the project, told Kurdistan24 on Monday that approximately 25,000 accounts have been successfully registered for their owners thus far.

Ahmad also mentioned that they are currently working on coordinating with banks to install the ATMs at the stations.

The pilot project is expected to be finalized in 2025 to integrate all civil servants into the digital payment system.

The government’s Department of Information Technology (DIT) designed, tested, piloted, and implemented a secure application for onboarding KRG employees into the program in line with the Central Bank of Iraq’s Know-Your-Customer (KYC) needs, according to a press release previously shared with Kurdistan24.

It is believed that there are four banks offering services for the program: Ashur, BBAC, Cihan, and RT.

Erbil currently has ATMs from five private banks, namely RT Bank, Cihan Bank, Ashur International Bank, National Bank of Iraq, and BBAC Bank, all of which are synchronized with MyAccount, except for the National Bank of Iraq.  link


CandyKisses:  Sudani receives official invitation to visit Tunisia

The media office of Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani announced on Tuesday that the latter received an official invitation to visit Tunisia, which he promised to meet as soon as possible.

This came during a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Tunisia to Iraq, Shukri Latif, according to the Sudanese Media Office.

During the meeting, they discussed the horizon of joint cooperation between the two countries and ways to strengthen relations at various levels and fields, in the interest of the Iraqi and Tunisian peoples, the statement said.

The statement added that Ambassador Shukri Al-Latif conveyed the greetings of Tunisian Prime Minister Ahmed Saleh Al-Hachani to the Sudanese and his appreciation of Iraq's positions, and the sincere desire to expand the strategic partnership and strengthen the friendship between the two countries, which is adopted by Tunisian President Kais Saied.

The statement pointed out that the ambassador carried to the Sudanese a written message from Al-Hashanni, which included an official invitation to the Iraqi Prime Minister to visit Tunisia, in order to discuss ways to diversify areas of cooperation and raise them to the highest levels, and to confirm the trend towards constructive joint work.

The statement noted that Al-Sudani expressed his appreciation for the invitation and its response at the earliest possible opportunity, stressing the importance of mutual support in international forums and Tunisia's position on the Palestinian cause.

Al-Sudani also renewed the call for Tunisian companies to participate in projects, investment opportunities and infrastructure construction in Iraq, and the importance of economic integration and the success of the upcoming Iraqi-Tunisian committee meetings in Baghdad.


CandyKisses:  Including Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Iran cancels visas with 28 countries

Baghdad Today - Follow-up

Today, Wednesday (January 31, 2024), the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the unilateral cancellation of entry visas for nationals of 28 countries, including Gulf countries.

The ministry said it had "decided to unilaterally cancel the entry visa through airports for nationals of 28 countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait."

"The decision to unilaterally cancel visas is actually a speech to the peoples of the world, as Iran has shown that it is ready to open its doors to the people of the world and provide them with more facilities so that they can visit Iran easily and enjoy its advantages," said Iranian Tourism Minister Ezzatollah Derghami.

Mot: .. the Good ole Daze!! --- siiggghhhhh

Mot: .. pooooor ole ""Earl"" 

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