Goldilocks " Copper, SDR's, Gold Standard and more" 6-3-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted news links and comments this morning to help us all understand what is happening in the financial sector:
Hoarding Copper is the Next Silver: Here's Why.
Copper is the next silver.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted news links and comments this morning to help us all understand what is happening in the financial sector:
Hoarding Copper is the Next Silver: Here's Why.
Copper is the next silver.
The IMF is currently making adjustments to their Special Drawing Rights currencies.
"Special drawing rights are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund."
SDRs are foreign currencies held in reserve by the IMF to provide liquidity to countries that need them.
They are reallocating the percentages to be inclusive of some of the smaller countries.
This reallocation will reset the Global Economy and provide a Level Playing Field going forward to aid in the transition of our global economy.
© Goldilocks
Jamaica-Gleaner LINK
"The European Commission is proposing risk weight adjustments for stablecoins and tokenized assets, aiming to facilitate commercial lenders’ inclusion of these assets.
The proposal calls for a 1,250% risk weight on digital assets, creating a maximum capital requirement for lenders. It also seeks to reduce the risk weight to 250% for stablecoins backed by non-fiat assets such as gold."
You might want to reread the above again, so you can realize what is going on at this time.
We are currently adding a standard weight of an asset or commodity to make our new digital assets or tokens hold a particular price for stablecoins.
This standardized protocol will fulfill the Basel 3 capital requirements for a Gold Standard.
The next step will be to apply these same protocols to our paper currencies around the world. Keep your eyes on the Gold Standard Restoration Act.
All of these actions will cause a repricing event on gold, and it will reset their values allowing a Level Playing Field to launch.
© Goldilocks
The Rupee is being considered for a reserve SDR currency inside the IMF reserves.
India is the country that holds the Sovereign Gold Bonds
This will go a long way in leveling the playing field in that area of the world.
© Goldilocks
The Print LINK
Recently, the Global Economy has been focusing on Foreign Exchange Protocols.
© Goldilocks
We are getting word that the Libor transition into the SOFR lending system is still on target for June 30th to July 1st.
They are already keeping track of both systems as it changes over into a fully collateralized commodity-based system inside SOFR lending services. And, we are in a strong position for this to happen at this time.
This will help the markets and Banks shift into a monetary system that will begin to support our new economy.
© Goldilocks
Chatham Financial LINK
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks "Where Have We Been, and Where Are We Going From Here?" 6-2-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted news links and comments to help us understand where we are:
Where have we been, and where are we going from here?
For the last year and a half, the world has been engaging in creating new values on every single asset on our Market.
Each time a sector of the market was transitioned into being tokenized and backed by a real asset, we have witnessed new legislative laws governed by several different Financial Departments overseeing them be restructured.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted news links and comments to help us understand where we are:
Where have we been, and where are we going from here?
For the last year and a half, the world has been engaging in creating new values on every single asset on our Market.
Each time a sector of the market was transitioned into being tokenized and backed by a real asset, we have witnessed new legislative laws governed by several different Financial Departments overseeing them be restructured.
This has taken place all the way until March the 21st 2023 when the New International Payment System came into play.
From that moment on, we began to work with currency/digital reforms tokenized for our new standardized payment system backed by commodities.
This process that began in March ends June 2023 placing new values on our paper/digital economy.
They are new values because no asset stands alone going forward without a commodity tokenizing it and giving it a real net worth.
This is why March through the end of June has been a revaluation of our entire payment system to compliment a revaluation of everything for the last year and a half.
At the end of June, we are going to implement what we have done in completing the entire QFS on an administrative level based upon standardized protocols in the banking system that will give rise to a digital-asset based trading system.
In the end, these new values will be the final revaluation of an entire global economy triggering a Global Currency Reset.
Many of you in my room have witnessed a brand new global economy being built from the ground up. I want to thank you for your patience and diligence in learning this new Financial System for it will prepare you going forward for any project you choose to be involved in undertaking.
But, we are not finished yet. On June 19th, the Bank of England will migrate to the ISO 2022 International payment system, and we are finalizing who is going to still be in charge of our new stablecoins by the end of the month in the US.
These final additions to the QFS are going to include all of the major countries around the world inside a new ecosystem whereby decisions made going forward will not be with a single country.
There will be a collective body from several countries that represents the World's new Financial System making decisions together and rising from the ashes from ground zero, and into, a world of unlimited possibilities.
© Goldilocks
So, the debt ceiling has been raised. Now what? Herein lies a great challenge.
In an attempt to raise cash for this new debt ceiling, the US is now engaged in raising money for their T Bills.
"T-bills are a short-term U.S. government debt obligation backed by the Treasury Department with a maturity of one year or less. " Investopedia LINK
On the other hand, companies around the world are engaged in transitioning into the new SOFR lending system and struggling to survive themselves.
They are the ones that usually buy these t-bills to keep their companies moving forward with liquidity.
The question still remains, who is going to finance the US for continuing to run a financial system creating more and more debt.
© Goldilocks
"The final implementation of the Basel III regulatory framework will bring "more robust" and more standardized capital requirements the largest banks, Federal Reserve Gov. Philip Jefferson said in a speech Wednesday."
This month is the end game as Banks around the world raise their Capital requirements in assets backed by commodities.
Our SOFR lending system has standardized protocols that must be met going forward for banks to service their local economies.
Our new collateralized economy (SOFR) will transition us away from our debt based fiat system, and into, a Gold Standard.
July the fourth is shaping up to be a true independence day for our entire Global Nation as a whole.
© Goldilocks
As we transition from the old Financial System to the new one, the following are the next steps.
© Goldilocks
Next steps:
"On 1 July 2023, we will publish formal legal notices completing the implementation of these decisions.
Markets participants must take all necessary steps to ensure they understand how their contract terms interact with LIBOR’s winddown.
Market participants must continue to actively transition contracts that reference US dollar LIBOR, and not rely on the synthetic settings.
The 3-month synthetic sterling LIBOR setting is expected to cease at end-March 2024. Market participants using this LIBOR setting must take necessary action to prepare for this."
See FS23/2 for full details.
As you can see from today's postings and postings from the last year and a half, this transition is real based on actual government documents signed by International lawyers and committed to legislations throughout the world.
Hang on just a little bit longer. As you can see, we are reaching a final culminating point to what we have been looking for...
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks: "Gold Will Set Us Free, and All Roads Lead To Gold." 6-1-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments to help us understand what it all means:
Okay, the debt ceiling has just been raised. What now?
First of all, why did we do it? The simple answer is, we were out of money to pay our bills.
How are we going to solve this problem? We are going to issue over a trillion dollars worth of T-Bills over the next several months. This is assuming we have buyers to meet these new obligations.
At our current high interest rates, this is going to deplete our bank's reserves.
How does this affect a bank's outflows?
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments to help us understand what it all means:
Okay, the debt ceiling has just been raised. What now?
First of all, why did we do it? The simple answer is, we were out of money to pay our bills.
How are we going to solve this problem? We are going to issue over a trillion dollars worth of T-Bills over the next several months. This is assuming we have buyers to meet these new obligations.
At our current high interest rates, this is going to deplete our bank's reserves.
How does this affect a bank's outflows?
It is going to put more pressure on liquidity or cash availability to Banks.
On near-term loans and bonds, rates will increase and make funding for companies already paying high interest rates harder in securing loans.
The banks now have cash, but the price keeps getting higher and higher to borrow more and more money.
What happens if companies and investors do not buy these bonds for lack of reserves to pay the banks for what they need to service the community? At this point, local communities will face their own debt limit spending issues.
Well, the solution to this is why we are moving into the new SOFR lending rates.
Many companies have moved over to SOFR lending rates collateralized by gold, and they still have until the June 30th deadline.
The price of gold will escalate to keep pace with these changing tides in the marketplace. Here is where I expect to see a reset in gold.
The reliance on gold as a mechanism of payment to secure liquidity into the future based on a real value will begin to deflate inflationary pressures over time.
Gold has the ability to hold its value over any other asset for longer periods of time. As the value of the dollar decreases in its ability to pay for goods and services, attaching a fixed rate of gold on its purchasing power creates a hedge against inflation by giving the dollar a real value. This creates equanimity over time. It serves to act as an agent of change capable of bringing balance and real worth to goods and services.
As these mechanisms are achieved, real world prices can begin stabilizing money velocity and give us more purchasing power organically.
Banks and markets will adjust their values to meet these new demands creating price changes on all assets across all sectors of the market including a reset on purchasing power of currencies around the world.
Gold will set us free, and all roads lead to gold.
© Goldilocks
Central Bank: The dinar is the national currency and there is no need to deal in dollars
What happens when you and I begin circulating money based on real values after a reset?
We become participants in balancing a local, and even, global economy in paying for services and goods based on real values.
© Goldilocks
On June the 7th, the CFTC is having a meeting. Below, you will see the items that are going to be discussed.
"The Commission will consider the following:
Final Rule: Governance Requirements for Derivatives Clearing Organizations
Proposed Rule: Derivatives Clearing Organizations Recovery and Orderly Wind-down Plans
Proposed Rule: Amendments to Part 17 Large Trader Reporting Requirements
Proposed Order/Request for Comments: European Union Non-Bank Swap Dealer Capital Comparability Determination
Amendment to DCO Order of Registration: Cboe Clear Digital, LLC"
Did you notice this outline has to do with currency and digital currency swaps regarding large amounts along with reporting requirements? It also talks about National Infrastructure Projects. Does this sound familiar?
The Commodities Futures Trading Commission will serve as an important entity in our exchanges.
This meeting is taking place just weeks before or June 30th deadline.
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with comments this morning:
We are about a month away from the Libor lending transition into SOFR lending services.
Companies are rushing to meet this deadline to keep from receiving lower position rates in the new Financial System collateralized by Treasury Securities.
At this time, we are expecting Stablecoin regulations to be complete as well on the QFS.
Many assets will begin to go live from this moment on under a standardized asset backing. Hence, we get the name Gold Standard.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with comments this morning:
We are about a month away from the Libor lending transition into SOFR lending services.
Companies are rushing to meet this deadline to keep from receiving lower position rates in the new Financial System collateralized by Treasury Securities.
At this time, we are expecting Stablecoin regulations to be complete as well on the QFS.
Many assets will begin to go live from this moment on under a standardized asset backing. Hence, we get the name Gold Standard.
Some companies will struggle to meet these deadlines, and they will rise on the other side of this transition.
Investors are already positioning themselves with put and call trades that will take advantage of this transition.
The old financial system will be drained away in June and rise from the ashes in July.
© Goldilocks
The dollar is expected to weaken as one more FED rate height is expected.
This is not a good combination for the markets as it will send mixed signals.
The leveling playing field for the dollar is approaching.
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks " Let's Take a Good Look at Where We Are." 5-30-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments this morning:
The debt ceiling goes to Congress today for a vote. It is expected to be a very close vote.
The debt ceiling is affecting US credibility and credit crunch issues.
Yesterday, Saudi Arabia began making moves away from the Petro Dollar and signed agreements with the Petro Yuan inside the BRICS system.
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments this morning:
The debt ceiling goes to Congress today for a vote. It is expected to be a very close vote.
The debt ceiling is affecting US credibility and credit crunch issues.
Yesterday, Saudi Arabia began making moves away from the Petro Dollar and signed agreements with the Petro Yuan inside the BRICS system.
© Goldilocks
We currently do not have a rate change in Iraq, but we are getting closer.
Let's take a good look at where we are.
* Iraq is currently moving into electronic mechanisms design to fulfilled trades on both sides of a transaction through point-of-sale mechanisms. These mechanisms are internationally approved and internationally based.
* Iraq has built up their foreign currency reserves to stabilize their economy.
* They have issued new VISA and MasterCard credit to their people allowing local and International payments.
* They have a new working currency reform system.
* They have adopted their own National Currency, and it is now the preferred currency.
* And, they have recently increased their gold reserves by over 2% stating that this is "just the beginning."
Why is the purchase of gold so important? It goes beyond stabilizing an economy during distressful times. It creates discipline in government spending.
It is a way of extending their net worth for a country giving it more purchasing power.
But, did you know that gold and currencies are co-related? Holding gold strengthens relationship values between countries. It is one way to raise the value of a country's currency.
© Goldilocks,strength%20of%20that%27s%20nation%27s%20currency.,country%2C%20helping%20to%20avoid%20default.
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks " The Time of a Great Reckoning is at Hand" 5-29-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Happy Memorial Day! Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments:
Today is Memorial Day. It is a day that we set aside to remember those who have given their lives to our country.
Their sacrifice has given us the freedoms we enjoy in our country, and their bravery is honor of being praised.
We are living in a time when another group of soldiers are being called upon to build on their bravery. Many of our freedoms have been taken away from us these last few years, and we are once again being called on to fight for them.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Happy Memorial Day! Goldilocks posted some news articles and comments:
Today is Memorial Day. It is a day that we set aside to remember those who have given their lives to our country.
Their sacrifice has given us the freedoms we enjoy in our country, and their bravery is honor of being praised.
We are living in a time when another group of soldiers are being called upon to build on their bravery. Many of our freedoms have been taken away from us these last few years, and we are once again being called on to fight for them.
Some of our soldiers are arming themselves for a great battle that is set before us. A great transfer of power and wealth is in jeopardy, and many people are arming themselves to level the playing field.
This past week, $30,000,000,000.00 have been withdrawn from our banks by depositors preparing themselves for battle.
As the old guard meets the new guard at the gate, the time of a great reckoning is at hand as we open the gate into this brave New World.
We come to it with resources we have not utilized before. We are arming ourselves with gold, silver and digital assets for the path ahead.
Many will fall in the journey ahead, and others will rise to take up arms to defend that right many of our soldiers fought for throughout the years.
May God be with each and every one of us today as we pledge inside our hearts to save what has been given to us.
There will be casualties of War among us, but those who have prepared well for this journey will mount up like the wings of an eagle and reach heights within ourselves only our souls can travel.
In this place, we will become one with those who have gone before us and fought for the right to simply live in peace.
© Goldilocks
In early June, Iraq is going to launch their point-of-sale electronic mechanisms.
This article is about a conference held in Baghdad to explain this process to those in attendance.
A point-of-sale will secure monetary transactions on both sides of a trade locally and abroad.
These new mechanisms are Internationally designed and secured for processing.
About a month ago, Dee and I shared with you what our CBI Banker contact had mentioned about them moving into the QFS in June.
Well, June is just a few days away.
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks " A lot of "leveling the playing field" going on these days" 5-28-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with commentaries:
“There is a need to promote cross-border yuan settlement to make bilateral trade more efficient and boost the yuan’s internationalization process…
To be sure, cross-border trade settlement in the yuan will reduce many countries’ dependence on the US dollar.”
There is a lot of "leveling the playing field" going on these days.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
RJ: Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with commentaries:
“There is a need to promote cross-border yuan settlement to make bilateral trade more efficient and boost the yuan’s internationalization process…
To be sure, cross-border trade settlement in the yuan will reduce many countries’ dependence on the US dollar.”
There is a lot of "leveling the playing field" going on these days.
This one will go a long way to keep the dollar from being weaponized against other countries.
The Chinese Yuan is backed by gold, and this liquidating process in the new digital economy will create another event for the "Great Transfer of Wealth."
This is a historical event in the making and will change the world creating a point of no return. Over 40 countries are participating in this event.
© Goldilocks
DailyHodl LINK
"The Chinese Government has unveiled a white paper intending to foster innovation and development within the web3 industry, local news outlet The Paper reported ( on May 27."
At the same, Hong Kong is opening up their economy to retail investors on June 1, 2023.
To give you a perspective on this shift. In 2021, China's population exceeded 1.4 billion people. Hong Kong's population exceeded 7.4 million. The US had over 331 million.
This gives us an idea how much the new digital economy will be shifting into the hands of the population.
Here, a "Great Transfer of Power" will "Level the Playing Field" inside a "Great Transfer of Wealth."
In other words, the Elite are getting their Technology, but the People are getting their power back.
Now, the Age of Creativity and Entrepreneurship will be the glue that will make this Worldwide Event a success.
© Goldilocks
Finbold LINK
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Goldlocks Economic News For Saturday 5-27-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with comments this morning:
"Today, Saturday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Professor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, announced the establishment of the Riyada Bank for Social Development, and the new bank will work to support the segments of Iraqi society, pointing out that the bank has social and economic dimensions, and the Central Bank of Iraq will provide the necessary support through various initiatives to make this project a success."'
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news links with comments this morning:
"Today, Saturday, the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Professor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, announced the establishment of the Riyada Bank for Social Development, and the new bank will work to support the segments of Iraqi society, pointing out that the bank has social and economic dimensions, and the Central Bank of Iraq will provide the necessary support through various initiatives to make this project a success."'
Iraq is currently activating the private sector through the new banking initiative of the Riyada Bank for Social Development.
This project will liquidate non-oil sectors, provide letters of guarantee, and liquidity for low-income segments of the society.
It will level the playing field for many sectors of the Iraqi economy.
© Goldilocks
What is IOSCO?
"IOSCO is an umbrella organization of regulators which includes the following:
Securities and Exchange Commission of the US.
Financial Services Agency of Japan.
Financial Conduct Authority of the United Kingdom.
BaFin of Germany.
All of these are polling the public on the regulations."
The First Set Of Global Laws are making their way into the Crypto Currency World.
There are more on the way, and these set of laws are designed to secure Global transactions from money laundering and terrorism.
© Goldilocks
Inventiva LINK
"Bank for International Settlements to issue second set of policy for retail CBDC."
We are starting to get more clarity on Central Bank Digital Currencies.
The wholesale side of CBDCs are in process of implementation, but the CBDCs on the retail side are still in process of forming guidelines for implementation.
Many of the concerns people have noted include privacy issues. On the technical side, scalability in using it as another form of a currency payment for the general public has not been worked out.
The retail side of CBDCs may take some time to develop, but stablecoins that represent a country's currencies are expected to find clarity by the end of June.
© Goldilocks
Financial Express LINK
The SEC has now adopted a T+1 settlement date.
It used to take 2 days for a settlement transaction between a broker and a dealer.
Because of the new digital asset-based trading system, security-based swaps are now done in one day i.e. currencies.
© Goldilocks
Law Cornell Edu LINK
Protocol 20 is coming into play in our new digital asset-based trading system.
This is the new tokenized standardization process for currencies in digital format coming into play.
The standardization of currencies are in process and moving to an implementation stage.
This uniformity will organize a structure of exchange creating more money velocity and demand for countries' currencies around the world.
These new demands will create more purchasing power for their use.
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks' Telegram Room
Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
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Goldilocks " The Global Currency Reset is a Reality, My Friends."
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted links with their explanations and commentary:
What will happen if the U.S. hits the debt ceiling?
A number of things are going to happen if this becomes the situation we find ourselves.
I am going to mention one that may be a possibility whether or not we hit the debt ceiling or not.
Our seniors are going to receive their social security check one day late.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted links with their explanations and commentary:
What will happen if the U.S. hits the debt ceiling?
A number of things are going to happen if this becomes the situation we find ourselves.
I am going to mention one that may be a possibility whether or not we hit the debt ceiling or not.
Our seniors are going to receive their social security check one day late.
This may not seem like much to many of you, but it means the world to those waiting on that paycheck to pay their bills on time
Yes, it's the accumulative effect of bills being pushed back even one day that has a profound effect on liquidity provided for a monetary system. If you think we are beyond bank failures, you will need to think again for June.
Companies depend on these seniors to pay their bills on time. If they don't, it is a disruption in their service that can be provided to all of us.
Now, let's look at the numbers. Those collecting social security checks make up 30% of our nation. This means that one in three people you meet collects some form of social security to live.
On June 1st, 2023, 1/3 of our nation's potential for operating costs will be set back one day.
This will affect liquidity on the market, liquidity in our banks, liquidity in our companies, liquidity for employees, and the list goes on and on.
To make matters worse, this is only one spending cut of many that will come on June 1st.
At that point, hard decisions will have to be made until a tipping point reaches a consensus.
We have to reset our economy to new prices for goods and services. Purchasing power will be elevated due to gold and silver rising to make up the difference in pegged currencies.
These shifts will be gradual at first, and then, begin to create a society much different than we know now.
All we can do at this point is wait on the decision that is made.
Just so you know, these articles share how we hit the debt ceiling in January, but we have been borrowing money from Peter to pay Paul.
If we raise the debt ceiling, there will be other consequences such as inflation already out of control.
There are no good choices out there beyond a reset of an entire global economy. It's just a matter of time.
All roads lead to gold.
© Goldilocks
Zippia LINK
This banking announcement comes from (OCC) the Office of Comptroller of the Currencies.
They are providing a new manual for banks to operate from going forward.
If you look closely at the contents of this article, you will notice that the banks are currently being reset.
They're being RESET in the way they do business, invest in the market, Capital requirements, and much more.
This reset will affect our markets and our money going forward.
Actions are taking place right now to this end.
The Global Currency Reset is a reality, my friends.
We are right in the middle of it.
© Goldilocks
Mondovisione LINK
"In Notice 2014-21, the IRS announced its position that cryptocurrencies constitute property for tax purposes, rather than foreign currency, and observed that while cryptocurrency may operate like “real” currency in some environments, it “does not have legal tender status in any jurisdiction.”'
In other words, cryptocurrency is considered property to the IRS. And paper money, it will be used as legal tender and medium of exchange.
Short and sweet.
© Goldilocks
Cadwalade LINK
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Goldilocks " Deutshe Bank, SOFR, BRICS and more" Thursday 5-25-2023
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles with comments this morning:
Below you will find a Pillar 3 disclosure report for the Deutsche Bank.
They are showing Capital requirements under Basel 3 compliance rules.
You will notice that the banks they work with are under Basel 3 requirements and exclusions from certain Central Bank exposures have been taken.
The Deutsche Bank reaches into Banks all over the world, and a coordinated effort is converting all banks at this time into a new commodity-based digital system.
© Goldilocks
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles with comments this morning:
Below you will find a Pillar 3 disclosure report for the Deutsche Bank.
They are showing Capital requirements under Basel 3 compliance rules.
You will notice that the banks they work with are under Basel 3 requirements and exclusions from certain Central Bank exposures have been taken.
The Deutsche Bank reaches into Banks all over the world, and a coordinated effort is converting all banks at this time into a new commodity-based digital system.
© Goldilocks
Deutsche Bank : Pillar 3 Report Q1 2023 | MarketScreener
Countries in the East are lining up to ditch the dollar and utilize their own National Currencies backed by gold.
Russia and China are urging their New International Payment System for the East to move faster.
At this time, 41 countries want to join the SCO and BRICS system in terms of a trading currency to be utilized on a competitive level with the Euro and the Dollar.
© Goldilocks
The longer Banks wait to convert over to a SOFR lending system the more it's going to cost them in interest rates spreads.
They have until June 30th to complete this process, and the longer they wait the more costly it will be as well as dangerous for them in being able to remain afloat.
© Goldilocks
Regional banks face soaring term SOFR spreads -
Our Eastern Countries are developing a coordinated effort and payment system that will sustain them and help them grow on the International Stage.
They are nearing the point of which they can self-sustain a growing economy.
This will allow them to be competitive on the International Stage.
It is a Level Playing Field in the making.
© Goldilocks
Russia, China seal economic pacts amid Western criticism
There was a rumor going around yesterday that the Dinar and the Dong had recently revalued to a significantly higher rate.
Dee and I just got off the phone with a Regional Vice President of Huntington Bank in Ohio.
Here is what we found out. They do not currently hold the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong has not changed its value.
© Goldilocks
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Goldilocks "The timing of everything coming together is impeccable and certainly not a coincidence. "
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles with comments:
"LCH SwapClear (originally London Clearing House) is a British clearing house group that serves major international exchanges."
LCH SwapClear has just completed it's transition from Libor to SOFR.
There were two parts to this transition. The second and final transition is now over.
This transition was a multi trillion dollar conversion into a collateralized lending service backed by real assets. The first transition was 43 trillion dollars worth of assets. The second and final transition was 43 trillion dollars of assets.
Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom
Thank you RJ
Good morning Dinar Recaps,
Goldilocks posted some news articles with comments:
"LCH SwapClear (originally London Clearing House) is a British clearing house group that serves major international exchanges."
LCH SwapClear has just completed it's transition from Libor to SOFR.
There were two parts to this transition. The second and final transition is now over.
This transition was a multi trillion dollar conversion into a collateralized lending service backed by real assets. The first transition was 43 trillion dollars worth of assets. The second and final transition was 43 trillion dollars of assets.
LCH SwapClear converted roughly 600,000 USD Libor contracts into SOFR which is the new reference rate in USD.
LCH clears several asset classes: "commodities, securities, exchange traded derivatives, credit default swaps, energy contracts, freight derivatives, interest rate swaps, foreign exchange and Euro and Sterling denominated bonds and repos."
Going forward, this allows Forex to trade foreign currencies inside a 100% Gold Backed Exchange System recently updated with standardized digital protocols.
© Goldilocks
Back in late 2021, I shared with you that Fintech would be part of our new economy.
Now, we are witnessing the formalization of Fintech in the Banking System.
Fintech and the Banking System have signed formal agreements to determine who will do what and why.
This partnership will lead us forward in the new digital banking system and create innovative asset opportunities for their customers.
Artificial Intelligence will create pathways in and through economic scenarios run on a program to determine the most profitable path forward.
© Goldilocks
"Ripple Looking To Deploy $1,000,000,000 To Grow and Acquire Firms in Crypto Industry, Says Brad Garlinghouse"
Ripple is the banking coin that will be used in cross-border international trading around the world.
They are getting ready to give away a billion dollars worth of Ripple to liquidate the above venture.
This is coming at a time when Ripple and the SEC are finalizing their settlement case at any moment.
The timing of everything coming together is impeccable and certainly not a coincidence.
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Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website
Thank you Dinar Recaps