Goldilocks " Copper, SDR's, Gold Standard and more" 6-3-2023

Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom

Thank you RJ

RJ:  Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Goldilocks posted news links and comments this morning to help us all understand what is happening in the financial sector:

Hoarding Copper is the Next Silver: Here's Why.

 Copper is the next silver.

The IMF is currently making adjustments to their Special Drawing Rights currencies. 

"Special drawing rights are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the International Monetary Fund."

SDRs are foreign currencies held in reserve by the IMF to provide liquidity to countries that need them.

They are reallocating the percentages to be inclusive of some of the smaller countries. 

This reallocation will reset the Global Economy and provide a Level Playing Field going forward to aid in the transition of our global economy. 

© Goldilocks

Jamaica-Gleaner LINK


"The European Commission is proposing risk weight adjustments for stablecoins and tokenized assets, aiming to facilitate commercial lenders’ inclusion of these assets.

The proposal calls for a 1,250% risk weight on digital assets, creating a maximum capital requirement for lenders. It also seeks to reduce the risk weight to 250% for stablecoins backed by non-fiat assets such as gold."

You might want to reread the above again, so you can realize what is going on at this time. 

We are currently adding a standard weight of an asset or commodity to make our new digital assets or tokens hold a particular price for stablecoins.

This standardized protocol will fulfill the Basel 3 capital requirements for a Gold Standard. 

The next step will be to apply these same protocols to our paper currencies around the world. Keep your eyes on the Gold Standard Restoration Act.

All of these actions will cause a repricing event on gold, and it will reset their values allowing a Level Playing Field to launch.

© Goldilocks


The Rupee is being considered for a reserve SDR currency inside the IMF reserves.

India is the country that holds the Sovereign Gold Bonds

This will go a long way in leveling the playing field in that area of the world.

© Goldilocks

The Print LINK


Recently, the Global Economy has been focusing on Foreign Exchange Protocols. 

© Goldilocks


We are getting word that the Libor transition into the SOFR lending system is still on target for June 30th to July 1st. 

They are already keeping track of both systems as it changes over into a fully collateralized commodity-based system inside SOFR lending services. And, we are in a strong position for this to happen at this time.

This will help the markets and Banks shift into a monetary system that will begin to support our new economy. 

© Goldilocks


Chatham Financial LINK


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Goldilocks on the Seeds of Wisdom Team Website

Thank you Dinar Recaps


Cuban President: Time To Ditch the Dollar


"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 6-3-2023