Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 10-29-2023


Tishwash:  More than 100 billion dinars in fines from the Iraqi Central Bank on banks and exchange companies

The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Sunday that the fines imposed on banks and non-banking institutions (exchange companies) amounted to more than 104 billion Iraqi dinars during the past nine months.

A table of the bank, seen by Shafaq News Agency, showed that the fines imposed on banks and financial companies during the past nine months, starting from January and until September, amounted to 104 billion, 769 million, 332 thousand and 606 dinars, indicating that “the fines also included 348 administrative penalties.” For these banks and non-banking institutions, there was a range of warnings, warnings, and grace periods.”


Tishwash:  More than 100 billion dinars in fines from the Iraqi Central Bank on banks and exchange companies

The Central Bank of Iraq announced on Sunday that the fines imposed on banks and non-banking institutions (exchange companies) amounted to more than 104 billion Iraqi dinars during the past nine months.

A table of the bank, seen by Shafaq News Agency, showed that the fines imposed on banks and financial companies during the past nine months, starting from January and until September, amounted to 104 billion, 769 million, 332 thousand and 606 dinars, indicating that “the fines also included 348 administrative penalties.” For these banks and non-banking institutions, there was a range of warnings, warnings, and grace periods.”

The table showed that “the month of April witnessed the highest fines for banks and non-financial institutions, as these fines amounted to 17 billion, 440 million, 383 thousand and 447 dinars, with administrative penalties amounting to 17 penalties, while the month of June witnessed the lowest fines, as they amounted to 8 billion, 353 million, 387 thousand and 476 dinars.” dinars with administrative penalties amounting to 50 penalties.

The table did not show the names of the banks on which fines and administrative penalties were imposed.

The Association of Investors in the Iraqi Stock Exchange had criticized, in early June, the Central Bank of Iraq's increase in fines on banks, noting that it would affect the profitability of investors in the shares of these banks.  link


CandyKisses:  Trade: International participation in the largest Baghdad International Fair in years

Economy News _ Baghdad

The Ministry of Commerce announced the increase of the exhibition spaces allocated inside the pavilions of the Baghdad International Fair, after doubling the number of companies and countries that will participate in the work of its 47th session, the largest compared to previous years.

The director of the General Company for Exhibitions and Commercial Services in the ministry, Talib Hassan Nehme, said in an interview with "Al-Sabah" followed by "Economy News", that his ministry, after doubling the number of Arab and foreign companies to 150, and countries to 23, which announced their intention to participate in the work of the Baghdad International Fair in its 47th session, raised the areas by seven thousand m2, to reach the total area to 23 thousand square meters, through the establishment of large halls equipped in accordance with international controls.

He pointed out that logistical preparations began early for the exhibition under the slogan (Iraq Continues), which will start its activities at the beginning of January next year for ten days, as it is a major and important economic event for the country, in light of the ongoing development reconstruction booms within the government program.

Nehme attributed the reason for postponing the date of the Baghdad exhibition from the beginning of next month to January, to the ministry's continuation so far to receive requests from countries and companies to contribute to its activities, in addition to Iraq's move towards the regional and Arab space and changing the compass of trade exchange.

Regarding the ministry's plans to establish a major exhibition city on the outskirts of Baghdad between the Abu Ghraib district and Al-Amriya, he stressed that its work will be started immediately after obtaining the land from the ministry's General Company for Central Markets, to show the civilized face of Iraq, and to receive the largest number of countries, turning the exhibition into a global destination that meets ambition.


Tishwash:  The Prime Minister's advisor explains the importance of legislating the economic reform law

 Today, Sunday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, outlined the paths of partnership between the state and the private sector, while explaining the importance of legislating the economic reform law.

Saleh said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The government’s current and future economic vision was touched upon by the government program through many axes focused on describing the future of the economic system in the country,” indicating that “the description took its way in building a real partnership between the state and the private sector, with the aim of Creating a gradual departure from the dominance of oil rents in keeping the country captive to economic unilateralism and adopting oil wealth revenues alone as a sole basis for financing productive activities in the economy.

He explained, "Partnership opportunities with the private sector have taken different paths today, including financing partnerships, which include issuing carbon bonds or reconstruction bonds toward market resources," noting that "the private sector will contribute to financing economic development, in addition to the role of the Iraq Development Fund, which There will be an increase in direct financing from the government to meet the need of civil society activity to finance its investments at various levels, according to a strategy targeting small and medium-sized activities and others.”

He pointed out that “among the paths is the government’s role as an actual guarantor in supplying Western technology to private activity, especially in the industrial sector, agricultural industries, and other digital activities,” stressing that it is “a guarantor partnership for the supply of advanced technology to the country with financial government guarantees within the vision of partnership between the state and the private sector.”

To achieve a unified development goal in which human, financial and organizational resources are mobilized between the state and the private sector and with advanced external technological support.”

He continued, "The legislation of the economic reform law, the implementation of which will represent a new pattern of partnership in investing in strategic economic activities, especially between the arms of the productive private sector and the government, to extend investment activities to wide areas such as unexploited natural resources and forms of jointly operated infrastructure."  link

Mot: ..... This losing weight and Diet Thingy is Harder Than I Thought!! 

Mot:  .... ooooooh - I Just Love Karma!!!! (RIP Matthew Perry!)

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Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 10-29-23

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 10-29-23

Baghdad Dollar Stabilizes At An Increase.. Money Exchangers Sell For More Than 162 Thousand

Economy | Baghdad today - Baghdad  Today, Sunday (October 29, 2023), the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar stabilized at an increase, reaching 162 thousand for every 100 dollars.

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent said, "The selling price of the dollar in banking offices in Baghdad reached 162,250 dinars for every 100 dollars." He added, "The purchase price reached 160,250 dinars per 100 dollars."

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 10-29-23

Baghdad Dollar Stabilizes At An Increase.. Money Exchangers Sell For More Than 162 Thousand

Economy | Baghdad today - Baghdad  Today, Sunday (October 29, 2023), the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar stabilized at an increase, reaching 162 thousand for every 100 dollars.

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent said, "The selling price of the dollar in banking offices in Baghdad reached 162,250 dinars for every 100 dollars." He added, "The purchase price reached 160,250 dinars per 100 dollars."

Yesterday, Saturday, the dollar selling prices reached 162,500 dinars per 100 dollars, while the purchasing prices reached 161,500 dinars per 100 dollars in banking offices in the capital. LINK

Launching The Electronic Reservation Of The Dollar And Calling For Avoiding Unlicensed Cards

Posted On2023-10-29 By Sotaliraq   10/29/2023  Baghdad - Nada Shawkat  Today, Saturday, Rafidain Bank launches electronic reservation for selling dollars to travelers in a step aimed at facilitating banking procedures.

Yesterday’s statement said, “In line with government directives and the Central Bank’s instructions to facilitate procedures for obtaining the dollar for travelers, the electronic reservation service for selling the dollar has been launched starting today, Saturday.”

He added that “the reservation form will be available to customers on the bank’s website,” and pointed out that (After completing filling out the reservation form, the customer goes to one of the bank’s branches, namely Al-Ma’rifa and Al-Quds, as a first stage to deposit the cash amount in dinars, which was marked via the electronic reservation form), and he continued, “All the bank’s branches designated for selling the dollar will be included soon.”

Meanwhile, the Central Bank warned against dealing with unlicensed entities that issue electronic payment cards, in order to avoid falling into fraud and financial fraud. Yesterday’s statement said: “It has been observed that some unlicensed entities issue and promote electronic payment cards,” warning against “dealing with these entities in order to avoid fraud and financial fraud.”

he statement pointed out “the importance of verifying their licenses before using their cards and applications in order to benefit from their services, and accreditation.” On the official websites and channels of licensed companies and banks).

Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq urged citizens to use bank cards instead of cash. The statement explained that (Al-Alaq chaired a meeting that included representatives of the bank and electronic payment companies operating in Iraq, in which he discussed ways to follow up on the project of spreading point-of-sale devices and digital transformation), stressing that (the meeting reviewed the most important challenges facing the process of spreading point-of-sale devices, and the importance of expanding the geographical area.

To cover all parts of the country, in addition to solving the problems facing the use of bank cards and settling their amounts through the national exchange inside and outside Iraq. Al-Alaq pointed out that (the spread of point-of-sale devices has positive effects on the Iraqi street), urging citizens to (use bank cards instead of Currency).

On the other hand, the Supreme Judicial Council recovered 775 million dinars from those accused of financial and administrative corruption cases.

Yesterday's statement confirmed that (the Second Karkh Investigation Court, which specializes in integrity issues, recovered an amount of 775 million dinars from cases related to administrative and financial corruption), and added that (the amount was paid as a bribe in exchange for referring projects to companies in Baghdad Governorate, where the amount was recovered after conducting due diligence investigations with The defendants charged with bribery.  LINK

Erbil Threatens Baghdad: Send More Money, Otherwise We Will Not Remain Silent!

Politics   10/29/2023 10:05  Number of readings: 183  Baghdad - Iraq Today:   The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq held Baghdad responsible for the delay in sending funds allocated for employee salaries, noting that a government delegation from Erbil will visit Baghdad this week.

The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq said, in a statement, that the salary allocations amounting to 700 billion dinars were supposed to be sent last week, but again, contrary to all statements in the meetings and agreements, the funds were delayed.

She added, "The delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government will visit Baghdad this week and will hold a meeting with the federal government on Tuesday, to avoid the return of problems."

  The statement continued: The Kurdistan Regional Government has demonstrated its clear intention to reach an agreement with the federal government. We have nothing left to do, but if the situation continues like this, we cannot remain silent.   LINK

Al-Rafidain Publishes A Link To Access The Electronic Form To Reserve The Sale Of Dollars To Travelers

Information/Baghdad..  Today, Sunday, the Rafidain Bank published a link to enter the electronic form to reserve the sale of the dollar to travelers.

A statement from the bank, received by the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, stated, “Entering the electronic form to reserve the sale of dollars to travelers from Rafidain Bank is through the link below:   LINK   

An Iraqi Government Minister Reassures Kurdistan Of Sending 700 Billion Dinars To Finance The Salaries Of The Region’s Employees

2023-10-29 04:22    Shafaq News/ The Minister of Construction, Construction, Housing and Public Municipalities, Bankin Rekani, reassured on Sunday that the federal government will soon send an amount of 700 billion dinars as part of the second agreed-upon installment to finance the salaries of employees and workers in the public sector in the Kurdistan Region for the last three months of the year 2023.

Rikani said during the conference he held inside the ministry building in the capital, Baghdad, “Today morning I spoke with the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, and with the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, and we received promises from them that if the Kurdistan Region delegation came to Baghdad, it would be possible the day after tomorrow to solve the problem that the regime was able to solve.” Accounts,” stressing that an amount of 700 billion dinars will be sent to the region.

He added that the atmosphere in Parliament and the federal government is positive and helps solve the problem, which is technical and there is nothing left to address.

The Kurdistan Regional Government decided to send a delegation to Baghdad in the middle of this week in order to settle the amount of the cash loan that it agreed with the federal government to send to pay employees’ salaries after they were delayed.   LINK

Provoking  Points to Ponder on FACTS:

Any fact is better established by two or three good testimonies than by a thousand arguments -- Emmons

Facts are to the mind, what food is to the body -- On the due digestion of the former depend the strength and wisdom of the one, just as vigor and health depend on the other -- The wisest in council, the ablest in debate, and the most agreeable companion in the commerce of human life, is that man who has assimilated to his understanding the greatest number of facts -- 

Every day of my life makes me feel more and more how seldom a fact is accurately stated; how almost invariably when a story has passed through the mind of the third person it becomes, so far as regards the impression it makes in further repetitions, little better than a falsehood; and this, too, though the narrator be the most truth-seeking person in existence -- 

There should always be some foundation of fact for the most airy  fabric; pure invention is but the talent of a deceiver --

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Goldilocks, News Dinar Recaps 20 Goldilocks, News Dinar Recaps 20

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for the evening of October 28th

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for the evening of October 28th

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

We are witnessing several countries having gone through exchange rate reform guidance with the IMF as of late.

Here, we have Zimbabwe upgrading their currency exchange mechanisms. These changes will put them on par with other countries in trade on the new digital asset-based trading system.

Currently, the IMF is asking the banks of Zimbabwe to remove their currency rate restrictions, so they can accelerate their foreign currency reform market.

© Goldilocks

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News for the evening of October 28th

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

We are witnessing several countries having gone through exchange rate reform guidance with the IMF as of late.

Here, we have Zimbabwe upgrading their currency exchange mechanisms. These changes will put them on par with other countries in trade on the new digital asset-based trading system.

Currently, the IMF is asking the banks of Zimbabwe to remove their currency rate restrictions, so they can accelerate their foreign currency reform market.

© Goldilocks

To gauge the impact of bitcoin spot ETF, analysts look to gold

As gold begins to take the lead in our economy through outpacing stocks, look for Bitcoin ETF opportunities, and others in the digital space begin to open up opportunities.

As gold takes the lead, it will populate price corrections through new tokenized assets being placed on the market backed by gold.

"All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks



The entire planet is starting to get fascinated with gold.

Right as currencies race to zero against each other.

This is just history repeating.



JUST IN: $4,550,000,000 worth of Bitcoin & Ethereum options expire today.


Gold is officially outperforming stocks in 2023 as October rally continues

© GoldSeek


BRICS Currency to Facilitate International Settlements: Glazyev

The emergence of a new settlement currency is inevitable because the current international monetary situation is "irrational," the Russian economist foresees.


As gold begins to take the lead in our economy through outpacing stocks, look for Bitcoin ETF opportunities and others in the digital space begin to open up opportunities.

As gold takes the lead, it will populate price corrections through new tokenized assets being placed on the market backed by gold.

"All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free."

© Goldilocks


TGTE to Launch a Global Movement for New Norms and Mechanisms for Peace and Justice

The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) will take the lead in forging a global movement for peace with justice in the light of escalation of violent conflicts that have arisen in different parts of the world in recent times.

Such a global campaign for peace and justice has become more urgent today due to the threat of the Israel-Palestine conflict spreading throughout the Middle East region, with unimaginable consequences for the entire planet.

Clearly, the need of the hour is a worldwide movement for a new mechanism and new norms for peace to ensure conflict resolution through law/dialogue/diplomacy instead of raw violence.


Remarks by the First Deputy Managing Director at the Ninth IMF-WB-WTO Trade Research Conference



China integrates new blockchain consensus protocol into mBridge cross-border CBDC project


RBI sets price for premature redemption of Sovereign Gold Bonds. Details here

Mint Link

👆Indian banks collaborate to promote E-Rupee adoption


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Thank you Dinar Recaps

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 10-28-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 10-28-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Rafidain Bank Launches An Electronic Reservation Form To Sell Dollars To Travelers

Economy | 10/28/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News Al   -Rafidain Bank announced, today, Saturday, the launch of an electronic reservation form for selling dollars to travelers.

The bank stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by Mawazine News, that “it has begun receiving travelers’ requests through the electronic reservation form for selling the dollar to the traveler by entering the website.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 10-28-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Rafidain Bank Launches An Electronic Reservation Form To Sell Dollars To Travelers

Economy | 10/28/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News Al   -Rafidain Bank announced, today, Saturday, the launch of an electronic reservation form for selling dollars to travelers.

The bank stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by Mawazine News, that “it has begun receiving travelers’ requests through the electronic reservation form for selling the dollar to the traveler by entering the website.”

The bank called on those who want to register to “give the correct data, fill out the fields accurately, and ensure that the information is correct and do not neglect any field.” Ended 29/H

Oil Rises 3% With Middle East Tensions... But Declines Weekly

Economy | 10/28/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Oil prices rose about three percent, to the highest level in a week, amid investors’ concerns about the expansion of the conflict in the Middle East, which may cause disruption to global crude oil supplies.

By 1740 GMT, Brent crude futures rose $2.25, or 2.6 percent, to $90.18 per barrel. US West Texas Intermediate crude futures also increased $2.14, or 2.6 percent, to $85.35 per barrel.

The price difference between Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude is heading to reach its highest level since July.

For the week as a whole, Brent fell about two percent while West Texas Intermediate fell about three percent.

Although the developments did not directly affect supplies, fears increased that the conflict in the Gaza Strip could spread and disrupt supplies from major crude oil producer Iran.

Analysts from Goldman Sachs kept their expectations for the price of Brent in the first quarter of 2024 at $95 per barrel, but they added that the decline in Iranian exports may push core prices to rise by about five percent.

Iraq's Oil Exports To America Rose Last Week

Energy  Economy News  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Saturday that Iraq's oil exports to America rose over the past week.

An administration table, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, showed that the average US imports of crude oil during the past week from nine major countries amounted to 5.253 million barrels per day, an increase of 278 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 4.975 million barrels per day.

She added that Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to 182,000 barrels per day last week, an increase of 55,000 barrels per day from the previous week, which reached an average of 127,000 barrels per day.

The table indicated that most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at an average of 3,387 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 61 million barrels per day, oil revenues from Saudi Arabia amounted to an average of 436 thousand barrels per day, and then Brazil with an average of 221 thousand barrels per day.

According to the administration’s schedule, the amount of American imports of crude oil from Colombia is at a rate of 146 thousand barrels per day, from Ecuador at a rate of 92 thousand barrels per day, from Nigeria at a rate of 89 thousand barrels per day, and from Libya at a rate of 86 thousand barrels per day, while no quantity is imported from Russia. .

50 views 10/28/2023 -

Iraq Achieves Sufficiency In 11 Industrial Materials

Reconstruction and Building    Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Industry and Minerals announced today, Saturday, that it has achieved self-sufficiency with 11 products, stressing that all its producing companies apply the required quality standards, while revealing how to conduct checks on products and raw materials.

The Ministry's spokeswoman, Doha Al-Jubouri, said, "The Ministry has achieved self-sufficiency in several materials, namely (cement - soft drinks - juices - corn gypsum - sugar - mineral water - industrial salt - table salt - ice cream - aluminum cans for filling soft drinks and juices, Some veterinary vaccines.

She explained, “The potential of local energies is determined by market coverage, but there is no export, and if there is, it is in small quantities.”

She added, "All companies affiliated with the Ministry apply the required quality standards, in addition to periodic checks conducted by the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control."

He pointed out that “public producing companies carry out periodic inspection procedures for their production, starting from examining the raw materials to periodic inspection during the production stages to the final inspection of the finished product, and in the event of a deviation in the approved specifications, the product is either returned and the specifications corrected or destroyed, according to the nature of the product.” ".

She stressed, "The cement product produced in the factories affiliated with the Ministry in various governorates of Iraq is considered one of the best types of cement on the market, according to the testimony of the head of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control.

In addition, the Ministry has other products such as distribution and power transformers, all of which are produced for the Ministry of Electricity and have high specifications." “There are very few malfunctions, compared to imported ones, in addition to the products of electrical cables of various sizes and electrical standards.” 98 views  10/28/2023 -

The Rise In The Price Of The Dollar Against The Dinar In Baghdad Markets

Time: 10/28/2023 11:15:24 Read: 5,525 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} Dollar prices rose today, Saturday, in Baghdad markets   The prices were as follows..

The selling price was 162,500 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase amounted to 160,500 dinars per 100 dollars.   LINK

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Provoking Points to Ponder From Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People: By Stephen Covey:

The Seven Habits are not a set of  separate or piecemeal psyche-up formulas -- In harmony with the natural laws of growth - they provide an incremental - sequential - highly integrated approach to the  development of personal and interpersonal effectiveness -- They move us progressively on a Maturity Continuum from  dependence to independence to interdependence -- p48-49

#1 Be Proactive
#2 Begin  With  The  End In Mind
#3Put First Things First
#4Think Win/Win
#5 Seek First To Understand Then To Be Understood 
#6 Synergize
#7Sharpen The  Saw 

Dependence is the paradigm of you -- you take care of me - you come through for me -- you didn't come  through - I  blame  you for the  results -- Dependent people need others to get what they want -- p49

Independence is the paradigm of I -- I can do it -- I am  responsible -- I am self-reliant -- I  can choose --  Independent people can get what  they want through their own effort --p49

Interdependence is the paradigm of we -- We can do it -- We can cooperate -- We can combine our talents and abilities and create something greater together -- Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the  efforts of others to achieve their greatest success -- p49

Effective Interdependence can only be built on a foundation of true independence -- p185

If we want to change a situation, we first have to change ourselves -- And to change ourselves effectively - we first have to change our perceptions  -- p18

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Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 10-28-2023


Tishwash:  Al-Rafidain announces the departments that have begun activating the electronic collection system

Today, Saturday, Rafidain Bank announced the direct activation of the electronic collection system in a number of government departments.

A statement from the bank, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that “in accordance with government directives in implementing the electronic payment system and using POS pointof-sale devices   in ministries, state institutions and the private sector, the bank therefore announces the outcome of the departments that have begun activating electronic collection and switching from cash financial transactions.

” To electronic and collecting funds through modern electronic systems,” noting that “43 departments in the ministries have begun activating the electronic collection system.”


Tishwash:  Al-Rafidain announces the departments that have begun activating the electronic collection system

Today, Saturday, Rafidain Bank announced the direct activation of the electronic collection system in a number of government departments.

A statement from the bank, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that “in accordance with government directives in implementing the electronic payment system and using POS pointof-sale devices   in ministries, state institutions and the private sector, the bank therefore announces the outcome of the departments that have begun activating electronic collection and switching from cash financial transactions.

” To electronic and collecting funds through modern electronic systems,” noting that “43 departments in the ministries have begun activating the electronic collection system.”

Al-Rafidain Bank confirmed during the statement, “The activation of collection is continuing, its pace is increasing, and it is on the rise, and new departments will be included soon  link

Tishwash:  Their time is in the morning.. 13 cities in Kurdistan rise up in protest against delayed salaries

An informed source in the Kurdistan region revealed today, Saturday (October 28), that the angry masses in 13 cities in the region are preparing to stage demonstrations tomorrow, Sunday. 

The source told "Baghdad Today", "Angry mass demonstrations and protests are scheduled to take place in 13 cities in the Kurdistan region for teaching staff and employees at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Sunday, in protest against delayed salaries." 

He pointed out that it "also comes to confirm the continuation of the strike in the provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja and the administrations of Rabrin and Garmian." 

He explained that "the cities from which the demonstrations will be launched are: (Sulaymaniyah, Halabja, Raneh, Kalar, Chamchamal, Koya, Kifri, Sharzur, Sayyid Sadiq, Darbandikhan, Qalaat Dzi, Dokan, Penguin)." 

On October 22, 2023, hundreds of teaching staff demonstrated in 12 cities in the Kurdistan region, while affirming the continuation of the general strike. 

The "Baghdad Today" correspondent said, "Today, teachers launched a demonstration in 12 cities in the Kurdistan region to demand the payment of their dues, and to protest the delay in salaries."

He added that they "confirmed the continuation of the general strike until their legitimate demands are met," noting that "the teaching staff in Sulaymaniyah Governorate also launched today, with a demonstration to demand the payment of arrears of salaries, like the rest of their peers."   link


Tishwash:  Easing sanctions on Venezuelan oil.. What does this have to do with Kurdistan region oil?

The United States recently eased Venezuelan oil sanctions after years of blockade, which opened the door for energy experts and specialized monitoring companies to provide their estimates about the effects of this easing on regional and global oil markets.

In this context, a detailed analytical report predicted a weak impact of the expected increase in oil productionVenezuelaOn global oil markets, after easing partial, temporary US sanctions for 6 months, subject to extension or cancellation.

The report, issued by the specialized company Energy Outlook Advisors , suggested that Venezuelan oil production would grow by no more than 200,000 barrels per day in the short term, and 400,000 barrels per day by the end of next summer of 2024, according to the Energy Research Unit.

Details of the politically conditional sanctions.
The easing of Venezuelan oil sanctions came within the framework of a political deal with the government of the current Venezuelan presidentNicolas Maduroleft-leaning party, to hold fair elections in which the American-leaning opposition participates in 2024

.Office of Foreign Assets Control, of the US Department of the Treasury (OFAC), 4 general authorizations to suspend certain sanctions imposed onVenezuelaAfter the success of the government and the opposition in signing the electoral road map agreement in 2024.

The duration of these licenses is 6 months, during which oil and gas transactions are allowed between the United States and...VenezuelaHowever, its renewal will remain dependent on the Madror government’s fulfillment of its political obligations towards the electoral road map, in addition to the release of detainees, according to a statement issued by the US Treasury Department on October 18, 2023. Some licenses allow dealing with the state oil company

inVenezuelaIt exports its oil to the United States, and also allows commercial dealings with the state-owned Venezuelan gold mining company, Minerven.

Some other licenses also provide for amending the secondary trading ban imposed on certain Venezuelan sovereign bonds, while remaining the ban on trading in the Venezuelan secondary bond market.

While some licenses stipulate amending the secondary trade ban imposed on dealing in the debt and shares of the Venezuelan state oil company, Petroleos DeVenezuelaSA (PdVSA).

Anticipation of the election schedule in November
. The US Treasury says that the goal of easing sanctions on Venezuelan oil and the trade in gold, bonds, and Venezuelan debt is to limit illegal activities in these sectors and prevent the ruling regime from benefiting from their revenues. These measures

can To succeed in limiting money flows to the government of President Maduro, but previous experiences indicate that theoretical sanctions on paper are usually applied differently in reality, and may not achieve their goals, and may even achieve opposite goals, directly or indirectly, as in the case of sanctions on... Russia, according to an analysis by Energy Outlook Advisors.

In any case, the Maduro government has until next November to set a final timetable for the elections expected in 2024, amid warnings from the US administration to reimpose some sanctions, if the government does not commit to setting The timetable is during the next month.

Despite these warnings and conditions in the decision to ease Venezuelan oil and other trade sanctions, the US administration may turn a blind eye to implementing some or all of them, due to its dire need to reach an agreement with the Maduro government at the present time, according to an analysis by Energy Outlook Advisors.

The easing was not related to events in the Middle East.
The move was to ease some of the sanctions imposed on...VenezuelaExpected since last year, it came as a result of long negotiations that have nothing to do with current events in the Middle East (Israeli attacks on Gaza).

The President's administration allowed itJoe BidenLast year, two European companies, the Italian Eni and the Spanish Repsol, exported Venezuelan oil to Europe, according to what was monitored by the Energy Research Unit.

As for the giant American company Chevron, it did not leaveVenezuelaDespite the Venezuelan oil sanctions imposed under former President Donald Trump, the company succeeded in obtaining exemptions from Trump as well as Biden.

The company obtained a license in November 2022 to produce Venezuelan oil and export it to the United States for a renewable period of 6 months.

*Dilution effect in the Venezuelan oil sector
needsVenezuelaThe company, which has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, relies on the expertise and technical capabilities enjoyed by international oil and service companies, which makes it in dire need of the expertise of companies such as Chevron and Schlumberger International Oilfield Services (SLB).

The Venezuelan oil sector also needs urgent foreign investment, after years of lack of investment, poor maintenance, and the flight of personnel and technical expertise to work abroad, which led to a sharp decline in its production of crude and condensates over the past two decades.

Venezuelan oil production has declined significantly over the past two decades, from 3.2 million barrels per day in 2000 to 735,000 barrels per day in September 2023.

Venezuelan Oil and Liquids Production
The Venezuelan oil industry is in dire need of some diluents known as natural gasoline, symbolized by ( C5), to be mixed with its heavy crude so that it can be transported or exported via pipelines and tankers.

It is expected that the easing of Venezuelan oil sanctions will facilitate the entry of diluents into the countryVenezuelaIn the short term, this will benefit US shale oil producers.

Energy Outlook Advisors estimates the volume of diluents that US producers can export toVenezuelaNot to exceed 125 thousand barrels per day in the short term, which is a relatively small amount that is expected to double depending on developments in sanctions and the political deal concluded with the Maduro government.

Some American refineries need heavy Venezuelan crude, especially refineries located on the American Gulf Coast, due to the nature of their superior technical capabilities suitable for refining and processing heavy types of oil.VenezuelaAnd other countries of the world.

If mitigating materials are availableVenezuelaIt can add 300 to 400 thousand barrels per day within weeks, then production will stabilize for several months until the results of new investments and the participation of major oil services companies begin, and their effects will be partially reflected in the increase in production, according to a previous report issued by Energy Outlook Advisors in 2022.

*Production booms take 3 years.
Increasing production in large quantities, reaching one million barrels per day, takes at least 3 years, based on a review of the experiences of 6 oil-producing countries that suffered from political instability and sanctions, according to an Energy Outlook analysis.

The American company Chevron has succeeded in adding 200,000 barrels per day to the total Venezuelan oil production at the present time, and it is expected to increase by another 100,000 barrels only in the short term, and it is expected that most of these additions will go to export.

If the political deal concluded with the president goes wellNicolas MaduroThe election dates have been set for 2024, and the United States is expected to renew the licenses for another six months.

This extension will allow major oil services companies, such as the American Schlumberger SLB, to increase Venezuelan oil production by 400,000 barrels per day by the end of the summer of 2024, that is, immediately before the US presidential elections, most of which will likely be exported to America.

Venezuelan oil exports to the United States
and Energy Outlook Advisors doubts a full political solution will be reached in...VenezuelaThe American party is satisfied, but it believes that the Biden administration will turn a blind eye to any electoral violations or human rights violations in exchange for the continuation of the agreement.

Accordingly, Venezuelan oil production and exports will see significant increases even if the government does not meet the conditions set by the Biden administration and the US Treasury Department in the sanctions relief statement, issued on October 18, 2023. If the US-leaning Venezuelan opposition wins the elections, it may find itself

facing Strong internal opposition due to declared American support, and what may result in distorting its reputation and questioning the extent of its independence in running the country away from American tutelage, in addition to describing it as treason, because it came to power under very clear and frank American pressure.

The opposition will also face another crisis related to the lack of technical expertise and the flight of personnel from the state oil company after the late leftist president Hugo Chavir expelled many of them during the period from 2002 to 2003, which forced a large number of experts and engineers to leave.VenezuelaTo work in Colombia and the Middle East.

What is the relationship with Kurdistan oil?
Based on these factors, Energy Outlook Advisors does not expect a rapid boom in Venezuelan oil production in the medium or long term, but increases will remain limited and slow.

The company also expects a limited impact of any potential production increases on global oil markets and prices, due to the expected increase in global demand during the next few years, which makes any increase in production
VenezuelaLimited and narrow impact.

But on the other hand, increasing heavy oil production in...
VenezuelaTo alleviate the tightness of the global medium sour oil market, especially if exports from the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq remain outside the market, according to the analysis.

At the local level, the Venezuelan government’s revenues from oil exports are expected to recover, and this may stimulate the exhausted economy and lead to an increase in domestic oil consumption in the coming years, and may push the government to direct most of the productivity increases to domestic consumption instead of international markets.

Canadian oil is the first victim
Canadian oil appears to be the first victim affected by the easing of US sanctions on Venezuelan oil, amid expectations of an increase in US oil imports.VenezuelaAt the expense of neighboring Canadian oil.

It is expected that the price differences between American and Canadian oil crudes will increase with the increase in US imports of Venezuelan oil, but these risks could subside once a pipeline is operational.Trans MountainWhich is strongly supported by the Canadian government.

Some American refineries in the Gulf of Mexico region fear that they will be negatively affected if Canada begins exporting its oil through a pipeline.Trans Mountain, amid expectations that this will lead to a decrease in the volumes of Canadian oil exports to America and an increase in its prices, according to an Energy Outlook analysis.

Based on this, these refineries see imports from...VenezuelaIt became a necessity as Canada rushed to build the line and wanted to get it up and running as quickly as possible.

Canada's ambitions to diversify its crude oil exports to countries other than the United States appear to be limited by the extent of its ability to increase production from the main province of Alberta, the prices of crude oil in Asia, the extent of its ability to compete with discounted Russian and Iranian crude oils to Asia, and the prices of Saudi Aramco.

Based on this, Energy Outlook Advisors expects Canadian oil exports to the United States to be affected by the thaw in US-Venezuelan relations and the increase in Venezuelan production, and the subsequent increase in exports to America.

It should be noted thatVenezuelaCrude oil was exported to several countries other than the United States, most notably neighboring Cuba, Spain, China and other countries, and was often accused of exporting through back doors, such as Iran and Russia. Source:  link

Mot: .. looks like Cheating to me!!!

Mot: ... Dang!!! -- What do They Know That We Don't!!!???? 

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Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Saturday AM 10-28-23

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Saturday AM 10-28-23

Postponing Negotiations Between The Region And The Center Until After The Elections

Today   Information / Baghdad..    The head of the Parliamentary Regions Committee and member of the negotiating delegation, Shirwan Al-Dobardani, confirmed on Saturday that negotiations between the region and the center regarding salaries, the budget, and the oil and gas law are postponed until after the completion of the provincial council elections.

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Saturday AM 10-28-23

Postponing Negotiations Between The Region And The Center Until After The Elections

Today   Information / Baghdad..    The head of the Parliamentary Regions Committee and member of the negotiating delegation, Shirwan Al-Dobardani, confirmed on Saturday that negotiations between the region and the center regarding salaries, the budget, and the oil and gas law are postponed until after the completion of the provincial council elections.

Al-Dobardani said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, “The delegations of the region and the center agreed to stop the meetings between the two parties until the completion of the provincial council elections,” pointing out that “they will resume once the results of the local elections are announced.”

He added, "The meetings of the two delegations regarding the oil and gas law have come a long way between the center and the region, especially as there is interaction and a desire to approve the law early next year."

Al-Dobardani explained, “The postponement included the issue of deducting the region’s salaries and the budget law for next year, but the government will continue to complete the financial payments to the region to cover the salaries of the region’s employees, which includes three payments.”

It is noteworthy that the region's delegation, which included the region's Minister of Finance, the head of the Oversight Bureau, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, and the region's financial advisor on the part, and the Federal Minister of Finance and the Head of Federal Oversight, and under the auspices of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, held several fruitful meetings and hearings about the region's share in the budget and employee salaries. LINK

The Rise In Dollar Exchange Rates In Iraqi Markets

Economy  2023-10-28 | 4,438 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  Alsumaria News publishes the exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in Iraqi local markets for Saturday, October 28, 2023.

The selling prices of the dollar in local markets in the capital, Baghdad, recorded 162,000 per 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 161,500 per 100 dollars.

For more than 8 months, and specifically since the Central Bank began operating the electronic platform and the international financial transfer system ““SWIFT,” the dollar exchange rates in Iraq have not witnessed stability despite the attempts of the government and the Central Bank to control the exchange rate in the parallel (black) markets.

The Central Bank of Iraq decided earlier to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as the price of buying the dollar from the Ministry of Finance reached 1,300 dinars per dollar and selling it at (1,310) dinars per dollar to banks through the electronic platform, and it is sold for (1,320) dinars per dollar. Dollars from banks and non-banking financial institutions to the final beneficiary   مقالات ذات صلة   LINK

Iraq's Oil Exports To America Rose Last Week

Energy   Economy News  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Saturday that Iraq's oil exports to America rose over the past week.

An administration table, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, showed that the average US imports of crude oil during the past week from nine major countries amounted to 5.253 million barrels per day, an increase of 278 thousand barrels per day from the previous week, which amounted to 4.975 million barrels per day.

She added that Iraq's oil exports to America amounted to 182,000 barrels per day last week, an increase of 55,000 barrels per day from the previous week, which reached an average of 127,000 barrels per day.

The table indicated that most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at an average of 3,387 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 61 million barrels per day, oil revenues from Saudi Arabia amounted to an average of 436 thousand barrels per day, and then Brazil with an average of 221 thousand barrels per day.

According to the administration’s schedule, the amount of American imports of crude oil from Colombia is at a rate of 146 thousand barrels per day, from Ecuador at a rate of 92 thousand barrels per day, from Nigeria at a rate of 89 thousand barrels per day, and from Libya at a rate of 86 thousand barrels per day, while no quantity is imported from Russia. .

Views 15   10/28/2023 -

The Rise In The Price Of The Dollar Against The Dinar In Baghdad Markets

Time: 10/28/2023 Read: 1,313 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} Dollar prices rose today, Saturday, in Baghdad markets   The prices were as follows..

The selling price was 162,500 Iraqi dinars, while the purchase amounted to 160,500 dinars per 100 dollars.   LINK

Parliamentary Finance: Baghdad Will Send An Amount Of 700 Billion Dinars To The Region At The End Of This Month

Economy  12:01 - 2023-10-28   The Finance Committee of the Iraqi House of Representatives confirmed today, Saturday, that the central government will send, by the end of this month, the agreed-upon funds to the regional government, which in turn will allocate them to pay the salaries of its employees.

Committee member Jamal Kujar said in a press statement, “The central government will send an amount of (700) billion dinars to the Kurdistan Regional Government at the end of the current month of October, to cover and disburse employees’ salaries,” indicating that “the central government does not view these funds as being specific to the salaries of employees.” The region considers it part of the commitment to one of the institutions, and this is the reason behind the delay in sending it.”

Lavrov: Destroying The Gaza Strip Will Create A Disaster For Decades

Time: 10/28/2023 Read: 169 times  {International: Al-Furat News} Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called, today, Saturday, for the necessity of launching humanitarian programs in the Gaza Strip, to save the population under siege without water, food, and electricity.

The Russian Foreign Minister said, in an interview on Saturday, that destroying the Gaza Strip would create a disaster for decades.

The Russian minister pointed out that "entering into direct negotiations on the establishment of the states of Palestine and Israel is now out of reach."

He stressed that Russia fully maintains its contacts with Israel and sends signals about the necessity of reaching a peaceful solution.

Commenting on the plans announced by Israel to "destroy Hamas," Lavrov said that these plans to destroy "Hamas" cannot be implemented without destroying Gaza and the majority of the civilian population.

He added: "We are sending signals to the Israeli side about the need to search for a peaceful solution, and not to complete the scorched earth strategy," according to what was reported by the "Russia Today" website.

Lavrov also pointed out that United Nations employees in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone enjoy special immunity, and the organization must take care of this.   LINK

 A Video Of What Remains Of Gaza... Smoke And Ruins After The Bloody Night In The Stricken City   

Arab and international |Today A video of what remains of Gaza... smoke and ruins after the bloody night in the stricken city

Baghdad today - Baghdad    Scenes of fear and panic experienced by the children of Gaza after a bloody night, and continuous Israeli bombing that did not distinguish between young or old, woman or child, so scenes of horrific destruction covered the territory of the Gaza Strip.

Video clips obtained by "Baghdad Today" showed the extent of the destruction that befell the Strip after a bloody night, continuous Zionist bombing, and a failed invasion attempt by the Zionist army to penetrate into Gaza territory.

The former head of the nurses' union in Gaza announced that "more than 25 martyrs and 35 wounded arrived this morning at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital as a result of the bombing."

While the Palestinian Ministry of Health has not yet announced a toll related to the victims of the Zionist bombing on the Gaza Strip on Saturday night.

For its part, Hamas confirmed that its fighters confronted an Israeli ground incursion into the areas of Beit Hanoun and eastern Bureij in the central Gaza Strip, while the Israeli army announced the participation of 100 warplanes in bombing targets in the Gaza Strip during the night.   LINK

The White House: America Does Not Set Red Lines For Israel In The Attack On Gaza

FRIDAY, 10-27-2023, KARAR AL-ASSADI   White House Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said on Friday that the United States does not set red lines for Israel during the attack on the Gaza Strip.

Kirby added that the United States will not evaluate the current actions of the Israeli army regarding the Gaza Strip.

He said: "I have seen reports about an Israeli army operation, and I will not talk about what they are doing and how."

These statements coincide with the Israeli enemy army carrying out a massive and violent attack on all areas of the Gaza Strip, causing the communications network in the Strip to be cut off.

The Israeli enemy army also announced this evening the expansion of its ground operations in the Gaza Strip in conjunction with the unprecedented aerial bombardment.

Provoking Points to Ponder on Wealth:

Misery assails riches, as lightning does the highest towers; or as a tree that is heavy laden with fruit breaks its own bough, so do riches destroy the virtue of their possessor. -- Burton

To have what we want is riches, but to be able to do without is power. -- G. Macdonald

There are two things needed in these days; first, for rich men to find out how poor men live; and second, for poor men to know how rich men work. -- E. Atkinson

He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature. -- Socrates

If a rich man is proud of his wealth, he should not be praised until it is known how he employs it. -- Socrates

No man can tell whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger.  It is the heart that makes a man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has. -- H W Beecher

The use we make of our fortune determines as to its sufficiency.  A little is enough if used wisely, and too much if expended foolishly. -- Boovee

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20



MilitiaMan and Crew:  10-27-2023

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..


MilitiaMan and Crew:  10-27-2023

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 10-27-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 10-27-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Chinese digital yuan CBDC used for first time to settle cross-border oil deal
CoinTelegraph Link


Iraq has moved from a testing phase of utilizing their "point of sale" devices to expanding their use in all parts of the country.

Their citizens are being encouraged to use their bank cards at this point, and these cards are expected to expand beyond Iraq in their ability to be used electronically internationally.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 10-27-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Chinese digital yuan CBDC used for first time to settle cross-border oil deal
CoinTelegraph Link


Iraq has moved from a testing phase of utilizing their "point of sale" devices to expanding their use in all parts of the country.

Their citizens are being encouraged to use their bank cards at this point, and these cards are expected to expand beyond Iraq in their ability to be used electronically internationally.

This is all done to support their digital electronic financial inclusion in Iraq. One of the requirements for their use requires protection against fraud. Merchants are being asked to look at a customer's license before they have the privilege of using their point-of-sale electronic devices.

The use of the dinar is now moving into the private sector where retail markets can receive the benefits of their reestablished use of the dinar.

© Goldilocks


Through the Proposed Rule, the CFPB aims to establish a framework for consumers that would allow them to authorize third parties to safely collect their personal financial data and enable access to products and services provided primarily by Fintechs. The Proposed Rule is comprehensive in scope and application, with potential impacts on a wide array of data providers (depository and non-depository institutions), third parties, and data aggregators.


ARMONK, N.Y., Oct. 26, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Today IBM (NYSE: IBM) launched Watsonx Code Assistant, a generative AI-powered assistant that helps enterprise developers and IT operators code more quickly and more accurately using natural language prompts. The product currently delivers on two specific enterprise use cases.

First, IT Automation with Watsonx Code Assistant for Red Hat Ansible Lightspeed, for tasks such as network configuration and code deployment. Second, mainframe application modernization with Watsonx Code Assistant for Z, for translation of COBOL to Java on IBM Z.1
IBM Newsroom Link


Economics of Payments XII Conference, October 27, 2023


And so it begins. The Petro Dollar is now being challenged.

PetroChina completing their first International Crude Oil Trade in Digital Yuan marks the beginning of competition between the use of the Petro Yuan or the Petro Dollar in digital oil trades.

Countries in the East are moving towards localized national currencies enabling them to make a choice going forward on which digital national currency preference they wish to use.

© Goldilocks


Wall Street giants are preparing a HUGE $48.3 TRILLION BAZOOKA aimed at the Crypto market! 


Deutsche Bank and Standard Chartered Test SWIFT Killer for Stablecoins and CBDCs.

The Universal Digital Payments Network instructs and allows transactions, ranging from stablecoins on public blockchains to central bank digital currencies.
CoinDesk Link


Something consistent going on here? Big jump in RWI China shipping index. Also strong US Pacific trade from LA & LB Ports....and #China #PBoC injects RMB7.5tr since June @johnauthers @EthanYWu


👆These ports account for approximately 64 percent of global container traffic.
Container Traffic Link


The dollar is no longer expanding. It has been contracting for some time. And now, we have a debt crisis threatening the banking system and the markets at current inflated values.

War destabilizes economies and forces resets at their end. Look for Gold and other Commodities to begin being activated for service.

Gold will rise to deflate an inflated economy and create a bridge to new paths ahead.

© Goldilocks


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Thank you Dinar Recaps  --

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

IMF implores Zimbabwe to pace up forex reforms | The Herald (10/27/23)


Harambe:  IMF implores Zimbabwe to pace up forex reforms | The Herald (10/27/23)

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Zimbabwe should accelerate foreign exchange market reforms by allowing more flexibility in the official exchange rate through market-driven price discovery.

It also called for the removal of exchange rate restrictions for banks, authorised dealers, and businesses, and for further minimisation of export surrender requirements after a staff visit in Harare between October 18 and 25, 2023 to discuss recent economic developments and outlook in the country.

Although the IMF mission acknowledges the authorities’ recent efforts to stabilise the foreign exchange market and reduce inflation by tightening Zimbabwe dollar liquidity conditions, the parallel forex market premium remains high at over 30 percent.

The Zimbabwe dollar closed at 5,6934 against the United States dollar at the last auction yesterday.


Harambe:  IMF implores Zimbabwe to pace up forex reforms | The Herald (10/27/23)

 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Zimbabwe should accelerate foreign exchange market reforms by allowing more flexibility in the official exchange rate through market-driven price discovery.

It also called for the removal of exchange rate restrictions for banks, authorised dealers, and businesses, and for further minimisation of export surrender requirements after a staff visit in Harare between October 18 and 25, 2023 to discuss recent economic developments and outlook in the country.

Although the IMF mission acknowledges the authorities’ recent efforts to stabilise the foreign exchange market and reduce inflation by tightening Zimbabwe dollar liquidity conditions, the parallel forex market premium remains high at over 30 percent.

The Zimbabwe dollar closed at 5,6934 against the United States dollar at the last auction yesterday.

 “Key economic policy reforms identified in previous Article IV consultations remain paramount to fully restore macroeconomic stability,” said the IMF mission.

To mitigate liquidity pressures and re-anchor inflation expectations, it said it is imperative to comprehensively address the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s quasi-fiscal operations (QFOs). These measures should be complemented with an enhanced liquidity management framework, including the use of appropriate interest-bearing instruments by the RBZ to mop up excess liquidity, the IMF mission says.

The consolidated fiscal stance, including QFOs, should be aligned with short-term stabilization objectives.

“Structural reforms aimed at improving the business climate and reducing governance vulnerabilities are key for promoting sustained and inclusive growth and would bode well for supporting Zimbabwe’s development objectives embodied in the country’s National Development Strategy 1 (2021-2025),” it added.

Sustainable development will also require resolving the debt overhang. The IMF said it would continue to provide policy advice and extensive technical assistance in revenue mobilization, expenditure control, financial supervision, debt management, economic governance, and macroeconomic statistics. However, the IMF is precluded from providing financial support to Zimbabwe due to unsustainable debt—based on the IMF’s Debt Sustainability Analysis and external arrears.

 An IMF financial arrangement will require a clear path to a comprehensive restructuring of Zimbabwe’s external debt, including clearing arrears, and a reform plan that aligns with durably restoring macroeconomic stability, enhancing inclusive growth, lowering poverty, and strengthening economic governance.

International re-engagement remains critical for debt resolution and access to financial support.

The authorities’ re-engagement efforts through the Structured Dialogue Platform are vital for attaining debt sustainability and gaining access to external financing, it says.

 It notes that Zimbabwe’s economy has continued its post-COVID recovery, but enhancing its longer-term growth potential would require strong reform efforts. Real gross domestic product is projected to grow by around 4,8 percent in 2023, supported by strong activity in the mining sector and—reflecting the beneficial impact of structural reforms—in agriculture and energy sectors.

Growth is expected to slow to 3,5 percent in 2024 due to weaker global demand for minerals and a weather-related slowdown in agriculture.

The outcome of this staff visit will serve as a key input in the preparations for a Staff Monitored Program (SMP) and the next Article IV consultation,” says IMF.

 The IMF mission held meetings with Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion Professor Mthuli Ncube, his Permanent Secretary Mr. George Guvamatanga, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr John Mangudya, the Deputy Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Mr Willard Manungo, other senior Government officials.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 10-27-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 10-27-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Worldwide Caution

Caution  October 27, 2023 Worldwide Caution  Worldwide Caution

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 10-27-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Worldwide Caution

Caution  October 27, 2023 Worldwide Caution  Worldwide Caution

Due to increased tensions in various locations around the world, the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution. U.S. citizens should:

Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.

Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive information and alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency overseas.

Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter.

Representative Burhan Al-Mamouri: We Will Collect Signatures To Vote On Closing The American Embassy In Baghdad

Friday 27 October 2023 | Political Number of readings: 357  Baghdad / NINA / The representative of Diyala Governorate, Burhan Al-Mamouri, announced his intention to launch a campaign to collect signatures from members of the House of Representatives to close the American embassy in Baghdad.

Al-Maamouri confirmed, in a press statement, that he is proceeding to call on the Presidency of Parliament to hold an extraordinary session in order to put forward a binding draft law for the purpose of closing the American embassy, ​​and to vote on it within the House of Representatives.

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr, called on the government and parliament to close the American embassy in Baghdad, due to the unlimited support that the United States provides to Israel in its aggression against Gaza.

Al-Shammari: The Sudanese Will Announce Next Week A Banking Service That Will Lead To A Decline In The Dollar

Time: 10/27/2023 Read: 3,458 times   {Politics: Al-Furat News} Advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, revealed that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will announce next week a new banking service for small merchants that will lead to a decrease in the exchange rate and facilitate their work procedures.

Al-Shammari said in a televised statement, "Those who manipulate the dollar are speculators. The government provides the dollar through official platforms. The government is not subject to blackmail by speculators who seek profit at the expense of citizens. At the beginning of implementing the platform, there were problems related to time, and now the delay has reduced to only three days."

He stressed that "food supplies were not affected by the rise in the price of the dollar, and the Prime Minister reviews on a daily basis a list of food prices in the local market, and the government provides a food basket for 10 months for citizens, and 12 months for social care," pointing out that "living issues were definitely not affected by the exchange rate." The dollar and the government will not allow the exchange rate to affect food prices.”

He pointed out that "the services file is one of the most prominent challenges facing the government as it continues to implement its project. The government is working with an executable strategic plan, and the precise daily follow-up of the Prime Minister is reflected in the great progress in work. The daily follow-up of work has led to work progressing beyond the scheduled schedule, and there are 190 basic and strategic projects." In Baghdad alone, this is a precedent that has occurred for the first time, and we will see a major boom in the value and quality of projects that will be launched in Baghdad and the rest of the governorates.”

Al-Shammari noted that “this year the government faced serious challenges, including the budget, and some budget items were launched and others are in the process of being launched. In previous budgets, it usually takes 3 months at a minimum to release the budget allocations when the data is completed after its already late approval. We will get rid of the problem of delay and release the budget allocations after approval.” Three-year budget.

He explained that "the government's wisdom in dealing with various political activities and components is considered its most prominent characteristic, while dealing realistically with regard to resolving files and the coordination framework, which is distinguished by the unity of decision-making that was present in many of its scenes."

Al-Shammari revealed, “The Prime Minister is making contacts and making an exceptional effort in constructive communication with the leaders and heads of states of the region and the world, and Iraq seeks to mitigate as much as possible the escalation taking place in the region, and what is happening in the region affects Iraq, given that the Middle East is the heart of the world and Iraq is the heart of the Middle East.”     LINK

Oil Prices Rise As Tensions Escalate In The Middle East

Economy |  10/27/2023  Follow-up - Mawazine News  Oil prices rose in trading today, Friday, with escalating tension in the Middle East and concerns about global supplies of crude.

US crude futures rose by 1.60% to $84.54 per barrel, while global Brent crude futures rose by 1.60% to $89.34 per barrel.

Yesterday upon settlement, Brent contracts fell by 2.45% to $87.93 per barrel, while US crude contracts fell by 2.55% to record $83.21 per barrel.

Minister Of Oil: We Succeeded In Achieving A Significant Increase In The Financial Revenues Of The State Treasury

Economy | 10/27/2023  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani, confirmed today, Friday, the ministry’s success in achieving a significant increase in the financial revenues of the state treasury.

Abdul Ghani said, in a speech on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the formation of the government, that “the government has paid exceptional attention to the oil and energy sector, and its decisions have been characterized by boldness, courage, and future vision that achieve steps to develop and develop the oil industry, including the decision to activate contracts for the fifth licensing rounds and conclude contracts with the winning companies.”

 Last February of this year, which is expected to add a quantity of (1,000) Mqmq of gas and more than (250) thousand barrels of crude oil, in addition to the Ministry announcing the fifth rounds of oil and gas licensing (the “Annex”) and the sixth, which aim to enhance Optimal investment opportunities for the national wealth of the 30 oil and gas sites and fields, which will hopefully add large quantities of oil and gas to the national oil reserve and production.” Abdul Ghani pointed out, “The importance of the government and the ministry’s decision to proceed with concluding a group of contracts

with Total Energy Company.” Global, which contributes to the advancement of the oil and energy industry and the strengthening of infrastructure and renewable energy, which included a seawater treatment contract for the purpose of providing suitable water for reservoir support for oil fields with a capacity of (5) million barrels per day, which contributes directly to sustaining and increasing the national production of crude oil.

And a contract for investing in associated gas from (4-5) oil fields, with a capacity of (600) megameters.

This contract represents a qualitative addition to the gas and environment sector, and enhances national production, and a contract for developing the Artawi field and increasing production to 220 thousand barrels, in addition to investing in associated gas, A contract to invest in solar energy to generate electricity with a capacity of one kilowatt (1000 megawatts), which is one of the pioneering projects in Iraq and the region.

Regarding associated gas investment, the Minister of Oil stressed that “the government program included the government’s strategy and steps to support the national economy and sustainable development, by supporting gas investment projects, stopping its burning and converting it into useful energy that enhances national production in the oil fields in the north, center and south, and we aim to reach Concluding more contracts in the governorates of Basra, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Anbar, Diyala and other cities to achieve full investment of the available quantities of national wealth.

Regarding the most prominent achievements in the refinery sector, the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil said, “Operating the Karbala refinery with a refining capacity of (140) thousand barrels is an important step to cover a large part of the local need, in addition to the quality and quality of petroleum products, which contribute to reducing Quantities of imported fuel.

The Minister of Oil also considered the efforts of the Southern Refineries Company in implementing a number of projects to increase production and refining capacity and improve the quality of fuel, as well as the reconstruction of the Baiji refinery through the national effort, as an important step to enhance the national production of petroleum derivatives.

He pointed out, “The efforts of the government and the ministry in strengthening infrastructure projects and increasing export capabilities from the southern port, and the interest in renewable energy projects and preserving the environment and climate, and the effective contribution to “OPEC Plus” to stabilize global markets, and the success of the government and the ministry in achieving financial revenues for the state treasury, and contributing "The Ministry of Oil has distinguished itself in promoting and stabilizing electrical energy throughout Iraq, in addition to community initiatives and great support for the health, humanitarian and cultural sectors and the families of the martyrs and the wounded."


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Provoking Points to Ponder on Giving:

The spirit in which a thing is given determines that in which the debt is acknowledged; it's the intention, not the face-value of the gift, that's weighed. Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD), Letters to Lucilius, 100 A.D.

We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give 
 Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)

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Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 10-27-23

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 10-27-23

Representatives: The Political Agreement Paper Has Not Been Fully Implemented, And The Dollar Is Still Stronger Than The Dinar

Special Sumerian  2023-10-27 | Source:  Sumerian  71 views  The Sudanese government has completed its first year and has obligations in the political file that have not been implemented and pledges to address the confusing economic file due to the rise in the dollar.

A year has ended in the life of the Sudanese government, which was formed after crisis political events... after which it came with a government curriculum that included addressing many unresolved files. According to the representatives, there are projects that have not been completed and the dollar is still stronger than the dinar, which means the problems of the economic file will continue.

Iraq Economic News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 10-27-23

Representatives: The Political Agreement Paper Has Not Been Fully Implemented, And The Dollar Is Still Stronger Than The Dinar

Special Sumerian  2023-10-27 | Source:  Sumerian  71 views  The Sudanese government has completed its first year and has obligations in the political file that have not been implemented and pledges to address the confusing economic file due to the rise in the dollar.

A year has ended in the life of the Sudanese government, which was formed after crisis political events... after which it came with a government curriculum that included addressing many unresolved files. According to the representatives, there are projects that have not been completed and the dollar is still stronger than the dinar, which means the problems of the economic file will continue.

As for the political agreement paper that was brought by the current government, it still contains demands by political forces that set conditions within the paper that have not been implemented yet, most notably the general amnesty law.

The remaining life of the government has a long way to go, involving important and sensitive files at various levels, including economic and political ones. No success can be achieved except by implementing the commitments and pledges in the government program.  LINK

Analyst: There Is No Solution In Sight In The Dollar Crisis

Time: 10/26/2023 Read: 1,092 times  {Politics: Al-Furat News} Political science professor, Iyad Al-Anbar, believes that there is no solution on the horizon in the dollar crisis.

Amber said: For the program {Free Speech} broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel this evening, it said: “This government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani has no opposition within Parliament or counter-forces. The current environment was not available to a former prime minister, and Al-Sudani is working comfortably under the framework of the state coalition.”

He added, "The Sudanese won the first round of successes by passing a budget for 3 years and also succeeded in containing the crisis in the relationship with the Kurdistan region, but there is no solution on the horizon to the crisis of the rise in the dollar."

Al-Anbar stated, “The theft of tax deposits is clear and relates to the network of some of those whose names were mentioned and who came, and their file was arranged judicially and they were released, including Haitham Al-Jubouri. There is an incomprehensible contradiction in announcing those involved, and Hamdiya Al-Jaf is also involved in providing loans to personalities.”

He added, "In previous governments, no major corruption file has been opened until now."

Al-Anbar stated, “Al-Sudani was more clear at the Cairo Peace Summit, unlike other countries, in rejecting the killing of the Palestinians and besieging them; but in this decision, he may have a position in visiting Washington, and the second aspect relates to the situation inside Iraq, and to this moment we do not know the developments of these matters.”     Wafaa Al-Fatlawi   LINK

Ministry Of Interior: Budgets Worth Billions, Suspicious Deals, And The Expulsion Of Officers Due To Corruption

By video   2023-10-26 | Source:  Sumerian  1,792 views  Despite its acquisition of more than 35% of the total allocations allocated to ministries and institutions, making it the third largest ministry in allocations after oil and electricity, the Interior Ministry complains of a shortage in the financial allocations granted to it.. Which raises major questions? Where do the Internal Affairs funds go? Is the official in the wrong place?    LINK

What Is The Truth About Iraq's Loss Of More Than A Trillion Dollars Since 2003?

Information / Baghdad..Today, Friday, the first judge of the Integrity and Money Laundering Court, Iyad Damad, explained the fact that Iraq has lost more than a trillion dollars since 2003 through systematic theft, while confirming that the money laundering cases were carried out under the title of investment.

Damad said, in an interview with the official agency, followed by “Al-Ma’louma”, that “Iraq’s loss of more than a trillion dollars since 2003 through systematic theft is not true,” noting that “financial and administrative corruption caused the loss of large amounts of money that would have contributed to increasing development opportunities and advancing the development process.” Economy".

He added, "The loss of public funds has many reasons, including those related to mismanagement and waste, including those related to embezzlement and theft," pointing out that "the numbers of waste and theft are decreasing due to the governance and transparency policies that the Iraqi government and the competent agencies are working hard on."

He explained, "The courts specialized in combating corruption in Iraq have the largest role in reducing the rates and extent of corruption," stressing that "self-money laundering is the most common type of recording financial proceeds from criminal activities in its name." LINK

Points To Ponder on Gratitude:

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others -The great art of giving consists in this: the gift should cost very little and yet be greatly coveted, so that it may be the more highly appreciated.  Baltasar Gracian

Gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.
  Charles E. Jefferson (1860 - 1937)

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.
   Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC), 'Pro Plancio,' 54 B.C

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. 
 Charles Dudley Warner (1829 - 1900), 'Eleventh Study,' Backlog Studies, 1873

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